

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good afternoon! It is another dreary rainy day here. There is a possibility of freezing rain tonight, but it doesn't look like the temps will get low enough for it to actually freeze. Suits me!!

    Sylvia - It is so good to hear from you! I hope they're getting you sorted out and on your way to being completely well again.

    I'm sure I mentioned that I did a couple of training sessions on the past two Sundays. Well, we'd never really clarified how much I would be paid for that since it was over and beyond my normal duties. Since today is check writing day, I asked the pastor what he thought a fair price would be. Let's just say, I'm getting 2 1/2 times what I was originally going to ask for! Woohoo!! It will help a lot towards making up the loss of income due to snow and illness from my other job. :heart_eyes:

    Tonight is haircut night (assuming we don't get iced out of it) and I walk while my color sets. I'm looking forward to getting those steps in! Yesterday was a complete loss for exercise. :disappointed:

    I hope everyone is achieving their goals and enjoying their day!

    Carol in WET NC
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Hi I am Laurie and would like to say how impressed I am with this thread, your friendships and the outstanding support of one another.
  • skuehn48
    skuehn48 Posts: 2,898 Member
    Hello all: Someone at choir last night said they had seen some robins but they were all wearing little earmuffs. LOL Did some Tai Chi this morning and got steps grocery shopping. Working all day tomorrow and of course the temp is supposed to be up in the mid-40s.

    Sylvia - So glad to hear from you!! Get well fast.

    Pip - Awesome statistics.

    Barbie - Traveling mercies.

    Katla - Glad you found your key. I am currently reading The Tao of Equus. Great book. How are your lessons going?

    Sending healing angels to all who need them and congratulations to those with victories. Sue in SD
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,830 Member
    well DH got home 45 min.ago and promptly starting complaining..I get s---, at work and I get it here too. they dropped the vanity in the garage where he wanted it, but they put it in front of the snow blower , that ticked him off, then they came with the new range and took the old one, and I took all the stuff off of it and got it together, got his dinner together while he took a shower, left the station on the tv he likes,but it freezes up on that station so he barks at me that he told me a hundred times dont leave it on this station, his dinner wasnt warm enough so he reheats it..
    so I took my computer in my room with a glass of water and here I Sit,I did something to my shoulder blade shoveling yesterday and I am sore, so will probably sleep on a heating pad tonight...I have been busy most of the day around here..and I hate being stuck in the house ,but had to do it, now the propane guy comes tomorrow to hook up the lines to the stove, but we dont want to push it in all the way as the electrician is coming saterday and will be here most of the day .one of the projects is to put a new junction box behind the stove so that we will be able to plug in both the wall microwave and oven..
    still snowing lightly here,but wont need to snow blow or shovel, right now I dont think my shoulder could take it..
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hello, got all my errands finished. Realized that I was buying ice melt and seeds at the same time. Signs of Spring!!!!...........yesterday noticed that my hosta is poking up....major YAY!!!

    Some one asked a few days ago about toasted coconut chips; I don't make them, I buy them at Trader Joe's and just love them.

    Dr. Katie.......Virginia has lost three of our small colleges in the last year........Intermont, Saint Pauls, and now Sweet Briar. They held a conference call about the closing with the college president and grads and DD said she had to get off; there were soooooo many very, very angry women on the line. If despair and anger could keep it open, they would go forever. The grads really do know it to be a special and magical place. I suppose we will be doing our part to try to keep it going; buying the "Save Sweet Briar" shirts or whatever we can do. I don't understand why they had three major building projects in the past few years if they were in such dire straits.

    Alison...........Perry Como?? My mother's absolute fav. song always was Moon River.

    Carey.......Love your stone house pic!!! How neat you found it. I've done family research too.

    Welcome ALL newbies........come back often!

    Margaret.......As always, thanks for the flower pic; it does give one hope.

    Chris.......Yay for your pound lost!

    Gilly .......congrats on those 32 laps!!

    Patty.......Seven pounds........Kudos!!!

    Leslie.........I love the idea of the solar light for Mildred beagle!!!

    Toni........I have seen very odd robin behavior this year too.......they are coming to my feeder; not usual at all!!! Poor little things.

    Day by day, ladies! Not gotten on the scale; afraid to, know I've blown that five pound loss of last month and don't want to face it, pathetic, I know.

    mid-Atlantic.........rain now, freezing rain coming...........

  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Tngram27- great news about seeing the robins, that means spring is on the way! What a fun time you and your cats must have had watching them.

    Carol in NC - great news about your big pay day!

    Laurielima - welcome and feel free to join in on the conversation!

    Sue in SD - funny!

    Grandmallie - I think I would have went into my bedroom with a glass of wine!

