

  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Lurking...no real news on my sister yet. Thanks to everyone for their thoughts and prayers for her!

    Today was my first day at work after the 7 weeks at home. It flew by!

    Sweet dreams to all!
    Gail, metro ATL
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Sylvia, so good to hear from you. Sending healing thought and prayers.

    Tina, I liked the dogs. Thanks for sharing.

    Mary, you are so sweet! I am concerned about Sylvia, too. That just doesn’t sound right that they sent her home in that condition. But glad her Dr. gave her something to try. Heck, I’d be taking that stuff we take before a colonoscopy.

    MNMargaret, glad you are finally getting better and glad to hear that you are taking it easy. You need to. *hugs*

    Jane, what a great picture! Two darling girls. Congrats again.

    Lesley, I think a shared dog is perfect for you. If and when you have a change of heart you can make a change, but I know when our three are gone, we won’t replace any. We want a chance to travel without worrying about our babies. This sounds like the perfect arrangement for you and I’m glad you have a doggy to share.

    Yannie, I just love the name, Gemma. I’m glad she had a ball at the dog park. My daffodils have been shooting up for a while and getting bigger, but still no buds. I was afraid the hard freezes might hurt them but they look fine. Oh, thanks for the reminder to take my mug. ( I have to have mine too.) And not to copy everything you say, but my allergies have been bothering me for a couple of weeks now, especially itchy eyes. Thank goodness for antihistamine eye drops!

    Sylvia, you are back and still making me LOL. Thanks for the joke. Sure hope you get better soon!

    Beth, I’ll say it again, You are doing a fabulous job of losing weight. You should definitely be proud!

    Michele,NC, I think I might have to take a couple of boiled eggs with me and the tuna sounds like something good to take even if I end up bringing it home. Thanks. And, hey, if Sylvia makes you come over there, I’m going with you. BTW, you are entitled to some M&M’s once in a while.

    Today I did more exercise than ever. I can tell the push-ups are getting easier and have moved from the wall to the dresser. (I know that is all wimpy, but for an old, out of shape fat woman, it’s a start. Lol) I did my cross trainer longer and more reps on the weights. If I could just do that every day I’d feel like I was accomplishing something, but here comes tomorrow and I have plans in the morning so it will be iffy. I sure admire all of you that do hours a day! My scale has been stuck at 190 ½ or higher for a while now. I sure wish it would move down before I go to the convention. Ppffttt All I can do is keep on keeping on and one day it will happen.

    Have sweet dreams my friends. <3

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • bainsworth1a
    bainsworth1a Posts: 313 Member
    I love this quote from the first entry The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    This happens to me with my weight loss plan all the time. I do really well most of the time but there are days when I just want to eat something and I go for the moment.
    What I have found this time though is I'm not beating myself up over it. consequently I am doing so much better.

    I want to join this team.

    BA from Denver CO

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Yanniejannie: I haven’t read Jane Smiley. I’ll look for her in the library.

    Sylvia: I love today’s joke. I hope you're feeling better every day.

    Beth, Kennebunk ME: I am amazed at how much weight you’ve lost so far. Congratulations!

    Gail: One of the great things about work is that it keeps you busy enough to crowd out worries for a little while. I hope your work continues to be so interesting that the time flies by. Keeping my fingers crossed for your sister.

    Janet: Push-backs from the wall take effort, and moving down to the dresser increases the effort. You deserve to feel good about what you are doing. My best strategy for weight loss is to log every bite and swallow, even when travelling. It makes me think more carefully about what I’m putting into my mouth. Keep on keeping on. It is perfect. I love your words savor and opportunity.

    I’ve been feeling lucky and happy lately. I like where I live, and have been enjoying the fitness center and making friends there. Our weather has been amazing, which is a blessing and a worry at the same time. We could be in serious water trouble if our famed rain doesn’t make a significant appearance around here. Worrying about it won’t help, though. Praying might, so I’ll pray for enough rain to prevent a drought here and to ease drought conditions for people in other western states.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    smiley-cool05.gifWe are all home safely.....we picked the pets up on the way home from the airport and we're all ecstatic to be together again. The trip was great but home is best. The early start and long trip was challenging to my step count so I went out a little while ago and walked around the block until I reached my goal. I don't think Jake wanted me to go out after dark (I walk in the dark every morning) but he didn't want me walking back and forth in the house for 30 minutes while he watched TV so he didn't complain when I went out.

    smiley-happy110.gif Tomorrow I will happily go back to early morning dog walking, logging food and exercise, and unpacking.

