My rock bottom... trying to get out :(



  • LAMCDylan
    LAMCDylan Posts: 1,216 Member
    Well, I only offered because I had talked to her before about this issue. Plus she did mention calling suicide help lines. So in case she ever came to that point again I would be willing to take a call. The thing about suicide help lines is, they will only help you if you literally have a gun to your head or pills in your hand. If you are just feeling depressed and want to talk about your life problems they can't talk with you. On the other hand, if you do say you are about to take your life they will send someone to your house and you will wind up in a psych ward. When I was at my worse the greatest help I could have ever gotten would have came from a person who had been through the things I had and got through it. When seeing doctors they don't understand your struggles and they don't care to understand them either . They have no time to listen to and sort through your circumstances in life. They will only give you pills and send you on your way.
  • azulvioleta6
    azulvioleta6 Posts: 4,195 Member
    zacksnana wrote: »
    Thank you billr9mm. I will take your suggestion into consideration. The last time I went home to get stuff, when my husband was in the shower, my dad came with me and made sure I was safe.

    I just got back from my latest AA meeting and when it was my time to share, I talked about all the great support that I have been receiving on this thread and from my new MFP friends.

    zacksnana so kindly set up a group called SUPPORTIVE WOMEN (with a beautiful picture of roses, I might add) that may be a more appropriate way to discuss my situation and any other situation similar (or not similar) to mine that other women might be going through. Of course men who support healthy relationships and respect to women are invited too! It will stay open for joining for a few days until it will be "request to be in group only".

    You are all making such an impact in my life and will NEVER forget this.

    Link? I can't seem to find it with a google search.

    Invite sent.

    Hmmm...either it did not work or I don't know where to look!
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    zacksnana wrote: »
    Thank you billr9mm. I will take your suggestion into consideration. The last time I went home to get stuff, when my husband was in the shower, my dad came with me and made sure I was safe.

    I just got back from my latest AA meeting and when it was my time to share, I talked about all the great support that I have been receiving on this thread and from my new MFP friends.

    zacksnana so kindly set up a group called SUPPORTIVE WOMEN (with a beautiful picture of roses, I might add) that may be a more appropriate way to discuss my situation and any other situation similar (or not similar) to mine that other women might be going through. Of course men who support healthy relationships and respect to women are invited too! It will stay open for joining for a few days until it will be "request to be in group only".

    You are all making such an impact in my life and will NEVER forget this.

    Link? I can't seem to find it with a google search.

    Invite sent.

    Hmmm...either it did not work or I don't know where to look!

    I'll double check.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    zacksnana wrote: »
    Thank you billr9mm. I will take your suggestion into consideration. The last time I went home to get stuff, when my husband was in the shower, my dad came with me and made sure I was safe.

    I just got back from my latest AA meeting and when it was my time to share, I talked about all the great support that I have been receiving on this thread and from my new MFP friends.

    zacksnana so kindly set up a group called SUPPORTIVE WOMEN (with a beautiful picture of roses, I might add) that may be a more appropriate way to discuss my situation and any other situation similar (or not similar) to mine that other women might be going through. Of course men who support healthy relationships and respect to women are invited too! It will stay open for joining for a few days until it will be "request to be in group only".

    You are all making such an impact in my life and will NEVER forget this.

    Link? I can't seem to find it with a google search.

    Invite sent.

    Hmmm...either it did not work or I don't know where to look!

    I resent the invite.
  • tennileb
    tennileb Posts: 265 Member
    My ex loved the phrase "too fat to f%#k" , said it disgusted him to see me eat junk food, I was more attractive when I was younger and thinner ...... counselling will help, space from the toxicity will help, maybe it can be fixed maybe it can't , today you don't need to decide that, today just do you.

    Abuse is not only physical. There is nothing that gives a partner the right to say horrible things, to demand you get on the scale....yell so much he is spitting.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    tennileb wrote: »
    My ex loved the phrase "too fat to f%#k" , said it disgusted him to see me eat junk food, I was more attractive when I was younger and thinner ...... counselling will help, space from the toxicity will help, maybe it can be fixed maybe it can't , today you don't need to decide that, today just do you.

