14 day scarsdale plan starting Monday!!!



  • atypicalsmith
    atypicalsmith Posts: 2,742 Member
    MrM27 wrote: »
    Doctor and pastry chef.

    Well now I truly have seen everything.
    When I gained weight it was the fault of the Chinese food delivery guy.

    Dang, it was him all this time. And I thought it was the pizza guy.
  • NoIdea101NoIdea
    NoIdea101NoIdea Posts: 659 Member
    I accept all your opinions, im a doctor, i do not starve myself. I use it as guidance to eat the menu they tell me plus milk and some other changes ive made to make it healthier. I just use the menú and the control with the bread since i tend to eat a lot. Ive been eating good and working out for some months without diet and i have not gained weight but also did not lose any, so its time to watch what i eat. Counting calories isnt healthy either if you look at it with judging eyes. Anyway... I guess i shouldnt have asked for support

    Sigh. Another case of OP not being told what they want to hear and taking it as a personal attack.

    I checked out the menu; i think i would be bored after two days. If you've tried it before and it works for you, then fair play, but the fact that it really doesn't take into account how many calories an individual burns a day and says things such as 'eat as much tuna salad as you want' does not fill me with confidence in this.

    Also, i don't understand how people say they don't have the time or can't be bothered with CICO, but are more than willing to spend time, money and energy on following these things which just don't look like a viable weight loss method.
  • ritchiehl
    ritchiehl Posts: 64 Member
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I thought we weren't allowed to promote vlcds?

    What does VLCD stand for? I've seen this on a couple of posts but didn't understand.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    ritchiehl wrote: »
    elphie754 wrote: »
    I thought we weren't allowed to promote vlcds?

    What does VLCD stand for? I've seen this on a couple of posts but didn't understand.

    "Very Low Calorie Diet."
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    Oh, it's Monday. I wonder how our pastry doctor is doing?
  • SconnieCat
    SconnieCat Posts: 770 Member
    ncboiler89 wrote: »
    But OP is a doctor.

    Clearly she knows what she's talking about guys...

  • denali26
    denali26 Posts: 20 Member
    edited April 2015
    Every time I see this thread I think of this.(Sorry first time posting a video. Don't know why the spacing is weird!)
  • lemurcat12
    lemurcat12 Posts: 30,886 Member
    Videos are back--I thought they weren't working!

    I always think of Jean Harris, specifically:
    The book (ISBN 978-0553268867), originally published in 1978, received an unexpected boost in popular sales when its author, Herman Tarnower, was murdered on March 10, 1980, by his long-time lover Jean Harris, the headmistress of The Madeira School, a fashionable boarding school for high school girls in McLean, Virginia. The murder was the subject of a 2005 made-for-TV movie called Mrs. Harris.

    I actually didn't know about the '05 movie, though--my memory dates to the 1981 The People v. Jean Harris. And I only remember that because I bought Lisa Birnbach's college guide when I was a sophomore in high school and I recall her bringing up Jean Harris in one of the entries (some college near Scarsdale? I forget) and claiming that she was driven to murder by the horrible diet.

    For the record, not true, so far as I know.
  • crazyjerseygirl
    crazyjerseygirl Posts: 1,252 Member
    Im starting this Monday the scarsdale diet its only 14 days and then mantaining. Ive done it before with excellent results bit thrn some break up and becoming a pastry chef made mr gain the weight back. I'll need the support and also encouragement. I find it very hard top be persistent, so littkr will.... But now ive met a very special person and i wish to be my best for him!!! Will you join me or at least support me?!?

    First off, if you are in fact a pastry Dr i will totally marry you. I'm usually not interested in women, but a PhD in pastries is too good to pass up!

    As for that very special person, he loves you already, chef, doctor or otherwise. Loose that weight for yourself, but do it right. A diet like that woulnt last in the long term.
  • sy8s
    sy8s Posts: 429 Member
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    sy8s wrote: »
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)

  • sy8s
    sy8s Posts: 429 Member
    randomtai wrote: »
    sy8s wrote: »
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)


    And the rudeness continues. Why did I even bother to stick up for this person? I'm too nice for my own good...
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    sy8s wrote: »
    randomtai wrote: »
    sy8s wrote: »
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)


    And the rudeness continues. Why did I even bother to stick up for this person? I'm too nice for my own good...

    Laughing is rude? Ok.

  • kimny72
    kimny72 Posts: 16,013 Member
    sy8s wrote: »
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)

    So if someone posts that they are going to lose weight by chopping off their leg, we should just wish them luck and assure them they can do whatever they set their mind to? I mean, it will definitely work - they are guaranteed to lose weight that way.

    Very low cal diets are dangerous. It is not rude to point that out to someone. If she still wants to do it, that is her choice. But I am not just going to stand by and watch someone hurt themselves without saying something. THAT would be rude.
  • janejellyroll
    janejellyroll Posts: 25,763 Member
    sy8s wrote: »
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)

    It is our choice what to eat. What is healthy or unhealthy is not our choice.

    Otherwise, I would have already designated bourbon and french fries as health food.

  • jennifershoo
    jennifershoo Posts: 3,198 Member
    sy8s wrote: »
    There's no need for the rude comments. If it's something that works for her than good for her. You can say all you want but above all, it's her choice whether it be healthy or not. Being rude is just gonna make people feel bad. Just my two cents :)

    Double Lolz!
  • dwarfiegodsmack
    dwarfiegodsmack Posts: 317 Member
    goodbye lean mass
  • Chrysalid2014
    Chrysalid2014 Posts: 1,038 Member

    Double Lolz!

    Now there's an intelligent contribution to the discussion.
  • mariam_mel
    mariam_mel Posts: 13 Member
    First of all, the OP isn't asking anybody's opinion on whether or not you think it's a good idea or not to be on this diet. She is asking whether anyone is interested in joining or if anyone would support her. So, of you find this plan to be wrong then the best thing you can do is say: "Sorry to hear that you have to go on such a strict diet, I don't think it's worth it and I don't think it's a good idea."

    Do your really think that she doesn't know that VLCD's (very low calorie diets) don't tend to give long terms results? If she didn't know that she wouldn't have to do this again since she has done it once.

    Not everyone can decide on a well-balanced diet plan and stick to it—life happens and sometimes you just can't pull through and sometimes you need the freaking scale to go down a couple of pounds to motivate you.

    Why does it matter whether or not she is a doctor, lawyer, or a chef? There are many doctors who don't know anything about nutrition and some lawyers who know more than any of us. Why do you people need to be mean???

    If you feel the urge responding right away then at least do due diligence of counting the number of calories this diet plan has. It is approximately 800-900 calories a day. Yes, this is not sustainable and yes, you don't want to stay on it for a long time. But if any of you ever took part in any weight loss programs that hospitals and clinics offer you will see that their diet plan also has about 900 calories a day. I have 2 friends on such a program and one of them has lost about 70 pounds in about 9-10 months.

    Everybody thinks they are right and they have the formula. If it worked for you—awesome, I am really happy for you. But there is no one way of doing this, one way that will work for everyone and be sustainable.