Postnatal-May 2011



  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I have some catching up to do but had to say last night was the third night of letting Wade sleep on his tummy. The first night he slept from 10:30 pm to 1:30 am (maybe a little longer). The second night from 9:30 pm to 2:30 am. And then last night best ever from 9:15 pm to 4:19 am!!! He is nursing and going right back down too.

    He has about 3 - 4 ozs of Good Start formula right before bed (Similac was not his friend, made him gassy). The rest of the day he is breastfed or bottle fed breast milk.

    He has been in his crib in his room from night one. It makes it hard because our room is downstairs and the kids rooms are upstairs at the opposite end of the house, but we have done this with all of our kids. We have also always had some kind of white noise going in their rooms. We keep Wade up and out of his room all day long (will encourage room naps when he is a bit older). When he naps it is on me, the playmat, swing or carrier.

    Enough one handed typing for now. :laugh:

    Talk to you later!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I am taking Ethen to the doctor he is stuffy and coughing etc it worries me I think he got it from daycare so I worry.

    Hopefully he is better soon. :flowerforyou:
  • rhapsody527
    rhapsody527 Posts: 60
    Hi Ladies!

    I am new to this group. I had my 2nd child in Feb., and have been working towards loosing the baby weight since getting
    the go-ahead to start exercising from my doc.I'm trying to loose about 50lbs total, though I'm sure I could stand to loose more. Is anyone here exclusively breastfeeding? How do you adjust your calorie intake?
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    I thought I gained 25 pounds over night.... until I realized my husband had his FOOT on the scale!!!!!!



    This is always a nice trick of my husbands. Gotta love their senses of humor :laugh:
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Annabelle loves her bath and lotion time! HAHA. I've just been moving her around a lot today, and i think she is so worn out lol. I think it will just take time and she'll get more use to it. She has been up a lot more today than usual anyway, so it's a start! Thanks for the advice! I took her outside and tried to go for a little walk but it was SOOO hot that we will have to wait until later when it gets cooler. That will be good for me and her! Exercise!! :smile:

    Bethe and Amanda - In regards to your BFing position, is that you sitting up and he's on your lap with just a rolled blanket underneath? Annabelle wouldn't be nearly high enough.


    Yes that is how I nurse him. I always use pillows under my arms and another pillow or blanket underneath him.
  • mwilson1018
    mwilson1018 Posts: 509 Member
    A little frustrated today!:explode: Nothing to do with baby..she's wonderful, as usual :smile:
    I talked to the superintendent of the school I work for and in order to be paid for 2 of the snow days we had earlier in the year I have to get cleared to go back to work early and work for two days (I'm a teacher, and I have to go back on the post planning days before summer break). Somehow this doesn't seem right to me..?? I guess because they weren't made up before I went out on maternity leave, I either make arrangements to work or either don't get paid for those days. It just stinks because now I have to pump and start giving her a bottle so she can eat those two days!:sad: We were not planning on giving her a bottle for a while since I don't have to go back to work until August (well, thought so!) And for only TWO days! UGH! I guess I could always opt to not get paid and stay home, but we are already losing income due to maternity leave anyway and to lose that much more would be really tough. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I can't imagine leaving her for those two days :laugh: ...makes me sad:sad: Sheri, do you go back next week??

    So...NOW...when do I pump? She is nursing about every 3 hours, so when should I between those times, before, after? What do yall suggest?

    Update on putting her to bed: I kept her up much more yesterday than I have been, and I think it helped. I nursed her at 9:30 and tried to put her down afterwards, well she wasn't having that! She fussed for another hour or so and finally fell asleep on me around 11. It's a small step (much better than 2 am like the night before!), so hopefully we can start getting earlier, because I would like her to go down around 10 or so. It's a work in progress... I'll take little victories though! I think she's getting use to falling asleep on me though, which makes it tough for me to do anything at night, but idk....

    We did get out and walk a little bit last night, but it was still in the 80s, which made her get hot quick. We walked for maybe 10-15 minutes up and down the driveway and around the yard (we don't live in a neighborhood), but it was a start!

    Sheri, I don't know if I could make might not turn out all that great :laugh: But I'm going to look at what you suggested and see!

    I think I'm getting a little stir crazy...thought about loading her up today and going to see my DH at work...after finding out about the school stuff I"m just aggravated though, lol.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    :glasses: (stalking)
  • LynnW52
    LynnW52 Posts: 1,151 Member
    :glasses: (stalking)

    Ditto :glasses:
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Htuzzi- Did you buy something like the mobywrap or just go with a stretchy fabric? As I looked on youtube it seems like you can use most any long stretchy fabric. I really want to try that for now and maybe a ring sling for later.