    Abuse is not only physical. There is nothing that gives a partner the right to say horrible things, to demand you get on the scale....yell so much he is spitting.

    I am so sorry this happened to you. That is a horrible phrase. Thanks for the link, very helpful.
  • MissusSpags
    MissusSpags Posts: 109 Member
    Invite please? I haven't posted on this thread yet but that's probably because it's brought up some bad memories for myself. I'd really like to follow and offer my support! :)
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    Invite please? I haven't posted on this thread yet but that's probably because it's brought up some bad memories for myself. I'd really like to follow and offer my support! :)

    I will send you an invite right now.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I'd like to be invited too please.
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    As its still going keep it simple.

    1. Keep going to AA
    2. Avoid all contact with him.
    3. Look after yourself and keep going.
    4. You are looking to get in a space where you have a clear head and can make good decisions. This will come in time.

    Focus on this. You are doing great if you are keeping to 1-3.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »
    I'd like to be invited too please.
    smantha32 wrote: »
    I'd like to be invited too please.

    I will send one right now.
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I don't see it yet.
  • palwithme
    palwithme Posts: 860 Member
    smantha32 wrote: »
    I don't see it yet.

    I sent it to the wrong person I'm sorry I just resent it
  • nannersp61
    nannersp61 Posts: 2,315 Member

    It's been about a month since I've been on MFP. Many of my friends de-friended me for lack of logging in. Others kept me on. And for those, I thank you.

    I need to get some stuff out and I hope to find continued support on MFP while I try (again) to lose much weight. Some of my MFP friends know bits of what I've been through, but now I am so desperate for help and support, I need to divulge it all.

    I am a new lawyer and the past few months have been the most depressing, anxiety-ridden months of my life. I have suffered with anxiety and depression before, but not like this. It's a culmination of many things, mostly my stressful job, my complete lack of confidence, the fact that I started drinking heavily every day, and my relationship with my husband.

    I do not like my boss because she makes me feel like I am a failure. Which I am. I started drinking heavily, even during the day, and not doing my work as fast as I should have. She has been absent from the office for a couple of months as she tried to get into politics, but recently lost. She returns on Tuesday. I am so frightened I will be fired.

    My husband has also never been the nicest guy. He is abusive verbally and physically. I have been with him 13 years. He puts me down a lot when I am not perfect for him (mostly my weight and my looks and when I don't agree with everything he says).

    I started drinking almost every day about a year ago, more so in the past few months. I have become a depressed anxiety-ridden OCD alcoholic. I would drink about two "mickeys" of vodka a day, just to get rid of the pain and to get myself motivated to work. But, because alcohol is a depressant, I would end my nights crying and screaming in my car because I hate my life.

    During this time I also gained about 35 pounds because of stress eating and drinking.

    I have called the local distress center and the suicide prevention line at least a dozen times in the past three months.

    I got in a car accident and lost my car two weeks ago (no, I was not drinking and driving).

    I finally called an emergency line for lawyers and they set me up with a psychologist. Although I tried to implement the strategies she tried to teach me, I continued to drink my sorrows away, and not take my anti-depressants that my doctor prescribed me.

    A couple weeks ago another lawyer in my office who is 6 years sober took me out for lunch and told me she knows I am drinking and said she would accompany me to AA. I felt horrible that I was obvious about this downfall, but agreed to go only because I would die otherwise... either by alcohol poisoning or suicide.

    I have now been to three meetings, next one tomorrow, and have been sober for a week and one day.

    My husband has continuously ridiculed me for my weight (I am 5'11'' 3/4 - almost 6'0" and I am now 188.8 lbs, but have yo-yo'd between 150 and 190). He has done so for years.

    But today he saw my gut hanging out when I was folding laundry. He started to yell, calling me a fat f'ing pig (and many other names I don't wish to repeat), and forced me to go on the scale. He saw that I was 188.8 and he lost it. He screamed so loud he was spitting on me. He said he is trying not to hit me because my psychologist told him not to, so he yelled "IF I CAN'T HIT YOU THEN I'M GOING TO HIT MYSELF" and he started hitting himself in the head, all red in the face, and grabbed his own gut (he is very skinny right now) telling me to grab mine. He told me I needed to be so upset about my weight I should go to the kitchen and use a knife to cut off my fat.

