Have you tried GLP1 medications and found it didn't work for you? We'd like to hear about your experiences, what you tried, why it didn't work and how you're doing now. Click here to tell us your story




  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,977 Member
    oh my word... I can't move...been up since 5;30 had a cup of tea and have been running ever since...beautiful beautiful day here.. so of course.. DH has painted the bathroom and waiting for it to dry.. I returned a few things to Lowes and went to Home Depot to pick something up. came home and swept and washed the floors, moved the cars around and DH is raking the dead grass,so I was out with the wheelbarrow picking it all up and dumping it..
    I finally got on the scale this morning after a long time.. up 22 lbs over the winter.. totally ashamed of myself.. and want to get back down and feeling better..
    we take our cars to a local dealership and the service people are sooo wonderful.. well they are looking for a full time service advisor and I am thinking about applying for it.. I truly enjoy going over there and all the guys that work there are just wonderful.. they always have something neat going on over there.. and it would be full time and I think benefits..
    have been praying about it.. have been at my current job since 2006, I will be 55 this year.. but sometimes change is good.. would have to get the ok to go to Florida in December since that is already planned..
    wish me luck..
    going to grill some pork chops on the grill and make some veggies for dinner,right now I am at 12,000 steps which I havent gotten in ages.but Holy cow my feet hurt.. so will sit for a little bit...
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,811 Member
    Alison ... Go for it! Your current job seems toxic ... And while it's sad, it's true ... It will be easier to work with the guys than a full room of cats.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Day Ladies,

    Sylvia, I’ll bet you had almost as much fun watching Spot, as he did. It certainly sounds like a fun time. Good luck with the wasps. Wish I had a suggestion for you.

    Joyce, my heart goes out to you with all of Charlie’s problems. It’s so difficult living with someone so negative. I pray each night that DH and I maintain our health. With his heart problems and COPD, he is actually in good shape. He rants a lot about the state of “everything” but doesn’t really get upset about it: just likes to talk about it. I pray that the Lord gives you the patience to handle everything. ((Hugs))

    Heather, I’m like you on spending. I can’t force myself to buy things that are pricy and I don’t really need them. Plus for household items, I have a hard time letting go of something that still functions. I love pretty things but won’t spend the money for new bed spreads if the one I have is still in good shape. I have a friend that gets new ones about twice a year. Oh well, different strokes.

    Jane, beautiful flowers. How nice that Spring has sprung.

    Naiomi, it sounds like a great time dancing. I hope you get to experience that again and often. I hope that red dress fits great. Have a good time at the ordination. How wonderful for your friend.

    Peachstategal, good call on you doing the driving if it keeps DH calm. I know how unsettling it is to have the driver ranting the whole time you are out. Like you said, it only upsets you and not the other drivers.

    TNToni, good for you on those compliments. It’s just like all of a sudden people notice. Makes ya feel good, doesn’t it? And you are welcome for the kicks. Glad it helped. You know you can do this.

    Allison, the job sounds great if that’s something of interest to you. A pleasant work environment is worth a lot more than money or the length of time at a place. Good luck.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I haven’t gotten any regular exercise done this morning. I started cleaning and weeding out things in my office. Sometimes when I get going, I don’t want to stop. Three medium trash bags of old files and junk gone. Woo hoo. I know I’m getting some exercise from it, so not too concerned.

    Quote for the day:
    The past should be left in
    the past or it can steal your
    future. Live life for what
    tomorrow can bring and not
    what yesterday has taken
    away. Every day is a gift.

    Author unknown

    Have a wonderful day, ladies.

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    edited April 2015
    Janet - I LOVE your quotes! Keep them coming. :flowerforyou:

    DH came home in a good mood. :D He admitted he was nervous about the hospital appointment tomorrow. He has never been in hospital and hardly ever been to the doctor, apart from his anxiety. It was nice to talk to him in a relaxed way again. :) He read my blurb and we found a few faults, but basically it's ok. :) I gave him some advice on the pricing of his last book and the blurb he wrote for it which was not good. I think he was grateful. :ohwell:
    Miraculously I got a reply to my text to DS#1. He admitted his brain is in a fog and he can't concentrate at all. He is seeing the doctor about adjusting his meds. I said I was fine with the cover I had made. Looking forward to seeing each other on 29th. My heart bleeds for him.

    Our dinner was heavenly. o:) Oh my word!

    Kim- Vera tonight. Hooray!

    Love Heather UK
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Katla, I think part of our wasp problem is that we don't use any chemicals on them. Hubby catches the live ones in a little butterfly net and takes them outside. I think they beat him back into the house. He's such a softy. When we were getting ready to leave the cabin today, he left the hatch open on the van and a bunch of Mosquitos got inside. I told him I saw Mosquitos in the van and he said, "did you let them out?" That is his first instinct, always. It irks me a little that he is so careless about Mosquitos. They never bite him, but they chew me to bits.

    I read something on facebook the other day about a homemade tick repellant. It is just 2 cups of white vinegar, one cup of water, and 20 drops of an essential oil. I chose peppermint. I don't know if it works on ticks but I really love the smell. Much better than deet. We have lots of ticks at the lake. The dogs are on a monthly preventative, but we aren't. I wish somebody would invent a pill for people that would repel ticks, Mosquitos, no-see-ums, and fleas. There are a lot of nasty bugs out there. The county to our north has just discovered a whole new tick-borne illness they are calling Bourbon disease. Apparently it's very deadly.

    My son said the kids can't come over tonight. He wants them to have a night at home. Boo Hoo. He had them LAST night! Oh well, I guess I can find things to do here.

    Tomorrow I have two doctors appointments. One in Joplin, with my new primary care doc, and one here in Pittsburg with my old primary care doc. I hope I like the new guy. I'm hoping to get some info on the test results from Fridays test.

    Well, I'm off to the store. Have a great day!

  • peachstategal
    peachstategal Posts: 398 Member
    Janet, I shared your quote on Facebook. I spent more than half my life trying to get over growing up in a disfunctional family. I feel at peace now.

    Sylvia, many swear by Avon's Skin so Soft. My DIL tried it on the kids last summer and said it seemed to work.
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    stats for the day:
    rowing machine- 15min, 101aw, 2973meters/ 1.85mi =147c
    jacobs ladder- 15min, 872ft = 134c
    ski machine- 20min, 30-40resist., .91mi = 182c
    jump-skip-scissos- 16min, = 161c
    single leg balancing- 13min = 52c
    total cal 676
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Sunday ! ! !

    Leslie - Hope you had a wonderful birthday. :)

    Avon also has a bug repellant line now. And if you don't have a Rep in your area, you can order online.

    Baseball was nice today - about 68 degrees. My son had a good time. He was pinch runner for the first game, and second base or designated hitter in the second game.
    But, he needed new pants, compression shorts, and a belt, because he grew another 1/2 inch this past week (total of 7 inches since last summer), so that was a $100 spending trip.

    Then DS and DH went for a late lunch at Culvers (after Dad and I split a deli sandwich) and I only had a single lemon ice. Pretty happy about that self-control.

    Laptop battery still hasn't been replaced, so log out quick before the whole thing dies. Talk to you all tomorrow.

    Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    welcome to all the new peeps in da house!!
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Monday morning and woke to FROST, but it is autumn.
    Food = 1565 cals, all healthy
    Training: Wii Gold's boxing, JJ's Kick-box boot camp, JJ's Stretch it out, walk 2 miles this afternoon.
    Washed all clothes and on line now. Ironing later. Chicken and veg sate in crock-pot for dinner.
    Glad Blaize was OK yesterday and he LOVED the beach and sea.
    Daughter and MIL rang yesterday
    Getting ready for Tom's 98 day challenge in May. need to sort training before then and food
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,123 Member

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.
    the elimination diet:

    smiley-cool05.gif Heather, you and I eat very different foods but I agree with you that "eat only when you are hungry" would never work for me. I plan my food for the day and eat at planned times. My eating has been so strange for most of my life that I no longer can be sure that I recognize hunger as different from boredom, anxiety, exhaustion, stress, or many other emotions. I do a lot of tidying in one to five minute blocks. I think I add a lot of steps to my day by doing that.

    smiley-happy110.gif I am primarily an underspender and Jake is an overspender so we've worked most of our marriage trying to find balance.

    smiley-happy110.gif Janet, it sounds like you got your exercise the old fashioned way---by working.

    570018w02xr7isn0.gif Lillian, I get my fun graphics from www.glitter-graphics.com I probably fritter away a bit of time looking for the picture I want, but it's fun.

    smiley-happy110.gif.peachstategal, the only way I can stay away from M&Ms is to not touch even one.

    smiley-happy020.gif Katla, I gave up baking when I started the journey on MFP....it was part of my plan to stop using food for recreation. I gave away all my baking pans and ingredients and decided that I would have to be known as something other than the "chocolate chip cookie champ"

    253149qtzkf0ld22.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy020.gif
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    HI!Finally got a minute.Had nightmare movers,not computer for days and buried in boxes.lol
    Ill get back,when I can see the light.lol
    Miss everyone.
    HUGS jane
  • ATVer
    ATVer Posts: 34 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi all! Newbie allert!
    Hope I'm doing this right...

    JJ in beautiful Colorado!!!!

    Goal for April - lose 4 lbs.
    Hike every weekend.
    Do physical therapy homework 3 days per week. (back issues...)
    Today I'm re-testing my hormones.

    Nice to meet you all!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited April 2015
    Hi all. Got back last night about 9pm. Nice weather for the drive, uneventful until we switched drivers in Appomattox where they were having one of their frequent civil war reenactments. The cannon fire did not go over well with Gemma at all.

    Quiet day.......did not go to the gym breakfast this morning, slept in. Laundry and dog park and a few errands.......tired, early to bed.....best to everyone.

    Cynthia......I thought of you at the open house on Saturday. One of the displays was of horse teeth!!!
    Happy (belated) Birthday Lesley!!!!!!
    Janet.....Your bean soup makes me hungry for it, I think ham and bean will be on the menu here soon.
    Sylvia.......Two summers ago I kept having wasps trying to build behind the little door that covers the gas cap......it was a nasty surprise when I'd need gas; they finally gave up.
    Joyce......We were looking at apt. complexes in Blacksburg for DD for vet school; they provide no housing for grad type students. She is absolutely going to have to share. I did not realize your Charlie had quite so many medical issues, poor guy.
    Kim........Hope your foot was OK.
    Heather.......Glad you and DH are back on good terms again!!! There were beautiful plantings of tulips in school colors in Blacksburg. We are just a tinge too warm for them to do well here.
    Carol.......I generally drive manly cause DH hates it and pretty much only knows the way to and from work, he's not what you'd call an explorer and I have to know where every road goes! Your mom looks fabulous n that pic!!!!
    Katla.........I certainly agree; she does owe me!!! Off for over two days with two hours notice!!!!!
    Toni.......WTG on the compliments!
    naiomi........Just wanted to reach out and pet your kitty!
    Beth.......I,m sorry you had such a rough week; better days ahead......(((hugs))))
    Michele.......I wish I had one tenth of your energy!!!!

    Can't go to bed yet.....Mad Men at 10pm!!!!


  • Poerava14
    Poerava14 Posts: 1,081 Member
    Happy Birthday, Lesley. Congratulations on progress towards your goals and constantly inspiring me with all your discipline with weight training.

    Joyce, PeachState and others with DHs with anger management issues. I feel your pain. Mine has contempt for everyone, especially our upstairs neighbors who he is convinced make noise just to annoy us. Some of the accusations are borderline delusional. I just tune him out. The nonsense of it all gets old.

    Hamstring is all better now. Have jumped right back into walking, elliptical and weight training with resistance bands. Tried a new Jessica Smith workout called 34-Minute Stride and Strength – Episode II and really liked it. Does anyone else here use her workouts on you-tube?

    Carol: My cat Mars is an also an extraordinary hunter. I walk him on a leash and with his keen eyes and lightening quick reflexes, he can pick off a rodent just inches off from the sidewalk. I usually manage to bat it out of his mouth before he can bite down too hard. Ewwwweeee.

    Today I planted organic basil and cilantro in a large pot on my porch. Now that I’m cooking more, I am especially excited to have fresh herbs.

    JJ: Where in Colorado are you? I'm by Red Rocks Ampitheatre.

    Stay well. Stay Strong. We can do this.

    Colorado Foothills

    April 2015 Goals:
    *meditate for 20 minutes every day
    * cardio 5 times, burning 1600 calories/week
    * 90 minutes of strength training per week
    * eat 1200 calories, but not the full amount of exercise calories daily
    * more water!
    My word for 2014 is mindfulness.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Evening Ladies,

    Katla, so glad you had a good talk with DH. Men are not so good about sharing their feelings and especially if it’s fear. Hope something can be done to help DS#1. I’m just so impressed that you continue to work on your book with all that’s going on. You’re the bomb. Congrats on a heavenly dinner.

    Sylvia, well did you “let them out”? That did make me laugh. :# I’m surprised you didn’t tell him that you weren’t the one that let them in. I hope your tick repellant works. I can’t stand to get a tick on me! Ewwwww Yep, that’s the problem with woods.

    Peach, I know that the Avon works for mosquitoes but never heard anything about ticks. That would be great if it worked for them too. Glad you have been able to let the past go and live in the now. (Hugs)

    Terri, I can’t believe 7” in a year? Wow. Now I know where my 3 inches went. Lol

    Barbie, I did get my exercise the old fashioned way today. Did most of it in 15 to 20 minute spurts and got a lot done. I am about to get everything upstairs sorted through and weeded out. It feels great. I love your graphics so may use a few, since you were kind enough to share your site. That is when time allows me to explore what all it has.

    JJ, welcome to this supportive group of ladies. Please tell us a little more about yourself so we can get to know you. There are a few of us here with back issues so you should feel right at home. Come often and post whenever you feel like it. Good luck with your journey.

    Yannie, glad you made it home safely. I laughed that you are tired and will stay up until 11:00 to watch Mad Men. I love my DVR so I can watch my shows when I want to, although I often stay up to watch them. I just don’t like sitting through the commercials so I record them and then fast forward through the commercials. And the ham and bean soup was yummy. Wish I could share it with you.

    Rori, happy that the hamstring is better and you are back at it. Good for you on the fresh herbs.

    I have my follow up doctor appointment in the morning for results of labs. The only one that really interests me is my A1C to see how my blood sugar has been since I cut my meds in half. Keep your fingers crossed for me. I somehow feel like I have not been eating as good (healthy) as I could lately even though I’m staying under calories. I think I need to take a look at that and plan a little farther out. I’m usually just a day or two in advance with my planning and I know some of you plan for the week. You are all such inspirations to me. Thank you.
    I hope you all have less stress and more happiness. Sweet dreams, my friends. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Today's joke of the day:


    Three sisters, ages 92, 94, and 96, live together. One night the 96-year-0ld draws a bath. She puts one foot in and pauses. "Was I getting in the tub or out?" she yells.

    The 94-year-old hollers back, "I don't know, I'll come up to see." She starts up the stairs and stops. She shouts, "Was I going up or going down?"

    The 92-year-old is sitting at the kitchen table having tea, listening to her sisters. She shakes her head and says, "I sure hope I never get that forgetful", and knocks on wood for good measure. Then she yells, "I'll come up and help both of you as soon as I see who's at the door."

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,467 Member
    Rode our recumbant bike for an hour today. The plan for tomorrow is to do some pilates, hold my plank, and then take the extremepump class.

    suebdew - Tell me about how the weeding is never done. I swear, this is the worst time of year, they grow it seems overnight. The other day I put down some weed killer on the weeds that were amongst the rocks, yesterday I swear there were some that weren't there when I put down the weed killer.

    The posts were way across the page, so I just used Chrome and they are normal.

    Janet - as much as possible, I try to do all my sweets baking in one day. Even if I have to freeze some of it, I'd rather do that. Truth be known, I usually do that type of baking after my weekly weigh in. I know that I'm going to gain, so I have a full week to lose it. Am I bad or what? I like the fact that Hamricks has a decent-sized petite department. Not too many stores do. Belks is pretty decent, but I swear every time I go into JCPenney their petite dept is getting smaller and smaller

    Kim - OUCH!!!!

    naiomi - I bet you're going to look just fantastic in that dress!

    Today I cleaned the tile wall between the spa and the pool. I don't remember who it was, but thank you to that person for recommending the "off the wall" product to me. Actually, the store had this stuff called "spa enhancer" but the guy said it does basically the same thing. As I was trying to gently chip the white buidup (we think it's from the salt), I dropped the tool into the pool. Vince was able to push it up to the shallow end and guess who had to get in the pool to retrieve it? I'll give you three guesses and the first two won't count. Lordy, was it cold! It wasn't that cold when I had to put my hand in the water, but my body....now that's a different story. When he got it to the shallow end all I could think of was "oh no, do I have to bend down in this water to get it". Well, finally I got the tool between two of my toes and brought it up. Then I went to Lynette's office to give her the muffins, I needed to dry my clothes (my shorts, underwear and bottom of my work shirt were TOTALLY drenched) and get some blood back into my legs.

    Then I stopped at AC Moore to get the crochet hook and some yarn for the next tree skirt. then home. Made these turkey meatballs to take to my friend, they're now in the crock pot. I didn't realize that they needed to cook for 6 hours or I would have done that earlier. Put the Wet & Forget on most of the deck. Realized I need more so ordered 2 more bottles. Now I know that I need at least 4 jugs to do the entire deck. Anyway, had dinner and made the filling for these spinach greek tarts that I'll take to Rummikub Tuesday. It's from SkinnyGirl and only something like 67 calories for 2 tarts. Oh, needed to run to FoodLion to get spinach. The recipe says you need 15oz and the only package I had was 10oz, I really thought it was more than that.

    Tomorrow is going to be a bit of a hectic day. I go to exercise, then count the money at the church, come home and then senior bowling. After bowling I think I'll probably collapse....lol

    Alison - hope you get the job! Many times I prefer to work with guys than women. Guys will say right out what's on their mind then move on. They don't hold grudges or play catty games.

    Heather - so glad you got to talk to your son.

    Sylvia - I do hope you get the info you're looking for

    jj - Welcome!

    Michele in NC
  • ATVer
    ATVer Posts: 34 Member
    Thanks for the welcome!
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    ATVer wrote: »
    Hi all! Newbie allert!
    Hope I'm doing this right...

    JJ in beautiful Colorado!!!!

    Goal for April - lose 4 lbs.
    Hike every weekend.
    Do physical therapy homework 3 days per week. (back issues...)
    Today I'm re-testing my hormones.

    Nice to meet you all!
