What is wrong with my BODY?????

Here is my routine 7 days a week. 2.5 miles of walking highest5mph. 1400 calories a day or less. I eat Egg whites (3 tbs) 1 pc of whole wheat grain bread and natural cheese every morning. I eat turkey or chicken with a veggie for lunch. snack is banana or hummus dinner I eat only chicken or fish and salad. I drink 6 bottles of water a day. I cant lose weight. Im 5'10" 176 sometimes it will go to 174 if Im lucky....Please help Im at a loss


  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited April 2015
    Are you weighing everything you are eating and logging correctly? Also it would be helpful to people trying to give advice if your diary was open.
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Here's a question that you need to answer.

    How do you feel?

    Trust me, it's important.
  • AdrienneKaren
    AdrienneKaren Posts: 168 Member
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    Open your diary.

    At your weight, your 2.5 mile walk burn about 130 calories - are you eating that (or more) back?
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    I've been using Shealth for the last 4 weeks to work with my samsung gear fit so it wont reflect what i have really been doing. I started again today logging myfitness pal. Shadowan do you mean physically or mentally?
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    If you aren't losing weight, you aren't eating less calories than your body is burning. It is almost always as simple as that. I can't see your diary so I'll ask: are you weighing your food portions? Using measuring cups and eyeballing portions can be inaccurate and the closer you get to your goal weight the more precise you need to be.

    Since you're down to your last 20 pounds or so have you considered body recomposition rather than weight loss? At 5'10" and 176 pounds you're actually in the normal range for your height and weight. Start strength training while eating at a slight calorie deficit. You'll lose more fat, retain (and even build a little) muscle and look better overall.
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    I definitely agree with the yolk comment.

    The panic over cholesterol in eggs is unfounded and has been disproved many times over.

    The reason I'm asking how you feel is if you feel rubbish? Chances are you're not eating right.

    A lot of people ignore their own body signals and suffer, then eventually quit.

    That's not to say weight loss is easy - but you should feel better, not massively worse and if you feel terrible? You're trying too hard 9 times out of 10.
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    Wow this is all so helpful. I dont eat my calories back. I do drink wine 1 glass a night or every other night. Could that be ruining everything I'm doing?
  • Shadowsan
    Shadowsan Posts: 365 Member
    Nah, that won't be killing much off as long as you can honestly say you're only having one glass sparingly.
  • quiksylver296
    quiksylver296 Posts: 28,439 Member
    Buy a food scale. Use it. Determine how much you are really eating. Make adjustments from there.
  • ew_david
    ew_david Posts: 3,473 Member
    mandymd83 wrote: »
    Wow this is all so helpful. I dont eat my calories back. I do drink wine 1 glass a night or every other night. Could that be ruining everything I'm doing?

    Only if you're consistently over your calories.

    Something is off in your calculations or you'd be losing.
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    Actually Shadowan I have felt better these last 4 weeks then i have in a long time!! I just got on the scale today and saw a 2lbs rise and almost just wanted to crawl back in the bed with some chocolate and a pizza. The scale is what depresses me. Maybe after hearing all your awesome comments I should toss the scale add weight training and eat more healthy food
  • branflakes1980
    branflakes1980 Posts: 2,516 Member
    edited April 2015
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.

    Upon further investigation I have to agree with this. The below are the caloric intakes suggested for a perdon of your height and weight that "moderately exercises" and if you are really working out 7 days a week moderate is an underestimate.

    You need 2,470 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 1,970Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,470 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.

    If you are eating less than 1400 calories each day you are eating much too little. My suggestion is to establish a healthy relationship with food.

    Edited because the previous #'s were for a male. Whoops, sorry! Still even with the updated #'s you are eating too little. 2 lb loss per week is really aggressive especially with someone 20 lbs from their goal weight.
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    Food scale sounds important I don't use one. I might have 2 glasses of wine but always add them to my count and never go over 2 unless im out on date with the hubs (which is rare)
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.

    Upon further investigation I have to agree with this. The below are the caloric intakes suggested for your height and weight that "moderately exercises" and if you are really working out 7 days a week moderate is an underestimate.

    You need 2,727 Calories/day to maintain your weight.
    You need 2,227 Calories/day to lose 1 lb per week.
    You need 1,727 Calories/day to lose 2 lb per week.

    If you are eating less than 1400 calories each day you are eating much too little. My suggestion is to establish a healthy relationship with food.

    Im scared to eat that many calories. Oh WOW
  • Mr_Knight
    Mr_Knight Posts: 9,532 Member
    edited April 2015
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.

    Upon further investigation I have to agree with this.

    That's 19 kinds of wrong. It's not possible for someone OPs size to have a long term plateau on 1400 calories.

    If OP is plateauing, then OP's logging is broken.

  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    Mr_Knight wrote: »
    Eat more. Seriously. If you're consuming 1400 calories or fewer and working out, you're not eating enough. And for heaven's sake, eat the whole egg! The yoke has way more nutrients than the whites.

    Upon further investigation I have to agree with this.

    That's 19 kinds of wrong. It's not possible for someone OPs size to have a long term plateau on 1400 calories.

    If OP is plateauing, then OP's logging is broken.

    So you're saying 1400 is fine but I need to be more careful on my logging?
  • isulo_kura
    isulo_kura Posts: 818 Member
    As you don't log consistently how do you know how much you're eating?
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    wine affects me unfortunately, even when included in my calorie count. For that reason I am mainly sticking to not drinking during the week and saving the wine for the weekend when I am naturally more active due to not being in work as well as time for longer workouts etc..
  • mandymd83
    mandymd83 Posts: 22 Member
    isulo_kura wrote: »
    As you don't log consistently how do you know how much you're eating?

    I have been using a different program to go with my samsung gearfit. Im not back to myfitness pal. Sorry it doesnt reflect well enough