

  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    I give up for the day! I am frustrated, hungry, and still did not stay within my calories. I look forward to tomorrow.
  • suebdew
    suebdew Posts: 1,330 Member
    Pulled weeds again for an hour but there are lots more.
    Michele = what is chrome? I've had trouble with the text being all the way across the page.
    Colorado girls I saw on the news Denver might get 10 inches of snow next week, I hope the forecast is wrong!
    Katia - we actually have two acres of land that borders a river. It's a lot to keep up but I love my garden. It's behind a fence so the deer usually don't bother it.
    Alison, Now that you have been brave a gotten on the scale, you can make a plan to get going on your weight loss journey. I've been stuck for a few months and have come up with many excuses like taking steroids, too cold to exercise, etc. Now I am out of excuses and have to get busy.
    So proud of Jordan Speith winning the Master's at age 21. He is such a super young man.
    Tomorrow is Monday and a it's a good day to get back on track.
    Sue in TX
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Alison: Good luck with your career decisions. It takes courage to apply and courage to make changes, but change can be good for us. I think putting ourselves in a spot where we need to use our courage makes us stronger.

    Janet: I think you may have me mixed up with Heather. I have only one son and daughter, and only wish I was an author. Add me to the list of people who have a tough time spending. I have too much stuff, and we never seem to let anything go. The garage is full, the house is full, and we have a giant storage unit that ISN’T full yet. If we put the excess stuff from our house in there, it would be overly full. I really want to be rid of a whole bunch of stuff before I let anything new into the house or the storage unit. I agree with Heather; I also like today’s quote.

    Heather: Sending good thoughts for you and DH. I hope the hospital appointment goes well. I’m happy that you were able to talk to your son.

    Sylvia: I hope you like the new doctor and get positive test results. I like the story about the sisters.

    Barbie: I agree with your comments about eating when hungry. I usually eat on schedule. Hunger is tricky. Sometimes it is truly a need for food, but it also can be a mask for emotional distress, stress, boredom or anxiety. I am also an underspender.

    ATVer: Welcome. Tell us about yourself.

    Yanniejannie: Glad you’re home.

    Cranor130: I’m sorry you’re frustrated, hungry and did not stay within your calories. How did you set your calorie goal? I let MFP set mine, and it started higher and was gradually reduced as I lost weight. It was doable, and I didn’t get painfully hungry. Succeeding felt great and helped me stay motivated.

    We had a good day. We met DDIL in Olympia and had a great lunch, visited a historic tugboat, and then had a sinfully good dessert at a second restaurant and came home. I’m skipping dinner tonight because I’m not hungry. Happily, I’m also not over my allowed calories.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Barbie - Thanks for the graphic site...lots to look at there.

    Somebody had beautiful flowers on page 19. Greenhouse opens here on the 27th - I can't wait...

    Well my weekend with a little boy is over... he made many miles running back and forth in the basement as we laid some more floor. We went outside and shoveled some snow that he spied over against the shelterbelt. And I convinced him to use his shovel to pick the rocks that the tractor (snow plow) pushed there. And grandma made many miles just keeping up with him... Yeah good for me.!! 14,125 steps today...wow!!

    The other DS came and picked up his dogs... so put away their dog bed and water bowl. Then my dog and I went for a walk - he needed that so he could do his thing without those girls following him around..... ha ha !! No wonder I had so many miles...

    Off to bed.....this grandma is tired. Work tomorrow...

    Take care everyone - have a good week...
    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,649 Member
    Margaret – how thoughtful you are to make Lesley a cake!!!

    Peachstate – great solution to do the driving…. Some guys will not go for it.. I have a friend that will not ride with me (he doesn’t ride with ANY women drivers) so we do separate cars… as he is a menace!

    Alison – GO for it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JJ – welcome

    Jane – glad you are in your new place

    All – thanks for good wishes on my foot, this morning was awful, I walked 1 block with Levi and home it took 30 min. –really and by the time I was home the tears would not stop… but iced and went to work – today is the day I work for 4 hours in another embroidery shop as counter help. The guy I work with there is a retired coach and he thinks I broke my foot. S*it! But this afternoon it started swelling under the ankle bone.. so that is good, it may be a low ankle sprain. I think Michele and I went “swimming” at the same time, my Mom has a pool and she had a dead skunk in it… it sunk, and she decided I had to come help with it.. ugh! So just could not scoop it up ended up “icing” my foot by getting in the 51 degree pool and with gloves collecting the dead skunk and getting it to the trash. It probably fell in looking for a drink, the water issues are so bad this will not be the last time I am called on to be the mortician. I get called for all the jobs that my brother and nephew say NO to….

