Rocking the C25K May 2011 group



  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    May 11 - W2D1 (did this afternoon 90 degree weather the sweat was pouring)
    May 12 - 30 Minute walk (Great Walk)
    May 13 - W2D2 (as soon as I started a friend called so I had an extra long warm up)
    May 14 -30 Minute walk (Another great walk, even better my kids joined me)
    May 15 - W2D3 (Did it, it was easier)
    May 16- 30 Minute walk (looking foward to my walk tonight)
    May 17- Rest (I think I am going to change this a 30 Minute walk)

    What do you guys think? Do you think that would be to much or a nice little brisk walk is fine?

    Glad to see so many people joining our group. Let do this!!!
  • Lorri, no that is not too much. A 30 min walk is definitely not to over do it in between days... I am doing w2d2 tomorrow and I can't wait... I seriously love c25k. Best thing ever...
  • jennmcpherson
    jennmcpherson Posts: 263 Member
    I couldn't agree more! It really is a fantastic program! I did it last summer and I think I got up to around week 7 and then I don't remember what happened, I probably had one bad excuse after another, haha (just being honest). I plan to complete it this time around but I'm not going to stress out if I don't finish it in exact 9 weeks. I think sometimes I get too caught up in that stuff that when one part goes off I think "screw it" and stop all together. I'm not sure how I'm going to work out doing C25K and boot camp but I'll make it fit together!

    I think the 30 minute walk in between is a great idea UNLESS you are overly tired or sore, that's your body saying it needs a rest. If you are feeling fine though, get out there and way baby!
  • Hi y'all!

    Just finished day 2 of my second week. Something is up with my breathing. Was not too hard on my body but I had a hard time breathing. Hope it'll get better till Thursday. Hope you all are rocking it!
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Hi y'all!

    Just finished day 2 of my second week. Something is up with my breathing. Was not too hard on my body but I had a hard time breathing. Hope it'll get better till Thursday. Hope you all are rocking it!

    I have exercised induced asthma, it really mess with my breathing when I am running. Someone told me one time, the best way to breath when you are running, blow out like do when you are having contractions or having a baby. That has helped my breathing a lot. I know it sounds crazy but it really help me a lot.
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    May 11 - W2D1 (did this afternoon 90 degree weather the sweat was pouring)
    May 12 - 30 Minute walk (Great Walk)
    May 13 - W2D2 (as soon as I started a friend called so I had an extra long warm up)
    May 14 -30 Minute walk (Another great walk, even better my kids joined me)
    May 15 - W2D3 (Did it, it was easier)
    May 16- 30 Minute walk (looking foward to my walk tonight)(did it)
    May 17- Rest (I think I am going to change this a 30 Minute walk)(looking forward to it tonight)

    What do you guys think? Do you think that would be to much or a nice little brisk walk is fine?

    Glad to see so many people joining our group. Let do this!!!

    I am loving this C25k, but I am afraid of week 3. How long do you think it will take to build up enough endurance to keep every run from feeling like torture?
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    I am starting Week 3 tomorrow Lorri, I am not looking forward to it, but I will battle through and see how far I get! I was managging 90 sec jogs ok until Monday. I have really bad allergies and was very bunged up which affected my breathing and by the end I was struggling. Let's see what tomorrow brings. Just downloaded the podcast onto my ipod! Wish me luck!

    Mandy xx
  • 365toHappy
    365toHappy Posts: 1
    Week 3 is hard but once you are done week 4 and 5 are a total breeze. Week 3 was like a fitness wall for me and when it was over I felt unstoppable.

    Currently on W5D2
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    You guys are great !
    If C25K is too strenuous you can repeat weeks I'be heard.
    I had to start with Galloway's "Conditioning" program then segued into his 5K plan.
    The "conditioning" plan is under the Half Marathon tab at
    ( )

    Don't overdo it but keep up your good efforts! :-)
  • Haha, yeah - breathing like that actually sounds to be harder than breathing slow and steady. Keep in mind I am no mothe so I don't really know how I am supposed to breather, I just watched the movies LOL

    Today is weigh in day... and I am happy to say I have lost 0.8 kgs this last week. I am now down to 95.2 kgs

    Today we have a lovely weather in my town so I think I'll take a loooong walk.

