Geek Girl on an Epic Quest to lose 80lbs, wanna join? More companions wanted!



  • sykin
    sykin Posts: 1,676 Member
    Hi! This is my second round with MFP. i put on all the weight (and some) that I originally lost a couple years ago by tracking. I'm somewhat into nerd culture, I suppose. Current vices include Harry Potter, World of Warcraft, Supernatural, Game of Thrones, and my husband is determined to make me like the new Daredevil. :) I have 50 pounds I'm working on losing and would love to meet new people!
  • charlotteX92X
    charlotteX92X Posts: 344 Member
    Hi! Fellow geek here :) feel free to add me. Have you looked into the zombies run 5k training app? I used that before starting the main game and its so worth it.
  • shizzieshiz
    shizzieshiz Posts: 5 Member
    Hey! I'm another geek girl!!! Add me! I love geeky friends!!!
  • akiba254
    akiba254 Posts: 209 Member
    Hey I am geeky guy on the weightloss and health journey as well. I like meeting other geeks on the journey.
  • dhens13
    dhens13 Posts: 5 Member
    Geeky Author on Her Own Epic Quest to Lose Weight & Get Moving Whilst Writing Her Life's Work (No, I am not British, I just love the way "whilst" rolls off the tongue! LOL) Please add me! I'd love to get to know some fellow geeks as accountibilibuddies and possible book reviewers for my Sci-Fi/Fantasy series in the works!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @sykin High fives to starting over, at least we pick ourselves up again ;) And ooooh the World of Warcraft... how I miss that game. Keep getting tempted to pick it up again but it's such a timesink XD Consider yourself added!

    @charlotteX92X You know I'd considered that... is it much different from the main game? Right now I just have a free C25K app but if it does the same thing then I'll get it. Because zombies make everything better hehe Will also add you :smiley:

    @shizzieshiz Done and done, always happy to meet more fellow geeks!

    @akiba254 Always excited to meet other geeks, and OMG STAN LEE. I am so jelly right now >.>

    @dhens13 Sci-fi/fantasy novels ftmfw! High fives on authoring such awesomeness, one day I'll get off my butt and join you on that particular journey too ;) Added!
  • akiba254
    akiba254 Posts: 209 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »
    @akiba254 Always excited to meet other geeks, and OMG STAN LEE. I am so jelly right now >.>

    I will admit I totally couldn't speak in his presence lol.
  • Sweet_Heresy
    Sweet_Heresy Posts: 411 Member
    Geek girl reporting in!! videogames, World of Warcraft, D&D...anime/manga (used to cosplay too), Magic the Gathering.

    ~35 lbs. To lose. Add me :)
  • Becoming_Jaie
    Becoming_Jaie Posts: 12 Member
    I have two friends who are really active in the SCA and it looks super fun. I'm more of a book nerd myself. Harry Potter, Percy Jackson, and a few dozen other books and mangas. Currently watching Wakfu, a french 'anime' but also love FMA, Junjou Romantica, Kuroshitsuji and non-animes like Supernatural, Doctor Who and Sherlock.
    I have 80 (ish) pounds to lose and am looking for active members to help me stay motivated and on track so please feel free to add me.
  • TheNerdyMonkey
    TheNerdyMonkey Posts: 31 Member
    You had me at Geek O.O lol you seem pretty awesome, if you would like another Geeky/Nerdy and positive person add me! :)
  • melanie899
    melanie899 Posts: 33 Member
    Fellow Nerd/Geek here as well :)

    You can add me too if you'd like.

    Let us unite!

  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    @Ryudori Another geeky gamer girl, yuuuuss! And holy moly I haven't played Magic in a little over a decade. Still miss it though >.> Added!

    @JaieBird I'm trying to get back to my old bookworm self. Currently on the list of things to read are: The Dune Series, Game of Thrones & Sherlock Holmes. And very neat on having about the same amount to lose, consider yourself added :smiley:

    @TheNerdyMonkey Haha I'm glad I got you that quickly. Figured if I post it, they will come XD I am always down for more geeky/positive/supportive people, not that I'm hoping I'll be able to absorb the awesome vibes through virtual osmosis or anything >.> Sending a request your way!

    @melanie899 Love your icon XD Will definitely add you, geeks of the world unite indeed!
  • dhens13
    dhens13 Posts: 5 Member
    FitGeekery wrote: »

    @dhens13 Sci-fi/fantasy novels ftmfw! High fives on authoring such awesomeness, one day I'll get off my butt and join you on that particular journey too ;) Added!

    Hi, @FitGeekery ! Thanks for adding me! :) I am super excited to meet fellow geeks on similar weight-loss journeys! I am assuming "ftmfw " is a compliment, but I must admit I am at a loss with most of the lengthier "Text-Speak" abbreviations (as I call them). LOL I do know the basics, however, LOL, TTYL, YOLO, etc. because I have not been living under a rock for the last decade! ;) But if you could enlighten me on "ftmfw", I would love to crack the code of yet another "Text-Speak" abbreviation!
  • FitGeekery
    FitGeekery Posts: 336 Member
    Haha, it means "for the mother-effing win" ;)
  • MeaghanFitrition
    MeaghanFitrition Posts: 9 Member
    Hi!! I LIVE IN VANCOUVER, TOO!!! =) I just moved here almost a year ago, now. I'd LOVE to friend you on here. I'm not as geeky, but I love all things zombie, I do play Xbox 360, love certain TV programs.

    When you mentioned sword-fighting, the first place that came to mind was on Hastings.. (Is it on Hastings? I'm still getting used to the area). I'd LOVE To try archery, too!! I haven't seen any places around here that do that, but I haven't looked, either.

    My boyfriend calls me hobbit - I'm the same size as you. 5'4" =) He makes fun of me when I Can't reach things. Lol I weigh 175lbs, and I'm looking to lose about 40lbs.

    Shoot me a friend request!! =) My name is Meaghan, I live in the west end.
  • dhens13
    dhens13 Posts: 5 Member
    PS @FitGeekery I will admit I have set aside my Sci-Fi/Fantasy series for the moment, as well as my various short stories written in middle school (a survival story) and high school (a historical fiction piece) I would love to turn into Juvenile Fiction novels in order to concentrate my full attention on my memoir involving my struggles with mental illness. Shout out to those suffering from mental illness who think you are are not! :smile:
  • dhens13
    dhens13 Posts: 5 Member
    edited April 2015
    PPS @FitGeekery I would love for us to encourage one another to write, write, write, and write some more, as it is the only way to realize our dreams of being published one day. ;)
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Did someone say Quest?

  • kandell
    kandell Posts: 473 Member
    I too am a geek girl! Looking to lose 40-50 pounds. To hold myself accountable, I'm not allowing myself to make any new cosplays until I reach 150 (although I'm letting myself finish the cosplays I have in progress...).
  • natboosh69
    natboosh69 Posts: 277 Member
    edited April 2015
    Fellow geek here, I love gaming/reading and all things fantasy & horror! Got around 60 lbs to go, feel free to add me :D