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Hi everyone....
    caught up again...
    I think (and I know) work gets in the way of so much...

    or as the Minion said " Start the weekend over, I wasn't ready"

    Good night ...really tired to night!!
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks guys for your boost of confidence. I just don't feel it in me though.

    Sylvia, add me to another person that is pretty worried. You shouldn't have to depend on glycerin suppositories, although I am glad they worked some. Personally I would have you on a clear liquid diet but with some nutritional supplements like Boost just so that you can get all the electrolytes, proteins and stuff you need and have been so masterful in getting in your coking during your whole journey of weight loss. Just an FYI, during a clear liquid diet, you can't really eat anything low calories like sugar free jello. You have to eat the real stuff. i also worry about your old doctor retiring during all of this. Here's to praying your new one will be even better than the last one and do a very thorough exam of this situation.

    Tina, the rescue I got my cat from sounds just like yours. The fee you pay for adopting pays for 'fixing' your animal before you get it, and making sure it has a clean bill of help, up to date on all vaccinations. We have about 4 rescue groups here in town and a couple in the neighboring town and they have their own foster events and then twice a year have a mass foster group. They have several events throughout the year as fund raisers, most involve walking so I always go to those with my daughter. They are about 1 mile walks because there are so many dogs walking and dogs make many, many stops to investigate the trees and each other. We have a lot of fun with them.

    Our Sunday school class is having it's monthly lunch tomorrow. It is usually at some ones house, you just bring a sandwich and the host provides the rest but tomorrow it is a favorite restaurant of the classes. Last time we were there I ordered a stir fry which was good, chocked full of veggies and chicken but they don't have a nutrition data base at all and I just have to pick one form the data base. I think I will look at the children's menu and see if they have grilled chicken tenders. Now I would love to get a grilled cheese and mac n cheese of the kids menu! Bad Joyce.

    Early morning tomorrow for early bedtime for me, Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    It seems we are sharing our stories. I am 60 yrs. young, a Mom, Grandma and Great - Grandma. I am 5' 6 1/2" tall and have been since I was about eleven. I was always the scrawny one growing up. I weighed 98 lbs when I graduated , a few years and a few kids and my weight went to 126 lbs. Had my tubes tied and hit the big 4-0 and my weight climbed again up to 140 lbs. Fast forward to 2000 when I had my accident. A year of living in hospitals and then a year of physio and back to work program left me at 225 lbs. Never did I think it could happen to me. Now 15 yrs later I have finally dipped beneath the 200 lb. mark and am determined to live this decade as healthy as possible.

    Cindy in South Md. - Sounds like you are doing it right. 15 lbs gone is a great accomplishment. Do you swim?

    Sylvia - We'll cut you some slack considering everything you've been through lately. Feeling very concerned for you. Downer? Who but you would be brightening our days with jokes? I loved the cowboy joke.

    Selena- Thanks for sharing with me. We probably do know some of the same people. I was raised in Grassy Lake on a farm, moved to Calgary for university, Kindersley Sask. when I married my 2nd husband, Westbank and Peachland in B.C. and now I am back in Lethbridge. Almost a round trip for me.

    Spent a lot of time in the great outdoors this weekend. Sunshine is a wonderful thing.
    My friend's daughter is returned home and to school. Both girls are in counselling. My friend's husband doesn't think he and my friend don't need counselling.
    Trying to stay as calm and positive in the chaos surrounding us right now.
    DSIL has been handed his notice after only 2 wks, one of which was for training. He asked the reason why and was told it concerned a behavioral issue that happened when he was in Ontario for training. He is floored, blind sided, devastated and confused. He will be phoning the HR to get to the bottom of this. He has never been fired and doesn't want this reflecting badly on him.
    What next?
    Sharon in Lethbridge (enjoying the sun, not the time change)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Sylvia: how are you today?

    Yanniejannie: dog fun; always great to see!

    Michele: sounds like you’re OK with the moving situation; that’s good.

    Barbie and Katla: just a shout out. :)

    For the horse lovers: a lovely photo showing why the horse clinic’s cash register is going to go ka-ching next week! :s


    Hanging in here. Was under on my calories yesterday for the first time in a long time. Lots of work, plus I have to prepare that job interview for Thursday.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,339 Member
    Hi, quick pop in! <3

    Off to yoga this morning.

    I woke up last night with aches and pains. Took a paracetamol. Still couldn't sleep. Went into the spare room. All twitchy. Decided to have some brandy in milk. Also had a small shortbread biscuit. Went to sleep eventually. Hate this joint aching in the night. I'm ok in the day, don't notice it.
    Will be logging 200 cals for it. :'( Not good for a yoga day.

