Just for today --- daily commitment thread



  • amy4302
    amy4302 Posts: 29 Member
    new to this and I love the idea
    just for today 3/17/15
    1. log all my food
    2. no dessert after dinner
    3. run at least 2 miles tonight.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    taxmom9093 wrote: »
    Sorry I've been away for a while. Life has been crazy busy and stressful the last week.

    Glad to see you back - we missed you!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    aerochic42 wrote: »
    I have some strange level of motivation recently and I'm hoping I can make some progress this time.

    1. today I will brush and floss my teeth after dinner

    This is a great idea! I am going to try this after dinner - as night time is my hardest time to not overeat!
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    Yesterday, Monday, 3/16
    1. log everything I eat, no matter what :\ After I closed my diary, hubby wanted popcorn, which lead to another ice cream snickers bar. I was OK on the calories though, but still, should not have had this stuff.
    2. do not look at the scale until next sunday :\ I am really bad at this. Weight up 3 lbs this morning. I know its just food and water weight, as I have been exercising a lot and eating better.
    3. drink more water
    4. walk or get on my ellipitical, min 30 minutes :) Went on a 6 mile bike ride, plus worked a lot in the yard clearing honeysuckle.

    Just for today, Tuesday, 3/17
    1. Log everything I eat. Even if I close my diary for the nite, go back in and log if I eat more unplanned food.
    2. Exercise - walk tonite minumum 30 minutes
    3. Do not let the scales numbers this morning discourage me. Keep going.

    I hope you all have a great day today!
  • jabrams1955
    jabrams1955 Posts: 55 Member
    Today I will eat healthy, drink water, log all food intake, and drink green beer. Happy St. Pat's day.
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited March 2015
    Love so much reading all of the goals set here! So many good ideas that I don't think of myself... brushing teeth after meals, mediating, looking at the positives. And like Ruby said - even be thankful we have jobs! So much to be thankful, and I am very thankful to all of you guys! You keep me going!

  • Datarn
    Datarn Posts: 79 Member
    Just for today - I will do my strength training. Also like the idea of brushing and flossing teeth after dinner. Evenings are a tough time for me, too. Love this thread.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    edited March 2015
    1. 12,000 steps :D
    2. Finish pending gardening projects and start getting seeds in the ground! :D Garden paths are laid, all soil is prepped and peas and onions are seeded.
    3. Survive super-intense Zumba class :)

    1. 12,000 steps
    2. Do at least one workout
    3. Eat well
  • sunnydee216
    sunnydee216 Posts: 110 Member
    Just for today, my job will not cause me to stress eat. Yesterday all I wanted was to eat anything sweet. I didn't go overboard, but still need to learn how to manage my triggers.
    Enjoy the sunshine today. :)
  • mytime6630
    mytime6630 Posts: 4,221 Member
    edited March 2015
    “There’s a difference between interest and commitment. When you’re interested in doing something, you do it only when circumstances permit. When you’re committed to something, you accept no excuses, only results.” ~Unknown

    I need to remember this today -- hard day already!
  • apennock
    apennock Posts: 49 Member
    Glad to see other people struggling with stressful work stuff - well, not glad, but I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one! >:) This morning has been working my last nerve and all I want is to raid the vending machines and eat all the junk food in the land! Took a walk at lunch and that helped a bit. Trying to transfer my stress response to exercising instead of eating. Run away the feelings!
  • kegofstout
    kegofstout Posts: 74 Member
    Happy St Pattys Day :) yesterday was pretty much a success I ran 4.25 miles and stayed withinn my calorie goal I didn't play with the kids outside because they were already out skateboarding when I got home so instead I took the dog out and enjoyed some sunshine. Just for today 3/17
    1) cardio 30 mins
    2) go for walk on lunch to get a break from work...so I don't go insane
    3) stay within calorie goal...we are BBQing steak tonight so I gotta watch my portion
    Good luck on your goals everyone
  • bri170lb
    bri170lb Posts: 1,375 Member

    Just for today (Monday March 16)
    1. 1/2 hour zumba :smile: went bowling instead
    2. 1 hour walking :smiley: did 90 min straight up!
    3. 1200 calories, very careful to log everything :smiley:

    Just for today
    1. 1/2 hour treadmill
    2. Stick to 1200 calories

  • saraelizaphant
    saraelizaphant Posts: 104 Member
    Just for today I will drink a lot of water :) and get to bed early.
  • nesian_twin
    nesian_twin Posts: 198
    Just for today I will do my zumba for 30 minutes, keep within my calorie limit and be happy :)
  • Saragirl2
    Saragirl2 Posts: 630 Member
    The stomach bug is making it's way through our house but I'm looking fw to getting back on track.
    Tomorrow I will:
    Hopefully be able to eat fruits & a salad for lunch
    Go for a 30 min walk
    Drink 8 cups of water
    Weigh myself

    Missed you all!
  • TxRottie81
    TxRottie81 Posts: 45 Member

    1. Drink 2Liters water (too much salt today : (
    2. Catch up on rest (pharmacy exams are killer
  • TxRottie81
    TxRottie81 Posts: 45 Member
    apennock wrote: »
    Glad to see other people struggling with stressful work stuff - well, not glad, but I guess I'm glad I'm not the only one! >:) This morning has been working my last nerve and all I want is to raid the vending machines and eat all the junk food in the land! Took a walk at lunch and that helped a bit. Trying to transfer my stress response to exercising instead of eating. Run away the feelings!

    You are definitely not the only one.. job/family/childcare stress is my biggest weakness to overcome.. I am a stress eater too
  • honey0141
    honey0141 Posts: 15 Member
    Been rubbish. Been out so much last week. 1 lb gain put me off track. Should have been glad only one! Amazed. Anyways
    Just for today.
    1. Healthy snacking
    2. Pilates and then gym with my son (was going for run)
    3. Track everything!!!
    Want to lose 12 lbs by may! !!
  • hanknitspip
    hanknitspip Posts: 8 Member
    Just for today
    1. Drink 1litre water in addition to all the rooibos
    2. Be mindful, especially with the baby and when eating
    3. Eat back up to 75% exercise calories