    Tomorrow is a trip to the Chiropractor first and then if need be to the regular doc, and off to have a friend help me quilt the quilt top I showed pictures of a bit back… so no internet access tomorrow, but will be back Tuesday evening.

    April goals:
    Walk every day
    Log all bites everyday
    Eat slower
    Plan and do a fun thing every week
    Week 1 – went to Hakone gardens it is a beautiful Japanese garden established in 1917 and just amazing.
    Week 2 – easter (?)
    Kim from N. California
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Naomi, sounds like you got a lot of exercising during those dances. Or were they cheek to cheek??? Glad you had a good time. So wonderful of you to be able to go to the young man's ordination. They are very special times.

    Lesley, don't you wish you could count Blaizes run in your step count??? After all you got him there and watched him!!!! Glad he brings such joy to you.

    Heather, I have to ask you what a brasserie is. To me it would be a specialty shop that sells bras. But apparently you eat there.

    Peachstategal, those sound like the exact words I tell Charlie. after all, I am the only one hearing them. I don't dare drive with him in the car. Of course I have to tomorrow but hopefully he will still be a little drowsy. I don't trust a GPS, have had to many wrong directions, he can't read a map at all. I am a conservative driver and he is an agressive one. He says that he drives he way everyone drives because a person should always be thinking of the person behind him. I told him that I am responsible for me and anyone in the car with me. I am not responsible for the poor soul who is behind me wanting to go 20 miles over the speed limit. He also things that it is only 'common sense and logic' that people going in and out of doors follow the rules of the road. You go in the right door and out the left door. His mantra is 'common sense and logic dictate'. I will put those on his headstone somewhere!

    Janet, I have the patience of Job, a 'kay sara sara' attitude (spelling is off, way off) you know the song that Doris Day sang. When ever there was a new nurse that the head nurse knew was going to need a very patient hand to train her I got her. Charlie says it is my head stuck in the sand but I kind of like my attitude. Of course he is the one with no blood pressure problems and I take 4 different medicines for it!!! Back in January of 2014 I was able to cut my Metformin down from 2 a day to 1 a day. So with my physical this year my blood sugar was up a little bit but the Aic was good so he didn't make me go back up on the dose.

    Sue, I always call Jordan Spieth 'my boy'. He is such a wonderful player and man. We watched it all day today. A couple of times I was wondering if they were going to have to go into a play off but they didn't. There is another guy in the PGA that is from here in town. He went to IU then eventually got his PGA card. His name is Jeff Overton. I think he will be the oldest player that has never won. He gets in the top 10 occasionally but not often. He is like quite a few of the other players and has a temper that shows on the course.

    Charlie has done well with his prep. At first he was clueless. He couldn't figure out what he was supposed to eat, why I was telling him he could eat pudding when it isn't clear. The directions clearly state that todays meals were to be light low residue and listed the only things allowed. Then at 5 PM start the clear liquids. At first when he took the first glass of the prep solution, which he couldn't figure out how to mix and measure out, he said it tasted fine. But by the 4th glass he could hardly drink it. He gets up tomorrow and does the last half of the prep at 10 AM then nothing by mouth. I have mainly been concerned about his heart. When he had his atrial fibrilation February of last year his blood magnesium was real low which was contributing to his irregular heart beat. He had to get daily infusions of IV Magnesium. So that worries me plus what the results are.

    That's enough venting for one day. Better leave some room for some one else!!! Joyce, Indianai
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    Made it to page 19.
    some of my replies are probably out of date but please bear with me.

    peachstategal- Cilantro. Oh, yuck! I kept trying it because people would tell me how amazing it was. Well.......Not for this chickie.

    Carol - I've grown basil, oregano , rosemary and thyme in pots along with other plants.
    Mint and parsley are two of the easier ones. Don't let the mint take over though.