    Yanniejannie - when I know I blow it I don't get on the scale until I have been good for a while. So just do what you know works, we are here for you!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • katienurse58
    katienurse58 Posts: 3 Member
    So happy to be here! Looks like a lot of terrific people, all supporting our common goal of getting AND STAYING fit!
  • MA_B
    MA_B Posts: 156 Member
    Wow, so many posts to catch up with since my last one. It's lovely to catch up with your news. Bunny hops for those with good news and prayers for those who need swift healing.

    Last night the crown on my front tooth broke away - I now look and feel like an extra from a pirate movie! It had been there 17 years ever since my DD (then aged 2) thumped me in the face with a 'I don't want to go to bed' tantrum and broke the tooth! I think the crown has served me well over this time - but it'll be the end of the month before it is all fixed! It is feeling a bit sore after all the prodding and poking about at the dentist's!
    Tonight at dog training it was the Puppy and Bronze tests - all the puppies passed but not all the bronze - they have to stay in one position for one minute - one of the younger dogs at bronze level (a beautiful chocolate lab) was being a right wriggle-shuffle this evening and did not manage more than 20 seconds in the one position! He'll have to try again in six weeks time!

    The second hour of training was the first time 10 members of the display team had got together to run through the routine for this summer. The dogs were soooo rusty! Their last display had been at the end of August and all they wanted to do was to play with each other! There are about 20 altogether in the team and at any one event we can have between 6 and all so we have to practice with various permutations! This year we have 4 new members with their younger dogs, so they were finding their feet - and did very well! My Charlie (who has been with the team 4 years and so is a veteran at it) was so slow, tomorrow will do was her motto tonight! (it may just have ben that my speech was a bit incoherent with the whistling tooth space!)

    It all helped to give me over 17,000 steps today so that is a real bonus!

    Have a great Friday everyone!

    MA in UK

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday and high winds last night and this morning, so stayed cosy in bed until 8.30am, thought later. NO walk today
    Cardio is going to be Jeannette's Stretch and abs plus Circuit A for weights. Need to start moving again.
    Food only 1350 so room to add if wanted.
    The solar light was Stan's idea. Autumn here now and he said it will be nice to see her grave from the kitchen window when raining/snowing.
    I have a copy of man's death notice in New Norfolk. His son married an ancestor of mine and went to America. Man's wife died a pauper as she waited for him in England.
    I have traced my mother's Fielding line back to 700, had some help. I thought I could get back to 1066 but help there.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,781 Member
    edited March 2015
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Just curious: do any of you use Netflix? Are you happy with it?

    We get Netflix DVDs sent to the house ... ours is an old grandfathered plan of $6.51 for two DVDs per month. We like it well enough ... but we're not big movie watchers.

    Sylvia ... glad you were able to post! Continued prayers being sent your way.

    Lesley ... I agree with the others ... a light by Mildred's grave is a lovely idea.

    I was a swimmer in high school too. Our coach's idea of a fun Saturday morning was to put in 7 miles! I can't even Imagine doing something like that now!

    Ok girls ... none of you have beat the Buffalo area for snow yet .... remember my first 7 feet was in 48 hours in November! You want to talk about being sick of snow?? It's been relentless!

    I've succumbed to bad eating choices for two days now. Girl scout cookie delivery didn't help! I've decided I have to be an "abstainer" for a while as I seem to have no willpower at the moment!

    Beth ... Welcome. Are you an Elizabeth or a Beth? I'm "just" Beth. Mom named me after the character in Little Women. I was never thrilled with that since that Beth died prematurely.

    Beth in Western New York
  • dinobomp
    dinobomp Posts: 170 Member
    I would love to join this group! I am 60 yeArs old, have four grown sons and three grandchildren. (And the newest one is a GIRL!!) but she lives hundreds of miles away :-( I just started MFP in January so am new. I have all sorts of medical issues and have to use a walker or wheelchair. My youngest son lives with me, after husband of 38 yrs found someone else. It was hard, but divorce was final in December. Recovered from that, but seeing this year as a new beginning. I want to walk, drive, be independent and on my own. Mostly, I want to LIVE. I must do this for those things to happen. Any encouragement is appreciated! ( I will also cheer you on! ) please friend me so we can communicate easily! My diary is open to friends.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Sue in SD: Tell us a bit about the Tao of Equus. I may want to read it. Thanks for asking about my lessons. They’re going great. Last week I learned to side pass and took the horse through an obstacle course. We moved a traffic cone from one post to another and then back, opened a gate, went through and closed the gate, and went through a “pond” that was actually a dry child’s wading pool with a little bit of wet dirt in the bottom. Everything was slick and easy except the pond. The horse was afraid of it. We eventually got through it, with some help from my teacher. All of those things were on my starting wish list. I feel like I’m making good progress. :bigsmile:

    Yanniejannie: I’m so sorry that they’re closing small colleges in Virginia. Is one of them your alma mater? I wish you and the others who are concerned luck keeping one open. My mom was also a Perry Como fan.

