

  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    Pat - they are smoked salmon in a long roll which is stuffed with hot smoked salmon and cream cheese. You roll it up in cling film and freeze it. Then you slice it half frozen so it is nice and neat. A great make ahead starter, but not slimming! ! ! ! ! I will have one slice. The others will have 2 or 3!

    Welcome Kathleen.! You are getting some great workouts in. o:)

    Tomorrow is DH 'S and my "dateday". ( I don't often go out at night!) We were going to drive further, for over an hour each way, but I really want to get my exercises in and make myself beautiful, so I have chosen somewhere nearer. Romsey. It has a beautiful, very old abbey church and some nice old streets and pubs. I have never been inside the church, though DH has. (Joyce get your ipad out) I have chosen a pub for lunch and we will probably look at a couple of shops. I also want to call in on my favourite supermarket to pick up some things I can't get anywhere else. It's scheduled to rain later in the afternoon so want to get there well before lunch.
    That was one of my March goals. :)
    Another was to meet a friend. I already had one date scheduled, but that's cheating, so I am trying to organize one with my yoga friend. She is not very enthusiastic about "going out" (money? husband? ) so I might have to seduce someone else. Me, I love a girly outing! :D

    Tonight we are having chilli out of the freezer with "cauliflower rice". DH has made some stewed apples and backberries. <3 I should just squeak in with my cals. This pm I am going to eat raw mushrooms and cherry tomatoes for my afternoon snack. o:)

    Heather, in the south of the UK
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    Cynthia, Joyce, and Tina: Thank you for all the info on rescue dogs! It's a lot to think about that's for sure. I am leaning towards Spring as in May. Again thank you for taking the time to explain it so throughly. After I am involved I will let you all know how its done here in Austria. :flowerforyou:

    Pip: Sorry your feeling under the weather. But knowing you, you'll be right back at it cuz you cant keep a good Pip down!! lol

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

    you're right, you can't - i'm like the energizer bunny, I keep going and going and going.....
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    good morning everyone! I have a busy next few days. I just wanted to check in and tell you about my excitement for the day! I finally reached one of my mini goals of dipping under 140! I haven't weighed less than 140 for about 10 years. my GW is 125. so I still have some work to do until I hit maintenance.

    Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Good afternoon everyone. Yahoo, the sun is still shining and we are expecting a high of 45 today. My tulips are starting to sprout on my kitchen windowsill. I definitely have spring fever.

    Today has just been one of those days. I can not wait for it to end. Nothing is going right at work and that is triggering my brain to stress eat. But I am going to win this battle as I am choosing not to give in. My wonder and deliciously healthy lunch awaits
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    fancy- yeayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Great weather here in MA, in the 40's and sunny. Jake the rescue dog and I just got back from our daily walk downtown and for the first time I didn't have to wear ear muffs!. There is no chance of seeing any tulips or daffodils for quite awhile though.

    Didn't get on the scale this morning (trying to stay away for at least a week, hopefully 2) but I couldn't resist getting out the tape measure...my hips are now smaller than my waist was when I began. Yipee!! My $4.95 sweater looks like a million bucks today!!

    I seem to recall in earlier posts that some suffer from leg/foot cramps at night. I began to suffer also after I began to exercise more, about 2-3 times per week. I did some research and discovered that many found relief from putting a bar of soap near their legs when they slept. I can see you shaking your heads as I did when I saw this. But I figured it was a cheap solution if it worked. I put a new soap bar, in the wrapper, under my fitted sheet near where my feet are and I now get the cramps maybe 1-2 times per month. I don't know or care if it's only psychological, only that it works for me.

    Michele...a plank for almost 3 minutes is so impressive! I just started doing them in September and was so proud when I could hold it for 1/2 minute!! Haven't timed myself lately. They say it is a great all body workout.

    I really should get back to work...best to everyone!
    Chris in sunny, above freezing and not snowing MA
  • spicycanchaser
    spicycanchaser Posts: 5 Member
    I just saw this thread and would love to participate. I want to lose at least 20 pounds and need motivation. I am definitely over 50 but not quite 60.
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    Not sure what happened to my post but half of it was missing

    Gilly: congratulations on your 6 pound gone
  • dia_nruf
    dia_nruf Posts: 112 Member
    We will try again.....

    Grandmallie and pipcd34: Hope you feel better soon.

    Sylvia: Post photos of your bowls. I would love to see them.

