Under 5'5" Shorties UNITE!



  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    WOW! I'm so thrilled to see this thread take off like this! I just KNEW I couldn't be alone in my struggle! It is wonderful to have so many like-minded shorties together in one place.

    Someone early on mentioned the idea of having challenges, hmmm...would everyone be amenable to having a challenge that states you must be consistently active for at least an hour six days a week? If not, let's tweak it until it gets to be just right!

  • QueenofCups
    QueenofCups Posts: 365 Member
    5'4" here. I am 30, a stay at home Mom to 2 toddlers, and have been taking my health seriously for 2 yrs.
    I struggle with being short only b/c I don't really know what my goal weight *should* be.
    I am 151 right now, everyone thinks I look perfect the way I am, but everything I read says I should weigh at least 20 lbs less. I am Med-Large frame (depending on what I measure, large frame based on wrist, med based on elbow breadth).
    Gonna keep trying to just get my body to LOOK the way I want it to, and try not to focus on the weight. Its getting there, slowly.
  • silvafan
    silvafan Posts: 147
    WOW! I'm so thrilled to see this thread take off like this! I just KNEW I couldn't be alone in my struggle! It is wonderful to have so many like-minded shorties together in one place.

    Someone early on mentioned the idea of having challenges, hmmm...would everyone be amenable to having a challenge that states you must be consistently active for at least an hour six days a week? If not, let's tweak it until it gets to be just right!


    I think I could do that, however, you have to define "active" is "active" no less than a 30 minute walk?
  • Stephinow
    Stephinow Posts: 273
    WOW! I'm so thrilled to see this thread take off like this! I just KNEW I couldn't be alone in my struggle! It is wonderful to have so many like-minded shorties together in one place.

    Someone early on mentioned the idea of having challenges, hmmm...would everyone be amenable to having a challenge that states you must be consistently active for at least an hour six days a week? If not, let's tweak it until it gets to be just right!


    Yep, that sounds great, except some of my workouts are only 20 minutes (JM 30-Day Shred and one Zumba Exhilarate DVD) but I could do the 6 days a week. Hmmm, I guess I could count those as 30 minutes if we are allowed to include the stretching.
  • sunvin
    sunvin Posts: 30 Member
    I'm also 5 even. I have lost 9 lbs. since I joined MFP in January. I am currently struggling to lose those last 5 lbs. Feel free to add me.
  • karenbobaren
    karenbobaren Posts: 127 Member
    I'm 5'1" and I have hips and thighs. My goal weight is 125, but wonder if that's too much weight since I have my thighs and hips. Any ladies have the same issue? What was the ideal weight for you?
  • mfreeby
    mfreeby Posts: 199 Member
    I am 5'3" and my goal weight is 145. It's the lowest I've been as an adult really - I'm a curvy girl, what can I say. So that's 12 more pounds and I'm a happy camper. My highest weight was 171 (not including pregnancy). Glad to join this group!
  • JEK717
    JEK717 Posts: 1,497
    So, after reading about another short girl's success in losing weight, I wanted to create a group for those of us who are vertically challenged (and therefore find it harder to lose weight and see such big differences when we lose even a little of it). I myself am 5'3" and need to lose about 25 pounds. Feel free to post inspiration for each other or successes/failures or thoughts!

    Hope to see this take off as a motivational group for us shorties! I tried to find a group like this but if I just missed it, then PLEASE move this thread or delete it, etc.


    Haha yes...this is true...i am vertically challenged AND DC, which is directionally challenged:)

    I am actually about your height, in between 5'2 and 5'3 and i just lost 25 lbs. I am trying to gain back 10 though.

    Go short people!
  • Adrigal
    Adrigal Posts: 7
    5'2 need to lose 25 lbs!
  • LilLolo22
    LilLolo22 Posts: 229 Member
    5'4" here. I am 30, a stay at home Mom to 2 toddlers, and have been taking my health seriously for 2 yrs.
    I struggle with being short only b/c I don't really know what my goal weight *should* be.
    I am 151 right now, everyone thinks I look perfect the way I am, but everything I read says I should weigh at least 20 lbs less. I am Med-Large frame (depending on what I measure, large frame based on wrist, med based on elbow breadth).
    Gonna keep trying to just get my body to LOOK the way I want it to, and try not to focus on the weight. Its getting there, slowly.

