Is diet pop really bad for you?



  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Toothpaste and a toothbrush.

    What about fruit?

    We can always put it to the test, you drink whatever soda you like, how about 4 cans, and I'll eat 2 apples and 2 cups of strawberries a day, we'll do this for 5 months, take a picture of your teeth and see whose look better. But no brushing, we need to see real results. Hope you have a dental plan.

    Why don't you switch that up to oranges and tomatoes?

    Cause I don't like tomatoes.
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Toothpaste and a toothbrush.

    What about fruit?

    We can always put it to the test, you drink whatever soda you like, how about 4 cans, and I'll eat 2 apples and 2 cups of strawberries a day, we'll do this for 5 months, take a picture of your teeth and see whose look better. But no brushing, we need to see real results. Hope you have a dental plan.

    Yeah ok that's exactly what I'm going to do. Stop brushing my teeth to see how bad soda is, because I'm sure that if I don't brush my teeth for 5 months when they rot it will be due to the soda not the lack of brushing. Lol. Nice argument.

    This post is about soda, not fruit anyways.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    edited March 2015
    MrM27 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Toothpaste and a toothbrush.

    What about fruit?

    We can always put it to the test, you drink whatever soda you like, how about 4 cans, and I'll eat 2 apples and 2 cups of strawberries a day, we'll do this for 5 months, take a picture of your teeth and see whose look better. But no brushing, we need to see real results. Hope you have a dental plan.

    Errr it doesn't matter where the food comes from - sugar and acidic foods change the ph balance of the mouth for up to 30 minutes ...never brush within 30 minutes of eating anything as that can just damage the enamel...if you must, drink milk or eat some cheese first

    If you're going to drink 4 cans or eat that amount of fruit it alongside set meals or all in one go ..if you're talking about dental health that is's the constant grazing that affects enamel
  • marinabreeze
    marinabreeze Posts: 141 Member
    Why are so many people "addicted" to soda? What do they put it in it to make some people want to guzzle gallons of it everyday??

    We tend to call that : "caffeine" in most cases.

    In others cases, it's no different than being "addicted" to cookies, ice cream, chocolate, or pepperoni pizza: they taste damned good and we have no farking self control, right?

    HINT: Nobody is really "addicted" to any of those. Including soda. Including diet soda.

    Could call it addiction to food. Addiction to comfort, etc.
    Why are so many people "addicted" to soda? What do they put it in it to make some people want to guzzle gallons of it everyday??

    We tend to call that : "caffeine" in most cases.

    In others cases, it's no different than being "addicted" to cookies, ice cream, chocolate, or pepperoni pizza: they taste damned good and we have no farking self control, right?

    HINT: Nobody is really "addicted" to any of those. Including soda. Including diet soda.
    Caffeine is physically addictive, like nicotine and other drugs. The times when I gave up caffeine, I felt physically ill. Not like heroin or some other hard drug, but still difficult nonetheless. When I changed my diet and resist the urge to binge, no such reaction.
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    MrM27 wrote: »
    My name is jessica , and I'm addicted to diet pop! I'm trying to give up, it has 0 calories/carbs... So why do I keep hearing it will,prevent weight loss????

    It will not prevent weight loss, as the calories are negligible. If you enjoy it and it helps you meet your goals, definitely keep drinking it.

    Just be sure and care for your teeth!

    If you have to take care of one of the hardest parts of your body (teeth), I can't even imagine what it's doing to your soft organs inside your body?

    Toothpaste and a toothbrush.

    What about fruit?

    We can always put it to the test, you drink whatever soda you like, how about 4 cans, and I'll eat 2 apples and 2 cups of strawberries a day, we'll do this for 5 months, take a picture of your teeth and see whose look better. But no brushing, we need to see real results. Hope you have a dental plan.

    Yeah ok that's exactly what I'm going to do. Stop brushing my teeth to see how bad soda is, because I'm sure that if I don't brush my teeth for 5 months when they rot it will be due to the soda not the lack of brushing. Lol. Nice argument.

    This post is about soda, not fruit anyways.

    And your claim about it being bad for your teeth requires some extreme measures anyway. Anyone not brushing their teeth for 5 months has much bigger issues than drinking diet soda.

    True, but the fact is im willing to bet that rapid tooth decay, plaque build up in your mouth would be worse then mine. I only suggest it because we want quick results, the sooner the better, and if I'm wrong, I'll admit that your 80s Heath tips are valid. Not to mention almost every dentist in the world would be wrong, schools pulling all pop machines and junk food would be wrong, cause it's all good according to you.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    dantl wrote: »
    Wow my first post (now my last) - as I find too much negativity here. That's too bad - you should be nurturing a supportive open environment here, rather than being defensive, critical and immature (laughing, really?) and let people make their own decisions. If something works for you - great - if not then find what does. There wouldn't be thousands of diets if one way worked for everyone. If you want to state what worked or didn't work for you fine - but there's certainly a better way to do that than what I am seeing here.

