17 day diet?



  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    edited March 2015
    Ok guys, quit raining on my parade please! I'm making a lifestyle change from eating on the run, and having very unbalanced meals, to eating fruits and veggies, and high protein. I did not ask "would you like to slam my new diet choice?" I asked "Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !"

    Telling you that this is unnecessary is "raining on your parade"? Ok GOOD FOR YOU!!! You can do it! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Katerina9408
    Katerina9408 Posts: 276 Member
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    What happens on day 18?

    I don't believe in fad, packaged up to market, diets

    just eat to a calorie defecit - job done!

    Def...diets are pointless...just don't overeat and exercise. But I guess lazy ppl want fast results....

    I was lazy, and I'm trying to make positive changes. I would love a magic wand, but that's not feasible. I would appreciate positive support though. I wasn't trying to sell anyone on a quick fix! I'm not a fool, I'm just motivated, and even if it was water weight that left, it was an encouraging little bump in the right direction.

    We just don't want you to fall in that cycle of starvation,frustration,binging etc.
  • tephanies1234
    tephanies1234 Posts: 299 Member
    We also want you to think logically and not buy in to BS.
  • nrsblc
    nrsblc Posts: 85 Member
    I would personally prefer the 5:2 diet to this one.
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Ok guys, quit raining on my parade please! I'm making a lifestyle change from eating on the run, and having very unbalanced meals, to eating fruits and veggies, and high protein. I did not ask "would you like to slam my new diet choice?" I asked "Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !"

    No need to get hostile, we're simply pointing out that these fad diets are not a good idea, they tend to fail. Look at it this way, you're going to make this drastic change, cut out foods that you like because the diet's creator deems them bad. Guess what? At some point that doughnut is going to come calling, and rather than have one (like you might do routinely with what we're advocating), you're going to devour the entire box because you have denied yourself for so long. Welcome to failure.

    Most of us are addressing this from a point of experience, and success. We may have failed in the past, and learned from it, some of us on the same diet that you're talking about. Take it or leave it, but don't beat us up for trying to help you. If you just want someone to pat you on the back and give you meaningless praise while ushering you over the cliff with the rest of the lemmings, I'm sure the "17 day diet" has a website with a forum. Go nuts.

  • leggup
    leggup Posts: 2,942 Member
    Ok guys, quit raining on my parade please! I'm making a lifestyle change from eating on the run, and having very unbalanced meals, to eating fruits and veggies, and high protein. I did not ask "would you like to slam my new diet choice?" I asked "Is anyone doing the 17 day diet, or interested in starting? I have just started, and love it - but I'm looking for some like-minded people to keep the enthusiasm going with !"
    People are weighing in because they've been where you are now and they wish they'd known better then.
  • limetree683
    limetree683 Posts: 51 Member
    Yup. The tone of the replies to this is pretty much the same as for any one else who dares asks a question.

    Rigger - everyone is different. I have been sugar free for a month now because I find it much easier to cut stuff out completely rather than eat in moderation. I don't have sugar cravings at all, and in fact just today I had my first taste of refined sugar in over 30 days and it just didn't taste that good anymore, hence I don't see such denial as being part of my downfall. Just because denial of food is an issue for *you* doesn't mean it is for everyone.

    And this isn't about help, it's about the condescending tone and so-called 'tough-love' I constantly see from the 'survivors' 'veterans' and 'fighters' here.

    Already others have implied she is lazy and ignorant. Nice.

    OP - the diet seems is interesting. One point in its favour for me is that it doesn't exclude food groups so it could be a nice way to cut things out and reintroduce them in moderation. Just be aware that no diet will kickstart your metabolism, or help you burn fat faster etc etc. It really is calories in vs calories out for most people. But if you're anything like me you will need a period of time to help you relearn how to eat healthily. For me it was giving up refined carbs/sugar for a month as I tend to over-eat these things and was not doing well on moderation. Now having learned how not to build my meals around these elements I feel I will do better in reintroducing them into my diet. Different people need different tools to help them achieve the same goal, that's all.

  • ingridehikwe
    ingridehikwe Posts: 13 Member
    I actually used this in 2012 lost 30lbs and kept it off. Just restarted it again because due to having a baby. Only difference is I added a extra carb to breakfast..... This is an excellent way of weight loss, the initial weight you lose does not come back. So be it water, sodium or whatever ppl say, it encouraging to see the scale go down! I have 40lbs to go to! Good luck and keep it up...ps I bought the book and seriously the best purchase ever.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member

    Already others have implied she is lazy and ignorant. Nice.