    Kroff2003: welcome!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all,

    Cloudy and 65 here; I'll take it..........rain coming though. Been out and about, now doing laundry........ah, life in the fast lane, can't beat it. Bought a new phone today, bought a new microwave last week......small appliance month, I guess. The phone was needed for a long time as the buttons were refusing to work and the m/w was getting on in age and the paint peeling inside which can't be good.
    Both dog and DD have taken off on an adventure to a coffeeshop so I'm relishing my few hours alone; DD lifeguarded this am, finished work for the day.

    Beth ME........You are doing fabulous with that weight loss, continued success.

    Janet.........Wall to dresser, don't sell yourself short; that's great!!! NOT wimpy at all.

    Katla............Your life is gooooood, relax and enjoy!

    Sharon........Sounds like we were both "skinny minnies". Don't know about you, but I was teased soooooo horribly as a preteen and teen, I prayed to gain weight. Today it wold be called bullying. "Behavior issue" Wow, that can cover a lot; hope it's all a mistake or easily explained.

    Cynthia..........YAY!!!!!! An interview; hope it's a great job with a huge paycheck!!!! (and they hire you!) Showed DD the horse teeth, poor horse..........she was suitably impressed; so, Is that tooth actually sideways?

    Sylvia........Still very concerned; maybe following Joyce's advice wouldn't be a bad idea???? Please consider it.

    Heather........Have a great date! The joke here is that all someone has to say to me is "Do you want to..........." and I don't need to hear the rest, it's a yes. Major fan of girls days out, nights out and vacations........I don't care where, I'm on board.

    Mary............YAY!!!! 4 u!!!! Super!!!!!

    Welcome newbies; please let us know where you are from, as specific as you want and come back often and share your lives and join in when you can.

    Best to all, see you later. I am sooooooo itching to get spring clothes out!

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Cynthia: It looks like a visit to the ”horse dentist” is in order. No wonder you think their cash register will be doing the happy dance. I hope the horse will be, too, after the work is done.

    Heather: I hope you’re feeling better soon. Enjoy the sunshine if you can. Sitting in the sun for a while sometimes makes everything feel better. Good luck finding just the right person for a girly outing. I’ve been going to the gym with my neighbor and am meeting my cousin for lunch so I feel like I am a lucky woman.

    Gilly in Suffolk UK: Lucky you to have a supportive family that supplies food that meets your needs. I take notes by typing replies onto a word document as I read messages. I have the document and MFP open on my desktop at the same time. Taking notes is too time consuming for me.

    Alison: I hope you feel better soon.

    Lillian: Your DMIL is lucky to have your support. I hope the colonoscopy report is good.

    Sylvia: I hope you’re not pregnant, too, but I wonder if you should see your doctor. Your symptoms worry me. I would contact the doctor’s office and see if I should come in if I was in your situation.

    Mary from MN: Congratulations on your weigh in!! Good news!

    Newbies: Welcome! Post often and get to know people.

    I have lunch with my cousin in a couple of hours. I’m looking forward to it. We walked last time, but I have too many obligations on my plate for that today because it would take two or three hours.

    I hope things are going your way and that everyone has a great day.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Day Ladies,

    Katla, isn’t it wonderful to appreciate where you are in your life’s travels. I think many times we are actually happy and never take the time to think about it and realize it. Good for you. My DD lives in southern OR, so I am definitely praying for enough rain for the West.

    Barbie, I love traveling but you are so right; it’s always great to get home. So glad you are back with your pets and walking at home.

    , I can’t believe you let a little thing like work, get in the way of reading posts. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could have “start overs” on days?

    , the rescue center dog walks sound like a delightful way to raise money. Hey, when you go out to eat, there is nothing wrong with thinking how yummy some of the fattening foods would be, as long as you order what you know is best. I hate to repeat myself, but I really don’t enjoy eating out like I used to.

    , I was over 200 pounds for many years. Isn’t it wonderful to get back in the 100’s? Onederland is where I plan to stay for the rest of my life. Sunshine is definitely good for the soul. I’m glad you can enjoy the beautiful outdoors there.

    , Congrats on being under calories. You knew you could do it and we’re rooting for you to keep it up. Good luck on the interview.

    Gilly, your trip sounds great and wow, toot toot and yipee on losing 6 pounds. Heck, if that worked for me, I’d be going away every week. I just hate it when my bedclothes won’t let me out of them. >:)

    Di, congrats on that weight loss!! It sounds like you do all the right things so your maintenance journey should be smooth sailing.

    Pip, so sorry to hear about your cold. Hope it’s over soon!!

    Sylvia, I hate that you are still throwing up. Glad you feel up to being “mad scientist”. When do they use the bowls? Take care and know that we are all pulling for a speedy recovery.

