

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    happy birthday Joyce!!!!
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    sorry my phone sometimes does not enter the correct words! they were slashing their butt with a knife!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • sassyJoe
    sassyJoe Posts: 2
    Hello there ladies i am 60 years old and beginning to start my diet plan on 3/4/15 and in need of motiviation and also friendly support if anyone can help it will be greatly appreciated. Looking forward to working on my fitness pal
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Good afternoon dear ladies!

    You are one heck of a chatty group! I have a couple of hectic days and you are already 5 pages into the next month!

    No way I can catch up on the individuals, but I really do wish all of you with real difficulties in your life the strength to get through the dark times. I wish a welcome to the newcomers.

    I met my goals for February!! More than 40 miles run and more than 500K steps. Yeah!! I reset my goals for March to 540K steps and 47 miles run. I also managed to stay +/- 2 pounds of my goal weight. It is going to take a couple of months playing around with the exercise/food balance before I will be confident I can stay there.

    A couple of the dear ladies from this group and I are all planning of running a 5K “together” on Mother’s day weekend. There are a bunch of races on Mother’s Day. If there are none if your area, there are even virtual runs where you run yourself. We would love to either have you join us or just cheer us on. There is still time to do the C25K program. This will be my first run!

    Looking for the joy in every day, just like my dogs.
    Remember to breathe…

    Sally W.





  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    i'm not a mother but I am a mother if u know what I mean, LOLOLOL I crack myself up! I take that back, I am a mother to 3 beautiful children, Bullwinkle, Floyd and Yogi
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello to all! I had physical therapy today, early, and nearly passed out while I was just standing there watching the therapist demonstrate something. Weird. I didn’t think it was my blood sugar, but after juice and lying down, I finally felt better. When I got home I slept until noon. I did feel well enough to go to Walmart this afternoon but feel really hungry.

    Carol: so glad things seem to be getting better for you. Depression is a horrible thing…sucks all the energy out of you.

    Janet: the planning makes the difference, doesn’t it?

    Michele: I thought of you when we went to the game café. We played a game called Ticket to Ride which was about building train tracks to specified destinations. I thought you might like it.

    Margaretetx: I read that about Maggie Smith too

    Lilian: get well soon!

    Selena: OMG how awful about your friend’s daughter!!! Hope she is ok and has learned something. That was funny about the books and dying your hair. I have been grey since my 30s so I have been dying it for a long time!

    Mary: it may be in the 60s here this weekend!

    Joyce; happy birthday!!!

    Heather It always amazes me that when we make suggestions, we get put in charge!

    Sylvia: oh my goodness!!! Another obstruction!!! I’ll be sending you good thoughts and healing prayers

    Diana: we love our bowflex weight machine

    Katla: what a fun way to support a fellow exerciser! I’m like you; two cups of coffee in the morning and nothing caffeinated after noon

    MA: congrats on the cloud badge!

    Sue: WAGNER! My favorite! And the flying Dutchman is my favorite of all operas! I can hear the music now.

    Cynthia: I hope you do decide to press charges; that woman sounds unstable

    Pip : I just don’t understand people who behave that way

    Jane: sending prayers your way! DD#1 was induced and it was an easy process for her

    Well ladies I’m going to get some water and watch the news. DH is stopping by us cellular; we were told the contract we signed was for a share plan; $85 for two lines. We got our bill yesterday and both lines were charged $85. I’m hoping it’s a mistake but I’m thinking the person lied to us…we’ll see. Take care and welcome all newbies. Meg from Omaha where the robins are out!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,819 Member
    Well ladies I made it to the top of page 6 and running out of time. So will post now and catch up tomorrow. DH and I had nice birthdays. His Sunday and mine yesterday. Our two sons that live here and their families took us out for supper Sunday evening. Had a nice time and enjoyed the time with the DGC. This last week has just flown by. Things at work and more interesting everyday. I have my formal interview next Wednesday for the lead job in my dept. I did make out the next 4 week work schedule and so far that is going over ok. Just wish they would decide soon as the lady that is lead now, her last day is April 3rd. Alot to learn is I get the job, if not guess I will just do my job and not worry about the things getting done.

    Allison--Our dog Jake will get on the bed and pee on my side only. So we keep the baby gate up so he can get into the bedroom alone. Please take care and I agree I am so looking forward to Spring.

    Michele--Glad you got home ok.

