Jillian Michael's 30 day shred



  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    To everyone who is having trouble, keep up with it, it does get better. I still struggle doing a couple of the things on level one, but get better every time. I tell myself doing all I can do and a little more is better than not doing anything. I still don't enjoy it, but feel like I have accomplished something when done. I can feel myself getting stronger, hope you are too.
  • jadior
    jadior Posts: 191 Member
    Very true, Nataliegetfit! I found today I could do more triceps dips that I did the other 3 days. By dinner time, I could barely sit with pain or move my arms but I'm trying to fight through it and yesterday was better than the day before.

    I am stuck on how few calories I'm burning during the session. I know its not about the caloric burn but I'm a numbers person when it comes to exercise. I did 15 min on my elliptical yesterday but today I'm exhausted. Maybe I'm jump on it later today.

  • Last summer I made it a couple days into level 2, and stopped for some reason. Just started it again yesterday, I'm also going to the gym 6 days a week to get in hella cardio and doing some abs/arms/etc on my own outside of the video.
  • torifaris
    torifaris Posts: 42
    I took last night off due to cramps and went back today... Holy cow! I could feel I took a day off! It was rough!!!
  • adwilliams03
    adwilliams03 Posts: 147 Member
    jadior wrote: »
    Just found this thread today. I'm doing the beginners 30d shred and I'm on L1, day 4.
    Do you all just do every single day or do you have rest days?
    Anyone else doing the beginner dvd?

    I'm alternating days. I do Jillian's one day, then my treadmill the next. Also tossing in some yoga and swim classes at the gym. Still on the beginner's phase. Hope that helps!
  • rexkt
    rexkt Posts: 41 Member
    Just finished level 3 day 1 today and it was rough. I was actually dreading starting level 3 but so far it's my favorite. I measured myself yesterday at my one month since starting the shred mark and I've dropped 9 inches, 4 in my hips alone and am down 18lbs so it does work you just have to stick with it!
  • Nataliegetfit
    Nataliegetfit Posts: 395 Member
    rexkt, that is wonderful, I can't say I enjoy it, but like the feeling when it's done for the day.
  • alyssaburgess96
    alyssaburgess96 Posts: 6 Member
    I love the 30 day shred I'm new to it so on level 1 of it but I love it better than the other ones I have.
  • torifaris
    torifaris Posts: 42
    Wow that's a huge change!!! Good for u!!! I'm on my last two days of level 2. I'm afraid of level 3!
  • DenaR29
    DenaR29 Posts: 4 Member
    I just finished Level 2 today! I'm actually looking forward to what's in store with Level 3. A little hope for the beginners; I feel Level 1 was way harder than Level 2. You got this!
  • torifaris
    torifaris Posts: 42
    I thought level 2 was way worse than 1!!! I skipped my last 2 level 2s and went onto 3!! I like it so much better
  • ConnorsMomJenn
    ConnorsMomJenn Posts: 9 Member
    Starting level 2 next week. Crossing my fingers I don't wanna quit. Hell, if I can make it through spin at 5am with a chick who I'm convinced loves to cause us pain then I can deal with Jillian's annoying voice.
  • anniebelle26
    anniebelle26 Posts: 43 Member
    OK!! Thats it!! Im going to start my Shred cd TOMORROW!! No more procrastinating! Wish me luck!
  • torifaris
    torifaris Posts: 42
    Good luck!!! Jillian michaels boobs look like they're guna pop out in second video!! Kept me entertained lol
  • torifaris
    torifaris Posts: 42
    Good luck!!! Jillian michaels boobs look like they're guna pop out in second video!! Kept me entertained lol
  • DaneanP
    DaneanP Posts: 433 Member
    Level 2 is much more difficult for me than level 3. Too many planks. My wrists hurt from it. And I really want to punch her at the end for some reason. >:)
  • DenaR29
    DenaR29 Posts: 4 Member
    Hahaha! All her videos are free on YouTube too. I put the volume down and crank Pandora. I can't listen to it!
  • torifaris
    torifaris Posts: 42
    The way she says pull drives me nuts!!! "Pughl. Pughl!" Level 3 is way better! I hate her less by the end.
  • emily889
    emily889 Posts: 296 Member
    I think I have it kicking around somewhere, I hate doing workout dvds though because I am in a second floor apartment... It probably sounds like a bunch of elephants running around to my poor neighbors... I should just suck it up and do it though!
  • MEmomof3
    MEmomof3 Posts: 26 Member
    torifaris wrote: »
    Good luck!!! Jillian michaels boobs look like they're guna pop out in second video!! Kept me entertained lol

    This made me giggle! I had the kids do level 2 with me yesterday, and that's exactly what my 12 year old said..."mom is this going to be appropriate?" Haha!