No Grain...No Pain!!!



  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Grokette - coconut oil to your morning coffee you say? Hmmm I like have to try this! I def want the egg cream recipe! pls share

    I've tried coconut oil and coconut milk in my coffee.... I can't get over the oil slick. Granted I DO take a travel mug (2 cups) of coffee with me every day to work and nurse it for a couple of hours in the morning - so that's probably why it separates out so bad. :laugh:

    I would LOVE the egg cream recipe also!! :love:
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member


    I'll join in here, gradually changing though.

    What carbs do you eat besides Fruits/Veggies?

    Quinoa is a seed, right? or is it counted as a grain?
    And I'm off to read

    Welcome! If you want to be in the weekly weigh in's on tuesday, fill out the lil information asked for on the first page of the thread! and the only carbs i eat are from fruits and veggies, and some dairy, mostly just a lil cheese
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    So I am trying to go low carb. I have been doing this all week. Initially, I was doing under 80 grams of carbs and I didn't have any energy and couldn't even get the energy up to go to the gym. Then I tried doing no more than 100g. Do you all think this is a good start or should I go lower and just deal with the "carb flu"?

    Thanks in advance for the help. I definitely need it.

    Are you eating enough FAT??? Most times when people lower their carbs they are not eating enough fat and too much protein and thats the reason for the low energy.

    Also, you could be detoxing which makes you feel kind of blah and drained.

    I'm not sure if I'm eating enough fat or not. My macros are set at 35/35/30 (c/p/f). What do you suggest? I'm new at this. :-)

    You need way more fat, and way less carbs :) This is how I got my numbers. Do you know your bodyfat %? First figure out how many carbs you want a day. I'll use me as an example. I am wanting like than 40 carbs a day (i'm doing keto to jumpstart my fat burning) so i set my percentage to equal that, then take 1 gram of protein for every lean lb of body mass. I came up with that using my bodyfat percentage. which is 40%. 200x40%=80 200-80=120 so i have 120 lbs of lean body mass. (if you are not working out, you can do .5 grams for every lb of lean body mass, but i really suggest working out) so then i set my protein to be as close to 120 as possible, and then make the rest fat.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hello! I would really like to join your group. I am starting the primal/paleo diet today and, frankly, I need all the help I can get. I have a scale (an evil little beast), and I frequently eat waaaaay too damn many carbs. :) So, here are my stats:

    Name: Sarah Paige

    Age: 23

    Weight: 192.4

    Goal Weight: First goal is 175, ultimate goal is between 150 and 160

    Kids: Not yet, gotta finish school first

    Married: yes

    Height: 5'11" (people call me an Amazon, sometimes to be rude, and sometimes to be funny. I rather like the moniker :) )

    From what I can tell, you guys have a weigh-in contest? What are you doing with that and how can I join? I have a pretty competitive nature, haha.

    Thank you guys!

    Sarah Paige

    Welcome Sarah!! I have you added to the list! We weigh in every tuesday! and the person that loses the highest percentage of weight for the week gets to choose a challenge for us to do that week! it's fun :)
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Basic Egg Cream Recipe:

    1-3 whole eggs (depending on how hungry I am)
    2 tablespoons of heavy cream or coconut milk
    stevia drops to taste
    Splash of Vanilla

    thats the basic eggcream.. now I add that to:
    coffee, tea, diet soda, sugar free jello mixture (i don't use soda or jello stuff, but others do)

    now to mix it up you can also mix in, frozen or fresh fruit, sugar free syrups, coconut oil, coffee cubes, ice cubes..
    the possibilitys are endless

    forgot also all kinds of spices are good in it too, like nutmeg, cinnamon, canned pumpkin, different flavor extracts...

    In the fall, I like canned pumpkin with pumpkin pie spice and a bit of vanilla and stevia, protein pumpkin pie!!!
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Sunds great Cora! But for some reason I thought or maybe subconsciously hoping it involved alchohol :laugh:
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    Sunds great Cora! But for some reason I thought or maybe subconsciously hoping it involved alchohol :laugh:

    Well, I guess you could..............then it would be egg noggish, LOL I did say the possibilites were endless!!!
  • immacookie
    immacookie Posts: 7,424 Member
    Sunds great Cora! But for some reason I thought or maybe subconsciously hoping it involved alchohol :laugh:

    Oh my.... a little captain....... :love:
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Egg nog all year around ... now that's good living!
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    So I am trying to go low carb. I have been doing this all week. Initially, I was doing under 80 grams of carbs and I didn't have any energy and couldn't even get the energy up to go to the gym. Then I tried doing no more than 100g. Do you all think this is a good start or should I go lower and just deal with the "carb flu"?

    Thanks in advance for the help. I definitely need it.

    Are you eating enough FAT??? Most times when people lower their carbs they are not eating enough fat and too much protein and thats the reason for the low energy.

    Also, you could be detoxing which makes you feel kind of blah and drained.

