30 Day Shred - Start: May 9th



  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Is it only day 2?! (Not for you Jen! :laugh: ) D2 L1 - I did my workout later in the day today. I was so sore... Everywhere... I was thinking to do another DVD afterward, but decided to stick to hula hoop and Belly Dance. My muscles were too sore for anything else. It feels like everything is tightening again though. When my mom hugs me, she says she feels my ribs. I would be offended if anyone else said that to me. Haha! But it's great to know I'm getting "boney". At least on my top half...

    ** Please check below for your name!! I like replying to people... :bigsmile:
    Day 2 is done. My calves are what are killing me. I think it's the jumping jacks and jump rope.

    How is everyone counting it? I put it in as general aerobics but I'm not sure that's right since it's a hybrid of cardio and strength. I just don't want to be overestimating the calories burned.
    maryff... My calves are burning too!! I didn't get this the first time around, but other people were complaining about it, so I guess I'm getting mine now. It's gotta be all the jumping! You could count it as circuit training, and you definitely will NOT be overestimating with that, as I have found it's on the lower side of what you're probably burning.
    As I walked (shuffled) to my desk this morning I am mentally trying to tell my legs to stop shaking with each step...

    Day 1, Level 1 done! Whew. It's hard but it's going to be worth it in the end!
    Macmommac... You just made me remember MY first day (Feb 6th). :laugh: It gets better!

    miasmom33... Glad to have you join us!! Take some before photos just for yourself! You don't ever have to post them, but I'd really recommend it to really help you see the difference at the end. :bigsmile:

    Iceskatefanrn... Great to have you here! You got really far last time! Time to finish it off! :drinker: Awesome with the Zumba! It's so fun!! You've got a good schedule set up.
    what size weights are you all using? i think my 5 pounds are heavy for some of the exercises.
    syd1980... I started by alternating between 3 and 5 pound weights. 5 lbs are still to heave for me on some of the moves, and on others I'm using 8, so you gotta feel it out. Try out some 3's if you can! I really love mine for when I can't push it with the 5's any more.
    Any body got any tips for when we are doing the jumping jacks and rope, cos that's when it all starts to you know ;-)
    smtraxx... Maybe the Shred will help your "you know" when you strengthen those pelvic muscles. :wink: You could switch out the jumping jacks for punching in place, like Jillian does further in, or try butt kicks if those don't give you any troubles. With jump rope, you could try following Anita, and jumping back and forth from leg to leg for less impact. Or, just do any type of cardio move that you find you can do (like Jen's former walking in place) for the length of time that Jillian does it. :bigsmile: I modify moves all over the place until I can do them as shown (which still isn't all of the moves).

    spoiltrotten1... Join! JOIN! :drinker:

    jellyfishjen... Awesome work Jen! I really miss my treadmill down in storage... :cry: Wishing you all the ease in the world for your runs!

    skinnylizzy5... (Have I said this already?) L2 is where I saw the most progress in terms of inch loss, so those planks gotta be worth the effort on some level! Push through them!!
  • smtraxx
    smtraxx Posts: 60 Member
    @jellyfishjen where abouts in Sydney are you from ??? I am originally from Wollongong and lived in Pyrmont for a few years and have now married an English man and move to the UK. But I miss home like mad and we plan to move back to OZ so our son can go to school there.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    @jellyfishjen where abouts in Sydney are you from ??? I am originally from Wollongong and lived in Pyrmont for a few years and have now married an English man and move to the UK. But I miss home like mad and we plan to move back to OZ so our son can go to school there.
    I'm out west, Emu Heights, just past Penrith on the way up the Blue Mountains. And weather update I must have seen the only burst of sun, its now overcast and very cold. Gotta run Zumba class is waiting. ugg...
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Day 2's done, and I've finally taken my complete measurements. Settling down for a motivational video (Zombieland). :smokin:

    Neck: 11.9in.
    Bust: 31.5in.
    Upper Arm: 8.5in.
    Waist: 23.5in.
    Hips: 30in.
    Thigh: 18in.

    Highly susceptible to bruises, crushed organs at concerts, and being carried away on the breeze.
  • miasmom33
    miasmom33 Posts: 12
    Can anyone help me out with how to track the level 1 workout ...not sure how to add it to my exercise!!!
  • smessom32
    smessom32 Posts: 126 Member
    I track it as 20 mins circuit training.

    Day 3 level 1 done

    Shower, Breakfast and rest before the cycle to work.

    Loving my new found energy.
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Day 2, Level 1... done! :bigsmile:
  • mollymarshmallow
    mollymarshmallow Posts: 12 Member
    Day 5 Level 1 DONE!! And i almost decided to take a day off this morning. . . woke up with a sinus headache and was feeling sore. But i thought: "F That! It's only a 20 minute video!" So So glad i stuck with it. It's the perfect start to a day because before you even leave the house you've already done something healthy and productive!

    Now here's what i'm wondering: I'm going to NYC for 4 days next week. Do I take the DVD with me and use it at my friend's apt where i'm staying (might be kinda awkward)? or should i just plan on doing sit-ups and pushups on my own as well as walking all over the city? I hate that the trip is landing right in the middle of the 30 Day Shred but I think as long as i'm staying active while i'm there it would be ok to pick back up where i left off when i get home. Thoughts?
  • Macmommac
    Macmommac Posts: 14
    My leg muscles are plotting their revenge...

    Day 2, Level 1 done!
  • maryff
    maryff Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks to everyone for telling me how to track it.

