


  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    50452 wrote: »

    Do you feel sated? How many do you have per day? (Please message me with your recipe).

    Surprisingly, I do. I started out with 4 drinks per day, but found it was easier to schedule in 5 drinks per day (1 every 3 hours). I'm sure I could do 4 or 3 if I wanted to, but 5 is working well for me.

    Each drink contains a mere 86-87g of powder. I'm currently consuming 2000 calories (TDEE-20%) with 0.8g/lb of protein and 0.5g/lb of fat. I update my caloric need and macros every month.

    The only time I felt like this drink wasn't quite enough was when I first switched to 2000 calories per day. By the end of the 3 hours, I was getting pretty hungry. Day by day, the level of hunger decreases.

    The thing I like about the DIY formula is I have made it so 99.9% of what I'm consuming is actually real food - corn masa, pea and brown rice protein, cream of tartar, basil (soon to be kale), various oils, flax seed, etc. It's not some random mix of chemicals made in a lab. It's literally powdered food.
  • chivalryder
    chivalryder Posts: 4,391 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    So Soylent is better than Beach Body and Shakeology . . . awesome! That's setting a pretty high bar!
    lol, you're funny.

    You don't know what you're talking about, but you go full in. I like that.

    They say ignorance is bliss.

    That guy seems really happy.
  • cj2075
    cj2075 Posts: 18 Member
    For those of you going off about nutritional minimums, I thought I would add a quote that I found fitting.

    "Once our nutrient needs are met, we don’t get extra credit for eating more nutritious food!" - Eric Helms
  • cj2075
    cj2075 Posts: 18 Member
    edited March 2015
    @chivalryder‌ could you do me a favor and send me a link to your recipe. I would like to check it out for future reference in-case I decide to switch to a DIY Soylent.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    edited March 2015
    NVM after reading just seems like its a supplement aimed at people who dont like to cook.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member

    All that means is that you avoid any serious malnutrition. Nothing more. And who gets malnutrition these days? Alcoholics and people with eating disorders. That's about it.

    Just a little aside, as I'm sure you were doing it as a hyperbole, but malnutrition is still a very real thing especially among the young and old.
  • EvgeniZyntx
    EvgeniZyntx Posts: 24,208 Member
    How much bioavailable sulforaphane and indole-3-carbinol is in your diy or this guy's original formulation?

    Yeah, woopsy.

    Minimum essential isn't most beneficial. Eat your veggies.

    "Basic research on sulforaphane indicates potential for effects on mechanisms of human disease, including neurodegenerative disorders and cancer; however, results to date are contradictory, requiring clarification by future studies.[3][4] In animal models sulforaphane appears to have a protective effect against diabetes-related kidney damage.[2]

    Sulforaphane may have a neuroprotective effect that can aid recovery from spinal cord injury, though the effect is not as strong as that of interleukin-10.[5]"

    Looks irrelevant and certainly not proven to be necessary, so I'm not worried.

    As for Indole-3-carbinol:

    Also look like it's unnecessary for survival, just suggested that it might be good for keeping away disease.

    Oh, and it's in kale, which I put in my DIY recipe, so I'm getting some.

    So a DIY version is just blended food? Ok then.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    So Soylent is better than Beach Body and Shakeology . . . awesome! That's setting a pretty high bar!
    lol, you're funny.

    You don't know what you're talking about, but you go full in. I like that.

    And there it is, a personal insult. I guess it was only a matter of time.
  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    Just a little aside, as I'm sure you were doing it as a hyperbole, but malnutrition is still a very real thing especially among the young and old.

    Okay I'll give you that. But Soylent isn't being marketed as just another supplement like ensure or boost (in which case I'd have no problem with it). They're marketing it as a potential total diet replacement. And the people taking it definitely are not those at risk of malnutrition.

  • happygalah
    happygalah Posts: 343 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »

    I never tried Soylent. I dislike their assertion that it is healthy to replace all food with it. Sure you might not get malnutrition. But you'd have to be out of your mind to think that eating just soylent and nothing else is as healthy in the long run as eating a well balanced diet.

    Why wouldn't it be?

    Pet food is made and sold as complete nutrition and if a dog eats the same food its entire life, it certainly isn't malnourished; and they seem to be healthy.

    What about people in a coma? Obviously they are fed intravenously or fed some how to keep them alive. Of course it isn't healthy to be just lying around all the time.

    I hope that the Soylent would come in a solid kibble form like a Purina People Chow.

  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    cj2075 wrote: »
    @chivalryder I too originally chose Soylent as a cost saver. The convenience and nutritional makeup of Soylent was just a bonus for me. Nothing quite like being able to mix a pitch up the night before and drink it throughout the day for your nutritional needs. I haven't been willing to invest the time to research DIY recipes, but it sounds like you found one that is working for you.

    I know that ahamm002 has been really dogging Soylent, but with no experience using it I just don't know how much weight I would put behind his words. Obviously there is great benefits to eating a diet based upon fresh fruits, vegetables and fish but is that something that all of us can implement into our daily routine or afford on our current budgets? No one is questioning that. What they are questioning and sort of the reason I thought this thread was created was how it stands up compared to those ideal convention sources of nutrition. As far as cost, I know where I live I would be hard pressed to consume those types of foods and keep my food bill under the $255/month that month's supply of Soylent cost.