    Take care!
  • Hannastyrbjorn--I'm not sure how you breath while running, but I find it really helpful to breath in only through my nose. (I also exhale through my nose, but I don't think there's anything wrong about breathing out through your mouth.) Your nose filters the air you inhale through the sinuses, which keeps the amount of dust & pollen and whatnot you inhale down. If you have allergies, they will definitely affect your breath while running even if you don't notice them much otherwise. Also, it's useful to breath through your nose because you can't hyperventilate when you breath through you nose! It will moderate the amount you breath in to a healthy level. (Or so my karate instructor has told me. :) )

    Anyways, I'm super proud of all of you for sticking with it! It's awesome to have a little community of people going through this together. :D

    I just finished W5W2! It was strangely easier than the 1st workout this week. I'm so excited for Thursday!
  • amzywamzy
    amzywamzy Posts: 11
    C25K rocks!

    May 13: Found out about C25K when googling for 'marathon from nothing'
    May 14: W1D1 Trial 'run' and signed up for a 5K run just so that I can follow through this program without quiting
    May 15: W1D1!Evening- Boy am I unhealthy.
    May 16: 'rest'
    May 17:'rest' had migraine
    May 18:W1D2 morning

    July 24: 5k RUN!!!!! AIM 30 minutes for 5K! (10 more weeks baby!)
  • Thanks a lot. I will definitely try breathing through my nose and take an allergy pill before my exercise. I run in a VERY green area in this city and with birch, grass and flowers of all kinds my allergy makes it hard for me. Might just be that and not asthma. Well next run I give my nose a try. I am happy we have this little group too. After I'm done with c25k - im going straight to B210K once I've started something I can't stop...

    Good luck with the fifth week!

    Amzywamzy: That'll be easy for you in 10 weeks time!!
  • craftylatvian
    craftylatvian Posts: 599 Member
    Sounds good. I may have to repeat Week 1 since my cardio is not up to par. Here is my plan for the next few days, I already did one day:

    May 10: W1D1
    May 13: W1D2
    May 15: W1D3

    I did W1D2 on Friday, May 13 (on schedule) It felt great!!!!!!!!!!

    W1D3: May 17 but had to stop 15 mins. in due to a shin splint (I think that is what it is) Never had them before so why now??

    Repeat W1D3: May 20

    Also, I am using the Nike+ with my iPod and love it!!
  • bubblybabeuk
    bubblybabeuk Posts: 216 Member
    Hannastyrbjorn--I'm not sure how you breath while running, but I find it really helpful to breath in only through my nose. (I also exhale through my nose, but I don't think there's anything wrong about breathing out through your mouth.) Your nose filters the air you inhale through the sinuses, which keeps the amount of dust & pollen and whatnot you inhale down. If you have allergies, they will definitely affect your breath while running even if you don't notice them much otherwise. Also, it's useful to breath through your nose because you can't hyperventilate when you breath through you nose! It will moderate the amount you breath in to a healthy level. (Or so my karate instructor has told me. :) )

    Anyways, I'm super proud of all of you for sticking with it! It's awesome to have a little community of people going through this together. :D

    I just finished W5W2! It was strangely easier than the 1st workout this week. I'm so excited for Thursday!

    Good advice but breathing through your nose when you have allergies, for me anyway, is impossible I am just too blocked up, even with antithistamines and nasal spray ( I am very allergic). I have no option to breathe through my mouth, which then makes me cough, its a great mixture!

    OK I survived Week 3 day 1, during the 3 min jogs though I turned the treadmill down by 0.5kph thought it was more important to manage to get through the full 3 mins a bit slower than stop because I was too tired! I am really pleased with myself, I had been freaking out about increasing from 90 secs to 3 min all week! So that's a huge psychological barrier broken through for me!