    Jane & Meg--That is one of the reason I am enjoying this Saturday evening church service. Then Sunday morning I can sleep in some and not have to get dressed until I want to. And I am getting alot more out of the two weeks we have been going then I have in along time.

    Godmomkim--love the sewing project. Thanks for sharing. What a neat gift you are making for Judy.

    yanniejannie--I do hope you find where the snake went soon. I am very scared of snakes. Big or small.

    Carol--Sending HUGS and PRAYERS.

    Cynthia--Are you ok??? I don't understand why they didn't charge her with assult. Take care of yourself.

    MNMargaret--Hope you feel better soon. I have had a headache alday and funky things with my eyes. I know alot of it is stress and working on that.

    Joyce--Happy Birthday! Hope you are having a great day.

    Selena--How scary!!

    Sylvia--Sending prayers and hugs. Let us know.

    It has been cold here the last couple days and we were to get some sleet and snow, but so far it has not happened. Well ladies have a great rest of the day.
    One Day at a Time. I forgot this morning was weigh in and I am down 1.1 pound. So happy about that.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE

    March Goals
    1. Log everybit
    2. drink water, stay away from diet pop
    3. No eating after 8pm
    4. Off the computer by 9pm
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Vicki GI NE - happy belated birthday to you and your husband!I'm glad you had a good time with your family.

    mn Margaret - I hope you start feeling better really soon! so far we have been lucky.

    Megblair 1- I'm glad that you are okay after your physical therapy appointment. low blood sugar can make you pass out.

    Pipcd34 - and you do have very lovely children!

    have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Wednesday and slept peacefully for 8 1/2 hours last night, first time in weeks and hardly snored. Got up at 9am and had breakfast.
    Going to do Wii boxing shortly.
    I do not do scrap-booking but going to look through all the photos on computer and put all of Mildred's photos in one place. Then save on stick.
    Shopping yesterday and bought everything on list.
    I visit Mildred;s grave in our garden and say good morning, then when we come home I tell her my news.
    Stan has gone to see if he can get 4 new tyres for car today. Then we can travel a little more and stay away a night or two. I need to go to New Norfolk and find where relation is buried. Probably unmarked grave as he died in mental hospital there
    It is raining here so drying clothes in lounge room.
    Food = 1728
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Vicki,we did have a sat service and they cancelled for some reason.Hubby works such crazy long hours,sometimes by sun,he just needs to sleep.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited March 2015
    Joyce ... happy Birthday!
    Vicki ... happy Birthday!
    Pipcd34 ... I always told my boys I was "a mother like no other!"

    Not a great day eating wise ... not horribly over goals ... but too many fats/carbs and I want to do better.
    Going to bed early ... cold, tired and a little down ...
    See you all tomorrow.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,099 Member
    edited March 2015
    Vicki Happy Birthday! :flowerforyou:

    Feeling better just tired!

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,737 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.09min, 14.5mph 3mi 126cal
    Jacobs ladder- 27 min.- 258cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.22min, 13.5amph, 1.4mi 84cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 1603min, 10.3 (guess) a mph 2.7mi - 179cal
    total cal 647cal
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.
    Good evening, lovely ladies.

    Terri, so glad you enjoyed the concert. I wouldn’t mind seeing him in person.

    Carey, you are going great!!! I only did neck, waist and hip measurements and even though I can tell I’m smaller, my measurements haven’t changed much at all. Keep up the great work.

    Sue, it sounds like you are on the right track. Just keep doing what you’ve started and you’ll see results in no time.

    MNMargaret, glad you getting a little better. Hope you are back to 100% real soon.

    Sassy, welcome to this group of wonderful ladies. It’s a great place for support and information. We are happy to have you with us.

    Sally, congrats on your goals and have fun on your Mother’s Day race.

    Pip, you crack me up to, you Mother.

    Meg, I hope you don’t have a repeat of your fainting spell and I hope all is okay. Let us know how the phone bill comes out.

    Vicki, congrats on your loss. Keep up the good work.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I am off to bed early tonight. Tomorrow have to get nails done and then a rescheduled appointment with the attorney at 3:00. We went today to pick up Wills but evidentially I had a Senior Moment and got the appointment time wrong. It was scheduled for 11 and not 12:00. Ut oh! :s Have a great evening, all.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • margaretx
    margaretx Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks to all who have given advice for bookmarking this forum. It's just not working. User error, no doubt. Fortunately the forum name is distinctive enough so that even I can find it later!

