Walking to lose weight



  • Kelly_2013
    Kelly_2013 Posts: 117 Member
    my goal is to lose the first 45 lbs by changing my eating habits and then once I lose the 45 lbs I will probably start T25 again. I started once but it was too much on my body I had to modify the modifies lol. but right now i'm walking with a goal of at least 10,000 steps a day. I have a desk job but I have my own bathroom so once every hour I go to my bathroom (where no one disrupts) and walk/jog in place for 300 steps which puts me at 2700 steps by that alone :) I'm just starting my journey and hope to soon have my success story :)
  • keithaj1
    keithaj1 Posts: 71 Member
    I've been walking... walking a lot. Every break at work is a walk. Plus, one or two walks with the dog after work. Long hikes with the dog on the weekend. Nice to get outside. Dog is very happy about the walks. Loves them.
    I find having the fitbit helps out as it tracks your progress and give you goals. I'm shooting for 15000 steps a day and building up from there.
    I want to hit the gym at some point and do something that gets my heart rate up more but I want to take off a few more this way first.
    Figure high impact plus the weight on me now will do a job on my joints.
    I've taken off about 30 lbs. watching what I eat and walking so far. Another 15 and I'll start mixing the gym into the equation. Still want to hit 10 to 15 k steps a day regardless.
  • kfritz7162
    kfritz7162 Posts: 10 Member

    I began walking in January 2012 and was very consistent until this winter 2013, and lost about 80 pounds. Other than watching what I ate, and only drinking water, walking was the only other change I made in my life to lose the weight. Since winter and this horrible cold and snow in Wisconsin, I have only lost about 10 pounds. Can't wait to get out and walk again.
  • beachbumdoug
    beachbumdoug Posts: 171 Member
    I lost about 30 pounds by just walking in the evenings. I have 2 little ones at home, so its about the only exercise I can get.. Now I have put some of that back on because sometimes when its freezing outside, I just don't have the motivation..
  • eddiesmith1
    eddiesmith1 Posts: 1,550 Member
    Are there any walkers out there that are succeeding at losing weight? I use to run all of the time, but gaining 100 pounds has made that very hard to do anymore. I've been walking my dog, about two miles a day; and sometimes I double up my walks and walk on lunch too. Has anyone just used walking as their cardio and seen results?



    I walk between 5 and 8 Kilometers a day, every day, otherwise my life is pretty sedentary. I eat back about 2/3 of the calories burned and maintain a low (1220 calorie) profile before exercise. I average 2 pounds a week loss in the last 40 days. aA big chunk of my walking is just walking home after work rather than transit it (even in the Polar Vortex weather yep)
    works for me.
    Next goal is a half marathon walking May 4th
    and I will start cycling soon

    EDIT - I will point out that I really consider the weight loss as emanating from the lower calories though. The walking I view as more toning and building health and helping reduce muscle loss due to dieting. I feel better at this point than I have in a long time and I put it down to a few things but the walking really makes a difference)
  • Yes, walking alone is definately a good way to get in cardio!! I started originally in January 2012 and basically just walked as well as keeping track of my calorie intake and I lost 70 lbs in a year. I'm embarassed to say that in January 2013 I did hit a plateau and gained all but 10 lbs back BUT....I'm here to say I've recommitted to this lifestyle and it can be done by walking so YOU GO GIRL...get your walk on!! :)
  • PS - Feel free to add me as a friend on here, I'd like to have another MFP walking buddy!! :)
  • Ftw37
    Ftw37 Posts: 386 Member
    I walk every day. I use a fitbit to track incidental walking, and my Garmin Fenix to track walks to/from work. Along the way I've also used Runtastic iPhone app and Runkeeper iPhone app to track walks. I briefly used the Zombies! Run! app, but stopped doing it.

    This spring I plan on finally doing C25K and starting to jog for the first time in probably 25 years.

    I started just trying to get 10,000 steps a day. It took me a month or so from a dead stop to get up to 10,000 per day. Now I do 13k-20k per average day. It's amazing how you level up.
  • Sparlingo
    Sparlingo Posts: 938 Member
    Years ago I started briskly walking 45 minutes a day and lost 25 lbs that summer, with that being the primary change. I also tried to watch my portions, but didn't have any measurable way of doing so at the time.

    Upping my activity in that way was super helpful. I felt and looked great!
  • MrGonzo05
    MrGonzo05 Posts: 1,120 Member
    Yes, it is possible to walk and to lose weight.
  • erc89432
    erc89432 Posts: 21
    I'm a fan of walking on the treadmill. I just increase the incline and walk at a 4.0 pace and I typically burn a lot of calories that way!
  • Kymsanity
    Kymsanity Posts: 27 Member
    Treadmill walking is awesome! I work from home and 3 days ago I started "walk-working" by putting a plank of wood across the treadmill bars and resting my laptop on there. I now do my job and manage to walk 10 miles per day - I am over the moon :)
  • michelleneli
    michelleneli Posts: 132 Member
    BUMP for motivation
  • bump
  • steeheart
    steeheart Posts: 56 Member
    My mother lost about 60 pounds from walking and low calorie diet in her 40s. I'm in my 20s and I've lost 40 pounds from walking about 5 miles a day.
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