    Janet - I've never tried fried catfish. It's too bad yours was such a disappointment.

    Emma - Slow and steady. Yes, I think that is the way to do it although I do wish I was making more progress.

    Terri- Glad your concert night turned out so well.

    Lesley - Happy Birthday and I hope you had a fun celebration.

    Thank all of you ladies for all the encouragement you give me.
    Today was a difficult day with DH. It seems as we get closer to this next counselling session that he is getting nastier. DD says there is probably things that are coming up that he would love to sweep under the rug. Today he threatened not to go to the next one which is tomorrow. This kind of threat is his M. O. I told him that it was up to him to decide if this marriage is worth another hour of his time. Hoping this gets easier.

    Friday was a good day. Went for a couple of good walks. The sun was shining so nice that I really wanted to spend all of my time outside. We went to Costco and that didn't even seem to bother me. The BBqd pork chops were delightful. My DN and his girlfriend came over and we had a very nice visit.

    Saturday dawned Sunny but Windy. DS had DGD while her Mom went for a parenting course. (She can use it, my opinion). I got to build castles,towers and bridges with the old building blocks. Also kicked around a ball. Chico had been a bad dog so bedding from 2 beds had to be washed. He is banned from being up even to just play. Went to Michael's with DD and came away with nothing.

    Sunday started out with DH in a rage over God knows what. I continued on with the day I had planned. He came home and I was on the phone with DSIL. He accused me of phoning her to tell her about his behaviour. It did come up but she called me and most of the call was about my brother, his shingles and other problems he was having. My sister called me later on because her DH has been working away for a year. His plant now needs him back so his time on the special project is over. She was telling me the time line and about their plans for Laughlin. Yet again, DH thought the call was about him. We went to a movie and everything was fine but once we crossed the thresh hold it was back to the morning mood.
    I am afraid for counselling.

    -Sharon in Alberta
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    Sharon - BIG HUGS ((((♡)))) . :flowerforyou:

    Love Heather, off to catch a train.
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,774 Member
    a quick good morning~
    have laundry in and will go see DFIL then I have to go to Lowes again and deposit a check at the credit union, I work at 10:30.. will also call Tim over at the Chevy Dealership.. If this is what the Lord has planned for me. then I will go with it..
    Sharon ~ I have been in your shoes. It is not easy but I have to say that is when I was at my best. I lost 65 lbs and looked and felt great.. so will keep you in my prayers
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,377 Member
    cranor - is your diary viewable by the public? I looked to see if perhaps I could make a suggestion for you, but couldn't view it.

    Sue in TX - Chrome is another type of browser, like IE or Firefox. If I'm not mistaken, you can download it off the Internet.

    - do you maybe have any idea why the weight gain? For quite a while whenever I've checked your diary, you've been below calories. Perhaps it was too low??? I honestly don't remember.

    - A skunk in the pool? EEEEWWWW

    - good thought for Charlie that his mag level is OK

    Last night I made the turkey meatballs for my friend, I'll probably take them to them tomorrow after Vince and I go to the ceramics place. Then I made the filling for the cheese greek mini pies that I'll take to Rummikub. All I need to do is put the filling into filo shells and bake them.

    - my heart breaks for you. But you're persevering and that's important

    Found some red and green yarn, just not sure if it's enough for the tree skirt. Well, maybe I'll make it and see if I need more.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,969 Member
    <3 Sharon, sending hugs to you.....just stay in the moment....and know that you are much loved by all of us
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Good morning! It's raining here again this morning. I wish we could send this one to California. We've had about enough for now.

    The kids were in a bad mood this morning when we went to school. The two younger ones criticizing the older one because she put on a little perfume. Sure, it was a little bit strong, but it wasn't horrible. Gave me a little bit of a headache though. Now I have a few minutes before driving to Joplin for my doctor's appointment. I wish I could go home and go back to bed. I slept OK, but am still sleepy anyway.

    Hubby sent off the taxes on Thursday and already this morning got an e-mail saying the refund was in our account. That was fast. Of course, it all goes to medical bills, so I don't get to spend any of it.

    Sharon, I'm sorry to hear about your DH getting his head stuck up his butt. It sounds like he's a little self absorbed, and everything is about him. I sure hope you get a break from all this anxiety very soon.

