Body Beast Women's Group!



  • jmroberts35
    jmroberts35 Posts: 3 Member
    Thanks ddavies919. I was kind of thinking the same.

    So, one problem I am having is feeling bloated all the time. Does anyone else feel this starting this program? I wouldn't think it is from eating since I am under my calorie goals most days (really hard to get to the max). Wondering if it is just part of bulking.

  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member

    Uggghh......I struggle with bloat sometimes but have narrowed it down to certain foods I eat like nuts, dairy (which I don't eat anymore) or fruit. Have you noticed the bloat after eating certain foods? I have a cup of Dandelion tea every night before bed or whenever I feel bloated. There's many benefits of it and the main one is helping with bloat and it works! Maybe try that. I sweeten mine with a packet of stevia or agave nectar. See if that helps.
  • jmroberts35
    jmroberts35 Posts: 3 Member
    Well, I have gone from a low carb - High Fat diet to going with the plan. It could be the carbs, I may try going back to the lower carb route which works for me. Definitely trying the tea, thank you for the suggestion!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Hi ladies! How's everyone doing here? I started round 2 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme yesterday. I have been slowly able to lift a little more with my arm so my goal is to do this round and then get back into Beast! I am missing it terribly! But because of what I was lifting before my surgery, I want to make sure I am ready. I am feeling good and dialing in my nutrition this second round! Hope you ladies are all doing good!
  • jenluvsushi
    jenluvsushi Posts: 933 Member
    I just bought the BB program and adjustable dumbbells today off of Amazon...can't wait till I get them! I have been lifting weights for years now but I need to try something I can do at home so I hope this is up my alley!
  • kherman115
    kherman115 Posts: 2 Member
    kikowilson wrote: »
    Hey, everyone, glad I see this post. My 3rd day - build leg today, I really love this program, and I have 10lb. baby weight to lose(my goal is get lean toned body), before I was pregnant, I've finished, insanity1,2,3 LMP, Les Mills Combat, T25, Chalean, Post baby, I did 1 round T25, P90x3, and just finished Max 30 right before start BB. So last 10 lbs. stubben fat to lose, I'm little concerned about nutrition here, from calculation from beast book, I'm on 2100 cal/day, first I eat whatever when I was hungry, at the end of the day, my intake only 1600. second follow beast book, 50/25/25, that will be a lot carbs to eat, won't it make me gain a lot?

  • kherman115
    kherman115 Posts: 2 Member
    Hi. I am right there with u with 10lbs. I got rid of 5 and then put them back on as we started the house buying process. I am struggling to stick with it right now with all the stress and such. Been thinking of doing body beast. Wondering how the results are. I have a good amount of muscle but need to shed some serious fat right now. Helpppp
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    Glad to see there is a Body Beast group going. I am a Beach Body Junkie and recently discovered body beast. I am going to be done with the 1st week of the bulk phase. It is taking me longer because I have had to skip a few works outs but I'm sticking with it till I finish the program. I really like it.
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Ladies! Things are a changin! I love what I'm seeing! I finished my leg day today and noticed in the mirror..........ummm.....are those quad muscles I'm seeing???? Yes!!! vrkiqjokyxyh.jpg
  • eringle
    eringle Posts: 12
    HI! I am just now starting my first week on Body beast.. so happy to see the thread!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    I completed week 1 of bulk phase. Total of 4 weeks. It's taking me longer but no matter what I am sticking to it.
  • rainbow198
    rainbow198 Posts: 2,245 Member
    ddavies919 wrote: »
    Ladies! Things are a changin! I love what I'm seeing! I finished my leg day today and noticed in the mirror..........ummm.....are those quad muscles I'm seeing???? Yes!!! vrkiqjokyxyh.jpg

    You look great!!! Keep it up! :)

    I can relate to what you said. I'm in my 8th week now, but even before I started BB I felt leg muscles, but they were never visible unless I was flexing.

    The other day I went to the market and a woman asked me if I was an athlete because she saw some muscle through my stretchy workout pants. I didn't realize they were visible! Taking photos is so important.

    I told her not at all, then she asked me what workout did I do and she was floored when I said I nothing too crazy or hardcore - mainly just power walk and lifting heavy weights. She thought weights would make her bulky. I hope she decides to give weights a try!

    The program is going really well for me. I've noticed some back muscles showing up. Yay!

    Let us know how it goes for you eringle! I hope everyone else is doing well!
  • Julesbait
    Julesbait Posts: 190 Member
    Hey, y'all! If anyone is interested, I started a Body Beast group!
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    So, as some of you know, I had pretty extensive surgery in November and have sloooowly been working my way into lifting again. Today I was able to do bicep curls with 12lbs! Woo hoo! Feeling pretty good! I'm happy that I haven't lost too much muscle!

    Happy Flex Friday ladies!ms2hu5q06dj5.jpg
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning ladies! How's everyone doing? Today I have 21DFX Dirty 30 and getting in an extra session of upper body too!
  • Insanity2bSane
    Insanity2bSane Posts: 204 Member
    Doubled up on BB again since I skipped yesterday. Hopefully I can get out of bed tomorrow. Almost done with week 2 of bulk
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Girls! How's it going???
  • Callidreamr
    Callidreamr Posts: 52 Member
    Hello ladies. I just completed my 2nd day of week 1 Body Beast yesterday. I'm looking forward to day 3 today. Are any of you following the eating plan? What kind of results did you get?
  • ddavies919
    ddavies919 Posts: 1,005 Member
    Good morning! Soooo.....I had decided I wanted to do a round of Chalean Extreme again because I get such good results from it; it's kind of my "summer program." However, yesterday was supposed to be week 3 and I just wasn't feeling like I was getting enough upper body work. Not to mention, I have been training legs 3x per week on my strength days and in CLX, she does total body moves that include legs so it wasn't enough upper. Anyway, long story short..........I'm back to Beast and it feels good!!!!! Yesterday was Chest & Tris!

    How are you Beastettes doing?
  • Lizgooden7
    Lizgooden7 Posts: 3 Member
    I'm in!!! I'm on week 2 of Lean Beast I feel tighter already!