
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    A few weeks ago a stranger asked me to grab a beer for her during a concert since I was running out to the restroom. I hate beer with a passion and the concession stand filled it to the rim so I couldn't walk without it dripping down my arm. I let another stranger in line sip the beer down so I could walk with it and I didn't tell the girl who bought it. FYI, I was a good Girl Scout and carded the girl I bought the beer for. =) So yep, she paid $8.50 for a beer that a stranger sipped from. :s

    Please tell me the beer cost $6 and the extra was your commission :)

  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    I'm fasting today because I ate 2000 cal yesterday.
  • Jesusjohnjames
    Jesusjohnjames Posts: 378 Member
    Fasting does not effect your metabolism, as I thought it did for years.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    edited March 2015
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    lizschwab wrote: »
    I might have thrown a whole bag (well almost a whole bag) of M&ms out the car window because I could not stop eating them.

    I say whatever it takes to do what you need to do. I've had to take drastic steps myself to get rid of things. I figure squirrels, racoons and possums need to eat as well. I've gotten cookies and not carried them up to my apt. building but tossed them on the lawn instead. I figure the squirrels will wake up to a nice breakfast and I won't be at the beginning of a binge.

    I understand some are worried about starving children when they read these types of posts... but in a flash second that's not what comes to mind.. it's survival,mine.

    Disclaimer: this is not a judgement; just a comment: I think more of the littering factor. Sure, hopefully the food gets eaten, but what about the packaging?

    Oh no it's the cookies that go flying... funny how the trash I go throw away. Yea I'm not into littering. LOL Funny the things we're select on. ;) Yes I actually make the decision to not take them in my apt. at the last minute and open the pkg. and quickly fling them in the direction of trees near where I actually feed them real squirrel food at other times. (corn cobs)

    I hate when I see ppl littering <~~~and yes that's a judgment! >:)

    Actually I do appreciate you posting because you're right that would not be cool to be throwing trash out the window etc.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    That's a weird adjective. It's kind of vain to want 6-pack abs, but being able to walk up a flight of stairs or two without gasping is simple good health, no?
    rhoffman33 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    What does doing it for your health have to do with vanity?

    I thought the same thing then also got a little angry because I felt like in a backhanded sort of way, he was calling me vain. I want him to lose weight and get healthy for a lot of reasons and only a few are physical. Mostly, it's because heart disease, diabetes, and several health related issues run on both sides of his family. I'm selfish and I want him to live a long time so I don't become the crazy cat/pit bull lady.

  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    rayangel07 wrote: »
    I went from being 135 pounds to 203 pounds the daycI gave birth to my daughter. I'm not 183 pounds and haven't had the motivation to do anything about it.. She's almost two years old, and I feel aweful about my weight.

    My son will be 2 in June, and I've been at my 9 months pregnant weight since a few months after he was born (I lost weight initially and gained it back). After a year and a half of no motivation and self-loathing, I started using mfp again, and I just hit my pre-pregnancy weight. Still planning on losing 20-30lb more. You can do it!

    Awesome! Good for you!
  • Katleskin
    Katleskin Posts: 111 Member
    Today I deliberately sought out, picked up and then put down (in another part of the supermarket!) a jar of the Lotus biscuit spread. Was so proud of my self-restraint that I celebrated by buying a half dozen Krispy Kreme because they now have the Reeces and the Lotus Caramelised Biscoff ones which I just 'had' to try. *SIGH* Luckily my husband will eat most of them but I don't know why I bought 6, 3 is my usual amount (1 for me, 2 for him). I guess it's better than buying both the spread AND the donuts. Go me!
  • rhoffman33
    rhoffman33 Posts: 19 Member
    edited March 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    That's a weird adjective. It's kind of vain to want 6-pack abs, but being able to walk up a flight of stairs or two without gasping

    I thought the same thing then also got a little angry because I felt like in a backhanded sort of way, he was calling me vain. I want him to lose weight and get healthy for a lot of reasons and only a few are physical. Mostly, it's because heart disease, diabetes, and several health related issues run on both sides of his family. I'm selfish and I want him to live a long time so I don't become the crazy cat/pit bull lady.
    it took seeing how fat I got to decide but forget the fact I am in much better shape I feel so much better and I was like your husband and my wife would say the same thing to me. I feel so much better and can actually climb stairs without being winded. Actually now running up to 3 miles and just 6 months ago I couldn't even run out to my car without being winded.
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I can totally relate to your krispy kreme story! I have been resisting the girl scouts at the store easily. But Saturday my brother in law (aka roommate) brought home 2 boxes. I had 6 thin mints last night...didn't log them but will now! grrrrr, I know self control is up to me but seriously!
  • csimrill
    csimrill Posts: 26 Member
    I have no fullness barometer. I can eat an entire bag of cookies, a dozen doughnuts, etc at a sitting and still not feel full!! And I have been known to do exactly that. Entire big bags of M & Ms, this list is endless.
  • mjsmamma
    mjsmamma Posts: 137 Member
    I am loving these confessions! Thank you. Here's mine: I made a homemade cherry crisp last night after not having any desserts for almost two months and ate a large portion. It tasted good but holy cow my stomach hurt so badly this morning that I spent an inordinate amount of time in the ladies room if you get my drift. So much time in fact that I was tempted to get on the scale to see if I lost any weight.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    alastria wrote: »
    Remember that Seinfeld episode, where George is at a party and he sees a half eaten eclair in the trash (on a paper plate, not touching any other trash) and he takes it out and eats it?

