Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • grace1mfp
    grace1mfp Posts: 13 Member
    Just for today I will focus on my food intake . Not to go over!
  • ebword
    ebword Posts: 4 Member
    Just for today I will:
    1. Log EVERYTHING.
    2. Stretch.
    3. Drink 68 oz. of water
    4. Stay at or under my allotted calories
    5. Remember it is Thursday and tomorrow is FRIDAY!
  • I love this thread - would love to join it. I have been in the 190s since October. I have spent too much time and energy with negative self-talk. It hasn't been effective in moving the scale in the direction of the 180s. For March my goal is to get from 193.6 to 189. Just for today I will:
    - do a 30 minute workout DVD (done)
    - get more protein in
    - not beat myself up because I have been unable to get out of the 190s since October
    - spend time enjoying my grandson
    - no snacking after dinner unless I am truly "hungry"
  • cr6nd
    cr6nd Posts: 23 Member
    3/5: just for today... I will-
    1. Not go over my calorie goal
    2. Drink water instead of eating out of boredom
    3. Eat fruit instead of sweets
    4. No fried food or chips
  • Missourigal72
    Missourigal72 Posts: 1 Member
    Today I will stay focused on my eating plan and my housework I need to accomplish!
  • iambold
    iambold Posts: 20 Member
    " Good Morning Everyone *=0D, ", J4T I am Sore from doing so well Mon.-Wed.....so today I will rest & continue to eat well. I'm so grateful for each day. as well as finding folks to help support my daily progress. ~Press-on~
  • mkakids
    mkakids Posts: 1,913 Member
    March 5

    just for today...I'm going to blast some music and dance my butt off with the kids since i won't go to the gym today!
  • irishladyo
    irishladyo Posts: 46 Member
    OK yesterday I did eat a girl scout cookie but I ignored the cadbury egg in my desk drawer all day so I will consider my no sugar rule a semi-win for yesterday. I did get a walk in with the dog.

    Just for today 3-5 I will
    Get at least my 8 glasses of water
    Not buy any crappy snacks on my grocery run tonight
    Continue to ignore the cadbury egg in my desk drawer
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Yesterday, 3/4
    1. 30 minutes on the ellipitical - since we are getting freezing rain today. :) 35 Minutes - and it was COLD in the patio room where I keep my ellipitical. But turned on my Ipad and watched "The voice", and before I knew it, 35 minutes done!
    2. log every thing I eat :) Went over my calories, but at least I logged everything in.
    3. no popcorn tonite - find an alternative snack. :) No popcorn, but had HC icecream fudge bar.

    Just for today, 3/5
    1. positive thoughts all day. Both my husband and I have been really down - just a lot of negative stuff going on. Trying to look past the cloud that seems to be over us. At least today the sun will be out, which might help.
    2. Either 30 minutes on the ellipitical, or go out for a much needed LONG walk
    3. Log everything that I eat.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    Rae - congrats on the motorcycle! My brothers both had motorcycles for years, and loved riding them!!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,241 Member
    "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” ~Mike Murdock
  • cowgirlapplejack
    cowgirlapplejack Posts: 2 Member
    There was a cookie leftover from last night...so I ate it :-/

    Just for today,
    no more sweets!
    Get my full workout in
    Drink plenty of water
  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member
    Just for Today 3/4
    1. Morning run :|:| afternoon run
    2. Healthy food choice (meeting son for dinner) :D:D
    3. Water, water, water :\:|
    4. Don't eat dinner too late! :\:\ (My daughter didn't get in till late)

    Just for today 3/5
    1. Moring run in
    2. Healthy food choices
    3. No late night snacking
    4. Strength training

  • GrandmaJackie
    GrandmaJackie Posts: 36,599 Member
    joan6630 wrote: »
    "You will never change your life until you change something you do daily.” ~Mike Murdock

    Love this!!!!!!
  • aewong13
    aewong13 Posts: 8
    Yesterday was a success!

    For today:
    log log log
    go for a walk
  • losingrae
    losingrae Posts: 260 Member
    There was a cookie leftover from last night...so I ate it :-/

    This just makes me think of the line the squirrel said in that animated movie Over the Hedge:
  • elizabethpro
    elizabethpro Posts: 11 Member
    Just for today:
    I will get a full night of sleep
    I will be kind to myself
  • clynch1968
    clynch1968 Posts: 45 Member
    Just for today 3/5

    I will go to swim class.
    I will get thru that stack of papers that I have been putting off.
  • scaryg53
    scaryg53 Posts: 268 Member
    Just for today, I am going to relish the fact that I was in a job interview for 15 minutes and was offered a job and that no one at my job will know until I put my notice in next week. As of April 1st, I'll never have to suffer through another day here again.
  • liekewheeless
    liekewheeless Posts: 416 Member
    Just for today:

    I will make a healthy lunch for tomorrow for me and mine.
    (So I'm not rummaging thru the fridge in the morning trying to put together something that will pass for a balanced lunch for my daughter, and trowing it in her backpack with 2 seconds to spare before getting her on the bus)