
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Clgswisher - thanks for the ideas! used is a lot better than paying full price. I never thought of a gym that is closing. I don't know if we still have a Play it Again Sports here in Minnesota. the one up here in Bemidji closed. maybe MNMargaret might know about stores down in her neck of the woods. It is nice knowing other people in your area. Even if all you do is text on line!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    edited March 2015
    Mary from Minnesota - I would also suggest stopping into different second hand stores often, like Goodwill or Salvation Army or such. I know they are scattered around Minnesota. Good Luck and I look forward to hearing how it goes for you !
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    edited March 2015
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    I don`t have a lot of time but wanted to stop by and say hello!

    Kim :) I love the pink color on you, you look marvelous, along with the gorgeous quilt! That salad dressing sounds delish!

    Meg :) Hugs to Benny!!! Sorry things aren`t going great with DD#1.

    Robin :) Nice to see you posting again!!!

    Michele :) I`m sorry you`re feeling so low about Bryan! Sending you a hug!

    Beth :) I`m glad your son has access to the van at least during the week! I have a dear friend with ALS, they just received a wonderful van for her, it lifts her wheelchair up and locks it in place. They waited over a year for it though. It`s really a shame things like this take so long! Good for you decluttering !!! I did that last summer when I was doing the renovations to my house. I still need to declutter my closet and the garage!

    Joyce :) Glad you got yourself to church, I know how much you`ve been enjoying it! Happy birthday for tomorrow :flowerforyou:!!!!

    Viv :) Nice to see you again! You`ll get those 4 pounds off, you are a determined woman!!!

    Yanniejannie :) Yikes!!! I sent you message to call Animal control!

    Capricorn :) Take one day at a time! You can achieve your goals!

    Carol NC :) Sending you hugs :flowerforyou:!!!!

    Diana :) Congrats on the fewer pounds and the progress for the 5k!

    Pip :) LOL at “regular clothes” and normal shoes feeling weird!

    Alison :) Ouch! Hope you`re okay!

    Cynthia :) Hope they get the crazy woman off the street, she sounds very dangerous! Hope you`re okay!

    Margaret :) The flu was so nasty this year! I`m glad you`re feeling better!!!

    Jolene :) Glad the procedure is over and everything is good! Sending prayers for your daughter! I wonder if it`s anxiety over the wedding, I passed out at the bakery while I was trying to choose my wedding cake, I was just overwhelmed with everything.

    Mary :) Sorry your experience at the gym wasn`t good! Maybe though it was a good thing since you didn`t feel comfortable there anyhow! I would look around for used weights, much more economical than brand new!

    Janet :) I remember the Thigh Master, wasn`t that one of Suzanne Somers inventions? Glad your back is getting stronger!

    I got in a good cardio workout yesterday chasing geese, there were 18 geese in my yard…can you imagine what my driveway looked like…gross! I had taken Noel out for a walk and they flapped their wings and honked at us (that just made me mad)! They were in my field which was still covered in snow (my silly little dog will not walk in snow, so I had to carry her), I was walking fast and they were just barely moving away from me, that made me even madder. I finally put Noel on the ground, she barked and they flew off. So they were not afraid me, but they didn`t like a 12 pound dog…. Grrrrr! I looked out a little later and they had returned, I got on my golf cart in the sleeting rain and chased them away. Thanks goodness they have not been back. I do not want my dog or my grandchildren around all that goose poo….yuck!

    It`s after 5 pm already…where does the time go???

    Have a great evening!

    DeeDee in NC

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,817 Member
    Cynthia ... I can't even get my head around the thought that someone pushed you off your bike! I've never heard of such a thing!

    Carol ... I've been thinking of you all day ... wondering if the sale of your house and the move have finally caught up with you? A closure in many ways in your life? Be gentle with yourself ... everyone is allowed to get upset and cry ... with or without reason.

    Alison ... shaking my head ... hope tomorrow is a better day!

    Janet ... I literally mean 10 minutes every day for exercise. I see all of you ladies exercising on a regular basis and I don't. Don't get me wrong ... I move ... I'm a housekeeper for a large church and I a care for my physically disabled son a good portion of the week ... but I can't seem to get "real" exercise into my day ...


