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  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,691 Member
    really quick note - but then I read the posts... Margaret - wow, such a sad list of events, but really remindes each and everyone of us that even a small amount of help to the youth among us could cause ripples that we would never know.
    Sharon - holding you close! if you feel like you are in danger, please leave the situation! and I suspect as someone else said that the counseling is opening issues that he would rather not, and/or calling him to explain bad behavior not just giving him a pass.

    But my quick note was to say I woke up with a much improved ankle, and walked a slow mile with Levi, now off to the chiro... I really missed my calorie burn yesterday, and will today too!
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hello everyone!

    Alison: I think you should go for the job too, or at least go talk to them about it. Has to be better than how they treat you at your current job.

    Yanniejannie: horse teeth!

    Sharon: thinking of you.

    Margaret! I can’t believe you had to deal with that situation. Oh, my goodness. I’m so sorry.

    I’ve been slacking on exercise, but I decided to ride my bike home from work today. It’s an electric bike, but you still have to pedal (you just don’t have to push as hard). I’d taken it in the train on the way there, but when I was done with work it was nice weather and I needed some cardio (plus my guy had taken my dog out), so I biked the hour and 20 minutes home. I’ll be stiff later!

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:


  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    edited April 2015
    Allison, totally agree with others. Go for the job!

    My son texted on his lunch break to say so far the training is going great. He passed his uniform inspection (thanks to steel-toed shoes I bought), that he made 100% on his first written test, and that another new hire fainted during one of the videos. I can't wait to hear what was in the dang video. It must have been some kind of safety thing. I pray that this job is a good fit for him. He is super smart and a good worker. I think it's time. He is about the age his father was when he found a job that "clicked." My DH does not see the similarities between himself and our son, but DS is definitely a chip off the old block.

    Major, major family drama back home. I am so thankful that DH and I chose to raise our family 30 miles away. I can't share details on the internet but it is awful! I'm staying out of it. I wish my mother would stay out of it, but she won't. I'd love to give some of my extended family members a piece of my mind, but it is best if I keep my mouth shut. I certainly can't change them.

    I had to fill in for our pastor yesterday while he was on spring break. That went well I think, but I am always exhausted afterwards.

    I have my yearly physical on Thursday. I called my retired GYN's office today and told them I would be by to pick up my records. They said the last two years were free, but I would have to pay if I wanted them all. Is that standard? I mean, he's the one who retired and the others in his practice are the ones not absorbing his patients and making us go somewhere else. I'm just getting the free ones since she said they would also include any surgeries, no matter how old, for free.
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    One more thing: Hugs to Margaret. That was awful. No wonder you lost it.
  • DamitJanit
    DamitJanit Posts: 1,329 Member
    Call me crazy but I love to see other people happy and succeeding.

    Good Day Ladies,

    Michele, I hear ya on the baking. I think the problem with me is that I have no willpower when it comes to baked goods. I have been making the bran muffins and probably eating too many of them. I freeze most of them in small bags when they are cooled, but it’s too easy to defrost them. I’m not interested in pie or ice cream but give me cookies or muffins or Ohhhh cinnamon rolls and I lose all control. Even though I just got 10 pounds of bran, I think I’ll lay off the baking for a while. I gained a pound over the weekend. Boo Hiss Now that I know how short I am, I guess I’ll be shopping in the Petite department. I have often bought pants there because they have a shorter crotch. I hope your dip in the pool was fun? :s So nice to be getting ready for the hot weather ahead.

    Sue, didn’t you love that Jordan led the Master’s the whole time? I am so happy for him. What a great young man! Okay, no more excuses! Just do it! You know you can and we are with you. You can download Google Chrome for free. It’s just another browser like Internet Explorer. It will often let you do things that can’t be done in Explorer, for some reason.

    Katla, Me get confused? ! ? Well I guess it’s a sign that I’m getting old or that I am reading posts too fast. Thanks for setting me straight. Skipping dinner is just not something I can do. It’s just a mental thing, I know. If I had a big lunch and am not hungry, the best I can do is to have an apple and cheese or maybe a yogurt.

    Lillian, it sounds like a wonderful way to get in all those miles. I’ll bet you slept well.

    Kim, I hope you didn’t break anything in your foot and it gets better quickly. That was a heck of a way to ice your foot, but you are a dear for helping your Mom when the guys won’t do it.

    Joyce, isn’t it great to be able to cut the Metformin in half? My ultimate goal is to be able to get off it totally. I’m happy that Charlie was able to get through the beginning of his prep. Hope the rest goes well.

    Sharon, I’m with you on Cilantro. Yuck. :* I can taste it in salsa even and just don’t like it. My heart goes out to you in dealing with your DH. I pray the counseling helps and that he will go. Know you are in my thoughts and prayers. Try to remember that they say “God won’t give us more than we can handle”. But I now at times you probably think you are at the end of your rope.

