Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    edited April 2015
    @laurie-- glad your dad seems to be improving after that scare. Sounds like a good plan to keep the workouts light leading up to your tri--I know you will do great!

    @ann-- gardening/yard work is my favorite form of "productive" exercise. Enjoy your retreat!

    @tom-- loved your analogy about taking care of ourselves so we can care for others.

    @amanda-- I wish gunner would cuddle with me during the storms. He used to, but as he's aging the anxiety just seems to be getting worse. :( Have fun at the hotel with your family.

    @kali-- welcome, and glad to hear your daughter is better. I don't usually eat emotionally, but boredom eating was definitely my biggest challenge when I started this. I got a handle on it for the most part by purposefully saving some calories each day for an evening snack which is when I tend to boredom eat. Also, if I am tempted to snack beyond my calorie allowance, I will check my macros and try to make my snack fit within those.

    @2BaNewMe2 --welcome! sounds like you have a good plan in place for fitness.

    @kelley-- yeah, those tornadoes were quite a bit west of us, but still too close for comfort. We had terrible rain, but fortunately also dodged any hail. New car + no garage = fear of hail.

    @angelika-- I wouldn't count being 2 minutes late as breaking your streak. ;)

    AFM-- still really tired today and looking so forward to sleeping in tomorrow. I had a long talk with gunner, and explained my Saturday morning expectations. I think he'll comply--he's a pretty reasonable dog. :P

    I'm only slightly over calories today despite eating two very decadent cookies at work. They are called almond joy cookies and are basically macaroons with chocolate chips. Did make my protein goal again though, so that's a win.

    None of my friends were available to go out for happy hour today, so I actually went to starbucks to grade. This is huge b/c I NEVER grade on Fridays. I even have a hard time grading at school on Fridays--I tend to use my Friday plan periods to get copies and such prep for the next week. However, I finished grading all of the political cartoon analyses at school and then graded 18 journal reflections tonight. Yay!

    Friday Fitness:
    Got in a quick walk with gunner after work. We didn't go far b/c it was excessively windy, but it was better than nothing. I plan to go to the gym again tomorrow.

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 3/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 1/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 18/64 Wuthering Heights reflections
    2. 60/60 political cartoon analyses DONE
    3. x/64 Lit theory papers

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + played with niece
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--rest day
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner + gym

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes

  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    good morning MFP buddies ... I'm so glad to be able to get back on here and read your posts. Haven't been able to catch up with all the posts I missed while my PC was down but am getting caught up from the continuing ones that I've read through.

    Welcome to all the new posters. I haven't looked you up yet to get to know you a bit, but I hope you come back often to keep yourself motivated with us.

    Happy belated birthdays, condolences to everyone's sadness, congratulations on the good news, and keep at it for those still trying to balance their path.

    As for me, I had been depressed over how badly I was doing during March with my eating as I ended the month with a set-back in both weight and goals for the month. April is always a very hard month for me emotionally as it contains a lot of past losses of loved ones that I still get very melancholy over. Surprisingly, having the computer go down was a God's blessing to me. It got me off the machine and into actually doing important tasks around my house. As I post this, I'm waiting for a load of wash to complete a cycle ... and my goal for today is to get through all the deep piles of laundry that have accumulated since I last felt the urge or need to do it. Also surprisingly, I am naturally eating at my set goal in calories for the day ... which I didn't know I was doing as I couldn't verify them without posting to MFP food diary. That means that I should be back on track with my weight movement again. My Monday Check-in will tell what the scale says, but my butt tells me I was able to fit into a pair of pants that didn't fit last spring; thus I'm headed in the correct direction.

    Yesterday, I got very sad news about a Facebook friend of mine who is loosely related to me through the marriage of one of my nieces. This lovely woman passed away yesterday at the 'life is more precious than ever' age of 88 that she reached on April 1. I will certainly miss corresponding with her on that medium and her lovely always beamingly smiling face. Rest in Peace my friend Lillian, the gates of heaven were wide open for your entrance as you went to join those who have passed before you during this Holy Easter week. You will always remain vivid and alive in my memory of you.

