Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    I need to leave early for work tomorrow, so I'm going to get this posted tonight before I forget.
    taxmom9093 wrote: »

    1. Take a walk :D Really worked hard on the treadmill this morning.
    2. Log Everything I eat and no snacking after 10pm. :D I want a snack, but I can wait til morning.
    3. Do not overpromise. I tend to take on more at work than I can reasonably accomplish which is very stressful. :) Much better.

    So for Wednesday, Just for Today I will

    1. Take a walk. Around the office if that is the only option due to rain/sleet/snow
    2. Log Everything I eat and no snacking after 10pm.
    3. Relax and do not overreact. I think this will be a day that requires patience. I can do that

    Stay safe and warm everyone and have a Wonderful Wednesday.
  • taxmom9093
    taxmom9093 Posts: 1,296 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    Goals are simple today, to just try and stay focused. I am so down because we were going to meet our son for our grandsons 9th birthday this weekend, 4 hrs away. Our daughter with mental illness is attempting to work, and whenever she does this, she quickly spirals downhill. She started a new job Monday, and even though we planned this trip 2 months ago, now she says she has to work on Friday. We cannot leave her alone. I am so disappointed, but I have to always look at the positives, and just pray that our son and grandson understands. But I will have to work at not turning to food for comfort.

    Joan, I know you must feel really disappointed right now, but you are doing the best you can with the life you have right now. I pray that your son and grandson understand, but I know if they were the ones who needed you more at this point, you would be there instead. Hang in there and do what you can.

    And yes, food IS fuel not therapy. Something I need to remind myself sometimes too. Also, food is not a substitute for sleep, no matter how tired I get.

    I know you are worried about your daughter right now, but don't forget to take care of yourself too.
  • loveby30
    loveby30 Posts: 76 Member
    Was sick yesterday so did nothing :( I'll just have to make up for it as I get better - hopefully this weekend.

    Just for Today
    JMBR phase 1 wo1 - Done
    30 min of additional cardio
    Weigh and measure everything/ No processed food!!!
    Stay under calories goals

    Good luck everyone :)
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,596 Member
    edited March 2015
    Just for today 3/3
    1.Take a bike ride :| I just thought BEFORE I talked myself out of bike ride, do a walk instead...
    2. No late night snacking :)
    3. Come back :)
    4. Heathy food choices :)

    Just for Today 3/4
    1. Morning run
    2. Healthy food choice (meeting son for dinner)
    3. Water, water, water
    4. Don't eat dinner too late!

    Tomorrow, my daughter WILL he arriving, the time is still up in the air! I was hoping to get a class in but DON'T look like that'll happen. Just crossing fingers, that my daughter won't hit any more bad weather!

    @Joan just like the other posts say, please take care of YOURSELF!!! Your family will understand, :) Btw, thank you everyone for the b-day wishes!!!!!
  • honey0141
    honey0141 Posts: 15 Member
    honey0141 wrote: »
    I need to lose 17 lbs! Weight keeps creeping up since July last year. Extra pound per month. Much harder to lose. I do exercise but running been off because of weather. Need to track and not lie!
    1.Today I'm going to have NO chocolate and track everything.
    2.Go to gym and go on treadmill, cross trainer and bike .
    3.brisk walk for 30 mins (can't run cos snow).
    Be in contact tomorrow.

  • honey0141
    honey0141 Posts: 15 Member
    Ticked all the boxes yesterday even though I felt under the weather.
    Today I'm going to.
    1. Not eat chocolate or crisps.
    2. Go to pilates and walk in fresh air 30 mins.
    3. Track all day.
  • March 4th -

    Just for today, I will;

    1. Go to the Y and hit the treadmill.
    2. Go to Pilates class.
    3. Continue tracking and logging EVERYTHING I eat.
    4. Stay positive, focused, and disciplined !!!!
  • LisaPower123
    LisaPower123 Posts: 1,837 Member
    Yesterday I stuck to everything but the gym. I just couldn't drive in the snow, so no gym & I worked from home.

    Just for today:
    1. I will lift weight & run
    2. I will work for at least 4 hours
    3. I will only eat 1200 calories
    4. I will drink 2.5 litres of water
    5. I will weigh everything & log it!
  • mkl76
    mkl76 Posts: 7 Member
    Yesterday I succeeded in simple goals of logging everything I eat and not giving in if I eat more than I should. I was over my calorie goal by around 100 calories again. I can live with that.

    Today I am taking my auntie out for a very late Christmas present lunch at her choice of a Wetherspoons so do not expect to stay within calorie goal. However I will:

    Log everything I eat with best estimates of portion sizes at lunch.
    Try to make as healthy choices as possible at the pub rather than giving up on the day.

