
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    I, too, was unimpressed by that ending, but what a story! Up to that point, I absolutely loved it. I confess, though, that I still don't know what a fox-tail is and why someone would want one so badly.
  • jessmessmfp
    jessmessmfp Posts: 38 Member
    32daisies wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    32daisies wrote: »
    Another: if I I see someone consistently logging "1 serving of chicken (3 oz)", I give it the side-eye. Did you *really* only eat 3 ounces of chicken, or did you just eat a chicken breast (which can be anywhere from 9 to 12 ounces) and call it one serving?

    (of course, if you're doing that and losing anyhow, eh, have at it, I guess.)

    I do this too! 3 oz of chicken is pretty much nothing. I've never had a chicken breast that was less than 7 oz. I always know those are the ones who don't have food scales and are just estimating!!

    Not necessarily true! ;) I do have a food scale, and I religiously weigh out EXACTLY 100 grams (slightly over 3 oz) of chicken at a time for my meals! But then again, I pretty much only eat chicken in sandwiches and (huge) salads--If I was eating it as dinner on a plate with just a veggie side, I'd probably eat double that or more. O.o

    That's super awesome, then. Go you! :)

    (I still think a lot of people just put in one serving, though. I know -- years ago I used to do it, too. Buying that food scale is a big eye-opener, isn't it?)

    It so is! I was really in denial about pita bread, of all things! O.o I logged a big ole pita as like 80 calories because I just couldn't believe that a flat piece of bread could be so many calories... And when I finally got a food scale and faced the facts... It was 300 calories! ;)

    Oh, pita. How I wish I could quit you. Seriously, and I don't even like the lower-cal kind of pitas, I like the nice doughy ones. With hummus. If it's hummus, it's healthy, right?

    You guys need to try Lavash bread. Its 100 calories for the entire 12in by 6 in piece. I usually only eat half with some dip. Super delicious and filling - just not as calorie dense as pita.
  • I round my height up half an inch to feel better about myself at the doctor and on these fitness websites.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,723 Member
    I took Level II this morning because I've been lacking in the sleep department. Now, I don't know what being on drugs feels like, well, except morphine and Percacets (sp?), but I would guess that it gave me a similar feeling to what crack would. I got a huge rush and am super jittery and shaky. I'm also experiencing hot and cold flashes (if there's such a thing) and I feel like I can't focus.

    The take away...I won't be using that again. Glad it was just a sample.
  • thepinkshoe
    thepinkshoe Posts: 26 Member
    I was under my calories after dinner so of course I made a mug cake and then was over (sigh). Thankfully it wasn't the biggest splurge but I was still wanting to be under today.
    Oh well tomorrow is another day!
  • cheshirecatastrophe
    cheshirecatastrophe Posts: 1,395 Member
    So how many of you weigh yourself before and after peeing and before and after blowing your nose LOL just to see if you can lose another .1??? Guilty!

    I am definitely judging the amount of snot you produce. o:)
  • kellienw335
    kellienw335 Posts: 1,745 Member
    The days I don't finish logging or don't log at all are the days I drink 4+ alcoholic drinks. I need to log those days to acknowledge the caloric reality of it. And I just need to quit drinking so damn much.

    Me too! At least I'm not the only one!
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    So how many of you weigh yourself before and after peeing and before and after blowing your nose LOL just to see if you can lose another .1??? Guilty!

    I am definitely judging the amount of snot you produce. o:)

    LOL I've never weighed after blowing my nose, but I've definitely done it after peeing. I can "lose" almost two pounds sometimes!
  • tincanonastring
    tincanonastring Posts: 3,944 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
  • Tubbs216
    Tubbs216 Posts: 6,597 Member
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.
  • 52cardpickup
    52cardpickup Posts: 379 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.

    Ughhh the worst. It makes me cringe to think about the ending of Under the Dome. It was such a fabulous study of what happens when people think that no one is watching/judging their behavior, and then... the ending.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Confession (not weight loss related): My 86-year-old Grandma was pinning on Pinterest yesterday for the first time. I'm so tickled at her! And I can't post this on Facebook, either, because she is there, too!

    I have a couple "secret" social networks I belong to, for this same reason. Family gets a little too involved sometimes.

