

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Did an hour of the deep water class after going to the Humane Society and giving them my aluminum and coupons that I won't use and going to Bi-Lo just to get a few items that are on sale.

    The plan for tomorrow is to do a lower body DVD.

    - yes, I've heard of the "No Pudge" Brownies. Personally, I like them. Vince isn't real crazy about them. Probably because he knows that you use (I think it is) yogurt in them. Now I have made Gihardelli (? sp) brownies substituting silken tofu for the oil and he loves them. He just doesn't know that I sustitute the tofu. Unfortunately, when I first made the No Pudge brownies, he saw that I put the yogurt in them and he wouldn't eat them. He's one of those people, if he knows what goes into his food, he doesn't eat it. But if he doesn't know and can't see it, he eats it. He FINALLY admitted that the reason he's so pickey is because of the way his mother cooked. Her idea of spices was salt, pepper and ketchup. That's it. So that's the way he grew up. Your son sounds like a really great guy!

    Joyce - I put the chocolates in the freezer, so when I have that craving, I can just get that small piece.

    I asked the president of Newcomers to introduce the magician tonight. At first she said "why not ask Gary to be a backup". Well, I asked the past president to be a backup but he's not coming. Now, and this I don't totally understand, she said that she'll be there but she's battling a sinus problem and won't be able to introduce him so she asked Gary. Honestly, she should have asked me first because Vince would have done it. Plus, now Gary is in the awkward position of introducing someone he doesn't know whereas we've at least seen this guy and know something about him. Why she didn't ask me first, I have no idea. My understanding was that her husband was going to introduce him but she told me that her husband is battling the same thing (huh?). Well, I guess we'll just see how it all plays out. I'm really disappointed that she didn't tell me before asking Gary. Bet I'll be the only one signing people in. Update: the guy who Dianne asked to introduce the magician called. He, too, wondered why she asked him since he hasn't been involved at all. In the end, Vince is going to introduce him.

    katla - we have our prescriptions with WalMart or CVS so if we need it, we can have them filled in FL. I think Walgreens does the same thing, so I'm sure you'll be able to get your prescriptions filled.

    Linda - whenever I have a doctors appt, I try to make it either first thing in the morning or the first after lunch. By then he hasn't had a chance to get backed up

    Diana - now I understand why on "the Big Bang Theory" they made reference to pi! That's cool

    Mary - my body reacts badly, too. Vince just doesn't understand it. Yesterday at the Newcomer lunch the green beans had so much (to me, anyway) butter on them that my stomach felt "yuk". Even after I'd tried to soak as much of that butter off as I could. Teachs me, never take "sauteed", always ask if it can be "boiled". Why they put so much butter on, I have no idea. It was (to me) sickening.

    Sylvia - I'm really looking forward to seeing pics of those bowls. I was just reading an article that says that one reason for more allergies is the fact that so many of our dishes are run thru a dishwasher, that a few bacteria is good for us. Personally, convenience works for me!

    Carol in NC - you can add me to the group who gets "bowls" and "bowels" mixed up, too! Well, it COULD be worse....lol Yea for that tunic and leggins.

    Off to brush my teeth, maybe take a bit of a rest, then to the Magical Evening.

    Michele in NC
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Michele in NC - have a fantastic evening! you deserve it after all the hard work you put in.

    Sylvia - I was unable to be your bowl and view the video. for some reason my MFP does not always work correctly. before the big event I would like to request you post a picture!

    Mary from Minnesota
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    dammit- i go to bed i would guess around 8ish, depending on if i want to watch something on tv or not. i guess i thought everyone knew, lololol u crack me up...i used to live on a farm and yeah, i guess i do get up b4 the chickens do...
    - i promised my husband i wouldn't ride home today so i'll be taking the train home and just riding the short stretch (uphill) home
  • dpgalbreath
    dpgalbreath Posts: 26 Member
    barbiecat wrote: »
    2157045gp85zev8ri.gif 1054619uymc383ki3.gif

    smiley-cool05.gif Welcome to a friendly community of women. The name says Women ages 50+ but all women are welcome. I hope that those of you who are new will become part of this community. None of us is able to manage this journey to health and fitness alone.

    How did you do with your goals or resolutions for February?
    What goals or resolutions have you chosen for March?

    :D Sign your post with your name or alias and your geographic location so we can get to know each other better.