    Sculley- Hope Ethan gets better quickly, kids bring home all kinds of stuff.

    Bethe- Sounds like such nice sleep, I am too chicken to do tummy sleeping. We barely even do tummy time because she gets so irritated but, she does love to sleep on her side.

    Rhapsody- Welcome, I am exclusively breastfeeding. You add it in your food diary, it comes as a negative number.

    Megan- That seems like absolute crap to me since you are on medical leave. I understand the monetary need, being the sole provider I would love to take the addition 6 weeks of paid family leave but we REALLY need my regular pay. Also my coworker is due July 5th so she will be going on maternity leave just a few weeks after I get back. I do go back next week and I am dreading it, I dreaded leaving all of my babies but this one the most because she has been exclusively breastfed. Daddy has given her a hand full of bottles (usually if I am in the shower and she is screaming her head off), one day I had just pumped because she would not wake up so I tried to give her the bottle and she refused. Hubby said she knows she can get something better than that nasty thing from mommy and so she will hold out, lol. The wonderful thing about the breast is that you will always create more milk, you should start pumping now, the lactation specialist told me to pump separate from her feeding. It took my breasts a bit of practice before they would let down and perform for the pump so you should try asap. Let daddy or someone else introduce the bottle. The wrap is just a stretchy piece of fabric and tying it seems super easy, just look on youtube.

    Julie- Hello, can't wait for you to join us, just think Maisie will be considered a full term baby in just 7 short week's so crazy that all of our babies are here already or just around the corner.

    Lynn- Sorry you poped in while I was typing, can't wait to have you and ofcourse see pics of little Joshua!

    AFM: Brooklynn proved to be her own person AGAIN last night. Didn’t go down til nearly 10pm and was wide awake at 3:30 this morning. I decided to do some work since I have a few projects I am working on and got her back down at 5:45. I guess I should get used to it, my boss changed my schedule so instead of waking up at 3am to be at work at 4am I will now be starting my day an hour later. Some pros and cons there but oh well, I have got to do it and 5am to 1pm is better than 9am-5pm
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    A little frustrated today!:explode: Nothing to do with baby..she's wonderful, as usual :smile:
    I talked to the superintendent of the school I work for and in order to be paid for 2 of the snow days we had earlier in the year I have to get cleared to go back to work early and work for two days (I'm a teacher, and I have to go back on the post planning days before summer break). Somehow this doesn't seem right to me..?? I guess because they weren't made up before I went out on maternity leave, I either make arrangements to work or either don't get paid for those days. It just stinks because now I have to pump and start giving her a bottle so she can eat those two days!:sad: We were not planning on giving her a bottle for a while since I don't have to go back to work until August (well, thought so!) And for only TWO days! UGH! I guess I could always opt to not get paid and stay home, but we are already losing income due to maternity leave anyway and to lose that much more would be really tough. :grumble: :grumble: :grumble: I can't imagine leaving her for those two days :laugh: ...makes me sad:sad: Sheri, do you go back next week??

    So...NOW...when do I pump? She is nursing about every 3 hours, so when should I between those times, before, after? What do yall suggest?

    Update on putting her to bed: I kept her up much more yesterday than I have been, and I think it helped. I nursed her at 9:30 and tried to put her down afterwards, well she wasn't having that! She fussed for another hour or so and finally fell asleep on me around 11. It's a small step (much better than 2 am like the night before!), so hopefully we can start getting earlier, because I would like her to go down around 10 or so. It's a work in progress... I'll take little victories though! I think she's getting use to falling asleep on me though, which makes it tough for me to do anything at night, but idk....

    We did get out and walk a little bit last night, but it was still in the 80s, which made her get hot quick. We walked for maybe 10-15 minutes up and down the driveway and around the yard (we don't live in a neighborhood), but it was a start!

    Sheri, I don't know if I could make might not turn out all that great :laugh: But I'm going to look at what you suggested and see!

    I think I'm getting a little stir crazy...thought about loading her up today and going to see my DH at work...after finding out about the school stuff I"m just aggravated though, lol.

    What a bummer, but it is only two days and who knows maybe this will be a good step for Annabelle (with the bottle). I know it probably is hard though. I would suggest pumping after she eats. However, if you are like me you won't get much from the pump. Last night he slept 7 + hours and I was so full it was nuts, but pumped 6 ozs total! But he definitely had enough so far the rest of the day because I see him getting it and swallowing.