    Still working on behavior changes that theoretically will be reflected on the scale. Cut-up veggies at eye level in the fridge. Daily food logging. Bikram yoga 3x a week, though more to keeps my joints happy than to burn calories. Oh, yes, and checking in daily. :smile:

    ames_ks, yes, the natives are friendly.\

    Selena, your friend's story is horrifying. Poor little girl, and all sympathy to her parents!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Did an hour of spinning today. Tomorrow's plan is to go to yoga and then take the deep water class.

    selena - how scary for your friend!

    Karen, sassyJoe - welcome

    Went to Mexican Train dominoes tonight. Only had one (what I think was) spanikopita and 3 mini (I think) spinach quiches. Then had the fruit that I brought. Only had water to drink. Vince was saying that the desserts weren't good (I usually don't eat them anyway) so maybe that's why most of my fruit went.

    Where has the time gone? After exercise today, stopped at the Crowned Plaza to give them another downpayment on our Magical Newcomer Evening. I'm coordinating getting a magician and having it at their ballroom with two entrees. I wish people would make a commitment early and not wait until the absolute last minute. Then went to ceramics and started working on my praying mantis, then to Lowe's Foods, home and did some x-stitch after making more of the chocolate bran muffins, then to Mexican Train tonight.

    Kim - I bet that quilt is going to be gorgeous! Yea for the new dishwasher

    OK - what's going on with my body? I looked in the mirror today right before exercise and I saw a ROLL of flab. It never was there before.

    - your tax system sounds an awful lot like Vince's. Anything tax related he puts into a folder

    Sylvia - so sorry you have ANOTHER obstruction. That's just horrible, but glad it's something that can be taken care of

    After ceramics stopped at the Verizon store. This past Friday my phone wouldn't turn on. Then at ceramics I turned it on to look at a picture. When I went to turn it on again, it wouldn't turn on. Unfortunately, the battery is built in so it can't be removed. Last time Vince reset the phone. So I thought I'd stop by the Verizon store to see if they can do something more permanent. The guy there wasn't able to at all. But when I got home, Vince was able to get it to recharge. I think that guy didn't know his stuff or else he was going to try to sell me a new phone.

    Meg - thanks for telling me about the game "Ticket to Ride". Vince is a BIG train buff, that might be something for him.

    Vicki - glad you and hubby had such wonderful birthdays.

    Need to get to bed. Sorry this is so short.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,661 Member
    Joyce – happy happy happy birthday to you!

    Heather – good for you to know where you want boundaries and sticking to them.

    Sylvia – OH my thank goodness for Hubby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Pip – I am with ssc1958 I can’t even wear flip flops with out getting blisters in just minutes.. I can not image those being comfortable.. and no arch support sounds awful.. But so glad they work for you!

    Sue, sassy joe– welcome

    Well the new dishwasher is in and has dirty dishes in it… the old one broke about 10 years ago and just kept saving up and then spending the money on something else…so this was a real treat. I think I picked up a light case of poison oak… I hate it! A bit on my arm, the back of my neck and a few bumps under my chin…Kinda weird.

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Good late evening from rainy Indiana. When we had this house built our oldest was just a baby and it eventually died. But the girls were old enough filling the dishwasher was one of their chores. About the time Michelle went off to college it finally died. So Mom bought herself a new one. It is still working fine except the one time last year and we found out that it was just Charlie leaving his mint wrappers on the plate and them clogging the dishwasher up. We went to see Barry Manilow many years ago when he was in his prime. I would love to see him in person again but am not willing to fork that kind of money out to do it. Our local weather guy said when he did his research on March snow storms, if we have one in early March, March will continue to be a vary bad month for winter weather. So I think the rain we are getting right now is supposed to change over to snow mid morning tomorrow and continue through Thursday for a total of about 10 inches. Of course the storm he predicted last Saturday didn't happen at all. My daughter and her best friend from when DD lived here as a teen both are so anxious to get this heavy storm. They love it! Love to play in it, shovel it, love the beauty of it. They can have it. I think they both need to go move in with Allison to give her a big help.

    Well I kept with my desire to go to Ci Ci's pizza. Unfortunately the pizza I was interested in getting were pretty dry from being under the warming light. They had plenty of their other pizza but I only wanted 1 slice of sausage, ham and pineapple and spinach alfredo. I didn't get any sausage. But that made me eat, shouldn't say that. So I made the decision to eat the other things that would have been worse than the pizza. I love their cheese bread and had 4, yes 4, pieces, and I had 2 brownies and 2 cinnamon rolls. I did have a good salad and made sure I had broccoli, mushrooms, lots of grape tomatoes and carrots on it. They had no low fat or low calorie salad dressing. I eat very little of it anyway and had french. I like it that they have the whole menu on the data base here and got it all in there. So I had 2015 calories, slightly ;) over my calories. But my sodium was OK!!!!

