The "FLAME DOLLS" (Menopause Support Group)



  • mmtiernan
    mmtiernan Posts: 702 Member
    Why am I posting at 2:51 a.m. this Mother's Day?? Because night sweats woke me up and none of my usual sleep tricks are helping me to get back to sleep!!! Aaaargh! Good grief, I thought I was done with these!!

    So, since I couldn't sleep, I thought I'd just take a minute to wish my fave MFP Flame Dolls a very Happy Mother's Day!! Pamper yourself and enjoy your day! :flowerforyou:
  • froglegjack
    froglegjack Posts: 388 Member
    Hello and i am glad I found this thread. I woke up at 3 am too so Happy Mothers day to all.
    My Name is Mary I am 49 and I have been going through this for about 10 years now as well. I have skipped a few periods but they always come back. For a while they were as bad as the one lady said hers was, having to call off work because of the clothes changing. It has been a couple of months since it has been that bad. But sleep deprivation is awful and I am frequently up at the worse times of day. Luckily for most people that know me I live alone. I really do not know if I prefer it that way but I live alone.
    Mood swings hot flashes and being so hot at night are top on my list. That and losing more blood than what is in my body :laugh:
    well I am glad I found you all. It is great to not feel so alone in this. I average one good night sleep a week. and that is probably because I am so exhausted. I try to keep a sense of humor but some times I don't find this so funny.
    Then trying to lose the ever extending waist and tummy... Ok now that is funny. Anyway hello and have a great day ladies :yawn:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    I am so thankful to find this topic and love the name.
    My name is Janet 49 and I am so glad to realise I'm not actually going mad, lol. For the past 12 mths I've been thinking maybe I am don't be silly not at 48 (at the time) but now I think I may well be on my way to the dawning of a new time of life. I don't suffer hot flushes, but have noticed the urge to cry at the silliest things (I do not cry full stop), the erratic periods, irritable legs and sleep loss. This week I'm going to the Docs to find out for sure. My new guy could be in for a hard time bless him (I hope not) lol.
    It's funny how the mind works I was lying in bed last night thinking "So what if you are in pre menopause?"
    Remember I'm sleep deprived here....
    My first response "I'm about to save a packet of money not having to buy monthly stuff"
    2nd response "Whoo hoo no pregnancy testing needed" - (I fell pregnant on the pill and IUD)
    3rd response "Wow that means we can have sex more often, no time out for the monthly visitors needed"
    4th response "hmm he may need a multivitamin"
    5th response "Awesome, bring it on"
    That's all I remember other than I fell asleep with a smile :blushing:
    So glad to be here, the adventure begins it may not be easy but I am looking forward to next stage of me :flowerforyou:
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Would some one tell me please is pre menopause or menopause really going to be that horrific?
    I've been stunned by the negative reactions I have gotten recently to this topic at work and socially.
    Ok I'm in early onset of this but I really feel like embracing it, I know if /when the hot flushes start I'll possibly feel different but this to shall pass, to me this just marks a new stage of my life. :smile:
    A stage where I know the children are grown up and more than ready and able to 'fend' for themselves, a time where my new partner and I can think about us as a couple, a time where I get to learn all about myself again, hopefully I'll find a stronger, hopefully a little wiser women who hasn't lost her sense of self or sense of humour. :laugh:
    Have an awesome day ladies you all deserve it. :flowerforyou:
  • OH yea there is life after Menopause!! BUT, I will say, loosing weight at this age is WAY harder than it was younger. Amazing..I have been menopausal for 10+ years, almost out of the woods, with only one or 2 hot flashes a day (started with about 50 a day, I was MISERABLE!). I started running at 50 and at 54 ran my first half marathon, training for my second now.
    I have been using MFP to count calories, but man oh man, it is SOOOOO slow!! I am hoping that all of a sudden at 3-4 weeks it will all show on the scale, but no lose yet, only been a week. Trippy...but nice to read I am not alone!
  • juliapurpletoes
    juliapurpletoes Posts: 951 Member
    Would some one tell me please is pre menopause or menopause really going to be that horrific?
    I've been stunned by the negative reactions I have gotten recently to this topic at work and socially.
    Ok I'm in early onset of this but I really feel like embracing it, I know if /when the hot flushes start I'll possibly feel different but this to shall pass, to me this just marks a new stage of my life. :smile:
    A stage where I know the children are grown up and more than ready and able to 'fend' for themselves, a time where my new partner and I can think about us as a couple, a time where I get to learn all about myself again, hopefully I'll find a stronger, hopefully a little wiser women who hasn't lost her sense of self or sense of humour. :laugh:
    Have an awesome day ladies you all deserve it. :flowerforyou:

