Forgive me, MFP for i have sinned



  • macgurlnet
    macgurlnet Posts: 1,946 Member
    I absolutely love chocolate. I could eat and eat and eat it.

    When I find that I'm really overindulging in sweets, or anything really, sometimes I will cut it out completely for a period of time. It's usually only a week or two, sometimes I'll do a whole month. I don't know if it's all a mental thing or if I'm building up a tolerance of sorts (like with soda - if I let myself, I'll go through a 12-pack of Mountain Dew in a 2-3 days if I'm drinking it regularly; right now 1 in a day is enough).

    Either way...don't completely deny yourself. Now you know you will eat the entire larger candy bar if you're not eating chocolate at all. Buying the snack size candy bars might be the way to go then. I like individually wrapped stuff, like Hershey kisses, because the serving may be 9 pieces but I can eat half of that or a third - it's still delicious, still the treat I want, but not all the calories as the full serving.

    Pre-log your chocolate it if that will help. See it as a reward for sticking with this another day.

    You've learned something about yourself. Log it, evaluate your options to try keep this from happening again, and keep going.

    You've got this.

  • 1bellringer1
    1bellringer1 Posts: 55 Member
    There are just some things you build into your diet. I have to have sweets so I'm not tempted when I hit the grocery but sometimes *kitten* happens. I was in Ross shopping yesterday for smaller clothes and there at the register was a box of Mrs. Fields white macadamia cookies. I bought it and ate three as soon as I got in my car. Soon as I was done I felt guilty but I've lost 15 lbs in a little over two months and have learned that as long as I stay on track 99% of the time, the weight is still going to come off. Don't beat yourself up, the food control isn't worth it. :D
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member

    No, you're not forgiven. Quit speaking such blasphemy
  • Sophiasmomma
    Sophiasmomma Posts: 155 Member
    1. Still log today so you know what the impact has been on your weekly goal.
    2. Even the most successful people here have had experiences just like that, so far i have not met anyone claiming to be some perfect calorie counting robot.
    3. Try to do better tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. Old habits are hard to break and new ones are hard to form. That doesnt mean it cant be done but beating yourself up about a small setback doesnt get you there any faster. Today gave you a bit more knowledge about yourself that you can use in your battles tomorrow, never be ashamed to gain new knowledge.

    Yes yes yes!!!!!!
    Dont beat yourself up. I think many of us have an all or nothing mind set and we shouldn't . I am just learning now that eating everything In moderation is ok.
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    As others have said, you are giving the food too much power. Chocolate is not bad. Many of the most successful people on MFP work chocolate, ice cream, pizza, wine, etc into their daily calories. The fact that you are trying to cut it out completely is going to likely result in more situations like this. Plan to eat what you love and you will have more control over the food rather than the other way around.

    As for not logging it, I also think that is a huge mistake. Your body counts it, whether you log it or not. As others have said, logging every bite, even when you overdo it, helps you gain perspective and figure out where you can make small changes to still fit things in. For example, If those two candy bars put you over by 400 cals, but you have a 500 cal deficit, you're still in a deficit. Don't be so discouraged.

    Lastly, what were you planning on doing with the head of lettuce? If you weren't planning to make some delicious salad or incorporate it into some other delicious food, if you were just going to make some sad, tasteless meal then no wonder you chose the chocolate. You need to learn how to make the "healthy" food delicious too. I put "healthy" in quotes because I don't personally believe foods are healthy or unhealthy, good or bad, but I sense that you do OP.
  • captivatedlife
    captivatedlife Posts: 60 Member
    What makes you binge? For me, it's not eating enough calories. I tried 1200 for 1.5 months and that led to me binging! Also- there are some things I just can't eat at this time - biscuits, pancakes, naan, cake - because it will trigger a binge. It sounds like you needed the chocolate and should also check to see That you are eating enough. Good luck
  • kindrabbit
    kindrabbit Posts: 837 Member
    Oh I feel your pain op! For me this is a psychological battle. I am a binge eater. My hands and my mouth seem to work independently of my brain. It's like there are 2 'me's' and one is trying to stuff my face and the other is just tutting and shaking her head! I used to scoff my daughters leftovers whilst racing to the bin to throw them away. I would literally try and stuff as much as I could in my face before I could get to the bin to get wrid of it. How is that 'normal'? Its so easy to be logical and say 'allow yourself a small portion' but some of us don't work like that.

    The truth is though, that you are on this journey - you are doing it! If that means falling off the wagon then so be it. As long and you dust yourself off and get back up you are still winning the battle.

    I had a huge binge on Friday night. I logged it (700+ calories!!). I then added up what I had left over from the previous week and it was over 800 so it turned out I was still in deficit (barely but it counts!)

