17 day diet?

Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !


  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !

    Just skimmed through the website for this diet, and it really seems like a bunch of marketing just to sell his book. Some highlights from his website:
    ACCELERATE: The rapid weight loss cycle. You’ll flush sugar and fat from your system and introduce foods and nutrients into your diet that have been proven to trim belly fat, thigh fat, and other stubborn fat zones.
    it confuses and boosts your metabolism to help you burn fat rapidly during these four 17-day cycles
    ACTIVATE: The metabolic boost cycle. You’ll alternate between low- and high-calorie days and watch the fat melt away.

    None of this is any more reliable or sustainable than a calorie deficit. It's all just marketing to get you to buy his books and the other products in his shop on the website.

    Why not just give the MFP way a try? It will be more sustainable long term and will teach you about portion control. Plus it's free - no need to buy any books.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    I'm definitely using MFP to track food too, but I need a little kickstart. I haven't bought the book - just going off of pinterest and blogs etc.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    What happens on day 18?

    I don't believe in fad, packaged up to market, diets

    just eat to a calorie defecit - job done!
  • lauracups
    lauracups Posts: 533 Member
    Went on it two years ago. Followed it To The Letter! Gained weight. Didn't like that.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    On day 18 you start cycle 2 (another 17, but it re-introduces more whole grains and other forms for protein).

    There are 4 cycles. From what I gather, it's more of a "reset" your body/mind to a healthy diet. It's not as focused on the calories, as it is what you're putting into your body. The first cycle focuses on lots of protein from fish and white meats, lots of veggies, portioned fruit and dairy. The program builds up from there, by working portions of grains, legumes and starches back into the diet, and a controlled portion size.

    The reason I chose this program was because I was having no luck with weight watchers, and just calorie counting. I needed a little jump start to my metabolism.

    It's day 4, and I've lost 2.5lbs. :) Now, I certainly don't expect to keep losing at that rate, because that would be crazy, but it's encouraging! And I'm not starving myself, nor eating just salad :)

    Taco salad, chicken souvlaki, omelets, greek yogurt - fairly filling meals thus far!
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    water weight from carb reduction *nods*

    but good luck, it's great when you find something you think you can stick to that helps you learn how to eat appropriately for life
  • trycade060812
    trycade060812 Posts: 11 Member
    I have been on this diet for 2 months and have lost about 22 pounds I did however take a week off but did keep working out I didn't lose any weight during that week but I didn't gain any either..It seems to be working for me and now my sister in law just started last week and she already lost 3 pounds!
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    That's very motivating!! Thank you for sharing :) I definitely needed a change. I was stuck in a delicious rut of having cereal or toast before bed, and yummy carb filled foods throughout the day. I've had 2 babies, and we're "done" now, so it's time for me to take back my body (please and thank you!). I have 40lbs to lose. ugh. and really I could stand to lose 50, but I'm only asking for 40 ;) LOL
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Huh, I usually have some ice cream, or cookies, or cinnamon rolls, or some other "yummy carb filled food" before bed, and I have no problem losing weight. What's this about a kickstart? Are you dirtbike? Skip the fad diets and just eat all the foodz.

  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    Well I do have a toddler and a 6 year old. So I often feel like I take the abuse of a dirt bike! LOL. To me Kickstart just means a drastic change in my unhealthy eating, to get me back on the right track. ;)
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    And, I have all the trouble in the world losing weight. I'm the worst dieter ever - hence the drastic need for change. I'm making a commitment to myself to get on track, and stay on track. Support welcome and reciprocated!
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    On day 18 you start cycle 2 (another 17, but it re-introduces more whole grains and other forms for protein).

    There are 4 cycles. From what I gather, it's more of a "reset" your body/mind to a healthy diet. It's not as focused on the calories, as it is what you're putting into your body. The first cycle focuses on lots of protein from fish and white meats, lots of veggies, portioned fruit and dairy. The program builds up from there, by working portions of grains, legumes and starches back into the diet, and a controlled portion size.

    The reason I chose this program was because I was having no luck with weight watchers, and just calorie counting. I needed a little jump start to my metabolism.

