

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    listeo wrote: »
    mikesMom1983_ Fermented food is a probiotic which good for the gut. It helps with digestive problems. I suffer from IBS so it helps . I also take a probiotic in pill form.
    To be honest I just love those foods along with all types of pickles. I swear sometimes I'll binge on olives before I'll binge on cookies!!LOL

    Thanks for the info. I love to learn new stuff.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
    edited March 2015
    For fermented foods I eat plain yogurt with fruit, coconut, lemon rind, and cinanamon and Kombucha a fermented tea. I do think they helped me during my pout with flu. I noticed I felt better after eating and drinking them.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • GTJanuary
    GTJanuary Posts: 11 Member
    Does anyone here use Bragg's as a weight loss aid?
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am excited too use my new weight equipment. today my plan is to do the strong lift 5 X 5 routin then Kenpo X, followed by Zumba exhilarate. in the afternoon I will the Zumba after lunch. I try to spread my exercise out throughout the day since I cannot go out side walking yet. pretty soon it will be nice enough and all the ice on the road should start melting with the temperatures they are forecasting over the weekend. here in Minnesota some of us older Era people do not wire our roofs we invest in a roof rake. my husband removes the snow so that ice damming does not happen. If we get a lot of heavy snow my husband goes up there and shovel the roof off. that only cost me a pot of coffee! if he gets too old to do that we may end up with wiring it also. With all the snow that some of you have gotten it would have been better to take a snow blower up there! unrealistic though!

    Welcome to all the new people! everyone have a great day!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • SSC1958
    SSC1958 Posts: 411 Member
    I’m glad so many of you enjoyed my great grandpa’s house. Cynthia – I think your idea of a historical institution that might help, maybe Lillian knows what organizations there are in Saskatchewan. Meg – I wish it was my house!

    Toni – I’m glad I’m not the only one who has to work at cooking. Cindy – I haven’t gotten great at planning for protein & fiber yet..just trying to make sure I get more fruit and vegetables. Can’t say I find it fun yet, but I am finding it worthwhile.

    Cynthia – We have Netflix and love it. It has more than just movies, there are series on it as well as some original stuff. We still have cable as well although I’m considering cancelling that since I’ve reduced by television consumption considerably. Just don’t think I can give up watching curling or the Olympics.

    Janet – I love the quote from Snoopy!!! My son walked in as I was reading it and killing myself laughing…he looked at me like I had 2 heads.

    Sharon – Sorry to hear about all the stressors you’re dealing with right now. Your comments: “For today I will hold my head up high. For today I will treat people with kindness. For today I will compliment more people. For today I will put some fun in my schedule”, really resonate with me.

    Lillian, I hope you feel better soon!

    Sorry I can’t remember who was asking about protein for breakfast, but my dietician recommended cottage cheese and peanut butter. I found a recipe for a Strawberry Instant Breakfast that is quick and easy to make.
    • 1 cup skim milk 250 mL
    • ½ cup frozen unsweetened strawberries 125 mL
    • ¼ cup 1% cottage cheese or plain low-fat yogurt 60 ml
    • 1 tsp vanilla extract 5 mL
    • Artificial sweetener (optional) - but it needs it!
    1. In blender, combine milk, strawberries, cottage cheese and vanilla.
    2. Blend on high speed for 1 minute or until smooth.
    3. Sweeten to taste with sweetener, if desired.
    Nutritional Information
    Per Serving
    Calories - 163, Total Fat - 1g, Saturated Fat - 1g, Cholesterol - 7mg, Sodium- 341mg, Carbohydrates -21g, Fiber-2g, Protein-16g

    I’m headed out of town to attend my aunt’s funeral and visit another aunt who is in the hospital. I’ll be staying at my parents and they only have dial up so I’ll have to catch up when I get back next week. I’ll find a couple of pictures of the interior of the house to share with you.

    Thought for the day: So long as the memory of certain beloved friends lives in my heart, I shall say that life is good. - Helen Keller

    Carey in Edmonton
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! They are making noises about releasing me today and referring me to a gastroenterologist in a Joplin. I sure want to go home! Hubby says Spot won't eat.

    My son brought the kids up last night for a short visit. It was nice to see them. He had a very busy day, so he was beat. He had to take the middle daughter to the dentist, then take the older one to her piano lesson, then take the younger two to a school program. Grandpa picked up the oldest from piano lessons and he said the teacher said she was very impressed with our little pianist. She's doing really well.

    My morning exercise was one lap around the second floor, then back to my room, where I ate some (but not all) of my breakfast. Scrambled eggs and two triangles of french toast. Hubby came up to visit and he ate the french toast.

    Tonight is the jazz concert that I've been waiting 6 months for. I sure hope I get to go. I promised to take the girls. Is a big all-female jazz band called Diva, and it looks wonderful. Dgd#1 reminded hubby about it last night, so she really wants to go.

