

  • tulips_and_tea
    tulips_and_tea Posts: 5,717 Member
    I'm so sad that the Crab thread got deleted. That was the Best Thread Ever.

    Did the OP ever respond? I felt kind of badly for her.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »

    Ha Ha!

    My bluetooth headset is defective. ;-(
  • Just_Ceci
    Just_Ceci Posts: 5,926 Member
    @tincanonastring I thought of you when I saw this in another thread:
  • tryinliz
    tryinliz Posts: 3 Member
    I think about food ALL THE TIME! rather I'm trying to eat well or not, it's always on my mind! There's no way I'm hungry right now, but like an addict, I want something! so frustrating and hard to talk about. Even harder to lose weight.
  • fellowtraveler87
    fellowtraveler87 Posts: 41 Member
    For those with food cravings... I've allowed myself one "cheat" meal per week. It gives me something to look forward to. I spend all week thinking about what I will have for my cheat meal on, wings?? Whatever I've been really craving.

    It gets it off my mind for the time being and keeps me on track knowing that if I still want it, I can have it for my weekend cheat meal. I've found that eating clean all week when it finally comes time to cheat, I don't even want that bad food as much as I thought I would and can keep the portions under control pretty easily. Works for me anyway.
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    edited March 2015
    I'm so sad that the Crab thread got deleted. That was the Best Thread Ever.

    Correction. I think you meant to say THIS is the best thread EVER! :smiley:

  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    This weekend is my daughter's birthday party. After the party, we are going out for Japanese - I can taste the takoyaki, okonomiyaki, and sushi now. The cake I got her was chocolate with vanilla buttercream frosting and raspberry filling. I can see the calorie counter going far off into orbit before I even add ice cream or Japanese food to it. :open_mouth:

    So think I am going to have to get up early Saturday and drive my soon to be fat butt to work to use the gym for some serious cardio to game up. So...don't...want to. But I'll do it because no way in hell I am not having some of that cake! :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
  • Carlos_421
    Carlos_421 Posts: 5,132 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Yesterday I got a bag of Haribo Gummy Bears but didn't want 200 calories worth so I threw the green ones out of the car window as I drove down the highway.

    But why throw out the best ones???
  • AshZie
    AshZie Posts: 49 Member
    edited March 2015
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    AshZie wrote: »
    I went to a job interview recently for a fairly lucrative position and the guy interviewing me used "orientated" twice. Ironically enough, I did not get the position. His loss. I am laid off as of this Friday and I'm excited to have ample time for work outs. At least for the time being. :)
    I'm also 'between jobs' and I confess I haven't done anything more than walking and the odd little jog. I thought I'd become a proper yoga mom and even maybe join the gym, but I haven't done either. Instead I spend WAY too long on MFP every day.

    It's highly possible I will end up in the same boat. I'm sure I'll be back to this thread multiple times with confessions!!
  • DearestWinter
    DearestWinter Posts: 595 Member
    My confession is that I threw away the homemade cupcakes my stepmother gave me because I didn't know how to log the calories.
  • rinteusp
    rinteusp Posts: 37 Member
    I confess that I'm feeling a little stabby towards my 100-pound co-worker who is happily munching on Wendy's fries and a burger while my stomach is loudly protesting. It's not her fault, and I'm glad she can literally eat what she wants without worry... but it would be so much easier if I didn't work in an office of stick-thin women who love crappy food (that smells soooo good...)

    I keep telling myself that they don't taste as good as they smell, because honestly fast food never does.
  • foxingbird
    For those with food cravings... I've allowed myself one "cheat" meal per week. It gives me something to look forward to. I spend all week thinking about what I will have for my cheat meal on, wings?? Whatever I've been really craving.

    It gets it off my mind for the time being and keeps me on track knowing that if I still want it, I can have it for my weekend cheat meal. I've found that eating clean all week when it finally comes time to cheat, I don't even want that bad food as much as I thought I would and can keep the portions under control pretty easily. Works for me anyway.

    That's what I do, too. Makes it easier to stay on track during the week knowing I can eat it sometime during the weekend if I want to, and like you said, by that time I'm not even craving it as much as I thought I was lol.

  • AgentOrangeJuice
    AgentOrangeJuice Posts: 1,069 Member
    I manage a warehouse as part of my other duties as assigned portion of my job, and I have one guy that (instead of calling or god for bid emails) someone will walk to their desk/office to let them know that he'll be bringing their requested items to them at a later time.

    I can't manage stupid. I really can't.
  • lakersfan89
    lakersfan89 Posts: 25 Member
    I just put both my boys down for a nap and am craving my addiction food (cake) so badly. I don't have any in the house and I put the kids down for a nap because I will not wake them up to drag them to the store. I am considering my options of what on hand I have to curb my sweet tooth. I have single pack cookies, one more jello temptation cheesecake... Christmas candy... chocolate milk. Ugh.... ANY quiet cardio I can do instead?
  • MoHousdon
    MoHousdon Posts: 8,722 Member
    Talkradio wrote: »
    JPW1990 wrote: »
    bkhamill wrote: »
    MoHousdon wrote: »
    Another confession: There's a guy in my office, Mr. Foot Shuffler, the guy I want to throat punch, that pronounces Missouri, Miss er uh. Like with an "a" at the end. It irks me a lot more than it should but every time he says it, the throat punch urge becomes really strong with me.

    Much like @tincanonastring‌ I overreact to insignificant things.

    That's a very common pronunciation of Missouri, especially for people who live in the Ozarks.

    I get it though, I want to throw my laptop through the window every time I see "Your" used instead of "You're". It's incredibly common. I have no idea how people get away with this and have jobs.

    Oh, now you got me started: to instead of too, loose instead of lose, there instead of their, your instead of you're (I know you already said this) These are all big issues for me, I can't stand seeing this ignorance. I know sometimes it is just a typo but it still drives me nuts.

    It only bothers me when it's someone who is simultaneously trying to correct someone else's grammar (or more often, their "grammer"). I have a few friends really bothered by it, so I confess I'll occasionally post something to their fb like:

    I'm so threw with you're getting sew upset with how people should of spelled they're when they mean their, like those too houses over thataway.

    It's usually the "should of" that pushes them over the edge.

    I used to have a boss like this. She was a horrible, lying, racist wench anyway, but her ignorant grammar corrections made me twitch. She was constantly correcting memos and sending them back around with her edits, but she would say "mute point" and "I seen" constantly. Rawr!

    My boss just used the non-existent word "conversating". It took me remembering I would like to keep my job and paycheck to NOT correct her. Now, had it been my mom that said it, I wouldn't have even hesitated.

  • rungirl1973
    rungirl1973 Posts: 2,559 Member
    I manage a warehouse as part of my other duties as assigned portion of my job, and I have one guy that (instead of calling or god for bid emails) someone will walk to their desk/office to let them know that he'll be bringing their requested items to them at a later time.

    I can't manage stupid. I really can't.

    OK, maybe so, but I hate it when people send a simple question via email when they are sitting in the office next door. You can't take 10 steps and ask me in person? I already get too much email.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    Tubbs216 wrote: »
    I'm so sad that the Crab thread got deleted. That was the Best Thread Ever.
    I'm sad that I never even peeked into that one. I just snorted at the title and figured it was a typo and would quickly spiral out of control like all the low carb ones tend to. What happened?

    The best collection of seafood-related diet puns ever. That thread should have been stickied, not deleted.

    I didn't feel like people were making fun of the OP, they were just HAVING fun.
  • CrabNebula
    CrabNebula Posts: 1,119 Member
    rotterholt wrote: »
    I confess that I'm feeling a little stabby towards my 100-pound co-worker who is happily munching on Wendy's fries and a burger while my stomach is loudly protesting. It's not her fault, and I'm glad she can literally eat what she wants without worry... but it would be so much easier if I didn't work in an office of stick-thin women who love crappy food (that smells soooo good...)

    I keep telling myself that they don't taste as good as they smell, because honestly fast food never does.

    Well, did she say that to you? That she never watches what she eats?

    I mean, none of my co-workers knew me when I was hideously obese (peak BMI was around 45) and the vast majority still don't know I ever was. My BMI was about 26.1 when I started and has since dropped to 22.3. I could sit around and eat a burger and fries, but I would definitely make sure it fit into my calorie budget for the day. I just don't get to eat whatever I want with reckless abandon and stay 'thin'. You never get to rest on your laurels with this stuff, unfortunately.

    I think there is a lot of assuming going on that this person is eating the same quantities of food as you did before you started dieting and somehow magically staying thin. I can assure you, nothing could be more wrong. You could be watching her eat the only real meal of her day right now. Watching Supersize Vs. Superskinny really set me straight about this and got rid of that particular piece of fatlogic.
  • bkhamill
    bkhamill Posts: 1,289 Member
    I just put both my boys down for a nap and am craving my addiction food (cake) so badly. I don't have any in the house and I put the kids down for a nap because I will not wake them up to drag them to the store. I am considering my options of what on hand I have to curb my sweet tooth. I have single pack cookies, one more jello temptation cheesecake... Christmas candy... chocolate milk. Ugh.... ANY quiet cardio I can do instead?

    Back away from the kitchen and nobody gets hurt!! Go do some crunches, situps, squats or if you have a kettle bell - do some kettle bell swings. Your body will thank you later. If nothing else, eat a piece of fruit, it will help with a sweet craving usually.