    I have been using Soylent pretty steadily now for over a month and while it isn't the only food I consume, it does make up a large portion of my diet. (Usually for breakfast and lunch with a good dinner.) I can tell you from first hand experience that I have noticed a significant increase in overall energy, improved sleep, and just an overall increase in my sense of well-being. I am clearer headed and find myself able to focus much better on difficult or complex issues as well.

    Does this mean that everyone should run out and start drinking Soylent exclusively or that this is the only reason I feel this way? Hell no. Even those who created it recommend finding a balance that works for you. (Plus I don't want too much competition over my source of processed humans.) What I can tell you from my experience so far is I feel significantly better using it as a source for nutrition and caloric intake than when I did not use it. I also find that when I have an extended weekend away and eat like a normal foods that I begin to crave Soylent come Monday morning. My body is telling me that it wants it as a food source.

    No I have not used Soylent as a dietary supplement. Why would I want to switch from a healthy varied diet that I enjoy eating to liquid diet of primarily maltodextrin and rice protein???

    BTW, I'm glad that you're having good results from starting Soylent. My only concern is that it's not a permanent fix. It's a bandaid for your lack of a healthy diet. Are you really going to eat soylent for most of your calories for the rest of your life? And even if you somehow never got sick of it do you really think that would be good for your longevity?

    And please don't give me the old "healthy foods are too expensive" garbage. Fruit, veggies, nuts, legumes, chicken, and many types of fish are all very cheap provided you don't have to buy organic. Once you put some effort into learning to cook it becomes pretty easy.
  • kommodevaran
    kommodevaran Posts: 17,890 Member
    I can't help thinking about this as anti-food - going against all principles of taste and culinary rules - imagining Americans heaping cod roe on rømmegrøt at the Scandinavian julebord o:)
  • 50452
    50452 Posts: 170 Member
    I've been wanting to try Soylent for quite a while.

    When I first heard about it, the story went that a college student in a particularly rigorous degree, was feeling like he was wasting too much time in shopping, meal prep, and clean up. So he researched what nutrients we need for optimal health - I'm sure he's got some things wrong. But he made a mixture as a complete dietary substitute and ingested it for a year. He had lost weight and felt as thought he think more clearly.

    As a young man, he had never seen the movie nor read the book Soylent Green, but someone made a joke about it and the name stuck.

    He also consulted with nutritionists to tweak the formula.

    I'm going to try it. Not because I think that it's a magic bullet, but I hate thinking about eating and meal prep. I'll just do it for two meals a day and have a nutritious dinner with my family. If I do it that way, then I am hoping that I will be able to cover all my bases.

    I think that there is nutritional value in foods that maybe we do not know about or that when in a food together, they can act in such a way that is more than the sum of their parts, so to speak.

    I think it would be informative to have several groups do several experiments with it and s
  • Niff314
    Niff314 Posts: 113 Member
    ahamm002 wrote: »
    Niff314 wrote: »
    Seems like the people who *aren't* using Soylent are far more vocal than those who *are*. Which seems to be par for the course, I've found.

    I'm going to keep using it because 1) I enjoy it, and 2) It has been helping with my fatigue and inflammation issues.

    It's simple...if you don't want to use Soylent, well, then...don't.

    If you need documentation on proof of health benefits, here you go:

    Arstechnica is a great place to discuss android, programming, hacks, etc. It's the last place you should be going to for nutrition advice. And all the link shows is a nutrition label. Sure, it has a decent macro profile, but nutrition is much more complex than than just that.

    I asked for feedback on people's experiences with Soylent, not an anti-Soylent diatribe. I suggest starting an anti-Soylent thread for you to share your platform?

    For everyone else, thank you so much for contributing! Catching up on posts. Good stuff - happy to find so many people on here!
  • Niff314
    Niff314 Posts: 113 Member
    On that note, does anyone have v1.4 yet? I've seen mixed reviews insofar...I should be getting my v1.4 in April.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    NVM after reading just seems like its a supplement aimed at people who dont like to cook.
    No. However, ok. It also has nothing to do with avoiding malnutrition. Anyone claiming that is talking out of their backend. lol.

    @cj2075‌ -Here's a link to one of mine. I have a premium version reflecting some slightly better ingredients, and then a corn based version that isn't done yet.
    What I did with mine is basically build in a small buffer for supplementation, if I feel like having some chicken, I can do so without having to adjust anything.

    @50452‌ - unlike chiv, I do mine in 2 drinks, with the amount of time I've had lately, it works. As for being sated? I'm usually not hungry when I have it anyway, and if I were really hungry, but busy, I could just take my eca stack and not worry about it.

    I usually have this a few days a week, which frees me up for more profitable pursuits, it also means now when I decide to cook, I can just be creative and have some fun. It's also letting me address some items in my diet like iodine content. I don't get much if any of that normally, so it's helping with an IR.
  • Niff314
    Niff314 Posts: 113 Member
    Impressive daily cost on your DIY - I may experiment with a DIY version after a couple of months.
  • jenglish712
    jenglish712 Posts: 497 Member
    Keeps making me think of nutraloaf as a milkshake. I have nothing against folks that meet their needs this way but it seems pretty devoid of enjoyment to me personally. To each his or her own.
  • YvonneBerdkan
    YvonneBerdkan Posts: 58 Member
    onyxgirl17 wrote: »
    I don't know but in for the

    "Soylent green is people"!
    ^this lol
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    Niff314 wrote: »
    Impressive daily cost on your DIY - I may experiment with a DIY version after a couple of months.

    yeah, that's using a few retail ingredients, it's going to fluctuate as I find better quality stuff, and play with vendor mix.