
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!
    Welcome new ladies
    hugs jane
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Jolene stunning!

    Went to see MacFarland movie with Kevin Costner. Enjoyed it. Thought it handled some of the issues we are having today thoughtfully and the power of team work.

    We actually could use some of your snow. The rabbits are having a field day on bushes that would normally have the snow to protect them.

    They are treating my niece's prenatal baby for an irregular heart beat. It is not that unusual in the second trimester, so concerns me they want her on medication. Hope it is not something more serious. Best to catch it early.

    2015 word: Strength

    Just because your see the hook does not mean you need to bite.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    fanncy0626 wrote: »
    Good morning everyone!

    Pipcd34 - I took my resting heart rate several times this morning before I got out of bed and it was anywhere from 48 beats per minute up to 51 beats per minute. I do not take any medication at all. And I do 2 to 3 hours of cardio 5 days to 6 days per week. chart and at the age of 57 I am NOT on it. My heart rate is too low. Is that something I should be concerned about?

    no your heart rate is not too low, IT IS AWESOME!!! the lower it is, the more efficient your body and heart pump the blood thru your body, you are doing fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • crazsc
    crazsc Posts: 4 Member
    Hello crazsc from western md here..... Just signed on this site and wanted to try some support options. Got to the gym this morning 30 minutes on bike and 20 min on front of body muscles.... :D
    Trying to do very low carb and low fat diet and no sugar cant seem to get enough calories......anyone have any suggestions on snacks that might fit the bill....real strict.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    damnit you're doing good!!! actually, I just love saying damnit, damnit! :0)
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    I think the physical therapist here is trying to kill me. He told me to take it easier on the handbike last week when I had thorasic muscle fatigue, so today he pushed me even harder than last week, but for a shorter time. Yikes, my arms feel like rubber. But - I can't wait to see the definition when I lose a few more pounds (used more calories in that burn) and keep doing those exercises :p Plus, 2 more days and I get cortisone in both knees. Yay !!! :DREALLY looking forward to less knee pain, and all the great things that come along with it.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • Hi I am pippa day 2 I want to get in all of them clothes I save for when I am thinner I am from cold wet england
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sue tn2 - I love that writing it has a really good message!

    Toni - good news on it not being a bladder infection but, take it easy!

    Jolene - beautiful crocheted blankets!

    Heather - good news about your ex. I had liver trouble last year due to a tick borne illness and it took me 30 days to detox my liver with healthy eating, no processed foods, no sugar or high fructose foods and 8 to 10 cups of water per day. It also helped me to lose a lot of the weight that I lost at the beginning of joining MyFitnessPal.

    Janet Myrtle Beach - good for you in having such dedication to exercising at home. I get a lot of my exercises off of the internet as well. It's fun to change them up occasionally and do different things. It is also supposed to help not to go into a plateau.

    MNMargaret - you are so right about us needing some extra snow around here! I'm sorry to hear about your niece's issue with the irregular heartbeat of her prenatal baby. I know that doctors can almost work miracles in that field. They have even done surgery on heart issues while the baby is in the womb. If you don't mind we will be praying for her.

    Pipcd34 - thank you very much for the information! I do know that some people have to be on medication if their blood pressure is too low. And very funny about dammit!

    Crazsc - I think of this as a life style change and I do not restrict myself as much as you sound like you are doing. I eat Whole Foods fruit vegetable pretty much like I used to. I just limit my treats which I have a lot of on occasion as part of my calorie count. MFP gives you the amount of calories you should be eating for your size and goal. I am at 1260 calories and I feel that I eat very healthy as well as a lot of food. I had chicken fajita salad for lunch and I'm planning on having pot roast, sweet potato, bacon wrapped asparagus, and my snacks for tonight are pistachios blueberries and peanuts. That is a lot of food and it is under 1300 calories. The key is to exercise.

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sorry I got cut off again!

    Terri Milwaukee - I'm glad to hear about your cortisone shot for your knees. I hope they feel better really soon.

    Not much going on here at home. Just exercising and doing housework. It is still too cold to be going out to do exercise or yard work. Not much yard work can be done when its below zero!

    Have a great day everyone

    Mary from Minnesota

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,595 Member
    Resting heartrate - 52
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,055 Member
    Resting heartrate - 52

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Hi! It's a quick check in before I head home.