    I've done that.

    Lol me too xD

    That's partly why mine gets thrown outside before it makes it upstairs with me. But I have opened the window and thrown food out before. Let's just put it this way...I live in an interesting neighborhood. Ppl just step around it if the animals haven't gotten it yet. lol I've taken a bag of chips that I regretted buying and ran water in them, left icecream in the sink so it would melt so I could start fresh in the a.m and not have it calling my name.

    I think for ppl that find this behavior horrid and wasteful, others of us call it survival and a way of coping in a moment of frenzy. Is it something I do everyday? Heck no, it's something to do with a moment of clarity after buying the food. I don't go after soggy chips or melted ice cream in the sink... now George? I dunno... ;)
  • melimomTARDIS
    melimomTARDIS Posts: 1,941 Member
    Shamrock Shakes are at McDonalds, I'll be pooping green this afternoon.

    shamrock shakes! Luckily they contain no calories since I am of irish heritage. also guiness and potatoes are "free" foods for me as well. ;);)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I swore last week that I'd save my treats for after dinner, if I have the calories for it, so I'd stop craving carbs in the afternoon and would be less likely to be hungry.

    It hasn't happened. I've had sweets pretty much every afternoon since, and I had some ice cream and a chocolate at lunch. Still under my calories for 3 days though, which is pretty amazing for me lately.

    Also, I keep meaning to take a rest day, then I feel guilty for not burning calories and end up doing a workout anyway.
  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    sodakat wrote: »
    I am scared to quit smoking since I know I'll start compensating on food. :s

    My doctor once asked why I was worrying about my weight when I wasn't going to quit smoking. He basically told me not to bother, in doctorese of course.

    Hah hah! This reminds me of a conversation I had with the doctor that performed my colonoscopy. In a follow-up visit he was discussing how diet affects health and how little colon disease there is in most Asian cultures and very few had heart disease.

    Finally I asked him well then what was the common cause of death in those cultures. He said, "oh, they don't live terribly long because most of them smoke!"


  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,371 Member
    Shamrock Shakes are at McDonalds, I'll be pooping green this afternoon.

    I saw that on their sign on Fri night, made the SO take me for one on Sat afternoon. And will very deliberately have several more by the 17th.

    I figure the calcium is good for me anyway.

  • rhoffman33
    rhoffman33 Posts: 19 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    That's a weird adjective. It's kind of vain to want 6-pack abs, but being able to walk up a flight of stairs or two without gasping is simple good health, no?
    rhoffman33 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    My husband told me yesterday that he doesn't care about his physical fitness because he thinks it's vain. That made me sad for multiple reasons.

    What does doing it for your health have to do with vanity?

    I thought the same thing then also got a little angry because I felt like in a backhanded sort of way, he was calling me vain. I want him to lose weight and get healthy for a lot of reasons and only a few are physical. Mostly, it's because heart disease, diabetes, and several health related issues run on both sides of his family. I'm selfish and I want him to live a long time so I don't become the crazy cat/pit bull lady.

  • Hearts_2015
    Hearts_2015 Posts: 12,031 Member
    Shamrock Shakes are at McDonalds, I'll be pooping green this afternoon.

    I've never understood the excitement... are they mint? Truthfully I've never tried one but each year the Shamrock Shake MFP threads go up I've always wondered what makes them so desirable? :)
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    edited March 2015
    nm212 wrote: »
    Talkradio wrote: »
    rayangel07 wrote: »
    I went from being 135 pounds to 203 pounds the daycI gave birth to my daughter. I'm not 183 pounds and haven't had the motivation to do anything about it.. She's almost two years old, and I feel aweful about my weight.

    My son will be 2 in June, and I've been at my 9 months pregnant weight since a few months after he was born (I lost weight initially and gained it back). After a year and a half of no motivation and self-loathing, I started using mfp again, and I just hit my pre-pregnancy weight. Still planning on losing 20-30lb more. You can do it!