    Kim, I hope your ankle gets better soon and it's not broken. I think you should say no to retrieving dead skunks too. Gross!!!!!

    Well, I need to get going. Have a great day!

  • Lilymay2
    Lilymay2 Posts: 2,524 Member
    Sharon... (((((hugs))))). Thinking about you today. Take care.

    Lillian in West Central Saskatchewan
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    cranor - is your diary viewable by the public? I looked to see if perhaps I could make a suggestion for you, but couldn't view

    Good morning ExerMom! You are able to view my diary. Thank you for any help!!!

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sharon.........Hoping today is better for you. Sending strength and ((((((HUGS))))))).

    Rori.......Glad to hear your hamstring is better. Gemma has a huge prey instinct but so far hasn't caught anything.

    Janet.........Good luck with that A1C.

    Katla......I think you would make a great writer!!! Any news on your horse?

    Kim........I'm sorry your ankle didn't get better overnight. Would wrapping for support help?

    Alison........Add me to the "go for it" camp; you are miserable at the job you have now and they take advantage of you (remember all the snow shoveling????).

    Sunny here,,,,,,nothing much going on. May be taking Gwen for a colonoscopy on Wed.; she wasn't sure if she was going to do it or not. I'm positive I took her for one only about three years ago. She was supposed to check with the dr. office and get back to me last week, guess I'll be calling her to find out.

  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited April 2015
    Sharon in Alberta: Your DH’s behavior would worry me, too. He doesn’t sound like he is okay. I wonder whether it is mental or physical. Good luck. I hope that you have a productive day and are able to make some progress. I also hope that things turn out well for you in the end, regardless how today goes.

    Kim: I hope you are able to take good care of your ankle with all your other responsibilities. I have a Women’s Running book from the 1970's that advocates ACE or ICE for foot, leg, and ankle issues. ACE=Aspirin, Cold and Elevation. ICE =Ibuprofen, Cold and Elevation. When you get past the swelling, E turns into light exercise regardless of painkiller. Retrieving dead skunks from the bottom of a pool is beyond daughterly duty and is grounds for sainthood, in my opinion.

    Sylvia: Good luck with the doctor.

    Our dog goes to the groomer this morning, and he needs it. Hair is starting to fall out in big chunks. I have yoga, and we’re calling the accountant to find out whether our taxes are in the mail to us or we need to drive to his office to get them. It is about a 150 mile round trip. If we go to him I want to take flowers to my parents in the cemetery.

    Katla in Beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    April Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week. Work on flexibility and back
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!
    5. Eliminate alcohol.
    6. Monitor sleep. Try to average 7 or more hours of sleep nightly.

  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 16,656 Member
    dreamwriter - i'm so sorry.... bring him here, i'll set his a** straight for you and I wouldn't even charge you.
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,080 Member
    edited April 2015
    Good Morning,

    Sharon sounds like DH had an adult tantrum to me. Hopefully once he gets out of his mood you can talk about the effect this has on you and it is not o.k. with you.

    The sermon in church was the story of the bully who asked the wise man if the bird behind him was dead or alive. The wise man knew the bully who kill the bird if he said it was alive. If he said it was dead the bully would produce a live bird to discredit him. The wise man reply to the bully. It is up to you.

    I needed this story because I had a student scream and yell at me I was a ugly white old fat white woman for redirecting her to come and join the group to start a lesson. Unfortunately after she was removed from the situation by another adult I lost it with the other students. The were so kind to me. Part of the reason I lost it which I did not tell them is the week in which this happened is I had a former student who I had had in Kindergarten kill his girlfriend while she was holding their three month old son. They were arguing over his other two girlfriends who each had a child with him. He is 21 years old. When I had him he would have tantrums like this student who screamed at me. When I confronted his father about how he had hurt a girl in our class his response was what had the girl done to him. Now fifteen years later we are mourning the death of a young woman because the young man of my story never learned to handle his emotions. The student screaming at me triggered me. Fortunately she did not see me break down.

    I only saw the girl briefly who screamed at me the remainder of the day. I did tell the teachers who work with her about the student I had fifteen years ago. All we can do is try to help these students and as the wise man said it is up to them to make the change.