    Sylvia, no matter how well I sleep, I just want to stay in bed on rainy mornings.

    Yannie, thanks for the wishes on my A1C. It is still under 6 which is great. Doc said I can cut out taking the Metformin but suggests that I continue for now. I told him I’ll keep taking 1 a day until I lose the next 20 pounds. He liked that. He was very pleased with my weight loss and all my labs. Woo hoo

    Katla, I hope you don’t have to drive to get your taxes. Our boys are going to the beauty shop tomorrow. They are getting too long and curly but thank goodness poodles don’t shed. We will both have some pretty and good smelling doggies.

    Margaret, your post just gives me chills. It’s so sad the way many of these young people are raised and how they respond to things. I really admire you and all teachers that are trying to give students values that their parents don’t bother to teach. (((Hugs)))

    Heather, I am also glad that DH didn’t do any damage with the glass he was eating. Good for the free meal. I love your word, “frenchified”. That sounds like something I would say. Lol

    Terri, good luck with your plan of attack. I hope you at least warned the week? :p

    Dr.Katie, I know it’s hard to believe, but doctors’ offices do now charge for copies of records. Like they didn’t charge enough the first time. The first time I ran across that, I was shocked. Good luck with the new doctor; hope you like him/her.

    Welcome to any Newbies that I missed. Come often and join in the chat. This thing works!! Please sign your post with what you want to be called. It makes it easier for us to respond to you. Also a location is great, be it specific or general. We are happy to have you join us.

    I had a great doctor’s appointment. He said I am making his job easy. I said, ”well you weren't doing anything to make me lose weight or exercise, so I just had to do it myself”. He just laughed. I still miss some foods and want to eat bad things at times, but no food is better than the feeling of losing weight. I met a friend for lunch after the appointment and ate healthy. Tonight is chicken on the grill and grilled veggies.

    I hope you all have a healthy and happy day. <3

    Words I live by:
    Savor. I have to slow down and savor every bite.
    Opportunity. Each day offers new opportunities for good health and happiness if we just look for them and choose them.

    Myrtle Beach, SC
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Drkatiebug - I only print the past year for people, or anything mentioning a specific subject (CPE, muscle pain, strep throat, etc). Anything more than a few pages goes to the Medical Records department, and they have a price list they are allowed to charge from. I'm sure each office or each State has their own rules and laws.

    Terri in Milwaukee
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,968 Member
    Thanks, guys, for the info on medical records. Since I'm only taking the free stuff, I will get over the shock. I could understand if it was my decision to change doctors. It's also mixed in with my feeling like I'm being kicked out of their practice. Luckily I know other former patients, too, so I don't have to take it personally. LOL! I'm not going to a new doctor right now. I'm just going to let my GP order my blood work and mammogram and fill out my wellness info for insurance.
  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Just checking in. What a weekend! Kids were here from Iowa and that went pretty well. Then on Saturday our sewer decided to back up. Called the plumber and he was to come out, but job he was on lasted longer and he could not get there until Sunday afternoon. So that was interesting and so glad to have it fixed. Charged weekend rates, but what choice did we have. Eating was so so. DS brought some apple snapple drink. Boy is that good and 200 calories a bottle. I happend to say I liked it and so he went and got me 4 6 packs. Not good. Today is new day and back on logging. Have a good night and important thing is not to give up.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,583 Member
    Just wanted to tell you all that tonight I finalised my cover and blurb and submitted it to the website for a final review. It takes 24 hrs to be approved. Then I had to fill in a whole rigmarole about tax etc. That was hard work!
    So now just waiting to hear if it has gone live. Pressing that final button was nervewracking!

    Thank you for all your support. I will tell you when it finally appears.

    Heather, exhausted in the UK . X xx x x <3
  • cranor130
    cranor130 Posts: 65 Member
    Just wanted to tell you all that tonight I finalised my cover and blurb and submitted it to the website for a final review. It takes 24 hrs to be approved. Then I had to fill in a whole rigmarole about tax etc. That was hard work!
    So now just waiting to hear if it has gone live. Pressing that final button was nervewracking!

    Thank you for all your support. I will tell you when it finally appears.

    Heather, exhausted in the UK . X xx x x <3

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,199 Member
    Thanks for everyone"s support. Terri it sounds like the chain of events for your son helped to identify a serious illness. It also sounds like the student who hurt your son was held accountable. Hopefully this little girl too take responsibility for her actions. She not only upset me but the other students too.

    Today, I worked at a school where students were encouraged to take responsibility for themselves and held accountable if they did not. I had a great day. The system works when expectations and consequences are clear. I also went and helped my friend in Kindergarten last Friday. It does help me gain my perspective there are good things happening in the educational system too.

    Weather is getting nice and I am doing more walking. Now I just need to work on portion control.

