Attn: WOMAN what birth controls are effective without rapid weight gain?

emily9423 Posts: 42 Member
edited March 2015 in Health and Weight Loss
So I've worked really hard to lose weight and I would love to keep it off. However, I do need to find a new birth control as the pill makes me very sick.
I'm just wondering what everyone's experience has been with other options and if you experienced weight gain? If so, how much did you gain, how active were you at the time, eating habits? I'm pretty active and eat very well aside from a cheat meal or two a week so I'm wondering if the potential for weight gain with some of the options would decrease. I also have hashimoto's a type of thyroid disease.

Thanks so much!

As a side note- I realize birth control itself is not going to cause significant weight gain. The purpose of this thread is to find out if people have actually experienced weight gain from birth control as many list it as a side effect. I used the pill for 3 years then stopped and started again and that's when I experienced side effects but I never experienced weight gain. I know it's not black and white I'm just curious is all.


  • never2bstopped
    never2bstopped Posts: 438 Member
    I got my tubes tied.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Pull out
  • Alyssa_Is_LosingIt
    Alyssa_Is_LosingIt Posts: 4,696 Member
    emily9423 wrote: »
    So I've worked really hard to lose weight and I would love to keep it off. However, I do need to find a new birth control as the pill makes me very sick.
    I'm just wondering what everyone's experience has been with other options and if you experienced weight gain? If so, how much did you gain, how active were you at the time, eating habits? I'm pretty active and eat very well aside from a cheat meal or two a week so I'm wondering if the potential for weight gain with some of the options would decrease. I also have hashimoto's a type of thyroid disease.

    Thanks so much!

    This is probably a conversation best had with your doctor.

    That being said, I have the Mirena IUD, and though people swear up and down that it keeps them from losing weight, or made them gain weight, it has not been an issue for me so far. I've lost about 9 lbs since the middle of Jan (I'm losing a healthy and normal ~1lb/week) with no real hiccups in my weight loss due to my method of birth control.

    Weight loss is calories in/calories out, period. Being on birth control is not going to change the calories out part of the equation that much, although it may increase your appetite somewhat depending on the hormones used. However, if you're counting calories anyway, that in itself should not cause you to gain weight.

    I'm not sure if there are any implications with using hormonal BC and Hashimoto's, so you should definitely make the decision with your doctor.
  • spacey07
    spacey07 Posts: 16 Member
    Mirena iud
  • holliesangel
    holliesangel Posts: 31 Member
    I agree that this is probably a conversation best had with your doctor's (possibly thyroid and obgyn) but I recently got the implant, Implanon. And it hasn't effected my weight loss thus far. In my opinion, it's super convenient. They place it under the skin in your arm and it's good for 3 years.
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    I have not had weight gain with any birth control I have been on. I was on lo-ogestrel for years, and I just had the Mirena IUD placed a few months ago.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    I agree that this is probably a conversation best had with your doctor's (possibly thyroid and obgyn) but I recently got the implant, Implanon. And it hasn't effected my weight loss thus far. In my opinion, it's super convenient. They place it under the skin in your arm and it's good for 3 years.

    I also have the Implanon implant. I love it. Mine comes out this October & I'm getting it again. Hasn't affected my weight whatsoever. It's very convenient to have. I used to be on the pill & it gave me headaches :neutral_face: Maybe look into this OP.

  • JenAndSome
    JenAndSome Posts: 1,893 Member
    Abstinence is the only 100% effective method.

    I have the Mirena and have for 8+ years with no problems. What makes me gain weight is eating too much food and drinking too much beer.
  • kazaargrandcru
    kazaargrandcru Posts: 152 Member
  • jemhh
    jemhh Posts: 14,261 Member
  • Emilia777
    Emilia777 Posts: 978 Member
    JenAndSome wrote: »
    Abstinence is the only 100% effective method.

    I have the Mirena and have for 8+ years with no problems. What makes me gain weight is eating too much food and drinking too much beer.

    Haha, right on. Wine is my nemesis (or well, one of them), because I didn’t account for the calories. No good.

    Anyway, though I agree with everyone who said this is something you should discuss with your doc, if you’re concerned about hormonal forms of BC, you can look into non-hormonal IUDs. I have a copper one and it’s working out great. I like that it has no effect on me whatsoever (aside from the obvious not-getting-pregnant part).
  • PearlAng
    PearlAng Posts: 681 Member
    I use Safyral. The reason that I went on BC in the first place was to bring my menstrual cycle back, as I lost it due to an ED. I started it when I was almost weight restored, so all that this pill did was help the cycle come back. It did not cause me to gain weight. I have been maintaining the same weight (+/- a pound) for almost two years now.