    1056287i3zmwzup2m.gif253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif smiley-happy093.gif

    My quote for 2015 (and the last six years)--- The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2015 is "now"---I won't wallow in the past or waste time worrying about the future

    February Resolutions (with end of the month comments)
    *walk 19,000 steps a day (this is higher than last month)--every day
    *strength training twice a week (this is the one I still haven't accomplished) smiley-sport017.gif--about once a week
    *get the income tax numbers compiled and mailed to the accountant--done
    *Don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good--this goes well with my happiness commandment to "Lighten up"--well done

    March Resolutions
    *walk 19,000 steps a day--same as last month
    *strength training twice a week--same as last month smiley-sport017.gif--
    * find and use two new low sodium recipes
    *finish sorting the slides
    *don't expect praise or recognition

  • dpgalbreath
    dpgalbreath Posts: 26 Member
    I m in
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    Between soggy bottoms, bowl and bowels got my chuckles for the day.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Hello to all

    Weight before your coffee because a coffee weighs at least 1/2 lb.

    Poutine is not diet food by far. It's french fry's with cheese I use mozarella cheese curds and gravy. yummy I only had a little bit.

    Your lucky you still have running water even hot water. Could be like the good old days and have to melt snow. That's what I have to do at cottage or dig a hole in the ice and use lake water.

    Well so far had a great day. But now to stay out of the granola I just made just had some with yogurt pretty good sweeted with honey. Has oatmeal, cranberries, almonds and a bit of butter very good.

    See you all lighter
    Linda in Northern Ontario.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Hi, all,

    Have read everything, can't remember much as I'd like to comment on, but feeling more back to normal. Comments will be a bit "dated". Going to be a rainy weekend here. DD had the entire day off which never happens so we went to see Cinderella; nicely done and a great diversion after the last few days. Amazed that Sir Derek Jacobi was in it as the kings father, he's a wonderful actor I never would have imagined in a movie of this type. Y'all might know him from "Last Tango in Halifax"; actually he's done a ton of stuff.

    Lesley........I was very happy to read about your dream about Mildred beagle. I hope you are beginning to get a sense of closure and peace.

    Cynthia.........YAY!!!! For the job offer; now it's your decision, but it has to be a good feeling to be wanted. Lucky dog to get such rides!!!

    Michele......Have fun tonight; hope all goes well.

    Beth........Ahhhhhhh.........the big college hunt and decision; I remember it well (notice I didn't say fondly).

    Heather........A visit with your son is a great "something" to look forward to. Would love to sample the food at your dinner party.

    Selena........Amazing beautiful pic!! We polka'd at every wedding I went to growing up; it's FUN!!!

    Katla.........Sorry your trip has hit a bump in the road; whatever you decide, travel safe!

    Sylvia......So happy you are sounding better and things are "moving". Great work with the kids on the bowl project!!

    The bowl/bowel discussion has been one of the very few giggles of the last few days.

    Sharon.......My DGM (paternal) had the "rage" type dementia; I rememeber being terrified of her as a child. My mother, on the other hand, was completely placid and agreeable.

    Cindy........Here are your "swift kicks"!!!! We still have small piles of snow in the lot at the mall, surprised me today.

    Janet.......I agree with you, getting any outright affection from kids is not easy; we all need to enjoy the moments that do come our way. Good buy of the PF Chang's giftie!!!! One of my fav places too.

    Terri........Glad you won the pizza battle!!! My eating has been beyond bad but will be back in control shortly.

    I stayed awake through my last colonoscopy; interesting.

    Better days ahead, ladies!

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Yesterday, Friday, was a BAD day for me. Day after what should have been mum's birthday, cried over Mildred, had 2 ice cream cones. BOOHOO Friday 13th.
    Back on track again now.
    1720 cals for day (NO ice cream)
    Training: Cardio = Wii Sports Active ii, weights = Wii Biggest Loser fitness and challenge.
    I had a 30 minute walk yesterday and talked to a neighbour. Teared up as she did not know Mildred was dead and asked after her. SAD
    I DO eat pizza but use Jamie Oliver's pizza mix and add stuff, all home made
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    take care lest an- stay strong..

    stats for the day, as promised, i didn't ride home from work :0(
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.32min, 14.1amph 3mi = 126cal
    spin- 35min, 95ar, 80aw, 9g, 16.4mi= 248cal
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.32min, 13.3amph, 1.4mi = 72cal
    ride dome 2 hm- 16.22min, 9.7amph, 2.7mi = 179cal
    total cal. 625
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    Today was an extra special day at the line dance class that I teach. The teacher who taught before me who had to step down because of health and mobility issues, finally came for a visit and stayed through the whole class including dancing a few dances. She got several rounds of applause and lots of hugs. I got to tell the class about my first line dance class when the other teacher was teaching and I knew nothing.