    Hope everyone else is doing great too

    Mandy xx
  • We've been having bad weather for the past three days so unfortunately I haven't completed W1 :sad: Today the sun was peaking out a little so I bundled my baby up and only got a minute into my warmup walk before I decided it was too cold (the wind was too cold, otherwise it would have been fine) Doesn't look like the rest of the day will get any better either with a 60% chance of rain. I feel like a total slacker :ohwell:

    On the bright side I weighed in at 149 this week! Two pounds down in a week is pretty good for me! My goal is one pound a week, but I'll take two! :laugh:
  • PeachyKeene
    PeachyKeene Posts: 1,645 Member
    Jen - Sounds great to me! Thanks for starting this, I really need the support.

    I am just starting, today, but I decided to start with week 2 because I have already been running a little and felt I had already done week 1 for months now (off and on). Now hopefully, I will stick to it and get to the point where I can run 3 miles no stop! I hope, I hope, I hope!!!!!!!!

    I downloaded some "Couch to 5k Podcasts" off and it really helped. I don't know exactly what everyone else is using, but these were great. I downloaded "Robert Ullrey's C25K Podcasts". There is one for each week. He tells you when to start walking then when to start running, and plays upbeat music along the way. There is a list of a bunch more. I may try downloading them later.

    May 11 - W2D1done
    May 12 - 30 Minute walkdone
    May 13 - W2D2done
    May 14 -30 Minute walkdone
    May 15 - W2D3 done
    May 16- 30 Minute walkdone
    May 17- 30 Minute walkdone

    May 18 - W3D1done
    May 19 - 30 Minute walk
    May 20 - W3D2
    May 21 -30 Minute walk
    May 22 - W3D3
    May 23- 30 Minute walk
    May 24- 30 Minute walk

    Today I stepped on the scales-190.6(almost at my June 1st goal) I will make it and more. I started last Wednesday at 198.00. Some may say NO WAY, but I am on the Dukan diet, finally got hormone replacement, and am taking meds for my high prolactin levels and they are all working in my favor. Along with my C25k routine.

    Doing W3D1 was hard, hard, hard for me, but I made it and feel amazing afterward.

    Thanks everyone for reading!
  • Lorri - Good job on completing w3d1 and congrats to the weight loss!

    As for my morning, I didn't wanna get out of bed. Weather seemed really crappy (dark clouds and 15 degrees) looked like thunder is coming our way - but I knew that if I didn't take that run now I wouldn't do it later today. So out I went. I tried to breath through my nose, but that just made me feel claustrophobic. LOL I think the weather actually helped a bit with my asthma problems. The less pollen in the air, the less breathing issues I get.

    So - half way through my run my worked called and asked if I could work 1½ week from now. Of course I can :D Then the rain started to fall. It was so refreshing cause this hot and airless weather had made me sweat like a pig...

    feels so good. Now I'm gonna eat breakfast and take a shower.

    have a great day everyone!
  • rschmmidt
    rschmmidt Posts: 296
    Hi All,
    Are you running on a treadmill or on the road? I was wondering because where I live it is really hilly. I'm very comfortable running downhill, but when I inevitably hit the uphill, it's a real battle. I don't have a treadmill. What are your thoughts on hills? When you run an actual 5K someday should you be thinking about the hill factor as part of training?

    I'll be running W1D3 today and have decided to run on the track at school. I need to see if I can get through the whole thing comfortable before going onto week 2.

    Cheers! Hope you are all doing well!
  • Hi All,
    Are you running on a treadmill or on the road? I was wondering because where I live it is really hilly. I'm very comfortable running downhill, but when I inevitably hit the uphill, it's a real battle. I don't have a treadmill. What are your thoughts on hills? When you run an actual 5K someday should you be thinking about the hill factor as part of training?

    I'll be running W1D3 today and have decided to run on the track at school. I need to see if I can get through the whole thing comfortable before going onto week 2.

    Cheers! Hope you are all doing well!

    I run on the road. I've never seemed to get the flow on a treadmill, and all the ups and downs when I run outside is good for building stamina. I have not started any form of hill training yet, but i reckon I'll do that once I'll be able to run for more than 1K straight.
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