Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    Great idea!

    Just for today I will:

    1. Ignore these chocolate cravings
    2. Go to the gym class I have booked
    3. Do some stretching to improve my flexibility (which is very poor)
  • jglovicz
    jglovicz Posts: 44 Member
    1) drink at least 75oz of water
    2) candlelight vinyasa yoga
    3) I have to do yesterday's 3 mi on the elliptical (I had a little cold and thought I'd feel up to it with a little nap and Tylenol, but I felt worse...feeling pretty good now)
    4) 10000 steps today
  • elizabethpro
    elizabethpro Posts: 11 Member
    Wow! I have not seen this thread before and I'm super excited to join it! :)

    Just for today I will:
    1) ignore the birthday cake oreos
    2) go for a run
    3) respond to my emails in a timely fashion
  • calmandpeaceful
    calmandpeaceful Posts: 95 Member
    My stats are very similar to yours! I didn't lose or gain during February. In fact, since I started this program after Christmas I've lost only 2 lb. I am at 193 - my goal is at the most 180, but ideally 170. I am 54 and it is much tougher at this point in my life, so I will see how I feel at 180 and take it from there. Since late December, I have finally been back to work after raising four kids for 17 years. I am teaching 3rd grade now....and we have a snow day, so it's a good day to focus on me.

    I love your thread; breaking things into day by day makes it so much more manageable to think about.

    Just for today:
    1. Exercise using yoga video or elliptical
    2. Count my Calories.
    3. Meditate.

  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    I read through this thread yesterday and didn't join....I also did not have my most successful MFP day. So...

    for today I will:
    1. Ignore the girl scout cookies in the pantry
    2. Stay within my MFP goals
    3. get at least 30 minutes of excercise
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    This looks to be a great thread. I'm a stay at home mom of 2 & have about 40lbs to lose. My goal weight is around 150lbs.

    Today I will:
    Do a Pilates class
    Walk outside (in the cold)
    Try to cut back on sugar
    Eat more fruits & vegetables

    Have an awesome day everyone!
  • Mafuezee
    Mafuezee Posts: 38 Member
    I will not go over on sodium
  • nm212
    nm212 Posts: 570 Member
    This is just what I need right now! Thank you for starting this!

    1) I will log everything honestly today (even if some of it is bad...)
    2) I will go to the gym and exercise
    3) I will eat healthy the rest of the day! Fruits and Veggies
    4) I will weigh myself tomorrow, even though I don't want to :'(
    5) I will not use my break-up as an excuse to eat out of self pity
    6) I will try not to worry and eat out of anxiety
    7) I will go to therapy (no shame in this game! lol)
    8) I will not beat myself up if I don't meet all these goals today
    9) I will be grateful for what I have
    10) I think I said it all!
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    edited March 2015
    Joan, My month of February ended up pretty good (thanks to you and starting this thread!). I lost 1-2 lbs last month depending on the day I weigh myself it is fluctuating :wink: I really appreciate being in this with all of you and getting the honest feedback when I need it. This is such a great group I am truly blessed to have found you. I started tracking my food again last week after getting feedback from all of you and it has helped. I am feeling really strong and positive. I came up with a 50 minute weight lifting routine to do 2-3 times a week and I accomplished doing it 2 times last week. (Thanks Azulviolet for helping me stop making excuses and get my head all the way in this and not 50%)

    Just for today Monday 3/2/15
    1.) do cardio at lunch today
    2.) lift weights tonight after work
    3.) track all my food
  • nlo_
    nlo_ Posts: 7 Member
    Just for today 3/02:

    1. Warm-up with elliptical for 1/2 hour right after work.
    2. 18 min HiitMax workout.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    Yesterday, 3/1
    1. Log every bite I eat - no matter what. :)
    2. exercise minimun 30 minutes :) 33 degrees out, and snow, but I got my walk in!

    Just for today, 3/2
    1. Log every bite that I eat - no matter what
    2. minimum 30 minutes exercise
    3. Do not look forward and worry about the future for my daughter. Take it one day at a time, and only look at the positives in my life, which there are many.
    4. Do not turn to food for comfort.

    Thanks so much everyone for coming back :) I don't have time right now to read all the responses, but I will later tonite.

    I also love this thread -- you guys are my inspiration. Sometimes it is hard to admit when I eat 1400 worth of calories after 9pm. But you guys are all so wonderful and encouraging, it helps me to get back on track, and I hope when we are honest, it also helps others. We are not alone. Losing weight, and changing old habits take time. Sometimes it is one step forward and 3 steps backwards it seems, but as long as we keep trying.

  • cr6nd
    cr6nd Posts: 23 Member
    3/2 Just for today-

    1. Avoid sweets
    2. Get outside an run 2 miles
    3. Drink water instead of soda
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    March 2nd -

    Met all of my goals yesterday. It was an eye opener using the food scale for the first time !! I always thought I was guessing portion size weight pretty close....Wrong !!! lol

    This is something I think I need to do also. Right now, I "kinda" measure my food. It does make a difference!

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    losingrae wrote: »
    Just for Today 3/02

    It's my 12 hour work day and I didn't sleep well last night, so that's all I'm doing today.

    Hope you have time to rest Rae. When I am tired, I tend to want to overeat. Be kind to yourself :)

  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,220 Member
    ruby70 wrote: »
    I really appreciate being in this with all of you and getting the honest feedback when I need it.

    So happy to see you back on track!
  • ReneDavidson
    ReneDavidson Posts: 86 Member
    Just for today...

    No late night snacking.
    Log all food
    Get 10,000 - 12,000 steps
  • May33338
    May33338 Posts: 300 Member
    Just for today 3/3

    1. Stick to my planned meals
    2. Push myself harder when I exercise
    3. Drink at least 8 cups of water
    4. Don't binge at night no matter how stressed I feel when I get home
  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Well my weekend sucked but here I am back at it. I didn't log all of my food. Got to be too much and too crazy. So I did go to the fitness center and did 25 minutes each on the treadmill, elliptical and stationary bike. Back on track. Hopefully not too much damage for when I weigh in on Thursday.