    <3 Barbie
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,649 Member
    How cool was that Barbie!!!!!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,374 Member
    Just got back from the magical evening. You know what? We were three people short of how many we had told them, yet it seems that they were running out of food! We didn't have enough desserts (I had more of the glazed carrots, snap peas and veg medley). I understand a couple of people brought their salads into the ballroom, but when they went back for their entree, there wasn't anything left! That I'm a bit surprised at. Newcomers doesn't eat a whole lot (it's not like a college football team). One person said they saw another group that was registering take some of the desserts. How true that is, I don't know. The Crowne Plaza said that the guy who was at the carving station was there all night and didn't see anyone. But in the end, I think everyone enjoyed themselves. I didn't mind doing the coordinating, but Vince feels that if we were to do it next year, he'd want to assist someone rather than us doing all the work. I'd rather have it in early February before we go to FL, so all the work is done by the time we left. So I guess we shall see. But it appears everyone enjoyed themselves, and it wasn't a late night.

    Lesley - you are always so good, one day of "the blues" (and that's putting it mildly) isn't going to do you a lot of damage. I know you'll get right back on track.

    barbie - that must have been an awesome experience!

    Well, going to go to bed now. Nitey nite everyone.

    Michele in NC
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Hi all,
    Welcome to all the newbies… and to all my friends, hi – cheers for all the good, ((hugs)) for everything…

    I logged in and it told me there were 516 messages to read..OMG!!! so I started reading and not taking notes… well I have read until I was tired and only am up to page 12 March 7th… I have be “gone” for about 10 days, and missed you all. Life got very very busy; my roommate is moving out (tomorrow is her final day here) We are good friends and this was a temporary situation; she will be moving into a rental house with her boyfriend..we’ll see how that works. He is really nice, but she has almost never commuted and they moved to a place about 30 miles away but in commute traffic it will take over an hour to get to and from work. In addition to that I ended up with a poison oak mess – mostly better now but in my eyes and that made everything hard… threading a needle on the embroidery machines was a challenge with swollen puffy eye lids.. and I looked like a witch who had forgotten her Halloween costume..one cheek and jaw all red and bumpy… My mom came to celebrate her 86th birthday and I have had a number of rush jobs… so all in all just to busy for words…

    But I am fine now and hope to be back in the routine of checking in.

    Will read more tomorrow.

    March goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week

    Kim from N. California
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    Diana in NE IN: Thanks for telling us about pi day! What a treat. I’m going to send the info to DS and DD. I come from a whole nerdy family.

    Barbie: I’m so happy that the woman who taught your dance group before you was well enough to come for a visit. If I remember correctly, she stopped teaching due to a serious health issue. I hope she is doing better.

    Sylvia: I’m glad the belly pain is pretty much gone.

    Heather: I think you’re amazingly talented to write a book in the first place, and pursue self-publishing on top of that. I hope to be able to read it.

    Carey in Edmonton: I love the quotation from Claude Pepper. I think I’d better keep pedaling, too.

    Cynthia: Several years ago I had to have a bone spur removed from my little toe. I asked the surgeon if I could watch, and he said okay. It was very interesting and I had hardly any swelling afterward. Watching kept me from getting nervous. I also refer to everyone here as my Fitness Pal friends.

    DD and the kids are feeling better and we’re heading east tomorrow morning. We’ve spent two nights here in Eastern Oregon and visited with family. Tomorrow we should be in Wyoming, and Colorado the day after that. I have managed to replace the medicine that I left at home in the garage, thankfully. I’ll be able to take my regular doses of everything tomorrow morning. My doctor actually called me directly this afternoon to offer her help with the prescription mess. She earned a gold star from me for her support. She wanted to know how she could help and everything is now better.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    March Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep.


  • sweetnsassyfied
    sweetnsassyfied Posts: 110 Member
    edited March 2015
    Lillian: Aren't those Surprise days to ourselves WONDERFUL!! They are so few and far between, Enjoy it!

    Cynthia: Do you know how wonderful it is to read the relief and happies in your post... its almost as awesome as your faux vacation day! lol I'm so thrilled things took a turn for you. :D OMGoodness!! My eyes hurt from the cuteness of doggie ride!