    I didn't realize that you could measure to find your build size! Thanks for mentioning that. I googled how to do it and found out I'm actually a medium build! Good info to know.
  • I'm 5'2" also a shorty!!! Sign me up :tongue:
  • jymalfonzo
    jymalfonzo Posts: 37
    5'2 1/4" here. Yes the 1/4 matters. I'm about 170lbs right now and because I'm overweight I have to go with a larger size wedding dress which means cutting off about 2 feet of dress. thats like $100 worth of dress!
  • Sammybunny711
    Sammybunny711 Posts: 92 Member
    Hmmm. Let's redefine the challenge: An hour of activity a day that CAN be broken into smaller increments of exercise (ex: 15 minutes of walking plus thirty minutes of cardio later, + 15 minutes of some other exercise etc.) Does that make sense? How about that? It of course can be any exercise you like so long as it is either strength training, cardio work, or stretching. :o)
  • ellehcar83
    ellehcar83 Posts: 13
    5'3 & 1/2 :) here and like many of you need to shed some weight, I'm trying to lose about 40 pounds. I could use the support and motivation too so if anyone wants to add me, please do :)
  • chelseelovesyou
    chelseelovesyou Posts: 109 Member
    I'm 5'2 and I'm currently down 35 pounds. I started MFP at 196 ( I was over 200 at my heaviest) and I'm down to 161. I don't have any children, but I think I could blame all the weight gain on partying and bad food in college. Since I started MFP I've been able to make better decisions when in the dining halls at school. I think I'm trying to get down to 140, because I have hips and thighs but we will see how I feel in the next few pounds. Really, I could care less about the number as long as I am tone and comfortable. Add me if you want some support form a fellow shortie!

    Good Luck to everyone! Happy fitness!!
  • shug458
    shug458 Posts: 99
    I am soooo in - keeping searching for others my size - I'm 4'11" 124 - 125 lbs - I'd like to lose another 10 lbs. soooooooooo i just lost 4 lbs and WHAT A DIFFERENCE i see and feel - little bit of weight for little people is HUGE!!!!!!
  • ShawnaMama
    ShawnaMama Posts: 105 Member
    Hmmm. Let's redefine the challenge: An hour of activity a day that CAN be broken into smaller increments of exercise (ex: 15 minutes of walking plus thirty minutes of cardio later, + 15 minutes of some other exercise etc.) Does that make sense? How about that? It of course can be any exercise you like so long as it is either strength training, cardio work, or stretching. :o)

    I'm up for it!
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i am 5 foot tall...have lost 20 lbs and need to lose at least another 10...being our size is tough ...will take any advice on losing! i also have never been this weight since college...i always hovered in 145-150 range..i should weigh 126. I did lose alot on Weight Watchers once and got down to 136 before my daughter, a few years before she was born...now with the baby weight and that is finally gone...all i need to do is lose that last 10 lbs and i will be the slimmest ever in my whole life! The good news is I never liked exercise, now i do it every day...in some way...walking on my lunch has been my saving grace and am convinced it has toned my body somehow!
  • JenUB
    JenUB Posts: 84
    5'3-3/4" I have 20- 30 lbs to lose.
  • devenwarvel
    devenwarvel Posts: 26 Member
    Is anyone else dealing with both shortness and disproportionate top-heaviness? As a 32D, I feel like my weight loss doesn't really change my looks very dramatically. Busty women always seem to look heavier to me.

    Ugh...5 even and at 32DD. I always feel heavier than smaller busted women! Even when I lost weight I still look down and look like I am huge.
    I am almost at my goal weight (started at 140 before I joined this site), but those last few pounds are getting hard to get off! I need ALL the motivation I can get!