
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Lesley: the former mental hospital near where I live had its own small cemetery. You might check whether that’s the case where you’re going.

    Flashing butts; I almost spit my coffee all over my screen! :D

    Allison: please take care of yourself. <3

    I am mulling over the pressing charges thing. I have pain in my knee (like I needed that with the arthritis), but I’m waiting to see whether that’s short-lived. The problem with pressing charges is that it forces me to keep the whole incident in my thoughts. Anyway, I am thinking about it. It will probably depend on how my knee does in the next couple of days.

    Joyce: I think you’re “allowed” to go over on your birthday! (*)

    Had my hair cut yesterday and a few experimental highlights put in. Normally I just get color that’s close to my natural color. It’s true what they say: women tend to do something different with their hair when they’re in a big life change!

    Pretty quiet day, I hope. There’s already a flap about who’s doing what when transferring the work I’m doing (have done for almost 14 years) to the new business (where I won’t be). Well, they should have thought of these things earlier. o:)

    Hope we all have a good day.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited March 2015
    Oops!! Missed Vicki...........Happy Birthday to you too (and anyone else my poor memory skipped!!!)


    PS Today our high is 71; Friday it's 29..........how crazy is this weather????? (Although I'm very grateful not to have Alison's snow!!!)
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,all.We have the same messy weather forcast. Yesterday was rain & fog.DD lives 6 miles away & they had freezing rain. Today will be like a circus with all of that,plus snow popping up :(

    Someone said they felt like they had been at same wt for yr,no natter how careful. That is exactly how I feel.My words are Now,as in here & now.Also......Believing as in believing in myself.

    Sylvia,best of luck to you & please may the Dr. do his/ her best to make it happen.

    Feeling kind of disconnected to MFP......for several reasons. No way I can remember so many pages for replies.Age has never bothered me (& that is a good thing).. .....but being in my 70's,realizing there is very little chance of losing another 30 pds.

    I am almost never "down"........can l blame it on the weather? :)

    Time to strip the bed & get laundry started,then make a lemon pound cake for DH.Saturday is DST,turn your clocks forward. Pat in Oh

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,132 Member
    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-cool05.gifWe are headed to Utah tomorrow for a long weekend that will include seeing lots of good friends, long meetings, and too many restaurant meals. We'll take the pets to boarding this morning and pack in the afternoon so we can leave the house very early to drive to the airport that's over two hours away. I love my wonderful routine at home but think that a change for a few days will be fun and different. I'll have my phone with me so I'll be able to check in with MFP without having to take the laptop with me.

    <3 Barbie from NW Washington where the sky is clear and the moon is bright
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    well got a call at 5;30 this morning from the other assistant, she has water coming in her house :# .. so she asked if I could work for her..I usually go in at 1 on weds,but we will work with my hours on friday.. I moved all the dining room furniture out of the way and moved a small hutch so that they will be able to get range in tomorrow, Tom will take out the old range,so I cleaned that all out too.
    the snow outside is like lead,it rained overnight, so snowblower cant be used and trying to pick it up with a shovel would kill you.. but I did the end of both driveways,and am pooped now..but ya gotta do what ya gotta do..
    wish me luck today.. the office manager was a troll to me yesterday like she is most days,I was in the mood to scratch her eyes out.. but I held back lol..
    she I will not miss when we move...
    I feel so bad for the DH not feeling well, he says there is stuff going on at work.. which is never good so we shall see what happens, thats always wonderful in the middle of a reno..
    Will not stress,I will take it a day at a time
  • MMinMD
    MMinMD Posts: 53 Member
    Barb – Thanks for keeping this going strong and keeping us all inspired! Praise and recognition! How did we get 7 pages already - I can't keep up!

    Katla – your quote has really worked for me ““Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    Today I have to eat out – pizza with students and dinner with faculty; I’m the seminar speaker today at a marine lab. I think I can manage 1 slice of pizza since I’ll probably be talking during lunch. Hopefully I can keep the calories down at dinner!