    Terri: Darn tootin that was an Ah-hah moment! I can so relate to the ex vs the now husband. My Alex is truly a wonderful, loving, compassionate, generous man whose integrity astounds me at times. So how is it possible that this completely fabulous guy for me can flip a trigger of mine every now and then. He has never gone out of his way to push a button of mine. He has gone out of his way to Uninstall quite a few buttons, so they cant be pushed.

    Anyway it happens and when it does it is up to me to play that tape through. Just like you did. That is huge! That is facing a hurt, seeing it for what it is, then making a choice on how to deal with it. Give yourself another pat on the back! Please, what ever you do, don't pull a muscle from patting yourself on the back. :D

    Janet: Thank you Janet. We always hope our words help or resonate when reach out. Thank you for letting me know mine have.

    Michele: HaH! I have one of those too, if they see what's in it wont eat it. Her name is Katelynn and she is my middle child...lol Oh the things I've gotten past her, she would just die! lol When she was just a little girl she got into her head that she didn't like raisins. A few years later we were enjoying a movie together eating some freshly made oatmeal raisin cookies ( I had totally forgotten ) and after a few she looked up at me with those great big baby blues and asked; "Mommy, are these raisins?" Jiminies what could I do??!!?? I've always been a very supportive Mom. As long as they followed my 1 rule which was called The 3 Bite Rule. They had to take 3 bites of all new foods. ( occasionally we would revisit a food if they didn't like it after a couple years because your taste buds change. The rule applied here too. ) The first bite you're clueless and don't know what to expect. The second bite you're past that and can explore texture & taste. The third bite you got all that down now you can give me an informed decision on whether you like it or not. I didn't want my children to have food issues, or be picky eaters, or even food snobs. Back to our tale; So I looked down at my innocent trusting child and said; "NO sweetheart. Mommy knows you don't like raisins. Those are cooked grapes." No mom of the year awards won that year. ;)

    Kim: Poison Oal in the eyes??!!?? OMGoodness that sounds awful!! I cant even fathom it... You poor thing.

    Katla: Oh yay! I am so happy that you get to continue onward. Looking forward to the pictures you will hopefully share. ;) Your doctor deserves a hug! I am so not used to hearing American doctors going the extra mile for their patients. I'm thrilled yours does. Maybe a wee thank you gift from Colorado???


    1/2 cup unsweetened cocoa
    3/4 cup all purpose flour
    1 Tbsp cornstarch
    1/4 tsp baking soda
    1/4 tsp salt
    1 1/4 cups sugar
    2/3 c fat free vanilla yogurt (or use plain yogurt and 1 tsp vanilla extract. tastes just as good)

    1.Mix all ingredients together until well mixed and glossy.
    2. Bake in an 8x8" pan sprayed with Pam. ( Or muffin pans )
    3. Bake at 350 degrees F for 30-35 minutes. Top with FF Cool Whip. (Optional )

    **Individual brownies: 2 Tbsp cocoa mix and 1 Tbsp Fat Free vanilla yogurt. Stir together until glossy. Microwave 1 minute on high. **

    Having only gotten 3 hours of sleep the night before last. It was time to quit conning myself and admit... That Alex got me sick. :s I cant taste anything, I can only breathe through my mouth. Which makes eating with me an unusual experience. I went for peanut butter honey toast w/ sliced banana and an apple for breakfast. Because I was going light and healthy. Missed on the light part calorie wise. And in hindsight I still dont care. It was tasty and not heavy in the tum.

    Crawled back into bed afterwards in hopes of getting some sleep. Not happening, so ended up doing a Criminal Minds marathon. Lunch time came and I can honestly say that I have no hunger whatsoever. Probably due to the lack of taste but I know I need healthy calories. Sick hmmmm protein. So a couple of eggs, sweet potato chickpea burger, and some turkey for lunch.

    Alex comes home early knowing I have what he had, and darned happy to find me in bed. He is bearing gifts. Proceeds to pull out of his wizardly sac Nyquil, nose spray, eucalyptis lozenges, sleeping pills, magnesium tablets for restless over tired legs, and some Werthers hard candy ( cuz he loves me!!) I tell him I should really should do my best to stay awake now until 7ish, he said nooooooooo you will go to sleep and catch up on what you have been missing. I tried. I'd get a half an hour here and half an hour there. Finally we had to pull out the big guns and go for a Carb Crash. So he made spaghetti and gave me a piece of my plum bread. I'm sound asleep within the hour. Out for 10 up at 3am but I feel darn good! Stuffy but good! :blush:

    This was most assuredly a rest day!

