Guys like heavier girls?



  • hrigsby
    hrigsby Posts: 31
    Marilyn Monroe I believe was a size 14 and the men loved her.
  • fteale
    fteale Posts: 5,310 Member
    Marilyn Monroe I believe was a size 14 and the men loved her.

    We have flogged that horse to death. She was a size 8 in modern clothing sizes.
  • 90poundsoflard
    My ex likes bigger women - especially big butts and legs. When I started exercising and trying to lose weight, he told me he'd rather I gained weight. At first I didn't believe him, because I always thought guys liked thin girls. But he ended up cheating on me with a woman who is at least 50# more than I was at my heaviest. So yes, some guys really do like obese women better.
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    Here are some photos to illustrate how shape has nothing to do with weight and everything to do with genetics. I'm defining curvy as a low waist to hip ratio - think hourglass, rather than a particularly large bust.

    These are all beautiful, famous women who have no trouble getting men. :) (Or lady partners if they're so inclined...)

    Thin curvy/hourglass:
    Thin not hourglass:

    Normal size curvy/hourglass:
    Normal size not hourglass:

    Big and beautiful hourglass:
    Big and beautiful not hourglass:

    And for the record, here is Marilyn Monroe in a bikini. I'd say she would be a 4/6 size in today's sizes:

    So, with all of the focus on the ladies -- what about the men? Is thin attractive, or do they look better with a little meat on them? Ripped or cuddly?
  • stephanielynn76
    stephanielynn76 Posts: 709 Member
    So, with all of the focus on the ladies -- what about the men? Is thin attractive, or do they look better with a little meat on them? Ripped or cuddly?

    Preferably muscular and fit... but I'd take a bit cuddly over skinny any day. If I can wrap my arms around you and touch my own elbows... you're too thin! If I've ever outweighed you at any point in my life... even during pregnancy... you're too thin for me!
  • 1FitMom326
    1FitMom326 Posts: 228
    I think that guys see confidence before they see "weight". :wink:

    I completely agree with you. If you are a 14 and wearing baggy frumpy clothes and not taking care of yourself how can you expect a guy to be attracted to you. If you fix your hair look like you spent some time picking out your outfit and that you have confidence what is not to like? Its your personality and how you carry yourself too.
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I've been hit on by lot's of guys when I weighed 155-160 being 5'9 which put me at a 12-14. Lost weight, got down to 135-140 which put me at a 6-8. Got hit on just as much. So to me size doesn't matter.
    I'm losing weight for me. I'm not gonna lie, when I weighed 135. I wanted my husband more. Because I felt good about myself. I felt sexy, so I acted sexy. I'm sure my husband would say he liked me smaller, cuz he got it ALL the time. Not because of how much I weighed or what size I was.
    It comes down to what size makes the women feel good about herself. If she's single the men are gonna like her at whatever size she is happy being. And she'll attract the men that like the body type she has.
  • ChrisFA5
    ChrisFA5 Posts: 59 Member
    My wife is a size 8/10 and I think it's perfect.
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    I think that guys see confidence before they see "weight". :wink:

    Agreed!! Well said!!
  • BflSaberfan
    BflSaberfan Posts: 1,272
    While the size 6 girl might be nice to look at, when it comes to reality men like something they can hold onto. Who wants to curl up in bed with a bag of bones? Really? I think we are so concerned with the media's representation of what we should look like, we fail to really get the reality of it all. The average woman is a size 14 NOT a size 6. Teenagers are size 6. Once you are married, have children and deal with the other realities that life hands out to you, being a size 6 is virtually impossible. C'mon ladies, stop *****in and moaning and starving yourselves to be something that is unattainable. Do a little exercise everyday, watch the carbs and be happy with your size 14 bodies. I'm striving to be a size 14 now because I let myself get a little crazy with the desserts and carbs. Size 6? Never.

    eh my 8's are falling off me, I'm turning 30 this year and have 2 kids, I am not even close to being a bag of bones. When I was a 14 I was depressed and very unhappy with the way I looked.
  • Atlantique
    Atlantique Posts: 2,484 Member
    So, with all of the focus on the ladies -- what about the men? Is thin attractive, or do they look better with a little meat on them? Ripped or cuddly?

    I do not care for rail thin men who are built like rulers. Not sure why that recently seems to be fashionable to the younger set.

    While I can certainly admire the effor that went into getting ripped, that's a bit too much for me. Sure I'd like to see a nice V and some definition, but chiseling is a bridge too far. ;)
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    So, with all of the focus on the ladies -- what about the men? Is thin attractive, or do they look better with a little meat on them? Ripped or cuddly?