    You're going to be fine OP XX
  • csteuter
    csteuter Posts: 87 Member
    If it helps, count up the calories and the damage. I you have a 500 calorie deficit, and you ate 500 extra calories then all it will do will delay your weight loss by one day. If you ate 1000 calories extra, then you'd have delayed it by 2 days, if you see what I mean. If you did that once a week, then it would mean you had slower weight loss, but it wouldn't stop you losing weight. I'm not recommending you do it, but just saying, a little bit of overeating isn't always as bad as you think, if you're sticking to the plan the rest of the time.
    What a great perspective! I feel so much better about going over my limits and eating the wrong foods this weekend!
  • WinoGelato
    WinoGelato Posts: 13,454 Member
    csteuter wrote: »
    If it helps, count up the calories and the damage. I you have a 500 calorie deficit, and you ate 500 extra calories then all it will do will delay your weight loss by one day. If you ate 1000 calories extra, then you'd have delayed it by 2 days, if you see what I mean. If you did that once a week, then it would mean you had slower weight loss, but it wouldn't stop you losing weight. I'm not recommending you do it, but just saying, a little bit of overeating isn't always as bad as you think, if you're sticking to the plan the rest of the time.
    What a great perspective! I feel so much better about going over my limits and eating the wrong foods this weekend!

    You're still missing the point. There was nothing wrong with the chocolate. What was wrong was the amount of chocolate that you ate. If you had eaten a single square of chocolate, 50 cals or so, after you ate the lettuce, would you still call that eating the wrong food?

  • Mikolinz
    Mikolinz Posts: 23 Member
    thank you everyone for the reassurance. two chocolate bars will not stop me from reaching my goal. its true that i had the 'bad food' mentality, and there's something about forbidden fruit being the sweetest. everything in moderation is the way to go from now on. i did my exercises as usual and i'm ready to get back on track. now for that difficult process of logging...
  • tinascar2015
    tinascar2015 Posts: 413 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    There is nothing wrong with chocolate, in moderation. What's the problem?

    For some people (me included), the moderation part is the problem. For some people, it would almost be comparable to telling an alcoholic it's all right to have one drink. I have had a problem like this since I was a child, have had therapy because of it, and it still plagues me. So for my own good, I'm not having chocolate, and to be honest, I'm not missing it one bit.

    But I know if I were to get that mad craving, the kind that throws all good judgement out the window, I would binge on chocolate, but not dark. Milk chocolate, preferably in a pie. One day, I hope to develop the ability to eat sweets in moderation, but for now, no way.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    edited March 2015
    mayawalz wrote: »
    I recently began my weight loss endeavour. Today I walked into a grocery store to buy a head of lettuce. I picked the lettuce. Then walked to the till. That's when I saw it. The biggest, shiniest bar of chocolate you've ever seen. I must mention at this point that chocolate has always been my weakness. I looked at the lettuce in my hand, I thought of all the things it represented. I tried to reason with myself, and I failed. I didn't buy a chocolate bar. I bought TWO. 180g each. Went home and devoured as much of them as I could. And I feel absolutely sick. Not physically but emotionally. Why would I buy two? Why would I buy one? I feel like all my hardwork thus far has been for nothing. I feel like a failure. A loser who lacks self control. I'm not even going to log my food for today because it's a joke. I wouldn't even eat that much chocolate before. Why now? Please, to all you superstars who have won and are still winning the battle of the flab, where do you get the self control to just turn away from all the sweet and unhealthy goodies in life? How do you just not eat them? Sorry for the rant

    Sweetie don't be mad at yourself. It's okay. :) There is a solution.

    The other day at work, a vendor sent me a gift package that contained a Pop Corn Pop chocolate bar. I saved it, took it home, and entered it under my foods in grams, and logged in my own designated portion that would fit in my calorie goals. That candy bar has 2 servings at 201 calories for each 40 some odd gram serving.

    I broke off a bit, weighed it, logged it and ate it. About 65 calories. Put the rest away. Had a piece the next day. I'd say I have about 4 to 5 more servings in that candy bar. d

    The solution is portion control. If I can do it, anybody can. :)

    Oh, by the way, this candy bar is delicious--it has pop rock in it!


  • Lebatsirk
    Lebatsirk Posts: 27 Member
    I've struggled in the same way as you in the past. Previously when I've made that mistake I used to find it easy to justify eating what I wanted for the rest of the day because I'd already messed up. What changed for me though was logging everything. So even if I slipped up or had a bad day, logging it would keep the control in my hands rather than letting the food and temptation take over. I still get the feelings of temptation some days, but I just handle it differently now.