    Well, after almost a week of waiting, HERE is today's joke of the day:


    The company president, with a piece of paper in his hand comes into an office where a clerk is sitting next to a shredding machine.

    "Do you know how to operate this thing?" he asks. "I have an important paper here and I want to make sure this is done right."

    "Sure," the other man answers. "Just put the paper in here and press this button."

    The president does so, saying, "Great. And where do the copies come out?"


    Have a great day!

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    Allison: go for that mani-pedi! With massage!
    Nena: welcome. Some of us (cough) are the queens of stress eating, so we can relate. I'm sorry about your mother.

    Have a job interview next week! We shall see!

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,729 Member
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Good morning ladies!

    Sharon- So sorry to hear about your friend's daughter. I hope she gets the help and support she needs to realize that life is worth living.
    Nena- Where in NJ are you? I grew up in Carteret and moved to the Boston area after college (Douglass College). I go "home" often, my mother and best friend still live there.

    Feeling quite wonderful today. Last night I met with a wonderful group of women friends that call themselves "The Thursday Night Girls". Wine and food flow during these get-togethers and I often lose my willpower and overindulge. Checking my stats for the day I knew that I had 197 calories I could consume and I was determined not to jeopardize my loss this week. I only had 1 small glass of wine and enjoyed every small sip! It also helped that my friends were so complementary of my weight loss. Two of them are my "fitbit" friends and we challenge each other all the time. Another friend was so taken by our enthusiam she ordered a fitbit then and there so she could join in. I love that I can help my friends get healthier.

    Tonight is my book club meeting and I will struggle to stay away from the goodies.
    Saturday night I'm going out dancing to burn off any excess calories.

    I baked the chocolate bran muffins last night. I love chocolate and need the extra bran so I thought it would be perfect for me. I had 1 this morning for breakfast with a little bit of natural peanut butter. Wonderful breakfast/treat alternative. Thank you to whomever passed the recipe on.

    Hope those of you who got snow yesterday faired OK. It was strange and wonderful not to be the one dealing with the snow yesterday. The weather forecast for next week is supposed to get to the 40's, I would be thrilled to be above freezing at this point!!

    Hugs to those of you who need comfort.
    Hope all of you have a wonderful day!

    Chris is sunny 17 degree MA
  • debbie41
    debbie41 Posts: 8 Member

    Good Morning! :D
    I am new to this group. I just turned 48 in February and I weigh 223lbs. I would like to loose 72lbs and weigh in at 145. That's what I weighed 8 years ago before I married. My first goal is to loose 24lbs :) to be under 200. ;)
  • GTJanuary
    GTJanuary Posts: 11 Member
    @Mikesmom: Down the shore, in the Toms River area. I grew up in Hudson County, mostly Hoboken, Weehawken, West New York and Union City and worked in Bergen County (Hackensack/Paramus areas) until we moved down here in '94. I know where Carteret is but am not familiar with the area.
    @Cynthia: Thank you. It's been extremely hard for me and of course, I turn to food whenever my world is rocked. I want to get a handle on it before it gets out of hand and these last 2 years of hard work, clean eating and exercise go down the drain. I am always amazed how long it takes me to lose a pound but I can pack on 10 in less than 2 weeks. :(
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited March 2015
    GTJanuary wrote: »
    I am always amazed how long it takes me to lose a pound but I can pack on 10 in less than 2 weeks. :(
    Oh yeah. So I'm not the only one! <nods head>

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Kathy from AL, Deb from Jamestown, and all newbies: Welcome! Anyone can join, but the only man who tried to join was met with hostility by some of the women and he quit posting very quickly. I think he actually moved on because we talk about women stuff.

    Mary form MN: Enjoy the weights. I’m somewhat intimidated by the idea of free weights and from the perspective of the “fraidy-Katla” take it gently in the beginning.

    Sharon in Alberta: I hope that your friend’s daughter gets some help from her family, medical professionals, and the school. Bullying is very cruel and the school needs to deal with it. Bullies should be expelled or transferred to other schools if they don’t stop after a warning.

    Cynthia: I’ll look for the Tao of Equus. It sounds like something I’ll enjoy that also might teach me more about the inner workings of horse’s minds. Good luck with the job interview.

    Cindy in SoMD: If I can find an exercise burn calories for power washing a deck, I’m sure there is one out there for shoveling snow.

    GT January: Nobody on MFP discusses weight loss supplements or products. They are not a welcome topic. Count calories, drink water, and move more. It works permanently, but not quickly.

    Sylvia: It sounds as though you are making good progress. Yay! I love today’s joke.