    Michele - Check the weather carefully before you start home! We're expected to get 8-12" of snow tonight and it looks about the same for your area--including blizzard-like snow.

    The last time I checked my resting heart rate, it ranged somewhere between 48-52. Since I'm taking cold meds and can't breathe very well, I figure it's not the best time to check it right now.

    I'm glad I have the groceries I need at home because I'm sure there is not a loaf of bread or gallon of milk to be had in the county! You northerners will laugh at the panic over a foot of snow, but we're not equipped to deal with it. I plan to just sit back and enjoy the scenery. I'll be fine unless we lose power.

    I think I'm going to head on out the door while there is still some daylight left. Hope everyone has a good evening (or morning if you're across the pond).

    Carol in NC
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Day 1 (again) for logging - it worked last time - why did I ever stop???? I am my own worst enemy! :'( I can't blame the winter totally (but I know that has a big effect on my eating and exercise habits).

    New resolution - made the decision that I must start logging my food and logging in here for support daily ...25th February... :) Snowdrops are around and the signs of spring are really breaking through.

    Had a chocolate bar at youth club... habit I suppose - card making with the girls (aged 9-11) and a chocolate bar with them is habit ... last week I would have decided to forget logging - today I included it in my food log. However, I did start to get into the mindset of 'do I NEED to eat it or do I just WANT it? Do I want to admit that I have had it?'

    You are such an inspirational bunch of women... I have missed you... can't wait to catch up properly. Hello to all the newbies - this is one great place to be - encouragement and positivity just flows from the screen. I may not post daily but I WILL read daily!

    My goal is to not look like a frumpy dumpty when I do the Dog Obedience Displays with my doodles over the summer!

    One day at a time - it's just for today - Just for today I will log everything and log in for inspiration. (tick!)

    MA in UK
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    edited February 2015
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    MA in UK: Howdy from an American Dog Obedience Junkie!! Let’s work on excellent Heelwork together. One of my goals is to get through an Open run and lose not more than ½ point in the heeling. I did it once in Utility but the heeling pattern is shorter. It takes a 1000 miles of repetition to get the same performance in the ring.

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday and the puppy is an American Staffy aged around3 months old, sleeps a lot and follows us around, was dropped off at 8am and pick up around 4pm. Name is Honey and owner Betty says share doggy so we do not buy another, and travel yeah!
    Did my 2 Km race-walk round my 400M track for first time in months, Bob's kettle-bells soon = 459 cals
    Food fine at 1803 cals, pork pie , mustard pickle and tomato for lunch. Chicken gnocchi bake for dinner.
    Washed clothes in basket, basket load to iron later, major clean toilet and laundry for me after lunch.
    Stan is emptying book cases in lounge room and polishing them and putting books back. We have log fire for winter and the dog hairs too need removing. I coughed much less last night so asthma improving
    Have to have NEW ideas for morning cardio as autumn starts this weekend, will put track suit on for morning walk if not raining

    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Jan – we have the pileated woodpecker here too. We don’t see them very often though; I would probably scare the thing away with my delightful scream as I run for my camera.

    Angels46. – Perhaps a hobby that occupies your hands. I do scrapbooking. And sometimes I am reading posts on here and drinking my cup of tea. It takes me a long time to read what I have missed all day.

    Barbie – Love the Gretchen Rubin quotes. So true…

    Mary – I walk on my rebounder with 2 lb weights. I am really trying to get rid of my “back boobs” and I think that helps. When I walk outside in the wintertime I wear my Sorrels with steel toes (STOP laughing – I need them when I go in the maintenance shops at work) and they each weigh 5 pounds. I seen the 5x5 weight thread but didn’t read it.

    Pip – resting heart rate – 62 …taken in the doctor’s office last week. BP – 118 / 70. She said I had a slow metabolism. I said thank you… ha ha .. well what was I supposed to say?

    Linda – good to see you here. Everyone has a bad days, Have a cup of tea and read some posts. Terrible to have to catch up…I know …I have spent 3 hours at it today!!!

    SueTN – I printed off your “Life isn’t fair” , so good!!! And use the good crystal all the time – it saves having to dust

    AND I am caught up with the posts.

    Welcome to all the new people in the last couple of days. I hope you find inspiration here - I know I do.