    Sassy aus Austria
    • If you want it, you'll find a way. If you don't, you'll find an excuse.

    • Being Fat is Hard.
    Losing Weight is Hard.
    Maintenance is Hard.

    Choose Your Hard.

  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Allison, before my MIL died in the nursing home, either I or after DH retired he was there with me were at all conferences. We even wheeled MIL down with us so she could attend. We made sure DH's brother and sister also knew when it was but they never attended. Of course once MIL was in a nursing home and SIL couldn't have access to her Mom's money anymore, she became invisible. She didn't even come when MIL died. She said it would bother her to much. That's when I lost the teeny amount of respect I had for her. I remember the first nursing home Vi had to go to. I was there first so that I could be in the room when the ambulance brought her in the room. So the intake nurse started asking me about her history and everything. As soon as SIL got there she told the nurse that I wasn't even family, she was the daughter. At this time I had already been married about 20 years. I don't care if I ever see SIL again. As far as your hubbie getting mad at YOU opening a can of soup for lunch, what is wrong with him fixing his own lunch??? Charlie and I hardly ever eat lunch at the same time. He gets up at weird hours and eats then and then goes back to bed. So he may eat at 7 AM and then not have anything until supper. Plus his meal may mean 2 chocolate pop tarts.

    Heather, my son in law self publishes his own books. He even has in one of his regular blogs how to do it. My sister's daughter proof reads it for him free and then he sends it to a book maker. He sells on Amazon and Kindle.

    Sylvia, good for you in feeling more normal, please listen to your body when it is telling you to lighten up on the food. Your grand kids sound adorable

    PIP, I would not want to be awake at all for a colonoscopy. I was when I had a sigmoidoscopy, which is just a small portion of the lower intestine but not the entire thing. After the sigmoidoscopy I immediately went to radiology to have a barium enema, I had to have them stop it due to the extreme discomfort of it. I did watch the whole thing when I had 2 toenails removed.

    Mikesmom, I have the it bit one and it comes with a black band that has velcro so you cn put your fit it in it at night. I don't immediately get dressed when I get up and just leave the band on.

    Rained all day long. Yucky. But it is a soaking type rain.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • LinCharpentier
    LinCharpentier Posts: 1,122 Member
    Good morning on this beautiful Saturday. Let's all work on a great day.
    Weighed on the wii and seen a smile again this morning that's three days he's been smilling. Sure hope I can keep him smilling. All those little loses will add up for tops on wed. I want to be the biggest loser there's 9 bucks to grab that my coffee money for a whole week. LOL.
    I have been getting over 3,000 steps on my fit bit every day. I know to a lot of you it's not much but it's certainly better than under 1,000 that I was getting doing nothing.

    Joyce sounds like we have the same fit bit. I don't wear mine to bed. But hook it on my night gown when I get up. The only bad thing i don't like about it is I can't fix the clock on it. And every now and again it resets so I loses all my steps. making me mad. I look at it enough I can usually figure where I was and when it reset. I had looked at it at 8pm it was 2,777 Looked before bed it was 1002 so something wrong need to find someone who can help me with it.

    Well again lets work at this today
    Linda in Northern Ontario
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    Kim - poison oak in your eyes! Thats awful! I am glad you didn't scratch them out!

    Katla - great news about your Dr trying to help you! Glad that you are able to continue on with your vacation!

    Sassy - sorry to hear that you were ill. I thought you were not here as much yesterday! How many calories in the brownies?

    Joyce in Indiana - aren't you glad it wasn't snow!

    Linda in N Ontario - yay for you! Nice to see the numbers moving downward!

    Outdoor work today! Gotta get our house ready to sell! Exercise first though. Have a great day everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • pacemakerbabe
    pacemakerbabe Posts: 8 Member
    Would love to be a part of this group. Really need the support. Single Mom of 12 year old boy with 2 hour commute a day to and from work. Just turned 51. Time or lack of it is a big issue. What free time I do have goes to my son and his activities. Have gained about 30 - 40 pounds. I feel and look horrible. At my wits end. I have stopped and started so many times. Would love to get back on the right path to fitness! Carolyn from Philadelphia, PA