    OP - the diet seems is interesting. One point in its favour for me is that it doesn't exclude food groups so it could be a nice way to cut things out and reintroduce them in moderation. Just be aware that no diet will kickstart your metabolism, or help you burn fat faster etc etc. It really is calories in vs calories out for most people. But if you're anything like me you will need a period of time to help you relearn how to eat healthily. For me it was giving up refined carbs/sugar for a month as I tend to over-eat these things and was not doing well on moderation. Now having learned how not to build my meals around these elements I feel I will do better in reintroducing them into my diet. Different people need different tools to help them achieve the same goal, that's all.

    Exactly this. I'm not lazy or ignorant - Thank you!

    And like you said, my purpose really is to retrain my mind to eat properly. It's more to go through the motions and gain back healthy habits. We all have excuses for why we let weight pile up. I was a skinny teenager, I never had to try to lose weight. As I aged, and had my kids, well guess what - life caught up, and I didn't change my habits. Now I need to, and when I looked at the millions of options, I really liked the 17 day goals, with the guidelines and food options.

    I really wouldn't say I'm losing out with the meals I've been eating. They're filling and healthy and well balanced. Tons of fruits and vegetables, and lean meats. It's not that hard...
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    Yup. The tone of the replies to this is pretty much the same as for any one else who dares asks a question.

    Rigger - everyone is different. I have been sugar free for a month now because I find it much easier to cut stuff out completely rather than eat in moderation. I don't have sugar cravings at all, and in fact just today I had my first taste of refined sugar in over 30 days and it just didn't taste that good anymore, hence I don't see such denial as being part of my downfall. Just because denial of food is an issue for *you* doesn't mean it is for everyone.

    And this isn't about help, it's about the condescending tone and so-called 'tough-love' I constantly see from the 'survivors' 'veterans' and 'fighters' here.

    Already others have implied she is lazy and ignorant. Nice.

    OP - the diet seems is interesting. One point in its favour for me is that it doesn't exclude food groups so it could be a nice way to cut things out and reintroduce them in moderation. Just be aware that no diet will kickstart your metabolism, or help you burn fat faster etc etc. It really is calories in vs calories out for most people. But if you're anything like me you will need a period of time to help you relearn how to eat healthily. For me it was giving up refined carbs/sugar for a month as I tend to over-eat these things and was not doing well on moderation. Now having learned how not to build my meals around these elements I feel I will do better in reintroducing them into my diet. Different people need different tools to help them achieve the same goal, that's all.

    Please come back in 6 months and let us know if you're still sugar free...
  • navyrigger46
    navyrigger46 Posts: 1,301 Member
    Yup. The tone of the replies to this is pretty much the same as for any one else who dares asks a question.

    Rigger - everyone is different. I have been sugar free for a month now because I find it much easier to cut stuff out completely rather than eat in moderation. I don't have sugar cravings at all, and in fact just today I had my first taste of refined sugar in over 30 days and it just didn't taste that good anymore, hence I don't see such denial as being part of my downfall. Just because denial of food is an issue for *you* doesn't mean it is for everyone.

    And this isn't about help, it's about the condescending tone and so-called 'tough-love' I constantly see from the 'survivors' 'veterans' and 'fighters' here.

    Already others have implied she is lazy and ignorant. Nice.

    Why do I feel like this is on the verge of spawning another "mean people" thread?

    I don't see this condescension you're seeing. And I don't see it in other threads unless people really take their ignorance to a higher level of stupid and then insist on defending it in the face of facts. This is about help, no matter what you think. We, (the veterans) are speaking from experience, we have been there, done that, and seen the numerous members who have failed and come back.

    The fact that you don't have a problem cutting out foods, well, good for you. If that's sustainable, great, for the vast majority of people it is not. White knight all you want, but the fact that you see a tone and get defensive just tells me that you know, and the OP knows that we are right, but are too stubborn to give it up.


  • limetree683
    limetree683 Posts: 51 Member
    _dracarys_ wrote: »
    Please come back in 6 months and let us know if you're still sugar free...