    Finished painting, been to town for the mail, and caught up here. Still didn't clean the house ...oh well... I will do a facial on it while I make supper. And then I will start on my rebounder... And I will check in later when I log the rest of my day.

    Take care everyone
    Lillian in Sunny West Central Saskatchewan
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,202 Member
    Thank you Mary from Minnesota.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Did about 55 minutes of what is billed as a yoga class but it was really more ballet. Not bad, but I don't think I would have taken it had I known it was primarily ballet. Then did 45 minutes of a step class. I was so sweaty that I had to take a "rinse off the sweat shower", but I didn't have a towel with me (and they don't have a towel service here). I also forgot to bring the shirt with me so I had to wear the sweaty workout shirt. Oh well.... Now I know that I should always keep a towel in my gym bag. I used to, but took it out since one branch of the Y by me where I would use it has a towel service. Lately, I do HIIT at another branch that doesn't have a towel service so I really need to keep one with me all the time.

    Mary - I'm still confused (happens easily), what is 5 x 5? When I use dumbbells, depending on the body part that is being targeted, I can use anywhere from 5 to 10 lb weights. For small muscle groups like the shoulders, I use the 5's. For larger muscle groups like legs and back, I use the 10's. I must admit, when I started using weights, I did notice a difference, especially in my shoulders.

    barbie - how do you use the weights to make the plank more difficult? Do you lift one leg while doing the plank, I would think in that case you would increase the difficulty. But if you keep both feet on the ground, does that increase the difficulty?

    margarettx - welcome! Be looking forward to updates from you.

    kaatab - welcome! "Wacky and friendly", yup, that's us. Add to that supportive.

    Joyce - for some reason, I just never thought of a xstitch tree skirt. What a great idea! Right now I'm working on these xstitch dish towels for Christmas, one for each of the kids.

    Everyone who is in the path of more snow -- my thoughts are with you. Hot tea is good, you really don't need to eat anything else.

    Bobbi and Lillian - just this year I've noticed the jelly roll being much more pronounced. YUK!!!

    jolenc - hope you get better fast. That prep for the "c" is no fun and when I did it I didn't lose very much at all. But it's something that has to be done. Thanks for the pattern. I think I had already downloaded Smoothfox's Tree Skirt, but I don't know how easy or difficult it is. I need something pretty easy. Going to check out the link you sent me further when I get home. The blanket looks gorgeous

    margaretturk - hope alls fine with your niece's baby. Keep us informed.

    crazsc - welcome

    terri in milwaukee - you mean to tell me that you didn't know that every personal trainer gets a kickback from the guys who install the bars around the toilet??? lol

    pippa -welcome

    fanny - will you cook for me???? Sounds delish. i can never get over how much veges I can have for a small amount of calories.

    Carol in NC - thanks, we don't expect to leave until Friday so I'm going to be optimistic and say that the snow is going to melt by then. Vince calls me the eternal optimist.... To me, the worst part will be when we get home trying to get milk. I'm pretty sure we have enough food to last us, its just the milk

    MA - welcome back!

    Lesley - a shared dog...what more can you ask for? Great deal for you both

    Lillian - I like your saying of using your good crystal so you save having to dust it. I always say "I'll be dead and buried and the dirt will still be here, so why clean like crazy?"

    Took a shower so that I could wash the shorts that I usually leave down here. Our friends from NC who moved here are coming here tomorrow, we'll go out to dinner and then we'll be leaving for home Friday (boo)

    I AM getting some of the xstitching on the towels I'm making for the kids for christmas done.

    Michele in NC
  • qbgirl54
    qbgirl54 Posts: 1 Member
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,129 Member
    edited February 2015
    2157045gp85zev8ri.gifMIchele, All I know about doing planks with ankle weights is that I can't hold the plank as long with the ankle weights as I can without....also when I do push ups and triceps dips, I can't do as many with the weights as without....the simplest explanation is that it adds weight to me so it makes any "bodyweight" exercise more challenging......my Wednesday line dance class is held in the bar at the VFW...they always have stuff on the wall about sports (advertising beer) and today there was a huge wall hanging with the NASCAR schedule and I thought of you every time we turned to that wall on a dance.

    smiley-cool05.gif SueTN, I loved your quote....where is it from? I read it more than once.

    :D Terri, I love the feeling of sore muscles from exercise because it tells me that I really worked hard.

    <3 Barbie from beautiful NW Washington