    Yoga today! Yay!!! I have my riding lesson this evening. Friday’s are very nice these days. I’ll be having a break next week while we travel for DGD’s birthday. I expect to miss two lessons and a lot of good yoga. Seeing the grandchildren is worth it.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,370 Member
    Very excited! Just waiting for my sourdough to finish rising. Can't wait to give it the slashes and stick it in the oven. :D
    Tomorrow I have decided not yo go to the charity fair in the morning. I have to prioritise. More important is to exercise, hair wash and blow dry and make myself beautiful for the family party. I want to go into town early and visit my favourite store before I catch the bus to my brother's house. It is my 16 yr old niece's celebration. Pizza! I actually don't like commercial delivery type pizza so it won't be a struggle. I will have wine and crudités and a tiny bit of dip. It will be my evening meal so I can eat something. :)
    While I was waiting for the dough to rise I painted my fingernails a gold/bronze colour. Then I put away the Christmas pillar candles and lights and the red artificial amaryllis I bring out for Christmas. Spring is here! ! ! ! ! ! ! So light now! We have gorgeous primroses.
    I am going to invite my oldest nephew and his wife to dinner this month as part of my March goals. We moved into this house over 4 years ago and I have had none of my brother's older children over to visit. They have never been here. They only live about 8 miles away! ! ! :s This is partly because DH doesn't find them easy to talk to. They are very different to him, of course, but I do get on with this nephew so I have put my foot down and say it is about time. It is bad enough he doesn't come to most of the get togethers. :# He likes my brother and sister in law and their two youngest by my brother's second marriage. Oh well, I really do feel bad they haven't been over so I will start with small doses. When I moved here I imagined large family parties, but I know that would be too much for him.
    Got to put the bread in the oven!

    Heather in mild and sunny Hampshire UK

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Allison: couple of photos to cheer you up (not mine; somebody I follow on Twitter took them).
  • k2boxlady
    k2boxlady Posts: 33
    If only....z5hogs4xygi3.jpg

    Karen in Central VA
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    Good morn,all.Will try to ans a few posts. They are easy to remember,but putting names with them is my bug a boo.
    Sylvia,all good thoughts for you. Hope you are soon feeling better. :)
    Katla,love the flowers ....can't wait to see ours,few tho they are.

    Heather,not only do I not know where you get the ingreds,often times I don't know the ingreds by name.You would be a top chef anywhere.
    BTW......love the Grchilds pic.They are so photogentic & look to both have eyes alike. (*)

    The old stone house would make a perfect pic for your stationary.Even if you don't write letters! Dhs Grfather in W VA built the home he & Grma lived in for 65 yrs.It was sold nearly 20 yrs ago & recently heard the latest owners had it torn down & had a new one built.Views were fantastic in all directions.

    Don't know anything about my Father's Dad,only that he left wife & 6 children to fend for themselves.This was long before womens jobs were common,long before welfare,so took in washing & ironing......doing what she had to do in order to feed her children.Dad was the only son & he quit school in 6th grade to help. That included learning to iron......which he did for himself all of his life.His white shirts looked like they came from the cleaners.

    Meg,it has to be so hard on family when your DD acts out. You seem to handle it with grace.Hope you have someone to talk with.

    Grandmallie,our DD's work situation sounds a lot like yours. She is a hard worker,never late,never missing a day.All is fine except for what is called a crew leader.She never does her own job,leaving 2/3 rds of it to the others.DD is looking forward to moving away when her DH takes early retirement. Will be news to the crew leader. :D

    Going to funeral home this eve. Next door neighbor passed away.He had a big toe removed (diabetic) ...never recovered.

    We have a great weather forecast,a bit warmer & dry.......in the 50's later in the wk. Sounds like perfection.

    Welcome newbies,it's nice to read bout where you live etc.Good luck with your wt loss. So many are doing well & a 1 pd loss is not to be sneezed at! Pat in Oh

    'Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice' .....Steve Jobs
  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    Bkrimpet~ we invested in roof /gutter wiring. and it has been a God send.. we to had leaks,it cost us about 1,000 with installation ,and it doubled our electric bill the past month, but it has saved our roof and walls from ice...
    the wiring goes into the gutter a about a foot up the roof line and is plugged into its own circut,does the job beautifully...
    just waiting on the gas guy and then, you know what, I think I am going for a mani/pedi,I need something
    Thinking about the wiring idea, but we have really high electric rates, which is the only bit of misgiving I have. Do you have to keep them on all winter?

  • oceanmelody
    oceanmelody Posts: 402 Member
    And we do use a roof rake, but our gutters are a mass of ice. Mikesmom1983 -- I am also a Douglass girl!
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,820 Member
    afternoon ladies~
    BKrimpet~ they are permanently wired there.. which is fine for us, another great thing for resale value..
    Cynthia~ thank you soooo much for the Heron pictures, they always make me smile :D
    and I did go get mani/pedi and it was sooooo worth it.. really was a treat.. I dont usually treat myself like that, but this winter has been rough, so I went and did it...