    Feel fine now. :)
    Will be making the salmon wheels this pm and then a bit of grocery shopping with DH. It's gorgeous sunshine out there! :D

    Love Heather in UK (still haven't adjusted my ticker)
  • Gilly139
    Gilly139 Posts: 67 Member
    Good morning all, I have just about managed to catch up with all the messages! Perhaps I should not go away - but then again it was such fun and I have managed to lose 6lb while away.
    I did go swimming this morning but it was such a struggle to get out of bed - the bedclothes would not let me out!!! Therefore I only managed 18 lengths this time.
    Love all the jokes and snippets of other peoples lives.
    The Birmingham trip this time was because my partners niece was going off to Venezuela for 3 months, so her mum,dad,sister ( at uni in Aberystwyth) and brother (uni in Liverpool) all got together at their parents house, along with Granny, Grandad, Uncle and me. Luckily partners sister understands about my need to lose weight and had made some lovely carrot and coriander soup for me. Was wonderful to see everybody and great time was had.
    Must do better at actually replying to people but feel so slow and useless even when trying to take notes :-(

    Gilly Suffolk,Uk

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,793 Member
    morning all,
    I have a long day at work and not feeling well at all, dont know if I have a head cold and a slight cough and just worn out..have a contractor coming today to do work, and both of us will be working.. so will gate off the dogs and hope for the best.. if there are any blips, will leave my phone number and will come home if neccessary.. slept for about 11 hours last night, that nyquil knocks you out...
  • Chickaboo2014
    Chickaboo2014 Posts: 136 Member
    I'm Di from beautiful Butte, Montana; originally from Washington state. I've been a member since January 2014 and had a goal of losing 30 pounds. I met that goal late last summer and actually exceeded it by about 5 pounds and currently am 31 pounds lighter than I was when I started. Yay! :D
    To be more active in my day:
    + I work in an office setting but also traverse the manufacturing floor quite often during my day.
    + I print to the copier on the 2nd floor ( I work on the 3rd).
    + I'll take a 10 minute break and climb the3 flights of stairs in my building.
    + At lunchtime I powerwalk during my 30 minute break and eat a healthy meal for lunch at my desk afterwards.
    + I use a mini crockpot to prepare (heat) my meals in. It works well for greens and spinach and I'll add a lean cuisine or healthy leftovers on top and in a few hours, I've got a tasty, hot and healthy meal.
    + I cook healthy meals at home; eat high protein and lots of veggies; but I don't avoid bread! I love it and choose the healthier options over white bread.
    + My fiancé just started walking with me since he joined the weight loss challenge that started at our work yesterday.
    + I decided to join as well to help keep him motivated and be successful.
    + I used to diligently log my food here but now only do so sporadically (generally weekends off). It syncs to the Fitbit site.
    + I use a Fitbit Flex to help encourage my activities and steps; I enter challenges on the site to help keep me motivated.
    + I use a heart rate monitor when I exercise to be able to track and log my calories & fat burned more accurately.
    + I log every exercise here an it syncs to Fitbit.
    + + Without MFP and the support I receive here, I never would have made my goal!
    + Everyone have a fantastic day and I hope March is successful for everyone who's made the commitment to charge of their health and fitness!
    Di - aka Chickaboo2014 B) (*)
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited March 2015
    Heather I may have missed it.....entirely possible,but what are salmon wheels? Thinking,maybe salmon etc rolled in a wrapper? Pat
  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Good morning everyone. ...checking in. Hanging out with DMIL as she waits for colonscopy. Should get a few steps in....
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
    I'm Di from beautiful Butte, Montana; originally from Washington state. I've been a member since January 2014 and had a goal of losing 30 pounds. I met that goal late last summer and actually exceeded it by about 5 pounds and currently am 31 pounds lighter than I was when I started. Yay! :D
    To be more active in my day:
    + I work in an office setting but also traverse the manufacturing floor quite often during my day.
    + I print to the copier on the 2nd floor ( I work on the 3rd).
    + I'll take a 10 minute break and climb the3 flights of stairs in my building.
    + At lunchtime I powerwalk during my 30 minute break and eat a healthy meal for lunch at my desk afterwards.
    + I use a mini crockpot to prepare (heat) my meals in. It works well for greens and spinach and I'll add a lean cuisine or healthy leftovers on top and in a few hours, I've got a tasty, hot and healthy meal.
    + I cook healthy meals at home; eat high protein and lots of veggies; but I don't avoid bread! I love it and choose the healthier options over white bread.
    + My fiancé just started walking with me since he joined the weight loss challenge that started at our work yesterday.
    + I decided to join as well to help keep him motivated and be successful.
    + I used to diligently log my food here but now only do so sporadically (generally weekends off). It syncs to the Fitbit site.
    + I use a Fitbit Flex to help encourage my activities and steps; I enter challenges on the site to help keep me motivated.
    + I use a heart rate monitor when I exercise to be able to track and log my calories & fat burned more accurately.
    + I log every exercise here an it syncs to Fitbit.
    + + Without MFP and the support I receive here, I never would have made my goal!
    + Everyone have a fantastic day and I hope March is successful for everyone who's made the commitment to charge of their health and fitness!
    Di - aka Chickaboo2014 B) (*)

