April 2015 Bike Bicycle Cycling Challenge



  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    edited April 2015
    april 1 st 14.37 HR 139 Chest shoulders triceps
    april 2nd 15.26 HR 141
    april 3rd 19.56 HR 126 Legs calves abs
    april 4th 13.54 HR 129
    april 5th 14.49 HR 134 Back Biceps
    april 6th 14.18 HR 131
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    I got on my bike for the first time this season last week due to the nice weather. Gonna skip the inside gym today after work to get on the bike again. Last week I was able to bike over 4 miles so today I am going to shoot for 5 miles. I bike in the country so lots of hills and some gravel so sometimes my mph is slower due to that and then if the wind is kicking up it can be killer!!
    Have fun everyone and be safe!
  • farmerpam1
    farmerpam1 Posts: 402 Member
    I'm in, set my goal for 300 miles this month. Still snowy and rainy here in New England, so I'm working it hard at the gym. Total as of today=49.5
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Ride #4 for April 11.10 miles @ 15.29 Avg...
  • Ohhim
    Ohhim Posts: 1,142 Member
    10 miles of slower riding to help my legs recover from yesterday's long run.

    4/2 - 35 miles
    4/3 - 11 miles
    4/4 - 38 miles
    4/6 - 10 miles

    Total: 94 miles
    Goal: 450 miles
    Remaining: 356 miles
  • m1xm0d3
    m1xm0d3 Posts: 1,576 Member
    m1xm0d3 wrote: »
    04/02 - 06.13 @ 17.0 mph
    04/03 - 07.09 @ 16.4 mph (AM Commute)
    04/03 - 12.18 @ 16.6 mph (PM Commute)
    04/04 - 13.18 @ 16.5 mph
    04/05 - 17.08 @ 16.4 mph
    04/06 - 13.19 @ 17.0 mph

    MTD: 68.86
    GOAL: 300

  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member
    I'll join in. I'm terrible about tracking miles so maybe this will help get me into the habit. I'm getting ready to leave on vacation, so my posts will be intermittent.

    I am planning to do a fundraiser ride for the entire month of June called the Great Cycle Challenge. You select your own goal to meet and use their app to track it. You get people to sponsor you and the money goes to Children's Cancer Research. We lost my young niece to cancer 6 months ago, so I'll be riding in her honor.

    4/2 10 miles
    4/3 10 m
    4/4 19.5 m
  • cowbellsandcoffee
    cowbellsandcoffee Posts: 2,975 Member
    4/2 - 22.5 miles
    4/5 - 35.3
    4/6 - 11.6

    Total - 69.4
    Goal - 500
    Left - 430.6
  • Michelledownunder
    Michelledownunder Posts: 24 Member

    i'm in canada and a fairly bike conscious city, so ymmv for where you are. but i do ride year-round and do a lot of it in the dark since our winters are very dark and very rainy.

    so for what it's worth: front and rear blinkies are mandatory here from an hour before sunset and an hour after dawn. the couple of times i've forgotten them or had them run out of juice have convinced me that they do help, but my personal favourite thing is reflective taping. if i had to pick only one between lights and the tape, i'd take the tape every time, no question. for one thing it's REALLY visible compared with the lights, and much harder for drivers to not know what it means. and for another - very importantly - you can apply it all over your bike and wear equipment that has it as well, and that means you can be seen from just about any angle, which doesn't happen with lights.

    the most respect i've ever gotten from drivers was when i was riding in one of those mesh safety vests that you see on work crews at the side of a road. people are pretty good about bikes around here anyway, but that was the only thing that's ever caused them to change actual lanes as they passed. it might look dorky, but not nearly as dorky as a brain injury or a shattered spine, so i'm all about it. it soaks up an amazing amount of rain too.[/quote)

    I'm in Auckland, New Zealand, which is not a very bike friendly city. The council is trying to put infrastructure in place but the motorists are very intolerant. I have a lot of reflective and hi vis on me and my bike, and tonight did my first night ride. I have three lights on the back and three on the front, but I worry that my hand signals may not be seen in the dark. Do you do anything to light up your hands?
  • Michael190lbs
    Michael190lbs Posts: 1,510 Member
    april 1 st 14.37 HR 139 Chest shoulders triceps
    april 2nd 15.26 HR 141
    april 3rd 19.56 HR 126 Legs calves abs
    april 4th 13.54 HR 129
    april 5th 14.49 HR 134 Back Biceps
    april 6th 14.18 HR 131
    april 7th 15.33 HR 129 Chest shoulders triceps
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    I have been doing some spinning this winter but April will kick off my REAL biking. Still have cold weather and snow on the ground though so hoping things warm up soon.

    4/01 - 1hr spin - 16m
    4/02 - 1.25hr spin - 20m
    4/03 - 16 miles @ 16.3mph 700' climbing --- First outside ride of the year!
    4/05 - 32 miles @ 15.7mph 1,500' climbing --- Took way more effort then it should have. Have a lot further to get back in shape then i thought.
    4/06 - 16 miles @ 17mph 700' climbing --- felt a bit better, upgraded to between ok/tired at start of ride instead of tired/week.
    4/07 - 30min spin - 8miles

    Total miles: 108m
    April goal: 300 miles
  • corindeathawk
    corindeathawk Posts: 254 Member
    No Wind, wonderful temp.

