1000 pound club



  • HeySwoleSister
    HeySwoleSister Posts: 1,938 Member
    dbmata wrote: »
    Yeah, I may never hit it, but I'll work towards it. I'd love to have a combined of 1100 for squat and deadlift.
    You never know because you may find yourself living in a shotgun shack benching 405

    And you may find yourself in another part of the world, squatting 605

    And you may find yourself deadlifting the balance of the weight of a large automobile

    And you may ask yourself

    Well...How did I get here?

    You may say to yourself....This is not my beautiful Ham....
    You may say to yourself....These are not my beautiful glutes!

    ~dances like a fool to the Talking Heads
    ~counts it as cardio
  • jlclabo
    jlclabo Posts: 588 Member
    already in the club, just working on moving up the ladder, lol... have a meet march 21, and looking for 1600+ total. will give me a 400+ wilks score.
  • BigmanTG
    BigmanTG Posts: 645 Member
    I have been up to 1460 on the big 3, haven't lifted that heavy in a year or so. The order of strength in each exercise depends on the person, their body mechanics, preferred exercises and natural ability. The 1000pd club is a very good goal, be safe,use good form, take it slow and lift heavy you'll get there!
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    edited January 2015
    BigmanTG wrote: »
    I have been up to 1460 on the big 3, haven't lifted that heavy in a year or so. The order of strength in each exercise depends on the person, their body mechanics, preferred exercises and natural ability. The 1000pd club is a very good goal, be safe,use good form, take it slow and lift heavy you'll get there!

    WOW. I wonder if I can even get that high on the 3 lifts. Might take a few years since I want to be low bodyweight when I get up there if I do.
  • dbmata
    dbmata Posts: 12,950 Member
    I want a shotgun shack...

    Funny thing, duck hunting is a lot easier now that I'm stronger. Recoil? You mean nocoil.
  • noexcusesjustresults2014
    You all are very strong! I am impressed
  • BigmanTG
    BigmanTG Posts: 645 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    BigmanTG wrote: »
    I have been up to 1460 on the big 3, haven't lifted that heavy in a year or so. The order of strength in each exercise depends on the person, their body mechanics, preferred exercises and natural ability. The 1000pd club is a very good goal, be safe,use good form, take it slow and lift heavy you'll get there!

    WOW. I wonder if I can even get that high on the 3 lifts. Might take a few years since I want to be low bodyweight when I get up there if I do.
    Yes I was about 283pds at the time. Personally I think anything over 800pds is pretty strong. You will get there bro! Just go as far as your genetics will take you, then keep pushing! Stay safe bro
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    Any newcomers?
  • yopeeps025
    yopeeps025 Posts: 8,680 Member
    deadlift PR 415!!!!!!!!
  • BigmanTG
    BigmanTG Posts: 645 Member
    yopeeps025 wrote: »
    deadlift PR 415!!!!!!!!

    Congrats bro!! Keep it going
  • brendanhill988
    brendanhill988 Posts: 2 Member
    This is a great feed! There's lots of people interested in the sport of powerlifting
    I'm a class 2 lifter and also a coach for powerlifting. If anyone would like to ask direct questions in regards to training they can email me at roughcity@gmail.com
  • giantrobot_powerlifting
    giantrobot_powerlifting Posts: 2,598 Member
    edited March 2015
    Last time I reported in I was -35 lbs under the 1000 mark.

    This past week, I test my maxes. Results below:
    • Bench: 285 lbs (129 kg) (03/25/2015)
    • Squat: 360 lbs (163 kg) (03/25/2015)
    • Deadlift: 440 lbs (199.5 kg) (03/28/2015)
    • TOTAL: 1,085 lbs. (492 kg)

    Yesterday morning, I nailed the 440 lbs. on the second attempt deadlifting. Few minutes later I attempted 445 - nothing but utter failure. But that's a failure I am proud of. Since end of September I added +10 to my bench (training through a shoulder injury so that affected my performance), +65 lbs to my squat, and +45 to my deadlift. Overall since Sept '14, among the three lifts I've added a total of 120 lbs. (FYI: Lifts beltless.)