  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and FINALLY finished cleaning house of Mildred's hairs and marks by table and beds. NO more crying as I can see her grave from kitchen window now.
    Visited my neighbour Susan for first time in 3 weeks, had horse kisses and snuffles and stroked her 2 dogs. Found out "Mrs Nasty Pants" and husband are going to tour Australia in a BUS for 12 months. No more hurrying past their house.
    Pensions in bank and making list for shopping. Also call at chemist for prescriptions and cost 4 new tyres for car. Then visit New Norfolk to look for grave of ancestor, criminal who died in mental hospital, so maybe unmarked grave

    Only walking today, back to training tomorrow.
    Thank you for being here for me
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    I basically live in my bike shoes and gear. when I workout on the weekend, I am either in my vibrams (what I workout in) or in house slippers.
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    DeeDee - I hate geese poop too, but the visual of you chasing them on foot then again in your golf cart cracked me up!

    Bwcetc - maybe you should track your steps since you move around so much. You can do that with an app on your smartphone if you have one. At least you are devoting 10 minutes a day, good for you!

    Pipcd34 - love the monkey feet! I also spend most of my time in workout clothes or, shorts and a t-shirt. I'm very comfy!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    smiley-sport017.gifI do squats with a 15 pound dumbbell on each shoulder and use the 15 pounders for overhead presses and curls. I do pushups and triceps dips on a very solid chair and planks. I wear 10 pound ankle weights for workout so for the pushups, triceps dips, and planks they add a bit more of a challenge and they make more of a challenge for leg exercises. If I used any more weight than that I wouldn't be able to use a proper form....so for me, that's heavy lifting. Right now I'm doing weights once and sometimes twice a week with at least two days of no weights in between.

    :D staying in the moment is a tool as well as a goal.....I don't just do it automatically....when my head starts to drift into the past or the future, I tell my head to "shut up" and say things like "here I am at the computer, here I am reading a book" or whatever I'm doing to stay focused on the moment that I'm in.

    :D reading about some of your trials and tribulations reminds me to put things like water, electricity, and health on the gratitude list I write every morning....also the sunshine and temps in the 50's today.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,061 Member
    STATS FOR THE DAY, windy!!!!!!:
    ride hm 2 gym- 14.13min, 12.5mph 3mi WIND! - 126cal
    spin- 42min, 85ar 93aw, 11-14g, 17.7mi - 300cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.47min, 12.4amph, 1.4mi WINDY - 70cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 15.46min, 10.1amph 2.7mi WINDY - 173cal
    total cal 669
  • thlavallee1
    thlavallee1 Posts: 23 Member
    Happy March Ladies! Time to celebrate last months successes and let go of last months challenges, forgive myself and move forward.

    My March goals:

    1. Find the time to exercise!
    2. Walk laps on the stairs at work at lunchtime if I can't get outside.
    3. Eat a salad every day
    4. Eliminate as much meat as possible from my diet (for medical reasons not a philosophical statement)
    5. Avoid snacking after dinner.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Ok, this is scary. When I got sick last time I had made chili for supper, then started having pain and vomiting, wound up in surgery. Tonight I made chili for supper for the first time since surgery and now I have very similar pain and nausea but no vomiting yet. The pain is pretty bad. In my mind I know it's probably just gas, but still, it's like déjà vu all over again. I took gas x TWICE and it isn't helping.

    Chili has been a staple of my diet, low cal, low salt and lots of fiber, and I've never gotten gas from it before. Maybe my guts are just more sensitive now.

    Anybody have a good cure for gas?

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Greetings! I saw robins in my yard today! Woo hoo! I went into work even though it’s my spring break. I had some things to take care of and didn’t stay real long. I walked for 10 minutes then did 30 on the cross trainer. I took motrin before and iced my knee afterwards; we’ll see what tonight brings. I made another appointment, this time with the orthopod I wanted to see to begin with. I couldn’t schedule with him because I didn’t have sports injury but my current doctor suggested I see him.