  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- it's great that you are coming out of your funk and getting back on track. So sorry for the loss of your friend.

    Hey Everyone-
    I came across this on a FB page I like called Eat to Perform. Anyways I thought I would share it as it contains some good reminders:
  • KarinaGeneva
    KarinaGeneva Posts: 21 Member
    Just thought I'd say hi. Today is the first sunny day in a long time, so my husband and I are celebrating by doing some yardwork. :-) The exercise is helping me get out of the funk that raising teenagers put me in.

    I'm about 3 weeks in to my new commitment to eat extremely healthy (following a few books on fighting cancer through diet) -- and about 14 pounds down! Overall, I'm feeling very good -- satisfied, energetic, and lighter!

    Even though I've only posted here a few times, I check in every day, and I want to say thank you for this warm, welcoming, supportive and non-judgmental thread.

    Hope you all have a great weekend!
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    Hello friends and happy saturday to you all :-) Learning to appreciate all that I am fortunate to have today. My husband of 30 yrs is still my best friend, and I am blessed for that. Last Thursday I bought a food scale, and then I bought some summer shirts and shorts...I shall not be depressed that the shorts were a size 22, nor will I worry about the fact that I am a 2X. I am moving forward, just like my husband has after his liver transplant. All is well. Today I shall have a good day eating, taking a walk hopefully, and maybe playing a new game I downloaded. :-)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    edited April 2015
    Just a quick update of my goals. I'm always a bit over calories but that does not seem to matter... my weight is still dropping (204.2 today!!). Protein is still easy to achieve since I'm cutting some carbs. I don't see that trend lasting long, I love carbs too much. Thinking Onederland is finally going to arrive this time. I have been close a few times and then just get off track. Why on earth do I let that happen each time? I was only 2 lbs away a few months ago and I just... stopped. NOT this time!

    April Goals:

    Track and stay under calories
    Week 1: 1/2
    Week 2: 4/7
    Week 3:

    Meet protein goal of 120g
    Fri: YES
    Week 1: 2/2
    Week 2: 7/7
    Week 3:

    Apr.2nd: 210 lb
    Apr. 10th: 205.6 lb
    Apr. 17th:
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I'm getting caught up on posts. My Saturday success is that I got to go for a walk and I had two companies call me for phone screenings next week.
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @holly-- great to hear you are getting some calls about jobs! Good luck!

    @tanya-- I know you will make onederland this time around.

    @ann-- buying a food scale is a great investment. It's amazing how much more accurate it is than using measuring spoons/cups.

    @karina--congrats on 14 lbs in 3 weeks!!

    Saturday Success:
    Well my talk with gunner worked, so he let me sleep in until about 8. He's such a good dog. :wink: Another success is that I took him for a walk and then followed with a run outside. The temps were near perfect for running though it was a bit windy for my liking, but it's been months since I've run outside, so I was glad to hit the pavement.

    Another success is that I got all of the grading done that I'd brought home for the weekend. It certainly wasn't everything, but I have had so many nights of merely "taking the papers for a ride" (meaning I bring them home but don't get them graded), that it felt good to know I hadn't brought them all home in vain.

    I still haven't started the two sets of essays, but will get to those this week. My plan is to finish the Wuthering Heights reflections Mon through Wed. Then Wed. after work I'm heading to our union assembly through Sat. Although I'll be on the floor in session most of the time, there is still a lot of down time when I can get some grading done. I plan to take 20 of the JRPs and 20 of the AP essays in hopes of making a big dent in both of those piles.

    Food hasn't been perfect, but my protein has been up and I've been closer to calorie goal than the previous week.