    When I got back into the gym and back into barbell work three months later in June/July of 2014, I strained my back just trying to attempt a 115 lbs pull. Enter ice packs, heat pads and muscle relaxers. I think what really helped me was by forcing myself to take a 6-8 week detour by assigning Sumo and Front Squats as my primary lifts and not touching (back) squat or conventional deadlifts for that period. I also made a slight adjustment in the how wide I squat. You know *that* back pain you can sometimes get from either doing the dl or the squat? Well no longer.

    Permit me to humblebrag, but I feel awesome.
  • alyhuggan
    alyhuggan Posts: 717 Member
    Paused Bench - 255lb
    Squat - 285lb
    Deadlift - 400lb

    60lb left, should be there by the end of the year!
  • nossmf
    nossmf Posts: 9,829 Member
    I'm one of those weirdos where my squat is actually my heaviest lift, not my deadlift. Current (non-competition) bests:

    Bench - 275
    Squat - 475
    Deadlift - 405

    Total - 1155

    I almost got 285 bench, I'm sure I'll crack that number in just a couple months, maybe cracking 300 by end of the year, and I squatted 455 for reps the other day so no doubt 495 is within reach (though I'd likely just skip straight to 500 for bragging purposes lol). That would let me break the 1200 mark.

    I'm sure my deadlift would rocket up with proper coaching, but that's not in the budget at the moment, and I fear trying any higher than 405 without coaching. My legs are plenty strong enough to raise the bar, it's my lower back I'm concerned with.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    This is a great feed! There's lots of people interested in the sport of powerlifting
    I'm a class 2 lifter and also a coach for powerlifting. If anyone would like to ask direct questions in regards to training they can email me at roughcity@gmail.com

    What's a class 2 lifter?
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    Im at it but not quite as consistent as i want it to be. 415 deadlift 365 squat and 235 bench. I can't hit the squat as consistently as I want to yet.
  • foursirius
    foursirius Posts: 321 Member
    This is a great feed! There's lots of people interested in the sport of powerlifting
    I'm a class 2 lifter and also a coach for powerlifting. If anyone would like to ask direct questions in regards to training they can email me at roughcity@gmail.com

    What's a class 2 lifter?

    Basically a set of weights typical competitors can hit at a given weightclass http://www.lift.net/2013/05/09/classification-standards-for-raw-elite-uspa/
  • tanyaL0L
    tanyaL0L Posts: 23 Member
    I'm halfway there:
    Deadlift 195
    Squat 200
    Bench 110
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    foursirius wrote: »
    This is a great feed! There's lots of people interested in the sport of powerlifting
    I'm a class 2 lifter and also a coach for powerlifting. If anyone would like to ask direct questions in regards to training they can email me at roughcity@gmail.com

    What's a class 2 lifter?

    Basically a set of weights typical competitors can hit at a given weightclass http://www.lift.net/2013/05/09/classification-standards-for-raw-elite-uspa/

    Neat, thanks. Apparently I'm a Class II lifter too. And a Master deadlifter! I'm putting that on my resume.
  • juliewatkin
    juliewatkin Posts: 764 Member
    edited March 2015
    foursirius wrote: »
    This is a great feed! There's lots of people interested in the sport of powerlifting
    I'm a class 2 lifter and also a coach for powerlifting. If anyone would like to ask direct questions in regards to training they can email me at roughcity@gmail.com

    What's a class 2 lifter?

    Basically a set of weights typical competitors can hit at a given weightclass http://www.lift.net/2013/05/09/classification-standards-for-raw-elite-uspa/

    That's interesting and a bit ego inflating, at least for the women's standards. They put me at master for my last raw meet and elite for my last single ply meet for total in the open standards and I'm 50.

    Our association (Canadian IPF affiliate) has similar classification standards for championship qualifications.