    Of course, toward the end of the pill cycle I get PMS, and when I get PMS I tend to get pretty hungry/snacky, but I think this varies from person to person and isn't just caused by Safyral
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I was on tri-nessa. It helped regulate my hormones that were out of whack from PCOS. Never had weight gain on BC.
  • bunnywestley81
    bunnywestley81 Posts: 178 Member
    Hormonal contraception WILL NOT MAKE you gain weight.

    It may make you think you're hungrier so you may eat more if you don't keep an eye on yourself and go eat the worlds chocolate supplies :)

    I've done combined pill which I was taken off as apparently I shouldn't have been taking it due to migraines and it upping my chances of DEATH...was only on it for like 15 years! Tried the implant but had a 3 month long period so nah. Now on mini pill.

    Have lost and gained and lost and gained with all of them.

    Really the best thing to do is speak to your doc, try things out and see what works for you.

  • mitch16
    mitch16 Posts: 2,113 Member
    Another vote for Mirena. Most of my weight loss has come after having it placed, but I've also been paying more attention to my diet and exercise since then, too.
  • QAPmom
    QAPmom Posts: 458 Member
    I have Mirena and LOVE IT!!! It takes a little while for your body to get used to it. Pills didn't work for me, I was way to moody. This - I have no period (yay!) and no TOM symptoms. No weight gain either, I just eat to much. ;)
  • ladylambeau
    ladylambeau Posts: 38 Member
    If the pill is making you sick, you may want to look into the copper IUD, Paragard. I got mine in October of last year. It doesn't use any hormones, which might be what is irritating you about the BC pill and can also be the cause of weight gain. Of course you should ultimately speak to your doctor, I don't have any medical training just speaking from experience!

    Pros and Cons of copper IUD (in my opinion)
    -CON: it can make your periods heavier or longer than with Mirena (most women have very light or no period) or on other types of hormonal birth control. Personally this doesn't bother me much, it feels more natural.
    -CON: insertion is not exactly pleasant, though this is true with any type of IUD
    -CON: i have noticed a slight increase in acne or oil on my face, mostly the week before my period. I had that before being on the pill though.

    -PRO: very cost effective, depending on your insurance. Mine covered 100% and now I'm set for 10 years if I choose to keep it that long.
    -PRO: don't have to worry about remembering to take a pill every day, get a shot every 3 months, to buy condoms etc etc. You're always protected.
    -PRO: no hormones
    -PRO: when/if you choose to try to get pregnant, you can take the paragard out and get pregnant right away. My doctor said that if you've been on hormonal birth control for a long time, it can take a while for your body to re-adjust while you try.

    If you have any questions about Paragard, or the insertion process etc, please feel free to message me! I was very nervous when I was looking into it and read a lot of horror stories online that almost made me chicken out. I'm SO glad I did it thought! The pros by far outweigh the cons, in my book.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    If the pill is making you sick, you may want to look into the copper IUD, Paragard. I got mine in October of last year. It doesn't use any hormones, which might be what is irritating you about the BC pill and can also be the cause of weight gain. Of course you should ultimately speak to your doctor, I don't have any medical training just speaking from experience!

    Pros and Cons of copper IUD (in my opinion)
    -CON: it can make your periods heavier or longer than with Mirena (most women have very light or no period) or on other types of hormonal birth control. Personally this doesn't bother me much, it feels more natural.
    -CON: insertion is not exactly pleasant, though this is true with any type of IUD
    -CON: i have noticed a slight increase in acne or oil on my face, mostly the week before my period. I had that before being on the pill though.

    -PRO: very cost effective, depending on your insurance. Mine covered 100% and now I'm set for 10 years if I choose to keep it that long.
    -PRO: don't have to worry about remembering to take a pill every day, get a shot every 3 months, to buy condoms etc etc. You're always protected.
    -PRO: no hormones
    -PRO: when/if you choose to try to get pregnant, you can take the paragard out and get pregnant right away. My doctor said that if you've been on hormonal birth control for a long time, it can take a while for your body to re-adjust while you try.

    If you have any questions about Paragard, or the insertion process etc, please feel free to message me! I was very nervous when I was looking into it and read a lot of horror stories online that almost made me chicken out. I'm SO glad I did it thought! The pros by far outweigh the cons, in my book.

    CONS- Got pregnant on Paragard lol... also partner felt the string poking him. :laugh: