Feeling sick after eating eggs?



  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    It sounds like you have a psychological issue with them, because, um... you wouldn't have thrown up eggs you ate on a Friday on a Monday. You digest things more quickly than that. AND were it an allergy thing, eggs in baked goods would bother you too.

    Just stop trying to eat eggs.

    Two eggs baked in a batch of brownies would be divided between each brownie...in other words...you really are getting very little of the egg.

    With the little bit of egg in a baked product divided among each serving might not be enough to trigger a reaction.

  • Annie_01
    Annie_01 Posts: 3,096 Member
    Yeah, I have foods I'm like that with too. Threw up after eating them for whatever reason, and the taste of them coming back up turned me off them for GOOD. Cashews for me, among others.

    Twenty years ago I got really, really drunk on Southern Comfort mixed with diet Pepsi and threw up. Still can't drink diet Pepsi. Southern Comfort is fine though.

    The sickest that I have ever been was off of Southern Comfort...I gave it up for life...never again!

  • Twibbly
    Twibbly Posts: 1,065 Member
    edited April 2015
    I get sick if I eat more than 1 egg straight at a time. I can eat 1 egg fried on my burger or hard-boiled, but if I eat more than 1 I spend the next few hours incredibly nauseated. If we're eating scrambled eggs, I'm done after about 3 bites because it just doesn't taste good anymore. I seem to do fine with extra egg yolks, but not whites. I do better with the organic free-range eggs, but still can't eat too many.
  • ThatRyanPerson
    ThatRyanPerson Posts: 18 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    But I just had 3 hard boiled eggs and my stomach is in knots.

    Sounds like you need more eggs!
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Why don't you just stop eating eggs? They are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens- surley it will be good that you wont miss them?

    What???? :o

    It's the truth though? Eggs are incredibly unhealthy from the research I've seen.

    Are you living in 1980 and communicating to us through a worm hole???
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Why don't you just stop eating eggs? They are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens- surley it will be good that you wont miss them?

    What???? :o

    It's the truth though? Eggs are incredibly unhealthy from the research I've seen.

    No it's not.

    Please cite this research.


    Yes, please cite the research ..,

    I eat three to four eggs a day and my cholesterol levels are nearly perfect...
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    My_Butt wrote: »
    Good lord this has become a negative thread. All I wanted to know was if anyone else had experiences with what I did.

    It took a few people to become negative, which than made others negative. If what I asked annoys or confuses you, why are you still trying to cause problems on this thread?

    We are supposed to be motivators for each other. So stop trying to make yourself feel better by trying to make others look stupid.

    The only negative person in this thread is...you.
  • s2Mango
    s2Mango Posts: 44 Member
    Have you perhaps tried only having the egg yolk, or the whites separately? I developed this thing where unless the egg yolk is cooked thoroughly(no more over-easy =( ) I get horrible stomach upset and.. unpleasantries afterward. If I eat hardboiled or scrambled i'm perfectly fine though.
    Best bet would to go to a doctor if possible and explain to them the situation, maybe they can help figure it out.
  • amusedmonkey
    amusedmonkey Posts: 10,330 Member
    I'm not a chicken expert, but have you tried store bought eggs? Do you have the same reaction to them? Home raised chickens are not checked for illnesses as often, and may be carrying some sort of a mild bug. If you don't react to store bought eggs it may warrant investigating your chickens and treating them if they have something you may have missed.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    I stand corrected. Did some digging, and read this. OP, this might help you.
    The answer to this question shows how medical thinking about food allergies has changed. Several years ago, your doctor would likely have recommended strict avoidance of all eggs, including baked egg products. Today, it’s clear that egg-allergic children have varying levels of tolerance. Some must strictly steer clear of all forms of egg while others can eat egg in baked products.

    When an egg is heated, its protein degrades enough that certain youngsters can tolerate it. Mixing egg with flours may also make it less allergenic. Ovomucoid, a heat-stable protein in egg, may be primarily responsible for the differences in tolerance. A low allergy to ovomucoid can help predict if an allergic child may be able to eat baked egg products. At Boston Children’s hospital, we test for levels of ovomucoid-specific IgE in the blood. If that value is low enough, we consider conducting a “baked egg” food challenge. This test isn’t perfect; I’ve seen children with low ovomucoid values develop serious allergic reactions during these food challenges, so great care must be taken.

    Wow, someone in these threads actually admitted that they might not know everything. That's pretty amazing in my book. *claps* LOL
  • sorbus33rowan
    sorbus33rowan Posts: 36 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Why don't you just stop eating eggs? They are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens- surley it will be good that you wont miss them?

    What???? :o

    It's the truth though? Eggs are incredibly unhealthy from the research I've seen.

    No it's not.

    Please cite this research.


    Erm here are a few things... I have to say I didn't think this was such an unpopular opinion on eggs.
    A couple of random websites:

    One green planet:

    http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading-claims/ <~ This in particular

    The documentary Forks Over Knives

    I could probably find more if I wanted. Some of these may be bias or untrue but you could easily say the same about any egg research.
  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Why don't you just stop eating eggs? They are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens- surley it will be good that you wont miss them?

    What???? :o

    It's the truth though? Eggs are incredibly unhealthy from the research I've seen.

    No it's not.

    Please cite this research.


    Erm here are a few things... I have to say I didn't think this was such an unpopular opinion on eggs.
    A couple of random websites:

    One green planet:

    http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading-claims/ <~ This in particular

    The documentary Forks Over Knives

    I could probably find more if I wanted. Some of these may be bias or untrue but you could easily say the same about any egg research.