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 4/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 25/64 Wuthering Heights reflections
    2. 60/60 AP quizzes DONE
    3. x/64 Lit theory papers
    4. x/60 Junior research papers

    Exercise Goals: (week 1)
    Sun--walk gunner DONE + played with niece
    Mon--rest day
    Tues--walk gunner NOT DONE
    Wed--rest day
    Thurs--walk gunner NOT DONE + gym DONE
    Fri--walk gunner DONE
    Sat--walk gunner DONE + run outside DONE

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    love reading all your posts. You all seem to be progressing maaauvalously! Today is sharing day...hmmm. Well I am a retired Navy Chiefs' wife, married 30 yrs, mom to 3 sons, (25 and 20 yr olds in active Navy, 16 yr old waiting to enlist next year), living on the farthest Northwest point of Oregon. Moved from California to Oregon on 12-12-12... (thought that was so poinant!) Husband rec'd a new liver on May 15th 2014 so I am learning to be a wife again, and not his fulltime caregiver. I have realized that I am a survivor just as he is, and we are just appreciating his retirement. I could get a part-time job, but I don't want to. I don't want to miss anything! I have stopped be a helicopter wife hovering about him, (which he hated when I did that).
    Today I need to attack the plot at the community garden.... I weeded so much I now need to buy more dirt! Will probably plant all my starts. My thought of the day....
    (can I get an AMEN! ) <3
  • cblue315
    cblue315 Posts: 3,836 Member
    @Annr - Amen!

    @skinnyjeanzbound - Yea on the grading goals. I do admire your dedication to your profession.

    @mnwalkingqueen - Good luck on the phone next week.

    @NK1112 - Welcome back. I am so glad it was your computer keeping you away, and yea on getting back in working order.

    @Lauriek70 - Thinking of you and hoping your week goes well.

    To All - Thank you for your posts. I do get so much from all of you.

    AFM: Changed up my workout today and feel really good. Was going to bike to the gym this morning (5 miles) but it was just too cold. Swim, yoga and run instead.
    Hubby and I are going to the home opener for the local baseball team. It is at 4, it is low 60's and sunny. So I think it will be a good afternoon.

    Love to all,
    Lori <3
  • NK1112
    NK1112 Posts: 781 Member
    Sunday Share - Today is the Eastern (Orthodox Catholic) Easter that I celebrated growing up and with my parents. Now that they have both been gone for a more than a decade (2 for my mom), I have gotten away from celebrating it in the past few years. Except this morning, even though I didn't go to church for the all-night service and basket blessings, nor did I go to church this morning; and I haven't been following the strict food rituals and traditions .... I found myself on my knees and yelling to the heavens ... in Russian ... Christ is Risen! And then the Lords Prayer tumbled out of my mouth in my original language. Somehow, that made eveything all right for me today. It didn't seem to matter that I haven't been celebrating this occassion in my old traditional way ... and it didn't seem to matter that I so often have doubts about my own faith and spirituality ... today is Easter and Christ is risen.

    My food choices for today were not the best they could be. I didn't feel like cooking supper and so I ordered a chicken dinner and ate half of it, but then I ate 2 candy bars. Now I am stuffed to the gills and hope it lasts until morning!.

    @cblue315-Lori, thanks for the welcoming back words. I'm glad thinks are looking up for you.
    @hansea47-Amanda, also thanks for the welcome back. Glad the bad weather from a few days ago passed over you with no repercussions. Poor Gunner, thunderstorms really scare some animals terribly. My DIL's dog does better in storms when they put a tight t-shirt on her. Something about the snugness makes her feel more calm.
    @kah68-Kelley, thanks for the welcome back. Yep, computers can be a hassle. I really need to start keeping a hand written address book, or get a smart phone!
    @skinnyjeanzbound-Karen, ditto to you with the storms ... I thought about you when I heard about them. Thanks for the welcome back.
    @RobinsEgg-Ellen .. My coffee maker doesn't work either ... so now I use 2 4-cup measuring cups, a small wire strainer (one that fits into the cups) and a coffee filter to make my coffee. It was something I did the first day I couldn't make coffee the normal way. Then I liked the taste of the coffee so much better that I have kept up making my coffee that way every day instead of getting a new electric maker. My method? I nuke the coffee in one measuring cup until it boils or nearly boils. Then I add my coffee grounds and stir it up with a spoon or fork, or whatever is handy. After it steeps a few minutes (usually while I cook the rest of my breakfast), I put the strainer with a coffee filter inside it into the second measuring cup and pour the coffee with grounds into it. When the coffee comes down into the second measure cup, I pour it into my coffee mug. Since I make 2-3 measured cups, I usually need to pour the coffee/grounds mixture into the filter a couple times ... but hey, I get to enjoy the smooth coffee while I wait! Yes, I know, it now is several things to wash and put away when I'm done, but what they heck, the coffee taste is worth it.