    Then he kicked me out. I am now at my parents house, broken.

    He told me not to come back until I have lost 40 lbs. He said if I can't lose 5 lbs a week, then I am not trying hard enough.

    I just thought I would share in case there are others out there whose spouses beat them up like this. I know some people may say "leave him!". But it's just not that easy. It really isn't.

    My life has fallen apart. I am back on MFP and hopefully I will lose the weight I need to lose.

    Thank you.

    Stay with your parents. Get a court ordered restraining order and begin divorce preceedings immediately. You can easily get a divorce considering the way you've been abused over the years. He sounds like he has a massive personality disorder, this is a very toxic relationship.
    Secondly, congratulations on your sobriety. Keep going to A.A. and work through the steps. As some of my friends have told me, deal with one addiction at a time. Now is not the time to try and lose weight. You are not that over weight at this time. Your priority needs to be your sobriety and mental health.
  • MinxyNZ
    MinxyNZ Posts: 57 Member
    May I please grab an invite to the group please :)
    Thank you in advance.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    MinxyNZ wrote: »
    May I please grab an invite to the group please :)
    Thank you in advance.

    On the way.
  • Kida_Adeylne
    Kida_Adeylne Posts: 201 Member
    I don't really feel I can ask for an invite to the group as I just read this thread today, and am completely inexperienced in abusive situations (fortunately), but I do want to say: OP, you are a wonderful human being and have been amazingly strong through this time. Congrats on your sobriety and on keeping away from your abuser. I wish you continued strength and support as you get your life on track. You deserve an amazing life, and with your strength (yes, you really are strong) I'm sure you'll get there.
  • zacksnana
    zacksnana Posts: 3,230 Member
    I don't really feel I can ask for an invite to the group as I just read this thread today, and am completely inexperienced in abusive situations (fortunately), but I do want to say: OP, you are a wonderful human being and have been amazingly strong through this time. Congrats on your sobriety and on keeping away from your abuser. I wish you continued strength and support as you get your life on track. You deserve an amazing life, and with your strength (yes, you really are strong) I'm sure you'll get there.

    Invite sent. :smile:
  • 999tigger
    999tigger Posts: 5,235 Member
    nannersp61 wrote: »
    Stay with your parents. Get a court ordered restraining order and begin divorce preceedings immediately. You can easily get a divorce considering the way you've been abused over the years. He sounds like he has a massive personality disorder, this is a very toxic relationship.

    err no to the court order or beginning divorce proceedings.

    1. Its for the OP to make her own mind up and reach a decision that she can see thats the best way forward for her. theres a lot to untangle herself from. Starting divorce proceedings when she is still in recovery and not at the stage where she can make decisions would be premature and alter him.
    2. Why seek a restraining order when she has not been threatened and he has done nothing to intimate he would harass her? it only pits him on alert and he is an unknown factor and unpredictable.
  • MelodyandBarbells
    MelodyandBarbells Posts: 7,725 Member
    999tigger wrote: »
    nannersp61 wrote: »
    Stay with your parents. Get a court ordered restraining order and begin divorce preceedings immediately. You can easily get a divorce considering the way you've been abused over the years. He sounds like he has a massive personality disorder, this is a very toxic relationship.

    err no to the court order or beginning divorce proceedings.

    1. Its for the OP to make her own mind up and reach a decision that she can see thats the best way forward for her. theres a lot to untangle herself from. Starting divorce proceedings when she is still in recovery and not at the stage where she can make decisions would be premature and alter him.
    2. Why seek a restraining order when she has not been threatened and he has done nothing to intimate he would harass her? it only pits him on alert and he is an unknown factor and unpredictable.

    She can make up her mind to use a restraining order or divorce him if need be. Personally I think they're legitimate suggestions

    "Alter him"? Who gives a *kitten* about this douche bag? And I certainly think bashing somebody's face in or almost making them lose an eye qualifies as intimidating. I only read the story and hell I'm intimidated