    Lol - see? This is my point. Firstly, you've not bothered reading my entire post. I am not interested in being sugar-free forever. In that same post I said clearly that I was interested in reintroducing refined carbs and sugar into my diet now that I have learned not to build all my meals around them, and also have lost the cravings. Because, FOR ME, it's easier to cut something out completely than have it around and eat it in moderation. Secondly, it is condescending to assume that just because *you* can't do something, I can't either.

  • ingridehikwe
    ingridehikwe Posts: 13 Member
    You are definitely not lazy for using this diet. At least you are taking charge and doing something about the weight gain. There are several benefits to this approach....won't go into it right now. But I've seen tons of patients use this and keep the weight off. Actually I got started on this after a patient came in and was down 50lbs and kept it off for over a year. Just remember even if you lose some water weight initially, that is less load on your heart
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    I absolutely agree that eating in moderation is key.

    I am not currently disciplined enough to do that, which is why I wanted something with more structure, and work up to eating in moderation. Clearly what I WAS eating, wasn't working, so I wanted a plan, and a change. This is what I chose.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    Thank you ingridhikwe!
  • ingridehikwe
    ingridehikwe Posts: 13 Member
    No problem! Keep up the good job, it's worth it!
  • limetree683
    limetree683 Posts: 51 Member

    Why do I feel like this is on the verge of spawning another "mean people" thread?

    I don't see this condescension you're seeing. And I don't see it in other threads unless people really take their ignorance to a higher level of stupid and then insist on defending it in the face of facts. This is about help, no matter what you think. We, (the veterans) are speaking from experience, we have been there, done that, and seen the numerous members who have failed and come back.

    The fact that you don't have a problem cutting out foods, well, good for you. If that's sustainable, great, for the vast majority of people it is not. White knight all you want, but the fact that you see a tone and get defensive just tells me that you know, and the OP knows that we are right, but are too stubborn to give it up.


    Ah. So there have been multiple 'mean people' threads in the past? So I'm not the only one who sees a tone? And yet these threads keep coming. Oh well, they must all have been by stupid/ignorant/stubborn people who refused to see the wisdom of being talked down to, or being called lazy and stupid in an effort to change their eating habits.

    OP stated clearly she was trying to re-learn healthy eating habits. She didn't need to be asked if she was a dirt-bike and needed a kick-start. Also, why are you presuming to tell her what will be her down-fall (which coincidentally is your down-fall)?

    I'm not getting defensive by the way. I've got nothing to defend. And you can call it white knight-ing all you want, but I'm just calling it like I see it.

  • BamaBreezeNSaltAire
    BamaBreezeNSaltAire Posts: 966 Member
    Try to change your life, not just another fad diet. This will not end the way you wish unless you change your diet for good. No one wants to see you fail, so many of these people have already been around this block and are trying to warn you but you don't want to see that. You only want validation of what you are doing. Not listening to those that are trying to tell you this isn't a good idea will get you nowhere but this is your choice to make, others that have been there done it, are trying to help you.
  • ingridehikwe
    ingridehikwe Posts: 13 Member
    This does teach you to change your eating habits. Before I told anyone that this was just a "fad diet" I actually tried it....cause you don't want to discourage a person if something does work. Either way I was completely surprised that it worked. What may work for one person may not work for all, so don't shoot down something with having fully looked into it. It's not heroin or cocaine she's doing, it's a diet. If it works for her then great, if it doesn't then she can learn from it. But I haven't really met someone who has tried this and hasn't worked.
  • GlindaGoodwitch
    GlindaGoodwitch Posts: 157 Member
    Does this look challenging? Not only am I making healthier meals for my family, but the only things I've cut out of my diet thus far, are a daily bagel or muffin on my way to work, or a bowl of cereal while I watch tv at night. I'm not saying I'm never going to have these things again, or pizza or whatever - it's 4 cycles, the 4th is maintenance, by which time you can have these things again in moderation - instead of regularly. That sounds pretty reasonable. I think you 'veterans' have already figured out your zen place and how to get there. Not every has. Some people need a little help to get to where you are. I'm not looking for YOU to get me there, and you don't know me, or care if fail or succeed or don't log on tomorrow.

    Breakfast: 2 egg omelet, with mushrooms and bell peppers
    Lunch: Spinach Salad with chicken, cucumbers and bell peppers
    Dinner: Souvlaki chicken with steamed broccoli and caramelized carrots, side of greek salad.
    Snacks: 1 100g greek yogurt, apple, berries (throughout the day)
    Green tea, and adequate water throughout the day.