    Awesome! Good for you!

    Thank you! Honestly, I feel great!
  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    Shamrock Shakes are at McDonalds, I'll be pooping green this afternoon.

    I've never understood the excitement... are they mint? Truthfully I've never tried one but each year the Shamrock Shake MFP threads go up I've always wondered what makes them so desirable? :)

    they only come once a year for a few weeks, they're vanilla shakes with mint flavor and coloring
  • Talkradio
    Talkradio Posts: 388 Member
    Shamrock Shakes are at McDonalds, I'll be pooping green this afternoon.

    shamrock shakes! Luckily they contain no calories since I am of irish heritage. also guiness and potatoes are "free" foods for me as well. ;);)

    Calories don't count on St. Patrick's Day, did you know?

  • JPW1990
    JPW1990 Posts: 2,424 Member
    Shamrock Shakes are at McDonalds, I'll be pooping green this afternoon.

    I've never understood the excitement... are they mint? Truthfully I've never tried one but each year the Shamrock Shake MFP threads go up I've always wondered what makes them so desirable? :)

    Mint-ish. When I was a kid I thought they were awesome. Then I didn't have one for a long time. Got one again in my 20's, and thought it tasted like toothpaste.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    lizschwab wrote: »
    I might have thrown a whole bag (well almost a whole bag) of M&ms out the car window because I could not stop eating them.

    I say whatever it takes to do what you need to do. I've had to take drastic steps myself to get rid of things. I figure squirrels, racoons and possums need to eat as well. I've gotten cookies and not carried them up to my apt. building but tossed them on the lawn instead. I figure the squirrels will wake up to a nice breakfast and I won't be at the beginning of a binge.

    I understand some are worried about starving children when they read these types of posts... but in a flash second that's not what comes to mind.. it's survival,mine.

    Disclaimer: this is not a judgement; just a comment: I think more of the littering factor. Sure, hopefully the food gets eaten, but what about the packaging?

    Oh no it's the cookies that go flying... funny how the trash I go throw away. Yea I'm not into littering. LOL Funny the things we're select on. ;) Yes I actually make the decision to not take them in my apt. at the last minute and open the pkg. and quickly fling them in the direction of trees near where I actually feed them real squirrel food at other times. (corn cobs)

    I hate when I see ppl littering <~~~and yes that's a judgment! >:)

    Actually I do appreciate you posting because you're right that would not be cool to be throwing trash out the window etc.

    Oh, okay - I didn't think of that! Good for you for not littering! I appreciate the explanation. Not sure why when I read that people chuck things out the window I just assumed it was the entire thing. Although, I have seen people do that, so I'm glad you're not one of them!
  • jeffininer
    jeffininer Posts: 204 Member
    Last week we stopped by the store to pick up a few things because we were getting a big snow. I picked up a package of Oreos, which I never buy. They were gone by the morning. I swear I didn't eat that many!! I'm really hoping the kids helped....because yeah....Oreos. Nope, didn't log them. They didn't happen.
  • kellystjohn105
    kellystjohn105 Posts: 104 Member
    Early on in this thread someone mentioned weighing less on the scale when their husband/bf held up their boobs. Well, I had to try it.

    OMG - did it three times just to be sure and boobs weight 6 pounds. Awesome!!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    Non food or health related confession: I feel homicidal when I hear my coworkers shuffling or dragging their feet across the floor. PICK UP YOUR DAMN FEET! :#
  • AshC1023
    AshC1023 Posts: 109
    No judgement here, but how do y'all with big boobs exercise without at least a sports bra on? I don't get the exercise nude thing, my boobs would slap me in the face!

    My confession on that topic, I wear 2 bras to exercise. All that jiggle just isn't comfortable.
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    Early on in this thread someone mentioned weighing less on the scale when their husband/bf held up their boobs. Well, I had to try it.

    OMG - did it three times just to be sure and boobs weight 6 pounds. Awesome!!

    Or do they weigh 4 pounds and your husband/BF provided an addition 2lbs of lift?
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,738 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Non food or health related confession: I feel homicidal when I hear my coworkers shuffling or dragging their feet across the floor. PICK UP YOUR DAMN FEET! :#

    Ugh, same here! And, yes, "judgy" of me, but it also makes me think they are lazy and/or sloppy.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Non food or health related confession: I feel homicidal when I hear my coworkers shuffling or dragging their feet across the floor. PICK UP YOUR DAMN FEET! :#

    Ugh, same here! And, yes, "judgy" of me, but it also makes me think they are lazy and/or sloppy.

    Or don't know what size shoe they wear. It is a HUGE pet peeve of mine. I get onto my daughter if I hear her shuffling her feet in public. I refuse to raise a foot shuffler.