Lose 5 Pounds a Month May 2011 Challenge



  • DaveGlasnost
    DaveGlasnost Posts: 146 Member
    Dave you are thinking way too much about this... There has been a few of us already in the 8 or so months that I have been a part of this challenge that have gotten a new scale and yes the number is different sometimes but take it and go with it. Its the downward trend that counts the most. you cant count on that old scale to be accurate if you step on and off the new one two or three times and get the same number then don't worry about inflating numbers and take the two pounds lost for what it is. : )

    I have an engineer mentality so I will think about this incessantly, but thanks for trying =) Believe me I am not obsessing about weight any more, I am just wanting total accuracy to satisfy the scientific me any way I can get it. No worries.

    Anyway the two scales cannot be made to match, and the old one is definitely squirrely. I'll consider abandoning it after I am done with the challenges I am in for this month. I don't plan on doing any further challenges because I will be very near my goal weight by the end of the month and I am about to refocus on strength and conditioning to boot. After May I will just fly with the new scale readings.
  • dnpamorgan
    dnpamorgan Posts: 29 Member
    I have had a horrible week!! The scale didn't move up or down but I really need to get back on track with my eating and exercise!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Because of my new weekend work schedule I have officially changed my weigh-in day to monday.. I really don't like this but Im not going to get an accurate weight at 6:30 in the morning when I cant even remember to weigh myself that early anyways lol sooo I will see you all MONDAY For my weigh in..

    wont have any time for myself untill then after 3 today Have a good weekend everyone : )
  • Crystal_Rudolph
    Crystal_Rudolph Posts: 632 Member
    I am in!! I leave for my Cruise on June 2 and would love to reach my mini goal of 180 by then.

    How do we check in? Weekly? or the end of the month?

    Whoo hoo! We CAN do this!

    Do we post our statistics on the 1st?

    Thanks everyone!

    May 1: 187lbs
    May 7: 185.2

    Loss of 1.8lbs so far:smile:

    I missed posting my weigh in earlier this week! I am sorry everyone. I was down and out with a migraine for three days! Finally, I gave up and went in to get the shot in my bum!

    May 1:187lbs
    May 7: 185.2lbs
    May 14: 183.2lbs

    Total loss for the month 3.8lbs and counting!
  • aab1
    aab1 Posts: 1,120 Member
    woohoo- got a compliment from a woman coworker this morning "Wow Tori you really look good. I noticed the other day when you were wearing the black lacy shirt how much weight you've lost. Keep it up girl"

    There is no motivation like a complimetn for me!!!

    @ Tori - that's an AWESOME NSV!!! Keep up the great work!
  • tres1967
    tres1967 Posts: 177
    Holding at 189, haven't been making good food choices so its amazing I haven't gained - ugh
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    Pleased to say I have lost 4lb already this month! Not sure how that happened exactly... not complaining, I have finally said goodbye to the 130s forever :)
  • stephcorona
    stephcorona Posts: 114 Member
    5/1 132.2
    5/7 131.2

    5/14 130.4
  • Back to 10 stone 10.2 from 10 stone 12.

    Need to lose three more!
  • nanberube
    nanberube Posts: 110 Member
    I'm in for another month. It helps me to stay focused: Starting weight 201.2. Good luck to everyone. Let's lose some weight in May so that we are looking good for the Summer.
    5/01 - 201.2
    5/07 - 199.4
    5/14 - 198
    5/21 -
    5/31 -
  • otrlynn
    otrlynn Posts: 273 Member
    'Well, I weighed myself this morning and I finally broke that 130 barrier--I've been stuck there for about two weeks. Even though "check-in" is supposed to be tomorrow. I'm claining 129 for today! Besides, I get a little self-indulgent on Saturday nights...
  • Carlweston
    Carlweston Posts: 3
    I'll join in on the fun.:smile:
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I am currently on vacation (visiting my dear brother) and have been MIA a lot. I wanted to drop in to tell you guys about weight loss vlogs on youtube--- I am totally obsessed and inspired by them! Maybe you guys will like them too!
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    May 1: 133
    May 8: 130
    May 15: 129

    Hoping to lose 3 more this month, would be happy with 2.
  • littlemili
    littlemili Posts: 625 Member
    May 1: 133
    May 8: 130
    May 15: 129

    Hoping to lose 3 more this month, would be happy with 2.
  • momofJandA
    momofJandA Posts: 1,035 Member
    weigh in Sunday
    SW- 143
    week 1 (5/8)- 140
    week 2 (5/15)- 138

    Loss this week- 2lbs
    Total loss- 5lbs!!!!! GOAL met baby!!!!! Here's hoping for another 5
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    weigh in Sunday
    SW- 143
    week 1 (5/8)- 140
    week 2 (5/15)- 138

    Loss this week- 2lbs
    Total loss- 5lbs!!!!! GOAL met baby!!!!! Here's hoping for another 5

    Wow well done you! Amazing effort!
  • linscave
    linscave Posts: 59 Member
    Finally got the scales to shift this week. Down a 1lb now 125lb. possibly more excited by the half inch loss from my waist and hips!

    No alcohol all week, I think has been the key for me. onwards and downwards!!!

    Keep up the amazing efforts guys!:
  • Ardylane
    Ardylane Posts: 2 Member
    I'm starting late, but I'm in!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    Down a pound this week weighing in at 198.0
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