    Hi :flowerforyou:

    Ya know, for me it wasn't physically bad, save for the night sweats....but I just sorta embraced it all and decided that hating menopause was like hating me and being a woman...... which I love!

    It was mentally draining because of the lack of women to talk to .....and loss of sleep to some degree.

    I believe you will definitely find a stronger sense of yourself, I know I have. This can be (and is for me) a terrific time in life....just as great as all the other stages of life. I think talking and sharing is the most important thing we can do at this time.

    I enjoyed both your posts, thank you for sharing here!

    :heart: julia
  • tigressmomof5
    tigressmomof5 Posts: 21 Member
    thank you for putting that link on here.
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Well it's "official" I'm in peri-menopause, honestly I didn't know :laugh:
    So, the symptoms and the inner feeling I have had for the past 6 months were correct. How sad that we need the medical profession to confirm what we already know. :wink: I really like my doctor, we get on well, even he said, it's nothing I don't already know. :smile:
    Does it change anything...nope
    So what do I do now?
    His advice...."stop looking after everyone else and look after yourself FIRST and for the love of god leave your damn job"
    (he really doesn't like my boss, long story) ha ha ha

    Have an awesome weekend ladies remember how special you are :flowerforyou:
  • Asallee4
    Asallee4 Posts: 2
    Hi, Im 47 and thought I was losing my mind. I read Suzanne Somers book "breakthrough" then I found a local
    Dr. Who does biodentical hormones. I felt like a completely different person within days. hot flashes gone, brain fog
    Heart palpitations, crawling legs, dry skin all gone AND my sex drive returned BIG!
    I also started yoga along with kayaking and going to the gym 4 days a week.
    I'm learning that I don't have to suffer.

    Hang in there, this is a journey
  • kupcake50
    kupcake50 Posts: 89 Member
    Love this thread : )
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    Its not horrific, just weird. Your approach to dealing with it is like mine....a new chapter of my life and I welcome it!
  • Kimrenaud
    Kimrenaud Posts: 118 Member
    Hi, Im 47 and thought I was losing my mind. I read Suzanne Somers book "breakthrough" then I found a local
    Dr. Who does biodentical hormones. I felt like a completely different person within days. hot flashes gone, brain fog
    Heart palpitations, crawling legs, dry skin all gone AND my sex drive returned BIG!
    I also started yoga along with kayaking and going to the gym 4 days a week.
    I'm learning that I don't have to suffer.

    Hang in there, this is a journey

    I am 52 You have said something I am experiencing lately........leg crawling????My legs get this weird tingling crawling feeling too. Didn't know that was a symptom of menopause! I haven't had a period in 2 months now....... loving it but am now experiencing hot flashes. When they come on... the clothes come off! LOL
  • aegira
    aegira Posts: 201 Member
    Hi, Im 47 and thought I was losing my mind. I read Suzanne Somers book "breakthrough" then I found a local
    Dr. Who does biodentical hormones. I felt like a completely different person within days. hot flashes gone, brain fog
    Heart palpitations, crawling legs, dry skin all gone AND my sex drive returned BIG!
    I also started yoga along with kayaking and going to the gym 4 days a week.
    I'm learning that I don't have to suffer.

    Hang in there, this is a journey

    What is the deal with 'biodentical hormones'? I'm very curious :huh:
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Hello to all the beautiful Flame Dolls!