    It hit 94 degrees here today. This is crazy!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    :glasses: (stalking)

    Ditto :glasses:

    Love you stalkers! Cannot wait to have you on our side :tongue: Miss you!
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Hey Ladies...I have a bit of catching up to do.

    I put logan in his crib every night, at first we tried the bassinet, but I think he could tell the difference. Now he is too long for it, well he was at only 4 weeks, glad it wasn't purchased new.

    We've already returned one sweing because he is obsessed with swinging and the motor was creaking.:laugh:

    I hope you all are doing well, especially the new mama's, Logan is pooting right now as we speak:laugh: or I type:laugh:

    Baby poots are so cute, but man they smell like hot garbage.:sick:

    I think he is around 11.6 lbs right now, we go for the 8 week appt on the 26th. I was released yesterday for exercise and "other" stuff:noway: I've been exercising, I just didn't tell her. She said everything seemed fine.

    YAY no more having her arm up to my navel every week, now only once a year. I won't miss that. I do miss my baby belly though.
  • AmandaD513
    AmandaD513 Posts: 7 Member
    Is this a closed group? I'd love to join! I delivered my baby boy on December 16th and have since lost 38lbs. Although, I didn't gain that much. I had lost weight before I got pregnant and I am maintaining that, but I am flabby, need to get back in shape and want to lose more. However, I have a hard time knowing what is safe to do in terms of working out and how much to eat because I'm breastfeeding. My baby has recently started some solids sometimes once a day.
  • htuzzi324
    htuzzi324 Posts: 20 Member
    Htuzzi- Did you buy something like the mobywrap or just go with a stretchy fabric? As I looked on youtube it seems like you can use most any long stretchy fabric. I really want to try that for now and maybe a ring sling for later.
    I just used jersey cotton. The moby was way too expensive for us, especially since I'm going to have to fork over a good amount for a woven wrap. I'm planning on making a ring sling, too. Just waiting for the rings to come in!
  • dragonfly74
    dragonfly74 Posts: 1,382 Member
    Is this a closed group? I'd love to join! I delivered my baby boy on December 16th and have since lost 38lbs. Although, I didn't gain that much. I had lost weight before I got pregnant and I am maintaining that, but I am flabby, need to get back in shape and want to lose more. However, I have a hard time knowing what is safe to do in terms of working out and how much to eat because I'm breastfeeding. My baby has recently started some solids sometimes once a day.

    The more the merrier! I love how active this group is!
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Is this a closed group? I'd love to join! I delivered my baby boy on December 16th and have since lost 38lbs. Although, I didn't gain that much. I had lost weight before I got pregnant and I am maintaining that, but I am flabby, need to get back in shape and want to lose more. However, I have a hard time knowing what is safe to do in terms of working out and how much to eat because I'm breastfeeding. My baby has recently started some solids sometimes once a day.

    Welcome, in your food log you can put your breastfeeding there. They have many options ranging from 300-500 calories. If baby is consuming solids I would go with the 300. You will eat those calories through your food log and be fine. I have not had any problems with my milk and counted calories through most of my pregnancy and have not skipped a day after delivery.
  • Soon2Bfitmamaof3
    Soon2Bfitmamaof3 Posts: 1,911 Member
    Htuzzi- Did you buy something like the mobywrap or just go with a stretchy fabric? As I looked on youtube it seems like you can use most any long stretchy fabric. I really want to try that for now and maybe a ring sling for later.
    I just used jersey cotton. The moby was way too expensive for us, especially since I'm going to have to fork over a good amount for a woven wrap. I'm planning on making a ring sling, too. Just waiting for the rings to come in!

    I agree moby is super expensive for a piece of fabric. I am going to have to get to the fabric store, I had a nice piece of fabric my cousin brought me from her trip to Peru but it is far too short for a wrap.
  • carina73
    carina73 Posts: 270 Member
    when purchasing fabric, talk to a person who works there. ask about breathable material. baby is warm, and in the summer, you'll be warm enough without extra body heat. :) (i think cotton is recommended, can't remember)

    ETA: Megan - that sucks. :(
  • ckmama
    ckmama Posts: 1,668 Member
    Megan, you don' thave anyone that can watch her those two days or take her with you since there won't be any kids.
  • AmandaD513
    AmandaD513 Posts: 7 Member
    Sorry, just trying to figure out this posting thing!