    I'd also say to remember that even if you do make a mistake, the best thing you can do is carry on anyway. I'm over 3 stone down after a year and each time I find myself struggling I remind myself that if I hadn't put it behind me and forgiven myself and carried on, then I'd still be that weight now... and I'm sure in another year's time I will look back at 2015 and think the same. So forgive yourself, keep moving forwards, and you'll get there :smiley:
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    JaneiR36 wrote: »

    No, you're not forgiven. Quit speaking such blasphemy

    Oh, yes!

  • GBO323
    GBO323 Posts: 336 Member
    The great thing about MFP is you CAN eat whatever you want, just not ALL we want. I encourage you to log the chocolate you ate and adjust the rest of the day in order to meet your goal. If you're going over, go for a walk or get some other activity in. The issue here isn't the chocolate, it's telling yourself it is BAD. Nothing is bad in moderation. I lost 80 pounds and I had quite a few Peanut Butter cups along the way. :)
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    1. Still log today so you know what the impact has been on your weekly goal.
    2. Even the most successful people here have had experiences just like that, so far i have not met anyone claiming to be some perfect calorie counting robot.
    3. Try to do better tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day. Old habits are hard to break and new ones are hard to form. That doesnt mean it cant be done but beating yourself up about a small setback doesnt get you there any faster. Today gave you a bit more knowledge about yourself that you can use in your battles tomorrow, never be ashamed to gain new knowledge.

    excellent advice imo.
    i now only buy small bars of chocolate for this exact reason.and cheese.and dried fruit.

  • Liftng4Lis
    Liftng4Lis Posts: 15,150 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    There is nothing wrong with chocolate, in moderation. What's the problem?

    For some people (me included), the moderation part is the problem. For some people, it would almost be comparable to telling an alcoholic it's all right to have one drink. I have had a problem like this since I was a child, have had therapy because of it, and it still plagues me. So for my own good, I'm not having chocolate, and to be honest, I'm not missing it one bit.

    But I know if I were to get that mad craving, the kind that throws all good judgement out the window, I would binge on chocolate, but not dark. Milk chocolate, preferably in a pie. One day, I hope to develop the ability to eat sweets in moderation, but for now, no way.

    First of all, coming from an alcoholic (12 years sober), I highly resent the analogy. One can RESIST chocolate, where a true alcoholic has no power to RESIST alcohol. I suggest you do some research before painting with such a broad brush.
    Secondly, average people have self control, therefore can fit chocolate into their allowances with no problem. Restricting, tends to make people want things more. Additionally, the OP has a poor relationship with food, perhaps yourself as well, if you are considering things bad.
  • ana3067
    ana3067 Posts: 5,623 Member
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    Liftng4Lis wrote: »
    There is nothing wrong with chocolate, in moderation. What's the problem?

    For some people (me included), the moderation part is the problem. For some people, it would almost be comparable to telling an alcoholic it's all right to have one drink. I have had a problem like this since I was a child, have had therapy because of it, and it still plagues me. So for my own good, I'm not having chocolate, and to be honest, I'm not missing it one bit.

    But I know if I were to get that mad craving, the kind that throws all good judgement out the window, I would binge on chocolate, but not dark. Milk chocolate, preferably in a pie. One day, I hope to develop the ability to eat sweets in moderation, but for now, no way.

    First of all, coming from an alcoholic (12 years sober), I highly resent the analogy. One can RESIST chocolate, where a true alcoholic has no power to RESIST alcohol. I suggest you do some research before painting with such a broad brush.
    Secondly, average people have self control, therefore can fit chocolate into their allowances with no problem. Restricting, tends to make people want things more. Additionally, the OP has a poor relationship with food, perhaps yourself as well, if you are considering things bad.

    T yup. That was me when I ate clean and had the worst relationship with food ever. Moderation didn't exist, only binging. Developing a healthy relationship with food and just seeing at all as food, now I don't binge. I sometimes have planned high calorie intake, but it's still not like it used to be and it comes from understanding how it will affect my goals. Usually it's from saving to calories so I can have larger servings while in social settings or getting take out.
  • tiffanyking1976
    tiffanyking1976 Posts: 24 Member
    Dear OP I feel your pain. Yesterday i went to CVS and bought 2 packs of peeps. I love them and couldn't help myself. Yesterday i ate 4 bunnies. Today i ate the remainder 8 and went over my calories for the first time in 3 months. Don't feel bad. It happens. Log your food and keep it rollin tomorrow is a new day.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    i fail to se the "sin" in eating a chocolate bar….

    OP here is my advice..

    stop viewing foods as 'good' and 'bad' ..there are no good and bad foods, food is just food. Make sure that you hit your macro/micro/calorie targets for the day and you will be fine..

    so yes, yo ucan eat ice cream, a chocolate bar, etc, just make sure that your overall diet has nutrient dense foods in it like chicken, rice, vegetables, fish etc, and then fill in with treats that you like….

    trust me, your new lifestyle will be a lot easier if you learn to incorporate all foods into it.