    looks like you got your program down! I love it!!
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,682 Member
    yesterday, I had the biggest head cold.., I was sneezing up a storm and blowing my nose til it was red and it hurt to blow! I LOVE to sneeze but I hate the runny nose. I was planning on riding home but runny nose and biking on hills don't mix., hopefully, my nose will be better today and maybe I might ride home today, we'll see, won't be riding for speed, just to burn more calories. :0)
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning. It's after 9am and I'm still not dressed. I had to call my son and tell him he would have to take the kids to school. I've been busy throwing up. Just stomach acid, but it was no fun.

    Gee, I hope I'm not pregnant. :s

    I hope you all know that was a joke. I managed to eat half a piece of dry toast and drink enough milk to take my pills. So far it has stayed down, so things are looking up. Gotta go to the studio to do some drafting, then mix some glazes to finish up my bowls for the Empty Bowls event. I love mixing glazes. It's like being a mad scientist! I love being able to make what is essentially colored glass out of a pile of powdered rocks. Fun stuff.

    Well, I'm off to the shower. I hope you all have a great day!

  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited March 2015
    Cynthia, Joyce, and Tina: Thank you for all the info on rescue dogs! It's a lot to think about that's for sure. I am leaning towards Spring as in May. Again thank you for taking the time to explain it so throughly. After I am involved I will let you all know how its done here in Austria. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: the Upgrade ( JawboneUP3 ) for swimming. I can shower with mine, get caught in the rain, but submerging is bad. No chest strap needed for the Heart rate monitor. There are special censors node thingies that sit on your wrist. The new one will be a one size fits all with a clasp like closure. Two colors yet, but more coming soon. It looks like a bracelet. Very unobrtusive and light, you forget its there. I did post a link that compares the 2 newest from fitbit and jawbone side by side. Its probably 3 pages back by now. It's on page 15 just checked. lol

    Beth: Thats an amazing weight loss. Well done you!! What a Thinspiration you are!

    Janet: Before my feet flopped ( lol ) during my walks i would do tri-cep dips off the park benches and handrail pushups off every rail hand rail I saw. At home I do them off the balcony rail and the counter top ( sets of 10 ) while waiting for my coffee. It's ALL good! :D

    Barbie: Vacations are great but coming home is even better!

    Are you doing Classical Stretch with Miranda Esmonde-White? If so, me too!

    YeS!! Maybe it was you who introduced us to her and not Mary MN. ;) I started her Monday morning doing a full body stretch from season 6. She also has a floor work session in that season that I am going to look at for evenings, after dinner, before bed. Kind of a unwind from the day thing.

    Sylvia: Sorry your tum is still causing you troubles. I can envision you doing the mad scientist with your hair all crazy and big ol black leather gloves...lol

    Pip: Sorry your feeling under the weather. But knowing you, you'll be right back at it cuz you cant keep a good Pip down!! lol

    Again I'd like to thank you all for sharing how many calories you are eating, your weights, work outs, stats. It's been wonderful reading every ones journey. :D

    Also Thank you to the ladies who have "friended" me this week on MFP! Together WE Can!! :D Now that I am getting a friend base, all my German eats will be translated for you in Notes.

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • kroff2003
    kroff2003 Posts: 21 Member
    I would like to join. I am Kathleen, almost 49. I lost a bunch of weight in 2009 and have put it all back on due to laziness. Unfortunately, I am now post menopausal and finding it harder to shred the weight. Still working at it though!
    My SW was 197, currently 177 with a goal of 117-125. I am 5'2".
    I ride my bike 5-6 days a week and lift with my husband 6 days a week. Until a shoulder injury a few years ago, I used to bench 80, working my way back up.
    I also (when it is nice), walk 5.5 miles a day 5x a week.
    I know how to do it, just need support, praise, a lift when it is a bad day.
    I also have 2 small children, 8 and 6 so they keep me busy.

    Excited to meet all of you!