  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    @niki-- Happy Easter!! My father's family is Macedonian Orthodox, so it is also our Easter today though we tend to only do those traditions (red eggs, bread with a coin inside, cracking eggs, etc.) when we celebrate with that extended family who are currently in MI. Oh, and I think part of your post to amanda was meant for me--gunner is mine. And yes, I've heard that something snug can help calm a scared doggie. I even bought him one of those fancy "Thundershirts." Doesn't help a bit, but he does look handsome in it. ;)

    @lori-- hope you enjoyed the baseball game. Weather here was great though it turned a bit windy and overcast in the afternoon. Still, I'll take it over those tornadoes last week.

    @ann-- I come from a Navy family as well. My dad is a retired Navy Captain--42 years of service (active and reserved combined) though none of his children followed in his footsteps. I briefly considered it when I was in HS, but decided it wasn't the right move for me. I'm a bit too creative and a lot too rebellious to be the rule follower a military career requires. :lol: It's nice to hear that your husband received his transplant and is nearing the one-year anniversary. That's got to be a relief, as I assume there is a period of time when you have to worry about rejection. Sounds like he is doing well if you can stop hovering. I've read that caring for a sick family member is one of the most stressful life events--it's so great that you can focus on taking care of you again.

    April Challenge:

    Nutrition = At or over 90 grams of protein 5/7 days a week
    Week 1: At/over 90g of protein 6/7
    Week 2: At/over 90g of protein 4/7
    Week 3: At/over 90g of protein x/7
    Week 4: At/over 90g of protein x/7

    Exercise = run 3 x/week:
    Week 1: 1/3 runs
    Week 2: 2/3 runs
    Week 3: x/3 runs
    Week 4: x/3 runs

    Next 8k is May 9th (Thanksgiving 8k = 56:49, NYE 8k = 57:47, 1/25 = 55:41; 2/28=55:15, 3/29 = 59:15)

    Grading Goals:
    1. 35/64 Wuthering Heights reflections
    2. 60/60 AP quizzes DONE
    3. x/64 Lit theory papers
    4. x/60 Junior research papers

    Exercise Goals:
    Sun--walk gunner DONE
    Mon--rest day (podiatrist appt)
    Tues--walk gunner + gym
    Wed--rest day
    Thurs-- hotel gym
    Fri--hotel gym
    Sat--walk gunner

    2015 Mantra = Just 15 minutes
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Sunday Share:
    Had a nice mix of work and leisure today. Met my friend to do some house hunting with her. She's the one who lives in Lake Geneva, but is relocating back to Chicago area. We had lunch at a really good Mexican restaurant called Mago. I had a taco trio--fish, pork, and steak--and we split a side of plantains in queso. It was so delicious and though it wasn't a lot of food, it was really filling. So much so, that for dinner I just had a small piece of chicken breast. Right now I'm debating whether or not to have an apple with some peanut butter--it would put me over for the day by about 100 calories, but would bring my protein above 90 g. I'm going to wait awhile and see if I'm hungry enough.

    On my way home, I decided it was still early enough to get some more grading done, so I stopped by the HS to drop off some of the graded journals and pick up more to grade. I then went to starbucks and graded 10 more journals, so I'm more than halfway done with those.