    4/02 - 23.3 Miles
    4/04 - 35.2 Miles
    4/05 - 35.2 Miles
    4/07 - 25.2 Miles

    Total - 118.9 Miles
    Target - 450 Miles
  • bigd66218
    bigd66218 Posts: 376 Member
    Ride #5 for April 12.88 miles @ 14.98 avg. Tomorrow I weigh in for week and rest day!!! Thursday try for 13-14 miles with the average around 15!!!
  • sajeffe
    sajeffe Posts: 850 Member
    cassity282 wrote: »
    (first off.i am disabled and canot spell. I am sorry.spellcheck dousnt like people who spell pheneticly.please try to sound my words out)onto the real stuff

    I used to trail ride in the mountains. and on the local forest trails. and the bike trail. I could ride from my home,to the bike trail,ride the bike train and then back.i would do that until I was 21 or 22.

    I am 26 and have recently pulled my damn bike out. I have trouble going around the block. our block is a tiny bit over a mile.so I just round it to that mile. I try to ride at least 2 times a week. and walk 3 to 4 times a week.

    I am struggeling. but I am trying. my goal is to get around that mile without hurting my knee. to get my mucel in my legs (thighs mainly) so that I can go for long rides again.

    Good luck, cassity282. When I began riding again in earnest a couple years ago, I could only ride to the end of my road and back (I'm disabled by chronic illness). Over time, I was able to increase my stamina and strength and could go about a mile. I kept pushing to increase and was eventually able to ride 4-5 miles/day.

    I do want to caution you though (and any other beginner riders who may not be athletic) - as you stray from your home, pay attention to your neighborhoods. Which households have dogs? Which of those households ignore the local leash laws? Etc. Also, be mindful that if a dog or dog comes upon you out of nowhere (happened to me), you cannot outrun them like the athletes can.

    I'm not trying to scare you. I just want you to be aware as you're riding. In my own area, it's been a problem for me. After being chased many times and then finally caught and bitten, I find myself not riding as much or as far. (Once bitten, twice shy.) Okay, I having said all of that - gogogogo. You can do this. Take it slow. Don't put unreasonable expectations on yourself. And be happy when you make it that mile. It's a good feeling! You got this.
  • SharonNehring
    SharonNehring Posts: 535 Member

    4/2 10 miles
    4/3 10 m
    4/4 19.5 m
    4/7 10 miles

  • jillyian
    jillyian Posts: 423 Member
    cassity282 wrote: »
    (first off.i am disabled and canot spell. I am sorry.spellcheck dousnt like people who spell pheneticly.please try to sound my words out)onto the real stuff

    I used to trail ride in the mountains. and on the local forest trails. and the bike trail. I could ride from my home,to the bike trail,ride the bike train and then back.i would do that until I was 21 or 22.

    I am 26 and have recently pulled my damn bike out. I have trouble going around the block. our block is a tiny bit over a mile.so I just round it to that mile. I try to ride at least 2 times a week. and walk 3 to 4 times a week.

    I am struggeling. but I am trying. my goal is to get around that mile without hurting my knee. to get my mucel in my legs (thighs mainly) so that I can go for long rides again.

    Keep up the good work! Your spelling was not bad. I bet the damn bike was happy to have you take it out to ride too.
  • SingingSingleTracker
    SingingSingleTracker Posts: 1,866 Member
    April 1 - rode 12.2 Kilometers for a duration of 0:30:00
    April 3 - rode 28.7 Kilometers for a duration of 1:07:20 (4 x 8 Zone 4 Intervals)
    April 5 - rode 25.7 Kilometers for a duration of 1:53:56 (Whoot! Whoot! 3 laps on the Singlespeed)
    April 6 - rode 8.42 Kilometers for a duration of 00:46:16 (SS mashing)
    April 7 - rode 16.4 Kilometers for a duration of 1:14:30 (singletrack)

    April Totals: 91.42 Kilometers - 05:32:02 hours

    Training and riding in Deutschland continues...
  • steffenson
    steffenson Posts: 312 Member
    I have been doing some spinning this winter but April will kick off my REAL biking. Still have cold weather and snow on the ground though so hoping things warm up soon.

    4/01 - 1hr spin - 16 miles
    4/02 - 1.25hr spin - 20 miles
    4/03 - 16 miles @ 16.3mph 700' climbing --- First outside ride of the year!
    4/05 - 32 miles @ 15.7mph 1,500' climbing --- Took way more effort then it should have. Have a lot further to get back in shape then i thought.
    4/06 - 16 miles @ 17mph 700' climbing --- felt a bit better, upgraded to between ok/tired at start of ride instead of tired/week.
    4/07 - 30min spin - 8miles
    4/08 - 1hr spin - 16miles

    Total miles: 124m
    April goal: 300 miles
  • kcjchang
    kcjchang Posts: 709 Member
    4/1 - 15 miles
    4/2 - 15.1
    4/3 - 35.4
    4/4 - 41
    4/6 - 13.4 (trainer :'( - been raining the last two days)


    4/8 - 40 miles planned this afternoon
    4/11 - 101 miles with 7200' climb planned this Saturday; hope to complete within 7 hours
  • spfldpam
    spfldpam Posts: 738 Member
    Its been rainy here lately so bike riding outside. I did do the stationary bike at gym last Thursday and will today when I hit the gym. Hopefully the rain will go away soon so I can get outside to bike!