21 day fix



  • mrsrnm
    mrsrnm Posts: 4
    edited March 2015
    I am currently doing the 21 day fix. I enjoy the workouts. This is day 3 for me, and I have lost 2.6 lbs. so far. I think the program is good for beginners or for those who want help with portion control. We're supposed to be here to support one another! My way may not work for you and vice versa, but we can all support and encourage each other. We're all on this site for for a reason.
  • Sued0nim
    Sued0nim Posts: 17,456 Member
    If it works for you and you have enough money for it (eg spare money that you don't need for life) then good for you finding your path and I hope it continues to work for you.

    Personally, even though I have the money, I object to spending it on things I can easily do for free .. but that's just me

    but then again I'm a total hypocrite: I spend money on a personal trainer every week because I like having someone totally focused on me for an hour .. could I do it alone, yes .. could I do it as well, with a little more commitment possibly. Do I want to? Hell no.

    So you want to do it, it's working for you and you're eating real food ... great

    Stick your mind in the future and work out how you're going to get to a normal maintenance as you go along with your tupperware and you'll be fine

    Good luck!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    mykaylis wrote: »
    mykaylis wrote: »
    Is this the one with all the tupperware containers? Why don't you just weigh and measure your own food?

    i'll answer this on behalf of no one but myself.

    i DO weigh and measure every morsel. it has helped immensely with monitoring caloric intake and macronutrient intake, but i still feel like my diet is way off because myfitnesspal doesn't distinguish between the sugar i just ate from my strawberries and the sugar my kid ate from her ice cream. one of them, obviously, is more nutrient dense than the other.

    i tried writing down the volume of each of the containers and got kind of confused. a large part of that is having disabling depression, so FOR ME, it was a total fail.

    the coloured containers will give me an easy way to identify if i've had enough or too much of each category. if i determine that my caloric intake should be 1500-1600 (which is what my dietician has ordered) i simply look up on the chart what that entails. so i need 3 green containers a day - that is, 3 cups of non-starchy vegetables per day. my husband will need 6. so i can count everything up easily and figure out how much food i need to buy in a week - which hopefully will both save me money and save me from turning to crappy easy food when it's a bad day.

    when i do the 21 day fix (i've just ordered it, hasn't arrived) i will STILL weigh and record every morsel, but i'll be better able to tell whether or not i ate all my fruits and veg, which is a challenge for me, and whether i've had too much starch, or too big a serving of nuts, etc etc.

    hope this helps.

    I dunno. It seems like twice the work, since MFP can do all that for you too if you log all your food.

    no, it does not. it tells me how much total sugar i've had, which is useful. how much fat, carbs, etc - which is what i record AFTER i eat it. i have tried different methods previously but the PLANNING end of it is difficult, which makes it difficult to follow good practices when bad days happen. again, i am only speaking for ME, but i personally need more than what MFP is giving me.

    coloured containers and a list saying i need 3 green, 2 purple, 2 red 1 yellow, 1 orange, and 1 blue allows me to identify whether i've planned the right number of servings for each of these foods. MFP tells me that i'm on target with macronutrient composition and sugar intake, but doesn't reliably tell me anything about micronutrients, or suggest which foods to combine to arrive at a favourable glycemic index..

    it's a tool. i need that tool, or something like it, anything that helps me plan a balanced diet over the week and also for my family (who are not on MFP and are not interested in weighing anything they eat).

    you can do that with MFP ..it is called pre- logging …I do it all the time. Log my day, check my day for macro/micro breakdown, and then adjust as needed
  • Holly_Roman_Empire
    Holly_Roman_Empire Posts: 4,440 Member
    mykaylis wrote: »
    mykaylis wrote: »
    Is this the one with all the tupperware containers? Why don't you just weigh and measure your own food?

    i'll answer this on behalf of no one but myself.

    i DO weigh and measure every morsel. it has helped immensely with monitoring caloric intake and macronutrient intake, but i still feel like my diet is way off because myfitnesspal doesn't distinguish between the sugar i just ate from my strawberries and the sugar my kid ate from her ice cream. one of them, obviously, is more nutrient dense than the other.

    i tried writing down the volume of each of the containers and got kind of confused. a large part of that is having disabling depression, so FOR ME, it was a total fail.

    the coloured containers will give me an easy way to identify if i've had enough or too much of each category. if i determine that my caloric intake should be 1500-1600 (which is what my dietician has ordered) i simply look up on the chart what that entails. so i need 3 green containers a day - that is, 3 cups of non-starchy vegetables per day. my husband will need 6. so i can count everything up easily and figure out how much food i need to buy in a week - which hopefully will both save me money and save me from turning to crappy easy food when it's a bad day.

    when i do the 21 day fix (i've just ordered it, hasn't arrived) i will STILL weigh and record every morsel, but i'll be better able to tell whether or not i ate all my fruits and veg, which is a challenge for me, and whether i've had too much starch, or too big a serving of nuts, etc etc.

    hope this helps.