    :heart: MNMargaret
  • fanncy0626
    fanncy0626 Posts: 7,152 Member
    MNMargaret - I'm sorry to hear about the incident with your student. (((Hugs)))

    Heather - congratulations on getting your blurb and cover done! I hope all goes well :)

    Hello everyone! Just got everything put away and washed from our vacation and now am getting the last things done for my DMIL's birthday party on Saturday. Tomorrow I will be driving 4 hours to watch my great nephew until Thursday evening. It will be his birthday while I am there so I will have fun helping him celebrate! then we will leave Friday morning to go and take my DMI L to get her hair done and set up for her party on Saturday.

    Have a great night everyone!

    Mary from Minnesota

  • cutec527
    cutec527 Posts: 18 Member
    edited April 2015
    Ok so it's been awhile since I posted here and didn't realize you need a link for each new month (not great with computers lol) but I figured it out. Am so happy with this MFP I cannot gush enough about it. I am finding that logging each day has really kept me focused. It's amazing sometimes how much we can put in our bodies without thinking twice :D Just read an article about unhealthy dishes at certain restaurants and one happened to be a BK my mom ordered just last week. The total calories were around 1600. I was floored I mean that's more than a whole days worth of calories for me at least in ONE meal. I am finding that eating healthier doesn't mean I have to skimp on taste at all. Lots of veggies are awesome this time of year and don't get me started on the fruit :wink .
    Came across this on a inspiration site the other day and wanted to share it here if it's ok has done me a lot of good these past few weeks when I'm feeling like I'm not getting anywhere . Hope you can relate.
    Keep up the good work HUGZ to all.

    Here are six little tips to help manage your expectations...

    Here they are:

    1: Life is sometimes difficult.

    Bad stuff happens to all of us at one time or another.

    2: Control is a myth.

    Many times we think we’re in control, but we’re not.

    3: It’s not about you (or me).

    There is much more important things in life than what we see in the mirror.

    4: Things will change.

    Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.

    5: No one person can make us “happy”.

    Happiness comes from the spirit within.

    6: We must live with the end in mind.

    Any adversity you experience will eventually pass.

    Focus on the forest, not the trees.

    If you’re struggling or not happy with how your body looks, or you’re not getting the results you’re looking for, hopefully this helps you put things in perspective.

    Keep going strong.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Tuesday here and pension in bank so grocery shopping and fish and chips on the wharf for lunch.
    I got in 14681 steps yesterday.
    Food = 1727 cals
    Training = 628 steps, Wii boxing, JJ's Circuit A and walking
    Forgot to weigh myself this morning, ah well only one day.
    Blaize is a real joy to walk even though all the neighbour hood dogs bark at him, he is non-plussed.
    I have finally worked out my training schedule for Tom's 98 day challenge, oh boy!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello my great friends. I am done with my knee pity party and need to get serious including being here daily. I realize that by not coming here I am not accountable. So I want to wish all of you strength to continue on the journey and I want to say I will commit to being here more. See you tomorrow; with over 500 posts since I was last here, there's no catching up! Take care, Meg
  • how can a person join this group :)
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Littlen2015 - You just did! Come back often and tell us a little about yourself.

    I'm pretty much just marking my spot. It was a long day and I fought the battle of stress eating and won. Yay me!

    Congratulations, Heather!

    I'm thinking of you all!

    Carol in NC
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    how can a person join this group :)
    YOU JUST DID!! :0), give your name rank and serial number or just name and where you live and a lil more bout yourself
  • pipcd34
    pipcd34 Posts: 17,037 Member
    edited April 2015
    stats for the day:
    ride hm 2 gym- 12.01min, 14.7mph 2.9mi = 110c
    spin- 36min, 88ar 93aw, 10-14g, 15.6mi = 271c
    ride gym 2 dome- 6.33min, 13.2amph, 1.4mi = 54c
    ride dome 2 hm - 18.07min, 8.8amph, 2.6mi WINDY! = 177c
    total cal 612
  • matthewsfive
    matthewsfive Posts: 836 Member
    Would love to join your group, looking for people who are committed to this weight loss journey. Here is a little about myself, I joined MFL in June 2014 at 270.4 pounds and as of today i am at 188.6 pounds. I want to lose another 50 pounds. I am hoping my the end of June to hit 100 pounds.

    About Me:
    I have tried many times to lose weight but never made my goals.
    I need to be accountable for my weight loss and becoming a member of MFP has done that for me. I have been married for 27 years and have 3 grown sons.

    Why I want to get in shape
    I need to lose weight for myself first before I can do it for others. I want to look and feel healthier

    My Inspirations
    My sons wedding, I want to feel good about having pictures taken of me.
    To shop for clothes without thinking about sizes.
    To have my Knees feel better so i can jump and run if I want to.