  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    @skinnyjeanzbound that is nice you can relate to my Navy life. Did you travel around alot when he was active duty? 42! My husband put in his twenty and that was it. For a split second he considered doing the Warrant Officer (enlisted then officer)...but there are alot of politics with that. You get the respect from the enlisted, but then have to kowtow to the officers..and as his wife I would be obligated to attend all those Officer Wives functions...uuuck. lol Once an enlisted...always an enlisted. My husband was in radar as an OS...Operations Specialist, and both my sons are in the "Air Navy"...not the "Sea Navy"..go figure. They both repair jets and seem happy.
    Spent about an hour and a half at the garden today! Getting the soil finished up, and planting. trimming around the raised bed, and avoiding a huge spider... lol If I knew how to post pics I would.
    Husband came home with a chocolate shake today.... He said it wasn't his fault, the car made a left into Dairy Maid... He has been trying to be so supportive, but I know its difficult when he isn't much of a veggie or fruit eater, and I'm like "Granola-Soymilk-Organic woman".
  • Morgori
    Morgori Posts: 954 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Happy Thomas Jefferson Day
    Thomas Jefferson Day celebrates the birthday of Thomas Jefferson, who was the third President of the United States from 1801 to 1809, the principal author of the Declaration of Independence in 1776, and one of the most influential Founding Fathers for his promotion of the ideals of Republicanism in the United States. Major events during his presidency include the Louisiana Purchase in 1803 and the Lewis and Clark Expedition.
    As a political philosopher, Jefferson was a man of the Enlightenment and knew many intellectual leaders in Britain and France. He idealized the independent yeoman farmer as exemplar of republican virtues, distrusted cities and financiers, and favoured states’ rights and a strictly limited federal government. Jefferson also supported the separation of church and state and was the author of the Virginia Statute for Religious Freedom.
    A polymath, Jefferson achieved distinction as, among other things, a horticulturist, statesman, architect, archaeologist, author, inventor and founder of the University of Virginia. When President John F. Kennedy welcomed forty-nine Nobel Prize winners to the White House in 1962 he said, “I think this is the most extraordinary collection of talent and of human knowledge that has ever been gathered together at the White House—with the possible exception of when Thomas Jefferson dined alone.”

    In his early life Jefferson practiced law and served in the Virginia House of Burgesses. In 1774, he wrote A Summary View of the Rights of British America, which was intended as instructions for the Virginia delegates to a national congress. The pamphlet was a powerful argument of American terms for a settlement with Britain. It helped speed the way to independence, and marked Jefferson as one of the most thoughtful patriot spokesmen.
    As the primary author of the Declaration of Independence and a significant contributor to American political and civil culture, the Continental Congress delegated the task of writing the Declaration to a Committee of Five which unanimously solicited Jefferson to write the first draft, which underwent some alteration, but remained largely Jefferson’s work.

    The only difference between a good day and a bad day is your attitude. ~Dennis S. Brown

  • AngelikaLumiere
    AngelikaLumiere Posts: 862 Member
    @kah68 - Exercise is definitely something that has to be habit. I just can't seem to motivate myself to do anything. Partly it is the pain in my ribs, but I could walk without hurting myself. I am just out of the habit....

    @2BaNewMe2 - I hit the same wall, I refuse to by clothes to fit my oversize self and I got rid of the larger clothes when I lost weight the first time. So it is loose weight or look like a homeless person...

    @kaliyuga2012 - don't beat yourself up about crisis eating. It happens to us all, you just have to regroup and start again. I try to keep gum in my purse and ask myself, "are you really hungry or just nervous?" Nervous gets gum.

    @Annr - a little jealous of your trip to Depoe Bay. I love that little town. Congrats on 30 years of "friendly" marriage. It took me longer to find my "best friend" so I will be celebrating 14 years this year.

    @NK1112 - I have a dear friend who is Russian and I enjoy the Orthodox celebrations through her. He is Risen Indeed!

    @Morgori - Happy TJ Day to you too! He sent Lewis & Clark west and I am glad for that.

    AFM - I missed logging Friday and Saturday, my excuse is the boy child had a sleep over and we were just having too much fun, Sunday I tried to log in and the server was down so there ya go. I am still having trouble sleeping because of my ribs and that makes me tired and I look out the window and see how high the grass is getting and try not to spiral into a bad mood cuz that just makes me want to eat.