    Lol the first article you posted stated eggs contain nutrients that may actually prevent cardiovascular disease...
  • Dragn77
    Dragn77 Posts: 810 Member
    I stand corrected. Did some digging, and read this. OP, this might help you.
    The answer to this question shows how medical thinking about food allergies has changed. Several years ago, your doctor would likely have recommended strict avoidance of all eggs, including baked egg products. Today, it’s clear that egg-allergic children have varying levels of tolerance. Some must strictly steer clear of all forms of egg while others can eat egg in baked products.

    When an egg is heated, its protein degrades enough that certain youngsters can tolerate it. Mixing egg with flours may also make it less allergenic. Ovomucoid, a heat-stable protein in egg, may be primarily responsible for the differences in tolerance. A low allergy to ovomucoid can help predict if an allergic child may be able to eat baked egg products. At Boston Children’s hospital, we test for levels of ovomucoid-specific IgE in the blood. If that value is low enough, we consider conducting a “baked egg” food challenge. This test isn’t perfect; I’ve seen children with low ovomucoid values develop serious allergic reactions during these food challenges, so great care must be taken.

    Im glad you did some research and posted this...your first comment about how the anecdotes about eggs made you think it was just picky eaters and special snowflakes really threw me.

    Kiddo eats everything from eel to goat to well...a myriad of foods that many people have never tried / would not want to try. I have an intolerance to being picky / unadventurous with food and shes used to variety...but if something makes her ill or she simply does not like how it tastes...I dont force it on her. I dont think shes a special snowflake for it...actually, I think its pretty common for people to have food preferences, and also to have a bad reaction to some foods.

    Anyway, your research is pretty interesting cause its right there with what kiddo experiences...being able to eat egg in baked goods but not prepared straight up without having stomach issues. Its not so much an issue to her to avoid it...just something I was sharing since the OP seems to share a similar experience... Glad you checked it out and replied back with this info!
  • Tlw83
    Tlw83 Posts: 37 Member
    Sometimes eggs make me really sick sometimes they don't. I've read that what the chickens eat can effect of the eggs will give you a reaction or not. Also I have thrown up food that I ate a few days before. I don't care what anybody says it happened. Yes I have been to the doctor. Also can people try to be a bit nicer sheesh.
  • Sarauk2sf
    Sarauk2sf Posts: 28,072 Member
    Sarauk2sf wrote: »
    Why don't you just stop eating eggs? They are full of saturated fat, cholesterol, and carcinogens- surley it will be good that you wont miss them?

    What???? :o

    It's the truth though? Eggs are incredibly unhealthy from the research I've seen.

    No it's not.

    Please cite this research.


    Erm here are a few things... I have to say I didn't think this was such an unpopular opinion on eggs.
    A couple of random websites:

    One green planet:

    http://nutritionfacts.org/video/eggs-and-cholesterol-patently-false-and-misleading-claims/ <~ This in particular

    The documentary Forks Over Knives

    I could probably find more if I wanted. Some of these may be bias or untrue but you could easily say the same about any egg research.

    Yes, there are biases, which is why when citing sources you should ensure that they address the point you are making and are, or include, peer reviewed studies so the methods to determine the claim, the limitations of the studies and any affiliations can be see.

    Addressing the links:

    1) no links to the study noted so I cannot comment on this. It is just an article.

    2) this links studies. First study it links states "Patients at risk of cardiovascular disease should limit their intake of cholesterol". There is conflicting evidence regarding the impact of dietary cholesterol on cholesterol levels. The second study mentioned is actually the one the article in 1) mentions. Unfortunately the link is to a very biased pro vegan website and not the study. The next couple are about salmonella. The next link is to a study that concludes this: "Infrequent egg consumption does not seem to influence the risk of CVD in male physicians. In addition, egg consumption was positively related to mortality, more strongly so in diabetic subjects, in the study population.". The next link is to Joel Fuhrman's site - not credible.

    3) this is about salmonella and is one of the links in 2)

    4) this is the same study noted in 2) - the first one.

    5) & 6) Vegan site - completely biased and just repeats the other studies (as well as discussing the ethical side)

    7) just links a biased site (using a search eggs from the looks of it)

    8) due to 7) I am not bothering to watch the video.

    9) not a credible documentary

    Basically, lots and lots of repeating of 2 studies and links to an FDC article about salmonella from what I can see. The 2 studies so not even mention cancer and do not indicate that they are 'incredibly unhealthy' at all.
  • gracie4766
    gracie4766 Posts: 1 Member
    OP I have the same problem. If I eat eggs I get nauseous and sometimes vomit. I don't think it's stupid if you want to continue to eat eggs, (especially if you really like them that much) as long as you're prepared to deal with the consequences ;). I came here to see if others had the same problem as me.. But a lot of the people in this thread are friggin rude. Like damn ppl.... Don't worry I'm with you Op lol
  • GothyFaery
    GothyFaery Posts: 762 Member
    I have similar problems. Sometimes eggs agree with me, sometimes they don't. Avoiding the yolk all together seems to cause the least amount of problems. When I do have the yolk, solid over runny seems to sit better with me but I like my eggs over easy so that doesn't happy often.

    If I eat eggs alone it seems to hit me more so I try to include a piece of toast or something like that. Sometimes just having eggs with a small glass of milk helps. I honestly don't know why eggs don't like me but I like them so I take my chances.

    How does cheese sit with you? Just curious because sometimes I have the same issues with cheese when I eat it alone or if it's heavy on a dish.
  • Kalikel
    Kalikel Posts: 9,626 Member