    I dunno. It seems like twice the work, since MFP can do all that for you too if you log all your food.

    no, it does not. it tells me how much total sugar i've had, which is useful. how much fat, carbs, etc - which is what i record AFTER i eat it. i have tried different methods previously but the PLANNING end of it is difficult, which makes it difficult to follow good practices when bad days happen. again, i am only speaking for ME, but i personally need more than what MFP is giving me.

    coloured containers and a list saying i need 3 green, 2 purple, 2 red 1 yellow, 1 orange, and 1 blue allows me to identify whether i've planned the right number of servings for each of these foods. MFP tells me that i'm on target with macronutrient composition and sugar intake, but doesn't reliably tell me anything about micronutrients, or suggest which foods to combine to arrive at a favourable glycemic index..

    it's a tool. i need that tool, or something like it, anything that helps me plan a balanced diet over the week and also for my family (who are not on MFP and are not interested in weighing anything they eat).

    I would echo what ndj said above. And MFP does have a micronutrient breakdown under the reports section using the desktop version. On the app version, you can see your macro and micronutrient composition for the day.

    If what you're doing works for you, then that's awesome. I really am glad you found a system that's doing it. But wholly speaking, this "21 day fix" is no actual fix that simply logging your food into MFP can't accomplish.
  • mskinner1091
    mskinner1091 Posts: 180 Member
    jazmin220 wrote: »
    You will not find any help from people in the forums only people telling you "why don't you do this or that instead, it worked for me and I lost x amount of pounds " lol. There is an invisible list of rules stating what you should and shouldn't do.

    It's too bad only about 2 responses in this forum were legit ;/

    Anyway, best of luck, I hope you do well!

    What she said.
  • etcstreit
    etcstreit Posts: 7 Member
    21 day fix and on day 22.....
  • Tatyanne
    Tatyanne Posts: 471 Member
    edited March 2015
    How do people tease of the ways others find to go trough their personal journey? We are all different. Some people are better planners than others, so if this color system helps why do you tease? We are here to encourage each others....the world is already full of bullies, don't you think? :o
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    OMFG, 21 day fix is the best thing to happen to the universe since God!!!

    I admit when a friend first introduced me to 21 day fix, I was like, REALLY skeptical. I mean, who would be dumb enough to pay over 100 bucks for a 5 dollar workout video, some instant shake powder, and 2 dollars worth of cheesy colored Tupperware, right?

    But I was!

    Now, I'm only on day 2 and already I added 10 lbs of muscle, lost 20 lbs of fat, lost 37 inches off my waist, qualified for the next olympics, and passed the Pope's requirements for sainthood! Not only that, but my lost dog came back, my mother got out of prison, my wife left that doctor she ran off with and returned to me, my mother-in-law burst a blood vessel in her brain and dropped dead instantly, my you-know-what grew 3 inches, my lost shot gun has been found, I won the state lottery twice in one day, and so much much more!

    I can't wait to see what happens on day 3 tomorrow!

    ETA: Oh, most importantly, I am not a Beach Body coach, so I am not compensated for making these glowing statements.

  • farfromthetree
    farfromthetree Posts: 982 Member
    I watched the infomercials this weekend out of curiosity. I just don't get it, when you can do the same thing, more accurately with MFP and a food scale. I'm sorry but I could cram a lot of food into those containers. How do you know if you are at a calorie deficit at the end of the day? I would rather eliminate most of the guess work.
  • day213
    day213 Posts: 18 Member
    Just finished 21 days and am starting another round today. I lost 11 lbs, feel stronger and healthier. Work paid for it but I could have looked into the future and saw my results 21 days later I would have happily paid the $60. for it myself.

    I have a $12 membership to my work gym and have used it but I have never worked out 21 days in a row. The workouts are challenging and I actually look forward to doing them each day.

    Not a coach, no ambition to be, but the program works pretty well - for me, anyway.

  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    rabbitjb wrote: »
    I like Tupperware

    I have a thing for storage

    I can't believe how sad that sounds

    But needful things :)

    I don't understand how the 21 day fix works though, what does it fix and how?

    my basic understanding is that you portion your food out into the Tupperware and only eat that, and it works out to like 1200 to 1500 calories a day?

    they basically sell you overpriced Tupperware and say put 200 calories into six and eat that and you will lose weight...

    I swear, I am in the wrong business...

    what burns me is that you can do the same with MFP for free....

    So it's just real food but in plastics boxes ...sounds like my work lunch :)

    I assume there's a decent recipe book

    essentially yes..

    here is a snipet from their website:

    It's not another diet. In fact, it's EXACTLY the opposite. 21 Day Fix lets you EAT! Only in just the right portions, so you don't feel miserable and deprived - but you CAN finally start losing weight.