    Depends on the man. At first glance, yes, a certain level of "muscularity" is attractive to me, but that lasts for all of 5 seconds. If he doesn't have something else to keep me interested, then I no longer care how ripped he is. Likewise, a guy who is more "cuddly" can become a lot hotter to me because of his personality or his demeanor or the general way he treats me.
  • IamOnMywayNow
    IamOnMywayNow Posts: 470 Member
    Umm ok the reality is men REALLY dont care what size a woman is. They just want the vajayjay, and as long as you give them access to it they are happy LOL
  • ashleyjo2
    ashleyjo2 Posts: 13
    I like this post...Heres the deal im having...see what ppl think about this one. Ive been with my fiance for almost 2 yrs now..yes i have gained maybe 7 lbs since then and most recently he told me that I was getting alot bigger which killed me deeply. Im 5 foot and 138..according to overweight. So now he always looks at really skinny girls which makes me so angry and sad. Im not dieting and exercising because of what he said but for myself. My goal is to lose about 15 to 20 lbs. Then to top things off...the other day hes like i think u should get down to 100lbs and i need bigger boobs!!!! Ive been that little and looked sick...So my self-esteem is so low now..
  • Kiwidacute
    Kiwidacute Posts: 11 Member
    I guess I don't have the normal husband lol he like when I'm smaller I'm petite only 5ft and a size 5 or 6 and when I was pregnant would get bigger and he was always supportive of me loosing it lol which I don't mind because I hate being over a certain weight anyway and wouldn't be happy if I was but everyone has their own opinions

    My husband like me skinnier too. I am a healthy weight for my height, 127.9lb and 5.4 and my husband is a little too happy about me getting skinner.
  • Tangerine302
    Tangerine302 Posts: 1,509 Member
    I like this post...Heres the deal im having...see what ppl think about this one. Ive been with my fiance for almost 2 yrs now..yes i have gained maybe 7 lbs since then and most recently he told me that I was getting alot bigger which killed me deeply. Im 5 foot and 138..according to overweight. So now he always looks at really skinny girls which makes me so angry and sad. Im not dieting and exercising because of what he said but for myself. My goal is to lose about 15 to 20 lbs. Then to top things off...the other day hes like i think u should get down to 100lbs and i need bigger boobs!!!! Ive been that little and looked sick...So my self-esteem is so low now..
    If that is his preferance then it's good that he's your fiance and not your husband already. If your self-esteem is so low right now because of him and you aren't even married yet, it probably won't get any better. It's good that he let you know now that size is more important to him. Sorry you are feeling that way and I hope things change. Hugs to you! :)
  • ceebs9
    ceebs9 Posts: 511 Member
    While the size 6 girl might be nice to look at, when it comes to reality men like something they can hold onto. Who wants to curl up in bed with a bag of bones? Really? I think we are so concerned with the media's representation of what we should look like, we fail to really get the reality of it all. The average woman is a size 14 NOT a size 6. Teenagers are size 6. Once you are married, have children and deal with the other realities that life hands out to you, being a size 6 is virtually impossible. C'mon ladies, stop *****in and moaning and starving yourselves to be something that is unattainable. Do a little exercise everyday, watch the carbs and be happy with your size 14 bodies. I'm striving to be a size 14 now because I let myself get a little crazy with the desserts and carbs. Size 6? Never.

    Wow. Just wow.
  • fuzzymel
    fuzzymel Posts: 400 Member
    Having just reached a US size 6 I can assure I am not a teenager or a bag of bones. Don't starve myself. Its very healthy and very obtainable with hard work.
  • kailyamie
    kailyamie Posts: 130
    I think that guys see confidence before they see "weight". :wink:

    You nailed exactly what I was going to say. My husband always says that confidence is the most attractive quality in a woman. He also likes curvy women too. In fact, just last week I was enjoying my guilty Kardashian pleasure LOL and watching Khloe and Lamar on E! and she was talking about how fat she is, and my husband was like what? Fat? She's the best looking one of the bunch! But, like others pointed out, every guy is different. I have 2 brothers and both of them would rather die than be with a "chunky" chick. My little brother told my Dad after him and his gf broke up "Well I guess to have a decent woman I have to settle for a fat chick." My Dad hung up on him. ha! My husband is also worried about me losing weight, he keeps saying that I better keep all my my curves.. well, I don't think that will be a problem.... lol
  • gwglunt
    gwglunt Posts: 8 Member
    I was not sure about the sizes so I googled images to have something to compare and found this interesting article about a similar survey in the UK with similar results. I included the link below. As far as my preference I like curves and softness, but then I do love the female form in all its wondrous variety.