Looking to lose 100+ pounds... the healthy way!



  • prof_newme
    prof_newme Posts: 84 Member
    @Laurahickman14 Welcome! If you are looking for motivation you are in the right place
  • @prof_newme‌ Thanks, I will definitely try out that website!

    I feel like today was a very successful day. Had a double birthday party tonight for myself and my aunt, ate a piece of cake and still came in below my calorie goal for the day :)
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    O...M...G...I escaped the grocery store with no Easter candy. It took every ounce of self-control I had to not put 10 different things in my shopping cart, but I DID IT!
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @bregalad5‌: WOOT! WTG!

    I took my dog for a walk today (2 days in a row now :) ) It feels really good to go outside again. I need new shoes, need to wear socks when I go for a walk and I may half to see my doctor about my knee (I slipped on the ice last spring and really damaged my knee but never had it looked at) but other than that I feel great!

    I've noticed that although I'm losing weight, most of it is going from everywhere but my gut. So, I'm hoping that starting to walk will kick start that kind of loss. It will also give me more calories to consume so I can get back to eating higher calorie foods like avocado more often. :)

    Happy weekend, welcome to our new peeps, and stay strong everyone! Every little victory is a huge accomplishment!
  • mildollarsmile
    mildollarsmile Posts: 41 Member
    Lost my fitbit charger. Any ideas where I can just purchase the charger only. Feel lost not being able to use it

    I ordered mine from fitbit itself for about 20 bucks!
  • mildollarsmile
    mildollarsmile Posts: 41 Member
    Thank y'all so excited to be here with many wonderful people and learning this new lifestyle! I just did my first 5k and it was awesome. Came in close to last but I finished. I jogged maybe 3/4 a mile and walked the rest lol. Then they had Zumba right afterwards. It was journey to a cure for multiple myeloma. Was so muh fun. I've hit over 12k steps for the day and my feet are barking lol I will be soaking in some Epsom salt soon lol
  • danielle7577
    danielle7577 Posts: 84 Member
    @shirayne I honestly believe the gut is the hardest to go away for me. And it takes the longest. I just keep putting the effort in and hoping it eventually catches up!
  • bernalgirl
    bernalgirl Posts: 10 Member
    Hi Shirayne, I would like to join you, too. I'm 46 and need to lose over 100 lbs. I'm tackling it in 5 pound increments; micro goals help me stay motivated. I lost 70 pounds a few years ago and then slowly regained them all, plus some. I've just started working out regularly again about 3 weeks ago and could definitely use the added support of a group with similar goals. I love to cook and share recipes. Clean Eating magazine has a lot of good recipes, too.
  • shirayne
    shirayne Posts: 263 Member
    @bernalgirl‌: Welcome and I looooove sharing recipes! I had caesar salad tonight and I bought it at Farm Boy so I looked at the calories and I was shocked that there were so few! The salad was kale instead of romaine so super healthy but now I need to know what else they put in it! :)
  • bloodewine
    bloodewine Posts: 29 Member
    Hello everyone! I've spent the last two hours reading this entire thread and I think I've come to the right place! You guys are all so wonderful and supportive of each other :smiley: I'm 31yo and would like to lose 80-100lbs. I had the lap band placed about 3 years ago after reaching 300lbs and having a nutritionist (no joke, this happened) give me my money back because she couldn't tell me what I was doing wrong. I lost about 70 lbs in the first year, and have been relatively plateaued since. I was so stressed doing an internship last year that I stopped following the plan, and now I'm trying to get back on track. I'm currently ~8mo into a veterinary emergency/critical care residency, and my schedule is insane! Irregular hours, no time to eat, no regular schedule. I'm hoping to find support and recommendations on how to get the next 70lbs off :smile:
  • MKelson3277
    MKelson3277 Posts: 5
    edited March 2015
    @bregalad5 - That is great! Wouldn't it be nice if they kept all the candy in one place instead of spreading it throughout the store? lol

    @prof_newme‌ - Thanks again for that link, I went ahead and ordered all 5 books. I think they'll really help boost my nutrition intake!

    @shirayne - Taking walks is something I am going to be so happy to do again once my hip surgery is done. It's been years since I could go for a nice peaceful walk in the woods.

    @mildollarssmile - Congratulations on the 5k!

    @bloodewine - Good luck on your continued journey, and welcome aboard!
  • bregalad5
    bregalad5 Posts: 3,965 Member
    @bregalad5 - That is great! Wouldn't it be nice if they kept all the candy in one place instead of spreading it throughout the store? lol

    They do at my store! And it's all at the registers! There's this giant shelf of Easter candy set out there! Ahh! There were so many people at the store today, too, because everything's closed in Germany on Sundays so I stood there staring at it for a good five minutes :/
  • vschwgrt1
    vschwgrt1 Posts: 86 Member
    bernalgirl, I love to cook also and share recipes. All ideas are wonderfully accepted. I, too, lost a lot of weight about 5 years ago but gained most back. So I'm back and using this site.
    I swim daily, count every calorie that goes in my mouth, and shocker, it works!!!
  • pepsismum
    pepsismum Posts: 9 Member
    hey i am just starting out and need to lose around 130 lb could do with lots for friends x
  • 2run2ski
    2run2ski Posts: 133 Member
    @bregalad5 Staring at it for 5 minutes and you didn't succumb?!! That is a major NSV!! Thanks for helping me put on my mental armor as I'll be shopping today. The problem I have is that since I have kids, of COURSE I have to buy it. It's the "few extra bags" that I squirrel away that are always my downfall. I'm hopeful that I can follow your lead and not buy any for myself. Thanks for posting!! :)
  • heathrlynn50
    heathrlynn50 Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I'm Heather I have about 80 pounds to loose. I would love to be apart of the group. New on here and could use all the help I can get!!
  • Smallerjojo2015
    Smallerjojo2015 Posts: 97 Member
    I have over 100lbs I need to lose
    I started 6 jan and so far I have lost 32lbs
    The main thing for me is never look at the 100+ lbs as a goal
    I have little goals, like to lose 7lbs or go under the next stone, fit in some clothing you not been able to wear for years.
    Keep under the calorie goal for that day then try for two days under.
    If you mess up one day don't let it turn into two
    you will get bad days just don't give up
    There is no one giant step that does it. It’s a lot of little steps.
    Never give up we can do this !
  • uptownplum
    uptownplum Posts: 42 Member
    Always looking for new friends! I started Jan 2 and have lost 25# so far, and I'd like to drop 80-100# total. I'm 26 and live in Delaware.
  • kss1231
    kss1231 Posts: 167 Member
    Good morning all! I've been on here since January 6 and have lost 16 pounds so far. Looking for some friends who have similar goals and can provide motivation and support. I have a hard time sticking to my plan when everyone else in the house wants to go out for lunch/dinner. Any suggestions are welcomed.
  • worldofme
    worldofme Posts: 87 Member
    edited March 2015
    I am jumping back on the wagon! My health requires it and I deserve it!! Would love to have all the supportive friends I can get and would love to encourage you along the way! We can do this ;)