Has anyone tried DDP yoga



  • roxywho42
    roxywho42 Posts: 165 Member
    I JUST finished my first workout with it and I think I might be in love already.
  • FitterStrongerHappier
    FitterStrongerHappier Posts: 65 Member
    I was injured while in the Navy. I am now out on disability. The 2 years after my injury, I went from 190 to 256. I couldn't believe what I had done to myself. I saw the Arthur video on Facebook and then DDP on Shark Tank. I finally told myself "no more excuses". I ordered the DVDs and haven't looked back. I started DDP YOGA and MN on May 1 2014 and as of today (June 8) I have lost 17 pounds and 4 inches off of my stomach.

    are you doing the diet too - or just yoga and eating healthier in general?
  • nursecat1
    nursecat1 Posts: 18 Member
    You are right. I tried one Yoga class last year---super boring. Then the granddaughter wanted to go to a class and invited me. We worked so hard and could only manage 40 mins. We were sweating like crazy!! It was fun.
  • I am just trying to eat healthier. Better foods, MFP.com, Blending (I don't juice because the extra fiber actually helps me) and yoga. I also try to go for walks a few days per week.
  • Squdge
    Squdge Posts: 4 Member
    Quick question

    I had a hip operation approx 1 yer ago and knee operations 5 years ago. i tried ths today as everything I read says it is low impact on the joints but I can't even do the modified versions of the routines.

    Any advice from anyone? The standing poses are great - get my heart rate up and stuff but anything kneeling or lying down is agony - an more that 50%!

    If anyone has experienced this or has ideas please let me know as I was hoping this would be the one for me!
  • Squdge
    Squdge Posts: 4 Member
  • I slipped discs in my back and was pretty much crippled for a couple of months. Since weights and running weren't an option, I decided to try DDP.

    Within a couple of weeks I had no pain. None. Zero. I lost all of the weight I had accumulated lying on the couch in a morphine-induced haze, and kept all my original muscle tone (I was a weight lifter before the accident). So yeah, it's pretty legit.
  • Un1qu3
    Un1qu3 Posts: 4 Member
    Glad I found this thread. I have tried Yoga at the local YMCA several times and enjoyed the moves but it drove me CRAZY that we spent more time lying on our backs breathing slowly then anything else.

    Please tell me half the DVD isn't just telling me to breath. I have very limited time with working full time and taking care of my 2 kids as soon as I get home. I'll be lucky if I get a whole hour to work out a day and I don't want to spend half that breathing.

    edit: Just watched the review that cantfail posted the link to, and there is a lot of over your head moves she is doing. Are there a lot of these in DDP? Just wondering as I don't have any ceilings in my home where I could do that. Being 6'4 with long arms isn't all it's cracked up to be.

  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,462 Member
    There isn't very much at all of lying on your back and being told how to breathe. You do get told when to breathe in and out at certain points, but you are usually moving between positions, not lying down. There is usually some lying down stretches at the ends of the workouts, and perhaps Red Hot Core has a bit more floor work too (but is quite active). The workouts are also usually less than an hour - I think most are 20 - 35 minutes - so easier to fit in than some!

    There a couple of moves that involve standing tall with your arms above your head. Maybe you could modify those if you don't have room? It might be worth asking on the DDP yoga forums.
  • SRMcEvoy
    SRMcEvoy Posts: 18 Member
    A year of DDP Yoga everyday and recording everything I eat using the MFP app. http://bit.ly/1YearDDPYoga
  • kribboy21
    kribboy21 Posts: 1
    Thank you everyone for your thoughts and words! Very helpful and I commend you all for trying and doing! I would love to try this but the price is a bit steep for my pockets. Hopefully next year around income tax time I will be a proud owner of the DDP dvds. Best of luck to you all and keep it up!
  • Evgfab
    Evgfab Posts: 5
    DDP yoga is an amazing workout routine! Guys, if you want to bring you life to a new level, this is the way to go. The reason I started doing DDP yoga was my knee problem that stems from my early childhood. I was expecting a lot form the workout but I couldn't even dreamed of what receive from the workout. This routine keeps improving my life every day. I am on week 12 now. I have soooooo much energy. It's unbelievable! I feel just amazing, my body is so fit and toned as never before, I am so positive! I am so glad that I committed to the training! I share my full experience with my thoughts and feelings here http://www.fabulous-woman.com/blog/workout-routine.aspx. I posted few pictures as well. The DDP yoga really works. After sharing my experience with the best friend, she committed to it too and can’t thank me enough for getting her addicted to the training. Try it, it definitely worth it.
  • beardedwarriortx
    beardedwarriortx Posts: 238 Member
    2, 2 ,2 time world champ! BAMMM! The diamond cutter!~
  • Miss_1999
    Miss_1999 Posts: 747 Member
    Quick question

    I had a hip operation approx 1 yer ago and knee operations 5 years ago. i tried ths today as everything I read says it is low impact on the joints but I can't even do the modified versions of the routines.

    Any advice from anyone? The standing poses are great - get my heart rate up and stuff but anything kneeling or lying down is agony - an more that 50%!

    If anyone has experienced this or has ideas please let me know as I was hoping this would be the one for me!

    I'll be honest with you, I don't know anything about the DDP yoga. I love yoga, myself, so I was checking this thread out for new ideas! But if this particular style of yoga is too high impact or you're finding it's painful on your joints even with the modifications, there are other types of yoga that you may want to look into. The type of yoga classes I take are alignment based. We have a rotation of 15 different classes so it keeps up interest and helps specific targets and needs. We have people of ages, shapes, sizes, and health conditions in our classes. When I began nearly 5 years ago, I had severe back pain. My pelvic bone did not go back into place correctly after I gave birth to my daughter, and for lack of a better term I was "crooked". I was in constant pain. Sitting and standing BOTH hurt. I had been doing physical therapy religiously, and seeing no results. After starting yoga, within three months, my pain was beginning to fade, and what physical therapy couldn't do, yoga had done. It helped aid in my weight loss, as in the rotation of classes, we do have some that are more aerobic in nature such as Sun Salutations and Strength, (I always have a love hate relationship with those classes *LOL*). Then, there are are plenty of low impact classes such as head to toe, and twists. If you're finding that this type of yoga at this time is too much, maybe start off with a lower impact, or more gentle form and work your way up. There's all kinds out there! Best wishes!
  • Kittybill1983
    Kittybill1983 Posts: 7 Member
    I saw an older post here a while ago that referred to a yoga series that was running on PBS as one time. The instructor helped olympic athletes etc with fitness yoga and also back pain relief. I can't remember the instructor name who has her own web site and sellls DVD. Can't find on Youtube or PBS site. Can anyone help?
  • ExcelDave
    ExcelDave Posts: 59 Member
    Just bought DDP Yoga and started today. I have recurring back strains, sit at a desk, and am not getting any younger. This looks like a good workout, compared to many "more relaxing" programs. A bit easier than some of the more intense home workout programs I've done (and hope to continue when I can).