    Day 3 of Level 1 is done. It was hard to make myself do it with my calves and thighs killing me (I can barely walk and it's more of a hobble when it comes to stairs). But they did loosen up a little during it. I did notice that I'm already better at the push ups. Still modified version, but I kept up with her pace today where I was a little slower the first two days. Tomorrow I'll be able to add sore arms to the sore legs :tongue:
  • skinnylizzy5
    skinnylizzy5 Posts: 119
    Just did day 4 L2. Still dripping with sweat at the end but my shoulders aren't quite so dead :) I'm only using 3 pounds weights so might have to thinking about using those 5s one of these days.

    Steph_135: Thanks for the pep talk! Glad to know those inches will start coming off!

    Thanks for the motivation, it makes me keep pushing play to know that I can come on here and post!
  • khaleesinoodlebelly
    khaleesinoodlebelly Posts: 165 Member
    I am hoping to try this. The last time I tried the 30 day shred I injured my knee cause I was doing something wrong but I am about 70 lbs lighter than when I last tried so hopefully that helps so we just put starting measurments and then what we are when done? Does anyone do it everyday or every other day?
  • banishthebelly
    banishthebelly Posts: 10 Member
    I'm late but sooo getting in on this...!!!!
    today will be my first day!!
  • syd1980
    syd1980 Posts: 283
    Day 3 level 1 is done....im sore.,and it didnt help i had to work a code last night doing chest compressions with a partner for an hour last night. my muscles were shaking by the time we were done. have a 16 hour shift coming up in a few hours, think im going to find my stretch tape from p90x and see if that will help loosen me up on my day off.
  • jellyfishjen
    jellyfishjen Posts: 1,787 Member
    Day 4 Level 1 feeling good, am so much fitter than the first time I did this, but I'm still dripping in sweat and find it a tough workout.
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    I remembered some advice I got when I did the Shred the first time, and that was, make sure you stretch at the end!! MORE than what Jillian does. She doesn't stretch out your calves much, and by L2, you'll really be wishing you were doing a stretch like this: http://www.exrx.net/Stretches/GluteusMaximus/Lying.html Practice it now! :laugh:

    Today I did D3 L1! It was better than yesterday for sure! But I think I was slacking toward the ends of the moves, and I burned about 30 less calories than yesterday... For the very first move with weights - the squats - I feel like I will never be able to upgrade to my 5 lb weights with those. That bothers me...:indifferent:
    Day 2's done, and I've finally taken my complete measurements. Settling down for a motivational video (Zombieland). :smokin:
    Adelphia... Have you seen this forum? http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/186484-zombie-survival-club You might like it...
    Now here's what i'm wondering: I'm going to NYC for 4 days next week. Do I take the DVD with me and use it at my friend's apt where i'm staying (might be kinda awkward)? or should i just plan on doing sit-ups and pushups on my own as well as walking all over the city? I hate that the trip is landing right in the middle of the 30 Day Shred but I think as long as i'm staying active while i'm there it would be ok to pick back up where i left off when i get home. Thoughts?
    mollymarshmallow... YEAH you did it!! It really does help put you in a totally different state of mind for the day! I'm going away for the weekend of the 28th, so I'm just gonna forget about those days with the Shred and get back on Monday. I'm gonna be doing a LOT of walking, so I think substituting with something that is practical for you will be fine!
    I am hoping to try this. The last time I tried the 30 day shred I injured my knee cause I was doing something wrong but I am about 70 lbs lighter than when I last tried so hopefully that helps so we just put starting measurments and then what we are when done? Does anyone do it everyday or every other day?
    agirlfromminnesot... Just watch the knees if they start to hurt again. Proper form is key. Do every move super slowly until you know you are doing it with proper form. Full-length mirrors help. Don't let your knees go past your toes when you bend them. I think most of us are going every day, but do whatever is best for you! I will be taking measurements at the end of every level, but definitely take them at the start and end for sure! :happy:

    banishthebelly... Join in!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    D2, L1: Done

    I'm sorry, I don't have time tocatch up with everyone!
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    Hi all!

    Day 3, Level 1... done! I have to say the 2nd time around the ab work is much easier, although it was a trouble zone and I really had to push through the exercises the 1st time. It's amazing how quickly your muscles gain strength from this workout! As far as stretching goes, I do the cool-down stretches Jillian shows us but I hold each one for 20 seconds before moving on. I also do an additional hamstring stretch (from standing position, bend over and grab ankles/calves) and then stretch out my neck - a problem area for me.

    @ Steph_135 --- I felt the same way about the arm raises with the side lunge when I first did the 30DS. I found them extremely difficult (injured in a car accident)... I couldn't get through more than 12 of them in total by the end of Level 1. This round of the 30DS, I can do them all with 3 lb weights and maybe next round with 5... who knows. My point is that you shouldn't underestimate how strong your body can become, as it may surprise you in a good way. I know mine has!! :smile:

    Great job everyone and keep shredding!! :bigsmile:
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Day 3 down, feels so great taking a shower after all that. I'm all hopped up on protein powder right now, so I'll keep things brief.
    Steph and Sassy, I'm the exact same way. All I have to work with is 5lb weights, and those lateral raises are killing me. Should I tough it out, or continue what I've been trying, left-right-both-both?
    Also, my leg started cracking a bit during the last buttkicks. I got a pretty nasty injury on my right leg at a show a few months back, and it's been bothering me on and off since. Is it possible I have an untreated fracture? I'm just worried with the past eating disorder issues, it could lead to some gnarly bone damage. Someone told me it might need amputation if it gets infected. Yikes!!! :explode: I will pee on everything you love, Moshpit Guy!

    (That... was NOT brief.)
  • Adelphia
    Adelphia Posts: 176
    Quotes are a pain in the booty. Steph, I have heard of the Zombie Survival Club. I'm just shy. :x
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