    I got my parents and a friend to join MFP a year or so ago. I gave them a hard time when they quit using it about a month in, but I'm secretly glad they did. There are things posted I don't want them to see, and I'd like to keep posting things I don't want them to see :)
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I confess that I haven't read the most recent Stephen King books, even though I've read all the others (agreed about the Stand... end kinda sucked, but I still loved that book). To be honest, I read them all pretty much in a year when I was 14 so I've forgotten most of them...

    I did like Firehouse Sub, but a medium was not enough for me (I got the New York Steamer without mayo on wheat). So I went home and finished last night's shepherd's pie too. That's what happens I guess when you're up at 4.30am and have breakfast at 6am because you're starving.

    Confession - I actually feel sad for people who are so proud to be 'clean eating'. I kinda pity them because they deprive themselves of delicious foods for no reason. I always feel obligated to reply that I've lost 80 pounds eating 'bad' food.
  • ShibaEars
    ShibaEars Posts: 3,928 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.

    Ughhh the worst. It makes me cringe to think about the ending of Under the Dome. It was such a fabulous study of what happens when people think that no one is watching/judging their behavior, and then... the ending.

    Oh yeah, I did read that one as well. It was terrible too.
  • Empots88
    Empots88 Posts: 38 Member
    I was craving something sweet the other night but had absolutely nothing in the house that would satisfy me except some hot chocolate. So I ate two spoonfuls of the powder. Two spoonfuls. Of the powder.

    Haha, mind you don't cough while doing leads to inhaling it and then puffing it everywhere like some sort of dragon whilst choking and chocolate powder coming out your nose. Yes I speak from experience :p:s lol!
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    I confess that I've never actually read a Stephen King book, although my favorite TV show is Haven on SyFy which is based on The Colorado Kid. I don't make time to read as much as I should. I used to devour books.
    Francl27 wrote: »
    Confession - I actually feel sad for people who are so proud to be 'clean eating'. I kinda pity them because they deprive themselves of delicious foods for no reason. I always feel obligated to reply that I've lost 80 pounds eating 'bad' food.
    I have rolled my eyes numerous times to those threads. Sometimes I chime in- "I've lost 65 lbs. and kept it off over a year pretty much eating whatever I want, only in smaller portions."
  • fitfatty88
    fitfatty88 Posts: 273 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.

    I'm so happy this forum has turned into a mini talk about Stephen King. I have been reading his books since I was like 11/12? The only good thing to come out of my relationship with my ex is his mom had given me her ENTIRE King collection. After the breakup I asked if he wanted them back and he said he "couldn't be bothered with childrens writing"... *rolls eyes to the ocean*

    Confession: while I was disappointed by the ending of The Dark Tower series, I still want a tattoo centered around the whole series.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    ShibaEars wrote: »
    xMrBunglex wrote: »
    Bulls_23 wrote: »
    Tincan, who are some of your favorite authors? (Fellow English major!)
    Steven King (pre-1995) - I think a lot of people overlook King. Especially for English majors and writes, I really believe there's merit in examining his character development.

    Speaking of books that got thrown across the room, I was furious at the ending of Needful was like he said "Screw it, gotta wrap this thing up!"

    It was all downhill for King after that. Although I've heard good things about Dr. Sleep.

    This has been my biggest complaint about Stephen King. He has amazing ideas and stories, but it's like he gets bored at the end and just wants to finish it quickly. The Stand was awesome, but I didn't think the ending was great. And I've only seen the movie Dreamcatcher, but I loved it - until the end. I've avoided his books for the most part, until now. My dad has convinced me to read the Dark Tower books, even though I've heard several times the ending is (again) terrible.

    His early work was great, including the endings, and I think he's at his best when he's writing short stories.
    Agree 100%. The compilation Everything's Eventual is one of my comfort reads.
    Don't get me started about the ending of Under the Dome.

    Ughhh the worst. It makes me cringe to think about the ending of Under the Dome. It was such a fabulous study of what happens when people think that no one is watching/judging their behavior, and then... the ending.

    Yeah it was disappointing for sure.

    And then there's the TV show... that I'm watching, but I have absolutely no clue where it is going.
  • crfischer4
    crfischer4 Posts: 8 Member
    Sometimes I shake my wrist for one minute to reset my Garmin smart watch. What?! I'm just THAT committed to my work.