    March Goals:
    8 more lbs weight loss
    Average 450 cal of exercise a day, exercise at least 5 days a week.
    Eat 5 fruits and veg a day
    No snacks or drinks after dinner (stick to that 12 h eating window)

    Cindy in SoMD


  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Joyce - so glad that you enjoyed your birthday dinner! it is times like that when I feel it is OK for myself to go over my calorie count. we have to be able to enjoy the good things in life and our special occasions as well.

    Grandmallie - hang in there winter will be over soon and then you will have beautiful weather!

    Yanniejannie - I think that's a good idea about locking the snake in the garage and waiting the someone else to get it out. you don't want to take any chances with it being a poisonous snake.

    Cynthia - I hope your knee feels better real soon. it's hard to make a decision sometimes when it is going to affect your life negatively. that lady sounds like she has a mental issue. (((Hugs ))

    Pat in oh - you just keep coming back here whenever you want and we will be here to support you. instead of looking at the scale taking measurements and strength training might be an option.

    Barbie - I love Utah it is such a beautiful state! my husband dd lives there and we have visited there a few times. have a safe trip.

    Not much going on here except I will be doing my exercises. I am still doing my cardio in the morning and I will do the strong lift 5 X 5 this evening when my husband will be able to spot for me. today I do routine B which includes squats from routine a so I have to ad 5 pounds of weight to the barbell. I am excited too see how heavy lifting will affect my muscle tone and leftover fat. I have been on Craig's List in will be looking at some weights in a squat cage this Saturday. it is still very expensive but about one fourth of what new would cost.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Morning, lovely ladies.

    MargaretTx, You seem to be on the right track with making changes that will reflect on the scale. Sometimes the simple things like having cut up veggies at eye level in the fridge, can make a big change in what we eat. Good for you.

    Kim, wishing you a quick heal on the poison oak. Enjoy that new dishwasher.

    , I guess it’s good that you stuck to your guns about CiCi’s. I absolutely love those cinnamon rolls! Sorry the pizza wasn’t as good as it could have been, but hope you enjoyed the evening. 

    , I hope the snow/ice melts too. Do you have salt to help it along? Good for you in not “scratching her eyes out”. Hopefully today she will be on a little better behavior. Hang in there and keep remembering that you won’t have to endure "her" much longer. >:)

    Pat, you may definitely blame the weather for being a little down. And I’m close enough to 70 and have lost over 30 pounds, so just don’t give up. It is definitely not as easy as when we were younger but stranger things have happened.

    Barbie, your trip does sound like fun. I know it’s easy to stick to our routines when we stay home but sometimes it’s good to stir it up a bit. You have a good time.

    Cindy, be sure to enjoy that pizza since you have to eat it. Only one slice can definitely be fit into your day. Good luck with your speaking and just have a great day.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I have to get moving and get in a full regiment of exercise before I start my appointed rounds. I hope each of you have the best day possible with whatever is going on in your lives.

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • snowdoggy
    snowdoggy Posts: 12 Member
    Good morning,

    Quick question - why does MFP only count calories for cardio exercise? Why not the weight lifting?

    Baltimore, MD
  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited March 2015
    I just got caught up... Marking my spot with a quick recap and this months goals.

    My goals for February were;
    1) Get to 4,000 steps daily/comfortably... Done and exceeded! I am averaging between 5-7000 steps except on rest days.
    2) Lose 4 lbs.... Well I did in the first 2 weeks. Gained them back (technically) by starving myself. So calling that a draw.
    3) Ride stationary bike daily for 30 minutes... Done and exceeded up to 45 minutes now!
    4) Stair climb every other day. 4 trips = 432 stairs total wanted to make it to 5 trips = 540 stairs.... I forgot about that goal.
    5) Get my Water up to 3 bottles ( 3/4 lite ) 76 oz a day... Done and exceeded! Up to 4 bottles 101 oz. Sometimes getting in a 5th 126 oz!
    6) Get to know all of you better. :flowerforyou:

    I am giving myself 5.5 out of 6 stars possible. :lol:

    March Goals
    1) Maintain Water Level.
    2) Get up to an hour on the stationary bike.
    3) Start body weight exercises. Using my No excuse Lazy Girls ..
    4) Use a 5lb weight for triceps exercises while on the bike. 3 sets
    5) Continue walking 3 miles (5k its where I am at!! ) in the mornings. Still hurts and I am very slow on that last mile. Comfortable is my word.
    6) Get to between 6-8,000 steps daily/comfortably. ( I pay dearly for anything over 8,000 )

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Barbie from NW Washington – safe travels and hope you have a great time.

    Joyce and Vicki – Happy Belated Birthday

    Sylvia – sorry to read there is anther blockage. Hope things have been resolved by now

    Cynthia – so scary about your assault. DH and I just bought bikes for our birthdays and really hope we don’t run into people like that

    Allison – don’t know how you’re dealing with so much snow. We had a few inches and needed to shovel. Can’t imagine having to do it for as long as you’ve had to and so much

    Kim – that is a beautiful quilt! I have just about zero talent with my hands.

    Sue and Snowdoggy– Welcome from another Marylander!

    Terri in Milwaukee – I am also a big Barry Manilow fan. Have been since high school which a lot of my friends thought was so funny. While they were going to see Elton John, Aerosmith, etc., I was heading off to see Barry at the Kennedy Center. My sister, DH and I saw him two years ago when he was in town. Still gave a great performance.

    Ok…confession time. I have allowed the exercising and calorie counting to slip since probably around Christmas and have gained back about 20 of the 40 pounds I lost. I let snacking and ‘just a taste’ run roughshod over that voice that kept asking “Why are you doing this again?” My new slim jeans are screaming out that they can’t take any more and I feel so tired. While I kept reading here, I didn’t feel worthy to post because everyone else was doing so much better. Anyway…that is all over! I have turned the corner and back to seriously and intentionally exercising, eating better and stopping when I’m full. I have lost 5 pounds and feeling better about myself and determined to get back to where I was and beyond.

    Weather today is warm and rainy and expecting several inches of snow overnight and tomorrow. Bright spot is the extended forecast with temperatures in the high 40’s to 50’s.

    Thank you all,
    Tina in MD
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just curious: do any of you use Netflix? Are you happy with it?
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    I keep thinking of Sylvia. I hope she's through surgery and doing well.

    I misplaced my VW Touareg car key yesterday and have looked lots of places for it. I've checked the places it should be and the places I've been. So far, I haven't found it and I'm not a happy girl. It is an electronic "key" and will be expensive to replace. I'm guessing it will be around $300. I keep hoping to find it. Wish me luck.

    My DS and DDIL will be here for a while today to pick up a shipment of equipment. They're meeting the delivery truck. I've seen DS lately, but it has been a while since I've seen DDIL. She has had conflicts and hasn't been able to come when he's been here. I really like her and am looking forward to it. I baked sourdough bread for the occasion. It wasn't the recipe I got from Heather because DS asked for one that I baked when he was a kid. I haven't tasted it yet, but it doesn't look right to me. It didn't rise enough to meet my expectations. I only baked half of the dough and am letting the other half rise at this very moment.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • DavetteJames
    DavetteJames Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Ladies - My name is Davette and I was intrigued by your blog and how supportive you all are! I live northwest of Detroit (MI) where we are still "enjoying" cold weather. I've lost 16 lbs and since the holidays have been struggling to get back into the 'groove' - must be the winter blues. I work full time, have a super hubby and 2 sons as well as 2 grandsons. I am the caretaker for my 86-year old Mom who has Alzheimer's - as such my life is very full. My goals are to lose 10 lbs by the time we go on vacation in mid-May (and I turn 60) and enjoy doing it. Take care!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,995 Member
    Afternoon kids,
    Tina i am the same way....i don't know if it is menopause or what but i am starving all the time
    ..with all this snow shoveling i should be a stick
    Well i am here at work and trying to type on a phone..so will catch up later
  • kevrit
    kevrit Posts: 4,196 Member
    Just a quick post to bookmark this thread and update my goals.
    February Goals:
    1. Pay off at least 1 bill (Paid 2!!)
    2. Finish MIS (Completed and received my diploma today!)
    3. Exercise 20 times this month (met this goal too!)
    4. Lose 5 pounds  (not....)

    Met 80% of February goals. Only met about 53% for January so big improvement!

    Words for the year:
    Determination and Moderation

    March Goals:

    Pay off lowest bill
    push sale of TN house
    Exercise at least 12 times this month
    Eat 4 veggies a day, and 2 fruits a day
    Record what I eat.

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    I am with Allison, NO MORE SNOW PLEASE!!!!! (Slushy junk doesn't help either!)

    Rita from snowy, slushy CT with more snow predicted for tonight into tomorrow. SHEESH! I should have stayed in Tennessee!
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,868 Member
    Good hump day!! Woke up to a couple inches of snow this morning. But by Friday we are to be in the 50"s. So looking forward to spring. Well day 4 of not eating after 8 pm. I do think it is going well and will tell at weigh in next week. Two weeks today since I had a soda. I do know I am drinking a lot of water.

    Beth--Sending a HUG hope you are feeling better.

    Pat--Don't give up and it is possible to lose the 30 pds. I would miss you. Also I wouldn't worry about all the pages and keeping up. Just post about what is important to you and keep in touch.

    Barbie--Sounds like you are planning a very nice weekend. I hope you enjoy every minute.

    Allison--Sending you hugs. Please take care of you. I do think you have the right idea about taking it One Day, One Thing at a time.

    Tina MD--Don't ever stay away because you have had a bad couple months or whatever. this is the place to be and we will not judge you. I know I have had a bad time the last several months and up and down with the weight. But the important thing is not to give up and take it One Day a Time.

    I have tomorrow off and have my mamogram at 8:10. I am also watching my 7 year old DGD. I do hope it warms up enough to take the dogs for a long walk. Have a great rest of the day. One Day at a Time.

    March Goals
    1. Log everybit
    2. drink water, stay away from diet pop
    3. No eating after 8pm
    4. Off the computer by 9pm
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,602 Member
    Sylvia - hoping things are going ok with you. <3

    Had a blah day. Woke up with no energy or motivation. Felt exhausted. Dragged myself through my exercises, did my typing, but hating every moment and wondering what was going on. I think I must be coming down with something. :s After lunch I made myself go out in the garden and prune a few things which were long overdue. Then I went to bed and went out like a light for an hour.
    I put some of it down to feeling cross with myself for going over calories yesterday. I did fine all dsy, then started just before DH came home from London. Not pleased with myself. ;)
    But, having woken up feeling a bit better, I realise I am feeling a bit "coldy", so expect to get DH's cold. But for a moment there I felt as if I was in a real dark place. Extraordinary!

    Had the most delicious dinner. I baked sea trout fillets in lemon, chipotle paste and smoke drops. I then, (a labour of love) deskinned every single frozen broad bean and heated them in a half fat creme fraiche and watercress puree sauce. Oh my word! DH was ecstatic! The watercress I had pureed before Christmas to boost up a soup and I had saved a bit. I will definitely do that again.

    Good TV tonight. Will relax and enjoy. Feel more cheerful as I can feel my nose itching! ! ! ! ! :D

    Love to all. Hope your bread rises Katla! :flowerforyou:

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Hello everyone. I have been reading your posts and am wondering if I can join your group? I love how supportive you all are. I am in need of friends for both motivation and support to finish the goals I have for myself. I started this quest in January of this year. So far I have lost 19.4 pounds (even though my stats state differently). My goal is a total of 60 pounds.

    My name is Beth, I am 56 and live in Maine.

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day.Welcome Beth.
    hugs jane