

  • DosEquisToGo
    chips and dip are my kryptonite!
  • MrCoolGrim
    MrCoolGrim Posts: 351 Member
    SF2514 wrote: »
    I ate 3 hot dogs yesterday and I don't regret it. I don't log accurately lately. I eat more than I log lol. I'm addicted to Kimchi.

  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Confession: I think most diet sodas are Gross - yes, capital G. I would much rather mostly exclude soda than ever drink Diet Pepsi or Coke.

    FACT!!! I couldn't care less if diet soda has zero calories or whatever. It's not worth suffering through the taste. I'll take my full calorie DP or Cherry Coke ANY DAY!!!
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    Start complaining to your doctor about back pain. I was a 34G and after I lost my weight post pregnancy my insurance paid for a reduction. I'm 38, they're 21. Also, my mom started bleaching my hair when I was four. I've never actually seen my natural hair color. I'll be a platinum blonde until the day I die.

    I'm a 32GG and I hate it. It's not due to my weight (5'2, 110lbs) I'm so uncomfortable and I've been thinking about going to the docs for a while now. I've done loads of research and the only thing bothering me is the scarring..

    Would consider having kids in the future? If so, it might be worth it to wait for a procedure so you don't end up having one twice.

    Yeah I definitely want children so that would be a big thing to consider.
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    Confession: I pay someone else to clean my house. (I found someone who charges very reasonably.) It was the best thing I ever did. When I come home from work to a clean house, with sparkling floors and no dirty dishes...nirvana!

    Same here! When the kids were teenagers (a.k.a. slobs) I was not about to be the only one cleaning and concerned with clutter, so I hired a cleaning service to come every other week. In between, the kids DID have cleaning responsibilities. If they failed, then they did not get the benefit of the cleaning service the following week. I would close their bedroom doors or their bathroom doors and instructed the cleaning service to clean only where doors were opened. They learned pretty quickly that it was worth it to at least attempt to clean on the in-between weeks so that they'd get every other week off. Worked great for me, too - much less arguing and I got to come home to a clean house!
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Confession: I pay someone else to clean my house. (I found someone who charges very reasonably.) It was the best thing I ever did. When I come home from work to a clean house, with sparkling floors and no dirty dishes...nirvana!

    I have seriously contemplated doing this. However, my mother was a housekeeper my whole life and I think she would be so pissed if I paid someone else to do what she could. I haven't hired my mother because she's nosey and snoops/rearranges my stuff.

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Start complaining to your doctor about back pain. I was a 34G and after I lost my weight post pregnancy my insurance paid for a reduction. I'm 38, they're 21. Also, my mom started bleaching my hair when I was four. I've never actually seen my natural hair color. I'll be a platinum blonde until the day I die.

    Wow, really? Just curious - do you know why? I think it's a beautiful shade from your avatar picture, so I'm truly just being nosy! Feel free to ignore, of course...

    She colors her own hair the same color and just started doing mine when she did hers. I thought it was my natural color until I hit puberty lol. Now I have a professional do it every four weeks. It's damn expensive to keep up with. Roots!

    Thank you for answering!
  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,714 Member
    virelay129 wrote: »
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    virelay129 wrote: »
    I went Gluten Free at the suggestion of both my doctor and personal trainer / friend for health issues. It has solved everything and ai feel better than ever...but after 2.5 years doing this....I still have yet to admit publicly that my main reason (without the input of doc and PT/driend) for doing it was to tell myself no for a good reason to all the yummy goodies that have gluten in them.....cupcakes, cake, bread, tortillas, etc...

    Sounds like it worked for you for the right reasons and you have nothing to feel guilty about, nor the need to explain it to others! I do low carb because it works for me; not for any medical reason and I have no need to justify it to anyone. Keep it up if it works for you!

    The difference is amazing. Eating out is very difficult and I've found that most waiters/waitresses get frustrated with my questions. But oh well, I only eat out once a week now.

    You'd think by now with so many people with food allergies, intolerances, medical conditions, etc. they'd be used to answering questions! Then again, not everyone is invested in their job or maybe they are relatively new. Either way, just keep doing what you're doing!
  • cassy000
    cassy000 Posts: 9
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol

  • xMrBunglex
    xMrBunglex Posts: 1,121 Member
    I confess that it ticked my wife off that I watched what I ate & got workouts in during our AZ vacation.

    Results: gained half a pound.