    Labs still show perimenopause and since I started bleeding again only 2 weeks after I should have gotten my depo shot (I was told to wait a month to get these labs drawn), now I get to buy another pelvic ultrasound. Good grief. I sound like an old lady carrying on about my ailments! Blah!

    MA: hope all is still in one piece after the thunderstorm!

    Carey: My DD who does most of the cooking here, loves our food chopper especially for the onions!

    Robin: it’s always so good to see you and get an update on Bodi boy

    Katla: thanks for the hugs and support! I just figure I can’t go chasing this child around all the time. She has to make some kind of effort. I do feel sorry for the DGD…what chaos in that house.

    Sue: I love opera…which one did you see? I hope you feel better soon.

    Mary: you have some good goals there

    Michele: I’m going to have to go buy that book!

    Janet: I own the old, fat, out of shape me that I am. But here’s to us for trying every day! I think you are right on about the kids!

    Godmomkim: wow what gorgeous quilts! I envy your talent!

    Lilian: I plan my meals for a week at a time; I don’t think I could do a month! Wow!

    Joyce: I have been to DD’s place. It is a livable, although very small and dark, duplex that needs some minor repairs, but nothing horrible. But I just took myself over there once when my brother and sister in law were here; actually it was the day before dad’s funeral. Hubs and I think her world only revolves around her and she simply doesn’t think about anyone else. That would correlate with autism; I think she’s on the autism spectrum for many reasons.

    Sharon: I always enjoy visiting my mom and talking to her at the cemetery too. I guess now I’ll be visiting dad too when the weather warms up.

    Viv: hoping you make your birthday goals!!!

    Yanniejannie: I am not pleased along with you! Yikes!

    Peachstategal: (Is it Gail?) I go Mexican once every three months right after I get my A1C drawn and don’t count anything!!! I gotta have it all. At least now I don’t overeat and put half in a box right away, but at that point, carbs be damned!

    Lynda: as another injured knee person I commiserate with you on the pain and trouble and say “bless you” to the surgeons who fixed you up.

    Carol: sending you lots of hugs!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be at peace

    Linda: yes you can! A1C for me is next week; don’t think it will be good but im trying slowing to increase the exercise with my knee issue

    Cynthia: what the H***! Who was this crazy woman and why did she push you off your bike? That’s battery! I’d go to the ED and get some kind of diagnosis so there is “damage”! I sure hope you feel better soon

    Margaret: hope you feel better soon too!

    Jolenec: sending prayers for your daughter!

    Terri: enjoy the concert!

    DeeDee: how many calories did the site give you for geese-chasing???? Wish I would have seen that!

    Sylvia: omg let’s hope you are not having a relapse!!!

    Well must run. I’ve made my goals today. Welcome to all the newbies! Take care Meg from Omaha
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Sylvia - I'm surprised that they didn't put you on a semi soft restricted diet like they did my husband in October. He was very sensitive to certain foods. He couldn't even eat pepper or salt. It wouldn't hurt to call your doctor office and ask the person on staff. Take care of yourself.

    Mary from Minnesota

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good evening! Thanks for all of your support today. I'm sure that the move, the weather, the illnesses, etc. in addition to meds screw ups have all contributed to my depression. I'm also just as sure that not eating as well as I should and not getting enough exercise has contributed. I also have a clinical depression diagnosis. Regardless, it's been a rough few weeks and I am ready for it to level out.

    On the other hand, I feel much better now. I contacted my pastor and he and I talked a little bit, he (as my friend) gave me some advice in addition to pastoral prayers. I also talked with the pastor of my work church and he and I are each preparing documentation to record our objections to the legal decision that was made so that, hopefully, we will have immunity in the event it is ever investigated/prosecuted. As the morning went on, I found peace and could release much of the stress.

    As an added benefit, I was so distressed that I didn't eat anything until after noon. I ate breakfast and morning snack for lunch, ate my afternoon snack as planned, and got to splurge with spaghetti and meatballs for dinner (as low-calorie as possible). I don't plan to eat anything else tonight and I have less than 500 steps to meet my 11,000 for the day. I went over by 8 calories for my base daily allotment without eating back any exercise calories, so that has added to my feelings of well-being.