    It's day 4, and I've lost 2.5lbs. :) Now, I certainly don't expect to keep losing at that rate, because that would be crazy, but it's encouraging! And I'm not starving myself, nor eating just salad :)

    Taco salad, chicken souvlaki, omelets, greek yogurt - fairly filling meals thus far!

    tl;dr .....so it's a 17 day diet but 17 days isn't long enough to flush all your fatz away so you need to do it for 17 days x 4 cycles= 68 day diet and change up the food you eat so it seems like you're doing something special, but really you're just restricting foodz and 70 will probably provide you with a loss so you will think it was the diet that worked. Got it! :D
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    I think the theory behind it is not that you will be skinny in 17 days. The 4th cycle is a maintenance. The way I read it was that it's a 4 cycle program to help kind of "re-teach" you to eat correctly. You can belittle it if you like, but at this point I am finding it very helpful in eliminating all the unnecessary foods I was (knowingly) eating, while giving me somewhat of a template to work from. By having a list of foods to eat, it's giving my brain rules - as opposed to me making and breaking the rules as I go. Yes, it may be a mental game, but I'm pretty sure that's half the battle ;)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    No. I can lose weight without torturing myself.
  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    There are 4 cycles. From what I gather, it's more of a "reset" your body/mind to a healthy diet. It's not as focused on the calories, as it is what you're putting into your body. The first cycle focuses on lots of protein from fish and white meats, lots of veggies, portioned fruit and dairy. The program builds up from there, by working portions of grains, legumes and starches back into the diet, and a controlled portion size.

    The reason I chose this program was because I was having no luck with weight watchers, and just calorie counting. I needed a little jump start to my metabolism.

    It's day 4, and I've lost 2.5lbs. :) Now, I certainly don't expect to keep losing at that rate, because that would be crazy, but it's encouraging! And I'm not starving myself, nor eating just salad :)

    1. You cannot "reset" your body
    2. You cannot jump start your metabolism
    3. You lost 2.5 lbs of water weight. It is impossible to lose 2.5 lbs of weight in 4 days. This is likely due to cutting carbs/sodium.

    Any diet that has a cycle/scheme/reset period/jumpstart is a sham. Your body does not go, "Oh, vegetables? I will suddenly drop all the fat I gained from a surplus of refined sugar."

    What completed loses credibility- the author of the diet touts meal timing as significant to weight loss. "Because of how our metabolism changes throughout the day, you should only eat fruit before 2 p.m., Moreno says." This bro-science was debunked a LONG time ago.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What happens on day 18?

    I don't believe in fad, packaged up to market, diets

    just eat to a calorie defecit - job done!

    Def...diets are pointless...just don't overeat and exercise. But I guess lazy ppl want fast results....
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    Ok guys, quit raining on my parade please! I'm making a lifestyle change from eating on the run, and having very unbalanced meals, to eating fruits and veggies, and high protein. I did not ask "would you like to slam my new diet choice?" I asked "Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !"
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    Ignorance: Marketing's best friend.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What happens on day 18?

    I don't believe in fad, packaged up to market, diets

    just eat to a calorie defecit - job done!

    Def...diets are pointless...just don't overeat and exercise. But I guess lazy ppl want fast results....

    I was lazy, and I'm trying to make positive changes. I would love a magic wand, but that's not feasible. I would appreciate positive support though. I wasn't trying to sell anyone on a quick fix! I'm not a fool, I'm just motivated, and even if it was water weight that left, it was an encouraging little bump in the right direction.
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    Ok guys, quit raining on my parade please! I'm making a lifestyle change from eating on the run, and having very unbalanced meals, to eating fruits and veggies, and high protein. I did not ask "would you like to slam my new diet choice?" I asked "Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !"

    We are just telling you the truth.Take it as you want but diets are worthless if u are going to do it only for a short period of time ( couple weeks,months, days).After you end the diet you will go ton junk again.My suggestion is to take things slowly,no one is rushing you.You don't need to go 1000 cal deficit to lose weight.Good things happen slow.Haven't you heard that ?