    If I was the wise man after my story I would add if you let the bird live I would rejoice with you in letting the bird go free. If you kill the bird I will mourn over the death of the bird. The students I described chose to kill the bird, and we are left to mourn. The hope is the kindness and support one gives and receives when they are in pain over these losses.

    The hope is the bullies of the world learn take responsibility for their actions and make changes before they hurt someone. I have decided the best I can do with the bullies of the world is set limits. If they refuse to respect my limit, it is up to me to decide do I stay or do I walk away. If I stay what must be protected and what must be restored.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,320 Member
    Margaret - so, so sorry about the experience you had with the student and the memories it brought back for you. Good for you for identifying that trigger. :flowerforyou:

    Joyce - a brasserie was originally a restaurant that brewed its own beer in North East France. These days it refers to any restaurant which is a bit "frenchified" and serves food all day. So like a posh diner. In Paris they often are very elaborate with lovely old mirrors. In Britain just an upmarket diner.

    We had an absolute coup today! ! ! ! ! We were just starting our first course when DH spat his out and in his hand was a piece of glass that he had crunched on. We called the waitress and she was horrified and called the manager. They changed his dish for something else and then came back to say the kitchen had found the glass jar it was served in was cracked and the meal was going to be free. We had two two course lunches, three glasses of wine and two espressos and the whole thing was free.
    We wandered around and booked our meeting anniversary lunch at another restaurant and then DH went off to the hospital. I was wondering what to do when I saw a hairdresser so I went in and had my hair trimmed. DH rang to say he was finished just as I was coming out. :happy: After a short stroll around the beautiful, old backstreets we caught the train home.
    Omelette tonight. :D
    Good job DH didn't crack a tooth or a plate. :noway: He thinks he swallowed some, but I'm sure it will go through him! They said they would report it to head office and maybe change the container.

    DH is to have an operation in June probably. He liked the surgeon. Key hole, under a general. At least we don't have to pay for it! ! ! ! !

    Joyce - hope the news about Charlie is good. :flowerforyou:

    I did not sleep at all well last night with my book on my mind. Felt quite dizzy at times today. :ohwell:

    Love to all. Think of you a lot. <3

    Heather in sunny Hampshire. UK
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Happy Monday ! ! !

    Carol - I totally understand Spot's gift to you. We used to have a "good mouser" named Dice. He brought home many gifts, in different stages of demise. He was always so proud. It never ceased to amaze me, since his front claws had been removed. He was very agile at climbing trees, too. That was the last cat that did not bother DH allergies.

    Allison - Hugs and prayers for the Service Advisor position. That is the job my Dad took a few decades ago when he "retired". He states that it is primarily customer service (bu++ kissing) and computer work. I agree that most men "say what they mean and mean what they say", and don't hold grudges. I wish you the best, as I believe it to be a wonderful opportunity, has close to normal hours, and should offer benefits.

    Janet - fingers crossed for your A1C.

    Sharon - ((((( Hugs ))))). and prayers.

    MNMargaret - Hugs for your bully situation. It's a heartbreaking story you told, and I understand why it would trigger such extreme feelings at that time. My kids used to get mad, because I asked the opposite question. "What did my kid do to antagonize the other child?" In fact years ago, DS Principal was shocked when I refused to press charges against a 5th grade girl who stabbed my son in the arm with a pencil. He told her she had wrong answers on her test, then said "told you so" when her test came back wrong. The stabbing location bled onto his white shirt, so he was sent to the Nurse for a bandage, who noticed he had a rash on his chest, which meant later he tested positive for strep throat, and the rash was scarlet fever. The school still punished the girl, so I'm sure she learned her lesson (as did my son). I truly hope your response, and the responses of the other teachers, will help break the cycle. More Hugs ! ! !

    Heather - Hugs for DH, his upcoming surgery, and the glass in his food. What a scary situation. I'm glad the restaurant took good care of you.

    Today starts a new week, and I plan on attacking it head-on. My weight loss has been too slow, and I have been weak much too often. Plus, I don't have any late night plans, so I should have an easier time staying on my plan. I am getting a filling replaced just a few hours before DS Bowling Awards Banquet, so I will be unable to eat at that time, so I can use the rest of the week to weigh and plan the food I will take home.

    Time for Lunch! Hugs for Everyone ! ! !

    Terri in Milwaukee