    I apologize for being so self-centered today. I have read everyone's posts and have smiled with those of you with joys and felt saddened with those of you with sorrows. Thanks again for all of your good wishes!

    Carol in NC

    P.S. Cynthia - I hope you file assault charges!! My son rides his bike everywhere and the thoughts of someone doing that to anyone is appalling!
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening, ladies.

    , thanks for the smile I have picturing you on your golf cart in the rain, chasing geese.

    , congrats on being rid of MsNastyPants for 12 months. You enjoy!

    Pip, those are shoes? Aren’t they foot gloves??  :#

    , I know that pain has to be scary after the last time. I wish I had some suggestions for you. Keep us posted.

    Carol, I’m so glad the day got better. And you have nothing to apologize for. You know we are here for you.

    I had a Women of the Moose meeting tonight and my friend and I met at the lodge early to visit and eat dinner. They really only have one thing on the menu that is healthy eating and I had that yesterday and today for lunch. So I took the next best thing which was fried cod that comes with cold slaw and homemade potato chips. Well it came with two huge filets which I ended up eating all of. :s  I only ate a few of the potatoes and the slaw was lightly dressed and tiny so I did eat all of it. Well, as if that wasn’t bad enough, after the meeting they served food (yes only 2 ½ hours later) and I had a tiny slice of pizza and ½ piece of cream cheese cake. OMG I don’t normally do things like that. Anyone feel free to give me 40 lashes with a wet spaghetti. Never mind, hell I might eat it too. Thanks for letting me rant. This was just so unplanned and I went over by something like 400 calories if not more.

    On a brighter note, I hope you all have a wonderful evening and a great tomorrow. Spring is right around the corner. Really. It is.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Today did 20 minutes of yoga, only held my plank for 2 minutes (boy, did I lose a lot while donw in FL!), then took the extremepump class. The plan for tomorrow is to do a downloadable spinning workout.

    Maray - do you do those exercises on a Smith machine? Is it a 45lb weight on each end of the barbell or 45lbs in total?

    Janet - a 9 mile jog would just leave me collapsed by the side of the road!

    Beth - so glad you got the use (even if it IS only during the week) of that van.

    Kim - do you hand stitch your quilts or machine stitch them? My aunt was a FANTASTIC quilter (she's passed now). She would make such tiny stitches. Before she lost her eyesight she made each of my children a quilt then she made one for us -- a king sized one. I had no idea how hard it is to stitch thru a sheet, but for the kids I used a single-sized sheet and she bought material for the backing. It wasn't until I had to re-quilt Jessica's quilt that I realized how tough it is to go thru the sheet material. I made one lap quilt once, xstitch'd it and then quilted it. To me, I just didn't find quilting to be very relaxing at all. Guess it's just me. I had the hardest time with the binding. As a matter of fact, I wound up having someone else do it. Your quilt looks lovely. I agree with Joyce, when I first saw the pieces my first thought was "that's x-stitched"

    Sylvia - I DVR's Downtown and have to watch it. I need to get caught up from when we were away. Wait to see what happens!

    Joyce - happy birthday. I agree, CiCi has good brownies.

    Sharon - weiner and mac and cheese. Just reading makes me feel sick.

    Mary - I have a set of the lockjaw clips to use on the bar. I got them off Amazon, I think they were something like $20

    Alison - do you have any more room for the snow??? Hope you don't have flooding when it all finally melts. Glad you weren't badly hurt

    I don't know what is up with me. I seem to have that "menopot" and nothing I do seems to get rid of it. I lift weights, do cardio, watch my diet. Today my watch turned around on my arm. Uusually, especially in winter, my watch gets a bit loose. But this time it got quite loose. Yet, I still seem to have that "bulge". Oh, the joys of getting older.

    capricorn - welcome back! I'm a capricorn, too

    Carol - (((Big Hug)))

    pip - how did you lose more? I'd love to lose just a few more. For years now it seems that I've been at basically the same weight.

    suruda - welcome!

