Fifty plus (or so) support group



  • KellyAnnLyon
    KellyAnnLyon Posts: 9 Member
    Such great advice on here! I'm fairly new to MFP and would love to be a part of this group! I'm 48 and on a similar journey of trying to become healthy. I feel very motivated and feel like I can do this. I try not to look at the big picture of the amount of weight I want to lose, and just focus on making it through one day at a time. It's definitely nice to connect with others who are on the same path! :)
  • PegJens
    PegJens Posts: 59 Member
    PegJens wrote: »
    Ok, this is for Tami, butbygrace206,Sandcastles61 and all the rest who want just a simple start to their routine.
    Day 1 a simple side leg raise (25)
    Thanks Friends this will make me do these twice a day as I can't post if I don't do it myself!

    I will get these done ! Hope I can get out of the floor after :):)

    I hate the floor so I do most of my exercise standing! I'm still quite a sight on the floor! Lol
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    PegJens wrote: »
    PegJens wrote: »
    Ok, this is for Tami, butbygrace206,Sandcastles61 and all the rest who want just a simple start to their routine.
    Day 1 a simple side leg raise (25)
    Thanks Friends this will make me do these twice a day as I can't post if I don't do it myself!

    I will get these done ! Hope I can get out of the floor after :):)

    I hate the floor so I do most of my exercise standing! I'm still quite a sight on the floor! Lol

    I actually did them standing. Was to afraid to get in the floor. LOL. However, I guess I could've gotten more of a workout trying to get back up. HaHa
  • rmssmith657
    rmssmith657 Posts: 10 Member
    Mauigirl62 wrote: »
    Hi, 61 here and have 35 lbs. to lose to get down to a decent healthy weight (not my ideal weight because at 61 I don't think I would look good at the weight I was in college when I was 40 years younger!). I have lost 4 lbs. so far and already feel better. I am in this for health/energy reasons, although of course looking better is always nice. Glad to find some new friends in my age range and hope you will friend me. I am not a big exerciser but I am diligent about tracking my calories. So far I have been relatively good on this regiment and hope to keep it up! I retired in 2010 and was caring for my mom and then my aunt, both of whom eventually passed away (both made it to 91). I gained more weight while I was doing that due to stress plus I tend to drink a lot of wine. I find if I cut out alcohol, keeping to my calorie goal - which is only 1200 calories because I'm short - is not that hard. However, I was a daily wine drinker so that is a challenge!

  • rmssmith657
    rmssmith657 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a hard time with the alcohol too, I do pretty good withy food calories and drink a lot of water and exercise!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I was a yo yo dieter for years with long periods where I didn't need to lose weight, but obsessed about it anyway. Until the last time, I had an instant set point of 20lb when I'd take action again, but 3 years ago I hit a 30lb high and was finally fed up (yuck yuck). Since then I've changed my life and outlook and am confident I've broken the cycle.

    As an older woman, I've now got some physical limitations that simply come from aging. I probably will never be down to a 20% body fat again, but I'm making damned sure to continue to buld muscle mass as well as keep on working on healthy bones.

    Every woman should be doing some sort of strength training so we can continue to carry groceries from the store to home, make it up and down the subway stairs and not have to take the bus to a doctor's appointment that's only 10 blocks away.
  • jehzimom
    jehzimom Posts: 22 Member
    47, I am totally with you. I want to stay functional as long as I can. Years of wear and tear on bones and joints plus a few car wrecks have left me less flexible than I like. I started yin yoga yesterday. I'm supposed to feel results in 2 weeks. If my right hip loosens up, I will be the most major proponent ever!! I've lived with SI joint pain since injuring it at work in 2012. Plus fear of living with my children when I'm old keeps me moving.
  • katab2014
    katab2014 Posts: 41 Member
    I am 51 and newly returned to UK after 11 years Down Under. Have lost my weight loss support network so my weight has crept up. Hopefully getting back on track. I now live in Chester, UK.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    tomsarno wrote: »
    feel free to post hints and tips :)

    The best advice I give people when they ask how I lost close to 100lbs. Start every day with the determination you had on day one. Just do the best you can today and worry about tomorrow when it comes

    That's my prayer :smiley:

    Love this <3
  • aksteve777
    aksteve777 Posts: 184 Member
    Fifty next week..I've lost over a hundred. I guess what I've learned is that it's everyday. Learn to eat healthy and don't give up if you fail. One low carb meal will not make you skinny and one piece of cake will not make you fat. Enter food into the app. Go calorie deficit and perhaps look into ketogenic diet and it will come off.
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    I've had a rather busy day and just got home to check in on my MFP friends..... I love all the posts today ❤ and how active and supportive this thread is becoming...