    MA in UK: Your dog training group sounds wonderful.

    Beth: I’m a Girl Scout cookie abstainer, too. I have to leave them at the grocery store door with the girls. I have no control after buying some.

    Newbies: Welcome to a great group.

    It has been a good day and a full one. I went to Zumba with my neighbor and rode the spin bike to the sounds of the Zumba music while my neighbor and the Zumba class did their workout. Then the spin teacher arrived and put me to work. Yikes! :laugh: She’s really nice and I like her a lot. She was kind when I couldn’t keep up. After that I walked with my other neighbor and helped DH work on things in our storage unit. I'm pleased with getting so much done.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Yanniejannie - I'm really sorry to hear about Sweet Briar. Several of my daughter's schoolmates went there (her high school was all girls). It has a long history.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 11.03min, 16amph 3mi = 112cal
    Jacobs Ladder- 35min, 2005ft, 39ftpmin, = 310cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.55min, 12.3amph, 1.4mi = 96cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 15.36min, 10.1amph, 2.7mi, carrying hvy bag, 12.4lbs = 181cal
    total cal. 699

    my ride home, thought my heart was going to jump out of my chest!!
  • twinksgrammie09
    Hi everyone. .Can anyone join this group? I need motivation and accountability!
  • twinksgrammie09
    Oops.. I am Kathy from Alabama
  • listeo
    listeo Posts: 5 Member
    mikesMom1983_ Fermented food is a probiotic which good for the gut. It helps with digestive problems. I suffer from IBS so it helps . I also take a probiotic in pill form.
    To be honest I just love those foods along with all types of pickles. I swear sometimes I'll binge on olives before I'll binge on cookies!!LOL
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello from spring break day 3. Nothing much went on around here other than grocery shopping. DH went out to inspect one of the rentals; the one with all the hail damage. They have a whole crew working on it and all four layers of roof are off LOL. He says the house is about 5” shorter now !!!

    My knee is doing ok today. I managed to do 10” on the treadmill and then lift weights. I treated myself to one of those culver’s atlantic cod filet sandwiches and a salad for lunch. The sandwich was really tasty but a bit too greasy and way too many calories. But I only went over by a little.

    Janet I’m glad I wasn’t the only one to misread Joyce’s post! Happy spring to you! Sounds lovely there

    Katla: your key story reminds me….yesterday I could NOT find my keys. Alena (DD#2) comes home from work and immediately goes to the recycle bin in the garage. There they were inside an empty Kleenex box. I’m not sure what is more disturbing….me putting them there or her knowing exactly where they were. I too am worried about Sylvia.

    Margaret I hope you are on the mend now

    Carol: I hope your headache is gone by now

    Michele: I have looked at the Kashi cereals before and I’m not sure why I never buy them…maybe price? I’ll have to look again. Today I got some instant oatmeal that has more protein than most.

    Mary: congrats on the weight loss! I have several baggies of the chicken in my freezer waiting for another salad. I’m surprised it filled me up; salads usually just create a big hole in my tummy that never gets full!

    Selena; what a cool experience!

    Gilly: keep up that swimming! Such good exercise!

    Cynthia: great idea to call that organization. I have to take another clock to a different hospital. The first guy said it needs some parts that have to be hand made and he doesn’t do it nor does he know anyone else who does. So I’m going to try to place my mom always used when she had her antique shop. I had totally forgotten about them. We’ll see what they say.

    Suzy: I understand about the job stress. There is so much pressure on all of us to retain 100% of the accelerated students it’s getting crazy. Now we have to have weekly “huddles” to discuss them. No one can expect 100% retention, and my question is why aren’t all the students getting this much attention?

    Heather: I’d sure call you a chef…first class! You seem to be able to find all sorts of ingredients that I have never heard of or can’t find here.

    Michele: it’s hard to go to work when it’s so distressing

    Sylvia: so glad to see you!!! I have been very worried about you. It sounds like things are slowly getting better? I sure hope so!!!!!

    Chris: whata darling dog! Woo hoo on that weight loss!

    Carey: is that your house?

    Holy cow girls I’m snoozing while I try to write! I need to go to bed like an old lady LOL. Sorry I missed many of you. Welcome newbies; you’ll be glad you chose this thread. Off to bed ;on the way I’m hitting the alka selzer because the cod sandwich gave me heartburn omg. Well I had to have one; now I don’t want another one! Take care, Meg from sunny Omaha
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,744 Member
    Hi everyone. .Can anyone join this group? I need motivation and accountability!

    U joined by posting, welcome!