    I am going to try logging first thing after the boy child goes to school. Plan my food for the day and then edit the previous day's if I don't stick the plan. Because doing it in the evening just doesn't seem to work for me.
  • susan2396
    susan2396 Posts: 794 Member
    Bump - Yes, I'm still alive!! The week before Easter was crazy at work plus trying to wrap things up before Spring Break. We were gone Friday, 4/3 thru Saturday, 4/11. Between the unpacking and coming back to work e-mails I'm so behind. I'll read through the post and be back soon. Missed you guys!!
  • melifornia
    melifornia Posts: 227 Member
    Hello again! I keep coming in here to read posts, then either get called away or run out of time or just get distracted and don't post. But I am here! Still struggling with my living room not being finished. It's so close, but my Stepdad is so slow. Last week he finally got to the painting, but thought he'd go the extra mile and spackle a few bits while he was at it...then didn't sand the spackle before painting it. :grimace: Now instead of little pits in my plaster walls, I have ugly bumps. *sigh*

    I'm learning patience from all of this, right? That's my takeaway?

    I have been making slow progress with my spring cleaning goals, and picked up a big writing assignment at the end of last week, so things are moving along here again. Aiming to make this a very productive week, starting with talking to my therapist this afternoon about some mental blocks/self-sabatoge that have gone on plenty long enough thank you very much.

    Melifornia's Weekly Goals - April 12-18

    • Create a meal plan AND DO IT -
    • Meet protein goal 5/7 days - x/5
    • Drink 96oz water daily - 1/7

    • Strength training (restarting routine) 2x - x/2
    • Cardio 3x - x/3
    • Yoga daily - 2/7

    • Update blog -
    • Miracle Morning daily - 2/7
    • Finish reading The Five Love Languages of Children - about 80% finished
    • Get new contact Rx and new contacts -
    • Call about teeth cleaning -

    • Spring Cleaning: complete one room + car - almost done with spare room!
    • Take donations to Goodwill, library, etc. -
    • Paint/touch up in living room -
    • Clean up/clear out backyard -
    • Buy and pot fern for indoors - DONE, and it looks beautiful :)

    • Sit down and plan work for next 6 weeks, including probable new assignments/deadlines -
    • Finish client #1's website update -
    • Complete at least half of edits on client #3's website -
    • Arrange and complete 2 interviews and send out for transcription as needed - x/2
    • Write and file 2 newspaper stories - x/2
    • Write and file 2 magazine stories - x/2
    • Sub 1 day - x/1

    April All-In Goals
    • Cardio, at least 30 minutes, 4x/week - 6/16
    • Strength training 2x week - 1/8
    • Login to MFP daily - 13/30
    • Meet protein goal minimum of 20/30 days - 1/20
    • Drink 96z water minimum of 20/30 days - 9/20

    Mantra: Live intentionally
  • garysgirl719
    garysgirl719 Posts: 235 Member
    OMG! What a week. I can't believe Spring Break was such a disaster in our world. Both girls are fighting ear infections and have surgery scheduled for this Friday. Mommy visited the doctor on both Monday and Wednesday. The steroids he prescribed were NOT friendly to the scale. I am so ready for everyone to be healthy. Now our sky has opened up and their is a 90% chance of rain every day this week. Today is one of those days that I am wishing I had decided to do a gym membership instead.

    I think my goal for this week is to keep better updated with this thread and use you amazing people to help motivate me and keep me on track.
  • Annr
    Annr Posts: 2,765 Member
    My goals for this week are:

    Drink more water.

    Lose weight on Wednesday for my TOPS group (Take Off Pounds Sensibly).

    Strive for a solid 4 mins of swimming both Tuesday and Thursday. Laps in the Olympic pool at the aquatic center.

    Mentally closing the kitchen down a full two hours before I go to bed. Normal bedtime is at 9pm.

    Putting almond oil on my nails and cuticles before bed. Have been biting my nails and my fingers look awful. Stress and not turning my brain off.

    Have a positve therapy session with my doc on Thursday.