Under 5'5" Shorties UNITE!



  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I am 5' 3" and working to lose 16 more lbs. Was hoping to reach my goal by July but it's slowed down quite a bit from when I started. I have a small top and bigger bottom. I am now 136-137 (fluctuate) and hoping to get down and maintain before my 10 yr wedding anniversary :heart: in September.
  • rmsrws
    rmsrws Posts: 639 Member
    Hey I am 4"11 here!
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    5'1 1/2" here :)

    idk - maybe 40 more pounds? all i know is it's a lot!!! buti want IN!!
  • Zombriana
    Zombriana Posts: 764 Member
    5' 3 1/2 over here about 30 lbs to go give or take i want to keep my curves so i it depends when im happy with my body =D

    Yah! -high five- for curves!! :love:
  • SimplyFreckled
    SimplyFreckled Posts: 444 Member
    I am so in!!!

    5' 1" (ok ok really 5 and 3/4ths)
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    Is anyone else dealing with both shortness and disproportionate top-heaviness? As a 32D, I feel like my weight loss doesn't really change my looks very dramatically. Busty women always seem to look heavier to me.
  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    I'm 5' and I have reached my weight goal, now I'm working on my aesthetic goals! Feel free to add me :)
  • cweiler4
    cweiler4 Posts: 374 Member
    Love this group!! I am 5'2 and wanting to lose 30lbs. Feel free to add me!!
  • crazymama2two
    crazymama2two Posts: 867
    Is anyone else dealing with both shortness and disproportionate top-heaviness? As a 32D, I feel like my weight loss doesn't really change my looks very dramatically. Busty women always seem to look heavier to me.

    OMG AGREED - im effin 40G and my MIL just said to me the other day "your boobs look smaller" i said they dont feel any smaller and i still cant see my GD feet cause of them :)
  • Jinxed8
    Jinxed8 Posts: 6 Member
    5.3" here. 15lbs more to lose. I'm IN
  • Jinxed8
    Jinxed8 Posts: 6 Member
    5.3" here. 15lbs more to lose. I'm IN
  • godroxmysox
    godroxmysox Posts: 1,491 Member
    I'm 5'4"...almost 40 lbs down and a little over half way there =)
  • NoPyForYou
    NoPyForYou Posts: 44 Member
    Hi all!

    5'4" and 29 here!

    I started working on my weight last year in June. At the time I was at my all time high of 153 and very unhappy with myself. By October, I had myself down to 132. I slacked off a bit from November 2010 to February of 2011 and popped up about 4 pounds.

    So this March, I got my act together and joined MFP. Started at 136 and now down to 128 (127 according to this morning's weigh in, but I always make sure it sticks before I record it!). I'm smack in the middle of the healthy range for my height, but my goal weight is between 115 and 120, so I still have a little ways to go. Right now, I'm focusing on upping my endurance with hard core cardio and toning up my muscles.
  • em_lou007
    em_lou007 Posts: 117
    Hey i'm 5 foot 2 and a half! (yes I said half!)

    I have a total of 50ish pounds to lose (lost 11 already) I regularly feel like a rubber ball and am wishing to feel like a curvey stick!

    Good luck to all with your weight loss journeys

    Em xx
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    Is anyone else dealing with both shortness and disproportionate top-heaviness? As a 32D, I feel like my weight loss doesn't really change my looks very dramatically. Busty women always seem to look heavier to me.

    I haven't experienced this but one of my best girlfriends has - she went from a 32DD to a 32B from long distance running. She became a marathon runner and swims.
  • happyhaunt
    happyhaunt Posts: 180 Member
    I'm 5ft1. I've got about 9 lbs to lose! Feel free to add me, I'd like other shorties on my friends! :)
  • jend114
    jend114 Posts: 1,058 Member
    I'm 5'3" and need to lose about 30-40 more lbs
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I love this ! I am 5 foot even . Have lost 38 so far and have another 70 some more to loose . Feel free to add me as a friend !
  • whiskyzee
    whiskyzee Posts: 102 Member
    Is anyone else dealing with both shortness and disproportionate top-heaviness? As a 32D, I feel like my weight loss doesn't really change my looks very dramatically. Busty women always seem to look heavier to me.

    OMG AGREED - im effin 40G and my MIL just said to me the other day "your boobs look smaller" i said they dont feel any smaller and i still cant see my GD feet cause of them :)

    lol--I'd be more concerned that my MIL is that familiar with my bosoms . . .
  • BecBe4
    BecBe4 Posts: 20
    Hi y'all! I'm 5 ft. even. I've lost 7 so far with about 18 to go. The scale hasn't moved in a couple weeks and I can feel the frustration setting in. I need to do something soon because I have a dress to fit in to by the end of July that's about a half a size to small. Yikes!!!
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