    When I was 39, I was diagnosed with uterine cancer and had chemo, radiation, and a total hysterectomy. I am now 43 and have been cancer free for 3 years, 7 months and 1 day.

    The chemo and steroids messed with my head, but what really got to me was an overwhelming sense of grief. My partner and I had made the decision about 10 years before my diagnosis to not have kids, even though we both love them. Her health issues and our differences in parenting philosophy made us realize that it wouldn't be fair to any kid we had. So, my friends and family were all surprised when I went in to mourning. I knew the cancer wasn't going to kill me, they caught it early. My grief came from knowing that I can never change my mind about having kids.

    Between the grief, the residual effects of the chemo, the abrupt, in a way violence of enforced menopause, and the instant hormonal changes (nothing gradual for mr), I kind of lost my self for about a year and a half. (My whole story, as it was happening can be found at ) I had been heavy before the cancer, but I began eating evrything and anything due t hunger? depression? grief? Boredom? Self pity? All of the above?

    I have worked through those feelings and have come back to myself. My sense of balance is back, but more so, having learned to balance with a swirling storm of emotional and physical issues trying to knock me off balance. (Other things as well besides cancer and menopause.)

    I rarely get "private summers" (as one friend calls them) now, unless I overdo it on sweets. I used t have them all the time, more often than not. When I didn't have power surges, I had cold chills. My temperature gage is better now. I couldn't take any type of hormone because of not knowing if my cancer was estrogen based or not, so I just lived with it and brought extra ice packs in my lunch at work so I could put one at the back of my chair to cool off.

    Thanks for posting this thread, red hat women do have
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Hi, Im 47 and thought I was losing my mind. I read Suzanne Somers book "breakthrough" then I found a local
    Dr. Who does biodentical hormones. I felt like a completely different person within days. hot flashes gone, brain fog
    Heart palpitations, crawling legs, dry skin all gone AND my sex drive returned BIG!
    I also started yoga along with kayaking and going to the gym 4 days a week.
    I'm learning that I don't have to suffer.

    Hang in there, this is a journey

    What is the deal with 'biodentical hormones'? I'm very curious :huh:
    I'm also curious about biodentical hormones - what is this? What kind of doctor do you go to - OB/GYN, homeopathic, ???
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    I've been hot all day and it's only 60ish degrees here. Either the heat at home and at work is on, I'm having a really long hot flash, or my metabolism is working overtime and burning up stored fuel. I'm hoping it's the latter.

    Hope you all are doing well. The rain has stopped for a few hours here. Maybe for a day if the forcast is correct. :flowerforyou:
  • peacehawk
    peacehawk Posts: 421 Member
    Haven't see anyone post on here for a few days, so I thought id bump it up a bit.
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    Are any of you on a hormone replacement regimen, or were at one time? Saw the OB/GYN yesterday and he's concerned that I've had the estrogen patch without any accompanying progesterone. (My family practice doc put me on the estrogen) So I will most likely switch to a combo pill. If any of you have taken this, I am curious whether it had an effect on weight loss. I'm feeling like I'm seeing some success now and I don't want to run into a wall/plateau because of medication.
  • legacysh
    legacysh Posts: 464
    I am not on anything at the moment...I had to stop all forms of hormones for surgery 21 days prior and 21 days post, and so it looks like I wont get to take anything until July...I am going nuts. Its bad enough to not be able to get up and around easily, but to have freaking hot flashes on top of everything???I feel like I am going insane!!! then my mom comes to help me out and she complains that the house is too cold. So I have to turn the air off and open windows in my room, and then she says she can't come in there without a jacket. I live in San Diego, it's not that cold :) She is from Utah! So I am trying to do my best to be nice about the temperature, but I am miserable!!!!

    Thanks for providing a place to rant about my hot and cold craziness!!! hope everyone else is managing!
  • KPstartingover
    KPstartingover Posts: 268 Member
    I was awake every hour last night with sweats. I'm exhausted today. Still looking for input on the combo HRT - I've got a prescription for an estrogen w/progesterone patch. I really would rather not have to take meds, but I don't think I can function with too many more nights like last night.