    To all who are having such a hard time I hope things improve for you all soon.
  • DeadsAndDoritos
    DeadsAndDoritos Posts: 267 Member
    sucampbeN wrote: »

    Just for today I will:

    1. Only eat the meals and snacks I brought to work and not be tempted by junk
    2. Do a good 2 hours of studying
    3. Do some stretching to improve my flexibility

    I managed to avoid extra snacking at work, but was really hungry when I got home and went over on calories. I did some stretching, although it wasn't for long because I was tired.

    Just for today I will:

    1. Only eat the meals and snacks I brought to work and not be tempted by junk
    2. Not go over my calorie allowance
    3. Do some stretching to improve my flexibility
  • rfroggett87
    rfroggett87 Posts: 7 Member
    This is such a good idea. I am really struggling at the moment so taking goals one day at a time will hopefully help me!

    I have a dinner out tonight so today I will:-

    1. Not have chips with my dinner.
    2. Not have alcohol with dinner.
  • elizabethpro
    elizabethpro Posts: 11 Member

    Just for today I will:
    1. Go for a run
    2. Ask my fiance to do something active when I feel bored and want to reach for a snack
    3. Allow myself to have a dessert when I take my brother out for his birthday today and not feel guilty about it

    I wasn't successful on a run. Our roof began leaking shortly after I got home last night and we spent the majority of the evening trying to fix it so I was successful on doing something active :p I did allow myself to have a dessert and only felt guilty later in the evening when I logged it.

    Sooo Just for today 3/4:
    1: I will go for a run even if the roof begins leaking
    2: If the roof is officially fixed I will ask the fiance to go for a walk
    3: Ignore the treats that are offered to me throughout the day
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Joan, I am thinking of you. I am so sorry to hear you had to cancel your plans this weekend to see your grandson for his birthday. Try to stay strong and keep on exercising. Even though it is hard to want to when we are feeling down it will help you feel better both mentally and physically. Do you think you could try to plan for a weekend coming up to go see them since you cannot go this weekend? Maybe your daughter could ask off work for next Friday??? You will get through this tuff time, you are an amazing mom :)
  • ruby70
    ruby70 Posts: 459 Member
    Met all goals yesterday :)

    Just for today 3/4/15
    1.) Cardio at lunch
    2.) Track all my food
  • suruda
    suruda Posts: 1,233 Member
    Achieved all of yesterdays goals...that makes me happy! I feel like I am winning the war with the girl scout cookies in the pantry. :-)

    Today I will:
    1. Be victorious in todays battle with the thin mints (ignore them)
    2. drink 3 big bottles of water
    3. resist the garlic bread tonight at the dinner I am serving for at risk youth!

    Rene' in Seattle
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    Yesterday was a challenge!
    Walk for 40mins
    Floor exercises
    In bed again, around 9pm
    Drink 8 cups or more of water
  • irishladyo
    irishladyo Posts: 46 Member
    This thread is a great idea! I'm just starting so nothing to report for yesterday but...

    Just for today I will:
    - Avoid sugars not found in fruit (already had my coffee this morning with some creamer in it so from this point forward in the day ;)
    - Go for at least a 30 minute walk after work
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Yesterday, 3/3
    1. 30 minutes either walking or the ellipitical :)
    2. log everything I eat :)

    Just for today, 3/4
    1. 30 minutes on the ellipitical - since we are getting freezing rain today.
    2. log every thing I eat
    3. no popcorn tonite - find an alternative snack.

    I made it through yesterday without overeating. I started sewing chemo hats for the cancer center, and found that to be a great distraction. If I have my glass of water with me while I sew, it keeps me from munching! This also helps me from getting upset over things. Helping others is the best therapy - there are so many less fortunate that I am, and I have to remember this everyday.

    Our son lives in Michigan, so it is a 9 hr drive, but he was going to be only 4 hrs from us this weekend. Our daughter made it through 2 days of working, so we are happy with that, and right now, that has to come first. She cannot be left alone at nite, so our plan, if she does not want to go with us, my husband and I are going to make it a 1-day trip. Up and back in 1 day. We think that will work. She will most likely sleep all day from exhaustion of trying to work, we get to see our son and grandsons for about 4 hrs before heading back.

    But thank you all for the nice notes!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member

    ruby70 wrote: »
    Met all goals yesterday :)

  • Exquisitern
    Exquisitern Posts: 89 Member
    Congratulations everyone on making goals!!! Joan: My prayers are with you and your family. I work with mentally ill patients and I know how challenging it can be for families. God bless you.

    Well, I did go over my 1200 calories but since I did over125 minutes of exercise, I didn't go over that. We went out for Mexican and I had a chicken quesadilla and chips, but I didn't overeat during the day, but I did have my regular bedtime snack.

    Planning on going out to the gym at lunch to do another 50 minutes of exercise on the elliptical and stationary bike, because we are supposed to be getting sleet and snow this evening, tonight and in the morning so I might not can get out tomorrow.

    goals for today:
    Keep in my 1200 calorie range
    Drink 6-8 glasses of water
    Stay away from the kitchen if I get bored, work on my crochet instead of eating.

    Everyone have a great day and keep up with your goals!!!!