    Rather than address each of you individually, let me just say I love wine too dang it, I hear my mom, doctor and oldest son telling me I have to start in on strengthening exercises.... And those dang car wrecks......well if you count two in one day, three in a week (But NOT One was my fault I swear B)

    Seriously though, my downfall wasn't the birth of my soon to be 25 yo sweet son with Down Syndrome, or even the demise of my 20 year marriage 11 years ago.... It started with three special women in my family being diagnosed with breast cancer each successive Christmas for three years, followed by 5 unexpected deaths in my family last year, a 90 yo uncle being the victim of caregiver abuse, and ultimately our 17 yo nephew being plowed over by a car doing over 60 mph while he was merely walking down the sidewalk in front of his high school the end of August. I'm delighted to report he is finally home from the hospital for the past almost month and his strength and determination has just been amazing and inspiring ❤ He has a long road ahead....... But if he can overcome a brain injury, massive injuries including shattered legs and is WALKING for cripes sake..... WE CAN DO THIS
  • Sandcastles61
    Sandcastles61 Posts: 506 Member
    It's difficult becoming the caregivers as we age, our roles change by circumstances... But there comes a time when we have to take ourselves back :) I'm grateful to have each of you here to support me on this journey, because we deserve it and we owe it to everyone we love <3

    And I definitely did the leg raises this morning Peg :) Don't forget tomorrow's post!

    All my very best to you all on your journey,

  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    Tami, wow give a high 5 to your nephew! And a hug to you for all you've gone through.

    And I must confess, on one of your early, early post you said you had taken your son to his 6 week check up. So I was thinking you had a new baby LOL

    Steve777, wow great job on the 100 pounds down. That is awesome.

    Welcome those that are new
  • PegJens
    PegJens Posts: 59 Member
    It's difficult becoming the caregivers as we age, our roles change by circumstances... But there comes a time when we have to take ourselves back :) I'm grateful to have each of you here to support me on this journey, because we deserve it and we owe it to everyone we love <3

    And I definitely did the leg raises this morning Peg :) Don't forget tomorrow's post!

    All my very best to you all on your journey,


    You have definitely had a long struggle but have come so far in your journey. Don't turn back now, keep the faith!

    Day 2 of my exercise postings:
    25 side leg raises
    25 knee raises

    Happy legs!
  • I'd like to join.
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    stopitray wrote: »
    I'd like to join.

    Hop on board!

    And Peg, I will get 'er done. Thanks
  • Is this group still active. I'm not quite 50, but I'm already in menopause and really hating the budda belly that comes with hot flashes and weight gain. I'd like to lose about 14 pounds. I'm working HARD and see results in my arms and legs - but the tummy is stubborn. Need support, especially when all I want to do is inhale a pan of brownies some days. Please let me know if ya'll are still using this. Thanks so much!! :)
  • CathieCats61
    CathieCats61 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm in the age range, beginning treatment for an illness which has left me with 24/7 chronic pain and no energy low white cells
    I'm looking to make friends too please feel free to friend me I'm not moving to much and trying to change my eating plan
  • butbygrace206
    butbygrace206 Posts: 394 Member
    This group is very active. Feel free to friend me. I'm just learning how to use this app and that's something I still don't know how to do. And I still don't have a pic. Lol

    Welcome :)
  • Tiso2
    Tiso2 Posts: 55 Member
    Hello beautiful community !
    Hope you had a good day, added a new friend, said something kind to an old friend & logged your meals ;)
    I'm 59 & pretty new to MFP & I have dropped 4 lbs since joining.
    It's all because of the little things here; they all add up to big things. Oh, yeah & all the water :o
    Hang in & stay strong (*)