    What's the secret? Our seven exclusive containers. Each one is color-coded for a different kind of food, and pre-measured for the precise portion. You'll never have to "eyeball" your measurements again—if it fits in the container, you can eat it!

    Combine this eating plan with one 30-minute workout a day. That's all. It's that simple!

    so basically take some food, put it in Tupperware, and then pay beachbody...genius business model...I will admit.


    you could buy a ten dollar food scale and weigh/log all your food into MFP for free..

    I wonder which color container is for the chocolate and ice cream. I'm 70 days in, 6 lbs gone, 15 inches gone and 1.7% body fat gone and all I did was aim to meet my calories and macros and I have had chocolate and ice cream every single day. I've also recently added a fiber 1 brownie also :smiley:
  • Gabbysmom23
    Gabbysmom23 Posts: 11 Member
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries:)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!
  • Serah87
    Serah87 Posts: 5,481 Member
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries :)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    And yet I have reverse my heart disease to nothing and have blood pressure of teenager, eating fried chicken and pizza, explain that!!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries:)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    no one is arguing for a diet composed of a 100% fried food and pizza that is just ridiculous.

  • Gabbysmom23
    Gabbysmom23 Posts: 11 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries :)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    And yet I have reverse my heart disease to nothing and have blood pressure of teenager, eating fried chicken and pizza, explain that!!

    Give it some time. Unless you are the lucky 1%. Gamble with that if you would like. None of my business.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Serah87 wrote: »
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries :)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    And yet I have reverse my heart disease to nothing and have blood pressure of teenager, eating fried chicken and pizza, explain that!!

    Give it some time. Unless you are the lucky 1%. Gamble with that if you would like. None of my business.

    so you know more than her cardiologist?????????????
  • Gabbysmom23
    Gabbysmom23 Posts: 11 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries:)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    no one is arguing for a diet composed of a 100% fried food and pizza that is just ridiculous.

    actually, yes this was argued in one of these ridiculous posts. Anything in moderation is fine.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries:)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    no one is arguing for a diet composed of a 100% fried food and pizza that is just ridiculous.

    actually, yes this was argued in one of these ridiculous posts. Anything in moderation is fine.

    please point me to the exact quote where someone said to eat a diet composed of 100% of fried food and pizza.

    moderation does not equal 100% Twinkies all day. What it does equal is hitting your calorie/micro/macro targets for the day, and then filling in the rest of your calories with foods that one enjoys like pizza, ice cream, cookies, etc.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    Tatyanne wrote: »
    ... Some people are better planners than others, so if this color system helps why do you tease? We are here to encourage each others....the world is already full of bullies, don't you think? :o
    ^^^^ OMG so this!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I stuffed an entire pizza in the carbohydrate Tupperware, half of a peanut butter cheesecake in the protein Tupperware, and 3 snickers into the crap Tupperware. And as if by MAGIC, presto-chango, the Tupperware converts these foods into veggies, my fruits, limits my starch carbs and ensures that I am eating out of all the carbohydrate, protein and crap food groups!!! How does it do that??? Its amazing! I could never create a meal from carbohydrate, protein and crap without the cheesy overpriced color Tupperware in the 21 day fix!!!

    Why I can fit an entire cheesecake into my day with these containers! MFP never did that. You know, accuracy, honesty and hard work are SO overrated. :smile: I just completed day 22 and it qualified me for the next Olympics, got me a job as a model, made me swole, trimmed my waistline and started my acting career!

    Plus, speaking solely about myself, getting fleeced for a large sum of money on a scam kind of pushes me to stick it to other people to recoup my loss,... er I mean to positively encourage and support others! :smile: So I want to become a BB coach, since I am completely lacking in scruples :smile:

    ETA: I am not affiliated with Beach Body in any way and I am not being compensated for my clearly unbiased views!!!

  • Gabbysmom23
    Gabbysmom23 Posts: 11 Member
    ndj1979 wrote: »
    Serah87 wrote: »
    I think it's great. It's an easy way to make sure you are balancing food groups and nutrients. It's an eye opener as to what a proper portion and balance is.

    For some people, simple tracking on MFP works. And sure, to the poster who said as long as you are eating at a deficit, whether it be friend chicken and pizza you will lose weight. But fried chicken and pizza, even at a deficit will harden your arteries :)

    21 day fix is a great way to learn the right portions of the right foods. And I find it relatively inexpensive compared to what's out there. I wish you the best of luck!

    And yet I have reverse my heart disease to nothing and have blood pressure of teenager, eating fried chicken and pizza, explain that!!

    Give it some time. Unless you are the lucky 1%. Gamble with that if you would like. None of my business.

    so you know more than her cardiologist?????????????

    I actually have a job, so I am going to get back to it. But yeah, I was a former ICU nurse. I know what the odds are and have taken care of people on death's door. Eating at a calorie deficit with the wrong foods will kill you in the long run. But knock yourselves out.