    Jessica asked a question, I provided an answer. She asked why she hears that drinking pop will prevent weight loss. Keep in mind everyone is different and there are long term effects to take into consideration. The incidence of metabolic syndrome is a fact - and you can have it and be thin, so be careful not to fall off the diet wagon - the weight gain will be much worse.

    For all of you ingesting chemicals and being so defensive - you do whatever you want. But it doesn't take a genius to know that drinking water is better than drinking pop - or soda or whatever you call it where you live - that is made with chemicals!

    Multiple different scientific studies are cited in the articles below, from several credible resources.

    Here for the science.

    What does the only science article you actually quoted say?

    A double blind study subjected 55 overweight youth to 13 weeks of a 1,000 Kcal diet accompanied by daily capsules of aspartame or lactose placebo. Both groups lost weight, and the difference was not significant. Weight loss was attributed to caloric restriction [27]. ...

    So soda tends to be a marker for other poor diet choices but it is likely to NOT be the actual cause of weight gain.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    edited March 2015
    sengratt wrote: »
    Here's a bunch more links proving through Science (not opinions)-that diet soda drinkers are potentially digging themselves early graves:

    If some of you really have to have soda/pop, why not try products made with Stevia? At least Stevia is a zero carb, zero calorie sweetener that comes from a natural Peruvian tea leaf. Unlike aspartame, which is genetically modified bacterial waste.

    In for science.

    First two links are the same research and it has been significantly questioned:

    Other links are not research articles. So no. No science.
  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member

    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone explain to me why a topic about diet soda is going on about tooth decay?


    probably because, generally soda affects more than your innards. It affects your teeth too.

  • Christine_72
    Christine_72 Posts: 16,049 Member
    And the topic for the thread is asking if pop is bad for you.
    Personally I don't drink the diet or regular soda
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    And the topic for the thread is asking if pop is bad for you.
    Personally I don't drink the diet or regular soda

    Topic title says diet pop.

    Mind you. It's not as if these topics go off at tangents all the time.

    Oh wait.

    awaits animal gif
  • Robertus
    Robertus Posts: 558 Member
    I'm no scientist, but diet soda, even Welch's grape juice with sucralose, give me headaches. Not migraines, but headaches. I have no desire to drink soda, diet or otherwise, but I do wish I could drink Welch's light grape juice.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Man, this thread is full of nothing but "dem feels". One bit of science, and that's already been nicely covered by Evgeni.

    Herspoons, tooth decay is what the diet soda haters resort to as the "diet soda is the debil" mantra now that artificial sweeteners have been proven safe.

    Too bad that all sorts of other things like tomatoes, wine, citrus, and potatoes (I could go on) promote tooth decay.
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    "Dem feels" is a corollary to "clean", methinks. At least when it comes to artificial sweeteners and diet soda. Chemikillz and all that nonsense. It certainly brings out the woo.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Dem feels, along with abstract warriors, Dr. Mercola(lol), lack of critical thinking, and the cut and paste skills of a kindergarten class--this thread delivers
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    Abstract Warriors would be a great band name.
  • eric_sg61
    eric_sg61 Posts: 2,925 Member
    Abstract Warriors would be a great band name.
    Taubes on Lead vocals, Teicholz on Bass, Hyman on drums, and Mercola on lead guitar
  • PeachyCarol
    PeachyCarol Posts: 8,029 Member
    eric_sg61 wrote: »
    Abstract Warriors would be a great band name.
    Taubes on Lead vocals, Teicholz on Bass, Hyman on drums, and Mercola on lead guitar

    Lustig on keyboards?

  • AbbieBeckett
    AbbieBeckett Posts: 70 Member
    Sorry, I literally couldn't be bothered reading this whole thread (which is a pet hate of mine, hence the apology), and I also apologise if anybody has already said this...

    If diet sodas make you more hungry so you then eat more, it's not the soda which is impeding weight loss, it's your own self control/overeating.
    Diet soda does not put food in your mouth for you. :)

    Enjoy the diet soda, don't worry about the "prevents weight loss" rumour. I'm drinking diet cloudy lemonade as I type... mmmm. :sweat_smile:
  • deviboy1592
    deviboy1592 Posts: 989 Member
    herrspoons wrote: »
    Can anyone explain to me why a topic about diet soda is going on about tooth decay?


    Because someone had to mention fruit.
  • Hollywood_Porky
    Hollywood_Porky Posts: 491 Member
    LAWoman72 wrote: »
    Bad for you? Oh, probably. Most have Aspartame, which has quite a bad reputation.

    Nothing wrong with aspartame:

    It has a bad rap for no real reason.

    Enjoy :smile:

    *Edit to add that it can be a migraine trigger for some (just like many things), so if that's the case with you, then avoid it. Or if you have PKU.

    Aspartame is scary - it's the main reason why virtually all fitness industry protein powders use sucralose, which is now developing a reputation for being scary as well.

    Last people I want to listen to are government bodies in bed with Corporate America. They have been wrong before, they will be wrong again (in fact, they are wrong on this topic).

    Better off just using refined sugar than using some artificial sweetener derivative developed from the same people who developed Agent Orange.

    No thanks.