    Sylvia, I am so so sorry about what is going on with you now. I never did understand what kind of surgery it was before. When I was working, a bowel obstruction would be an aopen abdominal surgery yet you talk about a belly button incision like the laporoscopic surgeries are. I didn't know they took care of it that way. Maybe they need to do the big one where they do open you up. I sure puts you down for awhile but it gets the job done. I wish you all the luck and am praying

    Katla, don't you love those ah ha moments. It sure is hard to give caffeine up. Good luck

    Allison, I hope you do sit down and let your emotions out about your weather. I is very good for your soul to do it.

    Kim, does your friend know you are making this qult or is it a surprise?

    Carey, yeah on those lost inches.

    Teri in Milwaukee, enjoy your rip with your sister. Hope you get the upgrade

    Cynthia, you offender needs more than a good talking to by the police. If she was yelling at some one else and then knocked you off, it seems like she is a habitual offender. I hope you think about legal action. She needs punishment.

    Mary Mn, I am so glad you corrected what you said about flashing their butt. Of course slashing was worse.

    Meg, you are a nurse so hopefully you have thought of a couple of things about your almost passing out. Were you standing for awhile before this happened? How was your pain level and could that have made you real dizzy?

    Joyce, Indiana

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,828 Member
    sorry I didnt check in last night.DH was in bed and asleep when I got home at 6:15 last night.He has the creeping crud, dont know if he has the flu or what,
    we had snow last night turned to freezing rain and then rain, so what fell early is so heavy you can't snow blow it, I am hoping it will melt today,DH said you cant shovel it without killing yourself.. so we shall see.. working this afternoon and then have tomorrow off. though the next 24 hrs are gonna be tough..
    I have to move stuff around the dining room so that they can get the new range in and the old range out, of course all the new stuff is in the dining room..and of course overnight and into tomorrow 4-9 more inches of snow.. I am crying UNCLE... no more Please
    Sylvia~ hope your surgery finally gets things right...
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good (very early) morning; been awake since 3am, gave up and got up. Stuffy nose and h/a. Two awful drama/trauma days here between the snake and DD's old college. My plan for the snake is to make sure the door to the garage stays closed and I stay out of there for now. No, I don't have any idea what it is, a neighbor said she thinks it is a black snake but saving for the inspector. Very sad news from DD's college (she was class of 2014); they are closing the end of this academic year. It is a tiny, all women, liberal arts on a huge beautiful campus.......very rural setting. The staff and students are very close and she was so upset I had her take some benadryl to help her get to sleep last night. All sorts of movements are on to "save" it; I wish them luck, they did give her an excellent education.
    Finally had the phone line "fixed" yesterday.......bad news, still way too much static, may need to get the guy out again.

    I feel very "behind" on here; can hardly keep up even with just reading these days.......so, I'm sure some comments will be "dated".

    Cynthia........I'm so sorry you were attacked. Can't imagine that assault and battery is not grounds for arrest in England.

    Terri .......Would love to see Barry Manilow.......the only problem is, since you mentioned him, I can't get "At the Copa, Copacabana" out of my head!!!!

    Heather.....Thanks for posting that gorgeous pic of your DGKs.........they are lovely children. We have a Skechers store, I've tried on but not bought any yet, your review may well nudge me in that direction.

    Kim........Loved the quilt.....all I can say is: Judy has a wonderful friend. I esp. liked the pansy panel. Good luck with the new dishwasher.

    Carol........((((((Hugs)))))))) You did sound a bit better.

    Selena..........I was a later mom too; 40 here. Enjoyed every minute!!!

    Margaret.......Old news.........I too enjoyed the "llama drama" and thought the dress was gold and white........glad you are feeling better.

    Joyce.........Happy Brthday!!!!

    Hello to everyone I missed. Thinking of Sylvia; anyone heard anything?

    Will confess to some binge watching of House of Cards; new season on Netflix.

    BTW.......someone mentioned Leonard Nimoy's poetry......I did check it out. He did have a major talent. For anyone interested, it's easily found on google and very worthwhile.