    I regret nothing
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    jyshma wrote: »
    - i lie about how much i exercise because my body does not look like the body of someone who works out as much as i do.
    - ive been trying to lose the same 10-15 pounds for 8 years.
    - i have zero self control around sweets.

    I am the same way. I get embarrassed when I tell people I work out, because I feel like they're looking at me like "are you sure?". I've been working on the same 10-15 pounds for about 5 years. Up and down, up and down. I get so frustrated with myself.
  • noaddedsugarx
    noaddedsugarx Posts: 169 Member
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I think most diet sodas are Gross - yes, capital G. I would much rather mostly exclude soda than ever drink Diet Pepsi or Coke.

    FACT!!! I couldn't care less if diet soda has zero calories or whatever. It's not worth suffering through the taste. I'll take my full calorie DP or Cherry Coke ANY DAY!!!

    I used to think this and was definitely all about the full fat coke but I forced myself to switch to diet and eventually started to enjoy it. Now I can't stomach the normal version as I can REALLY taste the sugar and I can feel it lingering in my mouth afterwards. Same with tea - had that with 2 sugars and gradually cut down to zero. Drinking a sugary cup of tea now is way too sweet. I used to drink my coffee with milk and after starting to drink it black if I ever have a milky coffee now it makes me feel sick. I think you can train your tastebuds.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    BZAH10 wrote: »
    Confession: I pay someone else to clean my house. (I found someone who charges very reasonably.) It was the best thing I ever did. When I come home from work to a clean house, with sparkling floors and no dirty dishes...nirvana!

    Same here! When the kids were teenagers (a.k.a. slobs) I was not about to be the only one cleaning and concerned with clutter, so I hired a cleaning service to come every other week. In between, the kids DID have cleaning responsibilities. If they failed, then they did not get the benefit of the cleaning service the following week. I would close their bedroom doors or their bathroom doors and instructed the cleaning service to clean only where doors were opened. They learned pretty quickly that it was worth it to at least attempt to clean on the in-between weeks so that they'd get every other week off. Worked great for me, too - much less arguing and I got to come home to a clean house!

    I like this! I don't let my angel that cleans my house o:) clean my son's room anyway, but I might do this with his bathroom!

  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,442 Member
    edited March 2015
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Confession: I pay someone else to clean my house. (I found someone who charges very reasonably.) It was the best thing I ever did. When I come home from work to a clean house, with sparkling floors and no dirty dishes...nirvana!

    I have seriously contemplated doing this. However, my mother was a housekeeper my whole life and I think she would be so pissed if I paid someone else to do what she could. I haven't hired my mother because she's nosey and snoops/rearranges my stuff.

    Don't tell her! >:) It is honestly the best decision I ever made. I never thought we could afford it and felt guilty that I couldn't take care of things all on my own. But she comes in every two weeks and I always feel like this HUGE load has been lifted off my shoulders.
  • ythannah
    ythannah Posts: 4,368 Member
    Confession: I want BZAH10's shoulders. Well, I want a matched set of the one that shows in her avatar, lol.

    However, in reality, it is unlikely that I have the self-discipline or the perseverance to do what it takes to accomplish that. Sigh.
  • pinksyringes
    pinksyringes Posts: 21 Member
    Reading this has made me feel better about my week. :)
  • kayleighalford9
    kayleighalford9 Posts: 26 Member
    I threw my husbands biscuits into the snow just so I would not eat them or be tempted. I also do the 2 bra thing....can't afford to keep replacing them while im still on my journey
  • celticmuse
    celticmuse Posts: 492 Member
    funjen1972 wrote: »
    I wear the same stinky workout clothes for several days without washing. Ewww gross, I know. Always change my socks though lol

    I do the same thing, including the socks.

  • blukitten
    blukitten Posts: 922 Member
    I really hate when people who do not understand PCOS or even know anything about it call me a "special snowflake" because my weight is tied to the amount of carbs I eat- even if I am not claiming anything about CICO- but that is an assumption they are making. There I said it- I feel better.
  • sherbear702
    sherbear702 Posts: 649 Member
    edited March 2015
    My co-workers (some of them) take advantage of the loose management style in my office and it pisses me off to no end! Showing up late, then working late to make up for it. Showing up late, then working through lunch to make up for it. Not showing up to work at all, which causes issues for other employees in the office (namely me & my front office partner). I WISH SOMEONE WOULD BRING THE HAMMER DOWN AND FIX IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I could take advantage if I wanted to, but I don't because I have a good work ethic, unlike some people I work with!