    Cynthia - I can't believe some people! Hope you aren't injured. ((((HUGS)))))

    SuePedB - welcome! Thanks for the tool

    bkrimpet - welcome to you, too. success stories - you've come to the right place

    jolenec - sure hope it isn't something serious with your daughter. Passing out is no fun

    terri - have fun at the concert. I do hope your flight is uneventful

    clgswisher - welcome! Liked the quote

    DeeDee - geese in your driveway? Are they normally there? You had me cracking up just picturing you chasing those geese

    Meg - when I had that book, I swore that there was a fly on the wall reporting back to the author exactly what was happening in my house!

    Had mahjongg at my house tonight. We'll have it here again next Monday. Tomorrow I'll go to exercise, then have to stop at the Crowne Plaza to give them a deposit (another one), then I'll go to ceramics. Perhaps someone there will have some checks for me for the Magical Evening. Plus, I need to start getting the colors for my praying mantis ready.

    Carol in NC - so glad you're feeling better now.

    Michele in NC
  • margaretx
    margaretx Posts: 7 Member
    mollywhippet: What, what?? Downton Abbey? I always wait until programs show up on Netflix, but it's great to know the saga is ongoing. (And for the record, I'm one of those people who likes knowing how things turn out, so if you should let something slip, all the better.) Heat tell Maggie Smith may leave. How terrible!

    The grey bookmark star at the top of my page will NOT turn yellow. Fortunately this is an easy group to remember, so it's easy to find my way back. Kind of like Hansel and Gretel with the breadcrumbs.

    Good weekend, meh today but not horrible either. I hope everyone is doing well and will have a great day tomorrow.
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,525 Member
    Carey - when my boys were home they ate anything that was put in front of them. My oldest lived on pizza pops all through high school. My younger one is the chef... and married now - he cooks - she cleans.
    Read through everything - must get to bed - have a bad cold and a meeting tomorrow that is 3 hours away.

    Night everyone
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Hi all... slightly, (ok, horrendously) traumatized when a friend told me her 7 yr. old daughter almost died last night. She'd wrapped a long shoelace around her neck for some reason (meant for the cats to play with and tied to her bedroom doorknob) and was in convulsions when my friend found her. Of course, my friend had cautioned her never to put anything around her neck. It's shocking to me how close she came to dying. My husband and I had a little talk with our 9 yr old son tonight about how important it is to listen to parents. Wow.

    On a lighter note, Janet your invitation to beat you with a wet noodle, and then saying you'd probably eat it, cracked me up. :) Tomorrow's another day... thank heaven!

    Sylvia I've found that taking acidophilus capsules really helps if I'm having tummy issues. Hope you feel better soon.

    Carol in NC There is life after a clinical depression diagnosis (been there, done that and now it's just an odd memory). For now though, be as kind and gentle to yourself as you would be with one of your dearest friends. Eating healthy and regular exercise will go a long way toward your healing. Hugs!

    Meg Your comment on perimenopause reminded me of something that struck me funny once about how I was growing older. I remember reading two books at the same time. I had Women's Bodies, Women's Wisdom by Christiane Northrup on my nightstand to get a better handle on how my body was changing. The other was "What to Expect When You're Expecting." LOL... our bodies are truly remarkable. Apparently, not all my eggs were dinosaur eggs. So now I have a 9 yr old with my second husband and I feel obligated to dye my hair until the poor child is at least 18. It's a also a huge motivation to be healthier and more fit. He shouldn't have to be stuck with a sedentary mom whose inclination is to snack and nap. :)

    And so that is my mixed bag for today.

    Merry Christmas from snowy Utah,
  • ames_ks
    ames_ks Posts: 36 Member
    Hi all, this looks like an interesting, fun group if there's room for a newcomer. I'm only about 5 weeks on the app, and just getting around to exploring the support possibilities, and you all seem friendly (and very well acquainted!). It'll take me a whole to catch up on the convos!!
    I'm Karen from Seattle.
    My only goals for Feb were to log food daily, and no eating after 8pm. Did decently on both.
    March, I'll keep those two going, and add cardio for 30 mins, 4x/wk.
    And start getting to know you all!