    Kathleen, welcome to a group of very supportive ladies. It certainly sounds like you are active enough so you should have success if you log everything that goes in your mouth and eat smart. Good luck on your journey.

    Heather, I hope you both have a wonderful birthday. I think it’s a day to make special. Good luck on your girly outing, too.

    Mary in MN, Congrats on your mini! That should definitely make it a great day for you! Keep up the great work.

    Chris, Fantastic on the measurements! Hey and on the sweater you look so good in. I have never heard that one about the bar of soap. Is it supposed to work for leg or foot cramps? Luckily I don’t have them much any more, but have a friend that suffers terribly.

    Spicy, welcome and this is definitely the place for support. Tell us a little about yourself.

    Yannie, you sound like me. Oh, an outing?, Road trip? Vacation? Let’s go..just say when. 

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    My outing with a friend was postponed today so I got in all my exercising with a little extra. All that working out wears me out, so a nap may be in order. Gosh, I love retirement. I’ve been thinking about spring clothes, too. I don’t think I have anything that isn’t pretty baggy, but will try to put off buying new until I lose a little more weight. Just to get in baggy spring clothes sounds pretty exciting at the moment. “Sunshine on my shoulder makes me Happy”.

    Have a fabulous day, ladies!

    My word #1 is savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.

    #2 is opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
    Sunny and 70 degrees B)
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Yanniejannie and Katla: yes, the tooth is sideways. :o Very strange; her teeth were "floated" (checked and filed) at the end of November, so this happened between then and now. And the woman who rides her is a vet, and she would have noticed if there had been anything weird. (I only happened to see it because the horse yawned!)

    Luckily she doesn't seem to have much trouble with it; the gum is a little pinker than usual, and the tooth is pushing against its neighbor, but she's eating fine and seems as happy as always.

    The cash register will be ringing long and loudly because an extraction has to be done under some kind of sedation, which is expensive. If they find anything unexpected like an abscess, she would also have to stay overnight (though I'm not assuming that).

    Thanks for the interview wishes. It will definitely not be a huge paycheck, but it would be nice if they'd take me.


  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,723 Member
    so far I've only burned 338 calories, I am going to ride home, runny nose or not, this way I can burn more. I should have at least 400 cal. more on that, whew!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Sylvia... call a doctor or (hoping your insurance allows it) get yourself somewhere that knows what it is doing ... your digestive woes need addressed immediately. Worried here. Hugs.
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Well, I've been off the rails again. Sigh. Interestingly, my former trainer (the one who left for greener pastures) called today to let me know he opened his own fitness gym ... invited DS#2 and I to visit. I know he's just looking for new clients ... but I also did really well when working with him. Have to think about it.

  • SelenaP63
    SelenaP63 Posts: 61 Member
    Holy smokes, Cynthia thank you for sharing that picture of your horses smile!

    I hope you don't mind, I emailed the photo to my mom who has been an equine dentist for the past 12 years in Alberta for a surface consult (obviously, she can only base her thoughts on the one photo). She actually is getting ready next week to work on 40 chuckwagon horses that belong to the 2013 World Champion. For fun, I included his youtube link. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3LzsLldP91Y

    She did his horses that year for the first time and he said he'll never let anyone else in his horse's mouths :) Hope y'all don't mind me tooting my mama's horn... she's pretty amazing (and proof that life doesn't end at our age... she took up equine dentistry when she turned 60). But seriously, I do think her opinion might be helpful.

    Again, hope you don't mind me sharing the picture with her.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    I called the doctor's office. She had me go in for a blood test to see if my white count it back up and if my potassium is low again. In the hospital I had a UTI and my white count was really high, but the antibiotics should have taken care of that. I hate taking potassium, so hopefully that isn't the problem. I'm supposed to hear the results tomorrow.

    I'm really making too much out of this. I need to get past it.

    Here is today's joke of the day:


    Through the pitch-black night, the captain sees a light dead ahead on a collision course with his ship. He sends a signal: "Change your course 10 degree east."

    The light signals back: "Change yours, 10 degrees west."

    Angry, the captain sends: "I'm a navy captain! Change your course, sir!"

    "I'm a seaman, second class," comes the reply. "Change your course, sir."

    Now the captain is furious. "I'm a battleship! I'm not changing course!"

    There is one last reply. "I'm a lighthouse. Your call."

  • mikesmom1983
    mikesmom1983 Posts: 582 Member
    Janet...I got cramps in both my leg and foot and it worked for both. Hope it works for your friend.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Sylvia, I love the joke!!! And you are not making too much out of that. If you can't eat and can't eliminate, even I know that is not good. Unless things are moving better than at last report? You know we care about you and want you to get the best care. <3