    I'm not sure if I'm eating enough fat or not. My macros are set at 35/35/30 (c/p/f). What do you suggest? I'm new at this. :-)

    You need way more fat, and way less carbs :) This is how I got my numbers. Do you know your bodyfat %? First figure out how many carbs you want a day. I'll use me as an example. I am wanting like than 40 carbs a day (i'm doing keto to jumpstart my fat burning) so i set my percentage to equal that, then take 1 gram of protein for every lean lb of body mass. I came up with that using my bodyfat percentage. which is 40%. 200x40%=80 200-80=120 so i have 120 lbs of lean body mass. (if you are not working out, you can do .5 grams for every lb of lean body mass, but i really suggest working out) so then i set my protein to be as close to 120 as possible, and then make the rest fat.

    Hi Kim,

    I do not know what my bodyfat % is. What do you suggest in the meantime until I can get my bodyfat tested? Before I read your response, I went in and changed my macros to 25/25/50 (c/p/f). I usually lift heavy 3 days a week at the gym and 1-2 days of Zumba.
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Quick easy way is to jump on a treadmill or cross trainer at the gym they usually give a rough estimate of your body fat % ... or go here and measure everything ...
  • mocha76
    mocha76 Posts: 184 Member
    Quick easy way is to jump on a treadmill or cross trainer at the gym they usually give a rough estimate of your body fat % ... or go here and measure everything ...

    Thanks! I'll go to the website this evening!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    Hi everyone!!

    So I am trying to go low carb. I have been doing this all week. Initially, I was doing under 80 grams of carbs and I didn't have any energy and couldn't even get the energy up to go to the gym. Then I tried doing no more than 100g. Do you all think this is a good start or should I go lower and just deal with the "carb flu"?

    Thanks in advance for the help. I definitely need it.

    Are you eating enough FAT??? Most times when people lower their carbs they are not eating enough fat and too much protein and thats the reason for the low energy.

    Also, you could be detoxing which makes you feel kind of blah and drained.

    I'm not sure if I'm eating enough fat or not. My macros are set at 35/35/30 (c/p/f). What do you suggest? I'm new at this. :-)

    You need way more fat, and way less carbs :) This is how I got my numbers. Do you know your bodyfat %? First figure out how many carbs you want a day. I'll use me as an example. I am wanting like than 40 carbs a day (i'm doing keto to jumpstart my fat burning) so i set my percentage to equal that, then take 1 gram of protein for every lean lb of body mass. I came up with that using my bodyfat percentage. which is 40%. 200x40%=80 200-80=120 so i have 120 lbs of lean body mass. (if you are not working out, you can do .5 grams for every lb of lean body mass, but i really suggest working out) so then i set my protein to be as close to 120 as possible, and then make the rest fat.

    Hi Kim,

    I do not know what my bodyfat % is. What do you suggest in the meantime until I can get my bodyfat tested? Before I read your response, I went in and changed my macros to 25/25/50 (c/p/f). I usually lift heavy 3 days a week at the gym and 1-2 days of Zumba.

    Sounds like you are perfect for the l gram per lb of lean body mass then :) use the sight nikole gave you to get a good guesstimate, but i still recommend using a monitor or calipers at some point to get an even better estimate. Most gyms have one. Just ask them, I bet they do. or you could always get your own gnc has them for like $40 here. If you want help getting your numbers together, just send me your weight, bodyfat percentage, and how many carbs you are wanting to eat in a day and i'll figure it up for ya
  • I haven't known what percentage to give the fats. I started out 30/40/30 (carb protein fats) then saw I was going under on carbs but over on fats so much so changed it to 20/40/40. That is what I am set at now but honestly every day I still exceed the fat grams and I NEVER reach the protein grams so I could use help coming up with a good goal.

    I have found myself resistant to upping the fat more because it seems "wrong" which I know is likely all the misinformation left over from the low fat culture I grew up in.

    In the past when I have gone low carb I only focused on lowering the carbs, not on anything else. MFP has changed that. So....what do you suggest?

    I am 147.5 as of this morning, 5'3. I am 41. I work out 6 days a week about 45 minutes on average. 2x a week is weight training, simple circuit training, one set. 4 x a week or more is cardio, elliptical, running, jumping rope, walking, swimming, or biking.

    What do you suggest for my percentages? and help me not be afraid of fat (i.e. give me the science/reasons to up it) :-)
  • heniko
    heniko Posts: 796 Member
    Read the book and blogs by Gary Taubes
  • Aurelina
    Aurelina Posts: 197 Member
    Grokette - coconut oil to your morning coffee you say? Hmmm I like have to try this! I def want the egg cream recipe! pls share

    I've tried coconut oil and coconut milk in my coffee.... I can't get over the oil slick. Granted I DO take a travel mug (2 cups) of coffee with me every day to work and nurse it for a couple of hours in the morning - so that's probably why it separates out so bad. :laugh:

    I would LOVE the egg cream recipe also!! :love:

    My favorite is to put the coffee in the blender with the coconut oil or coconut cream. It makes it very frothy.
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I haven't known what percentage to give the fats. I started out 30/40/30 (carb protein fats) then saw I was going under on carbs but over on fats so much so changed it to 20/40/40. That is what I am set at now but honestly every day I still exceed the fat grams and I NEVER reach the protein grams so I could use help coming up with a good goal.

    I have found myself resistant to upping the fat more because it seems "wrong" which I know is likely all the misinformation left over from the low fat culture I grew up in.

    In the past when I have gone low carb I only focused on lowering the carbs, not on anything else. MFP has changed that. So....what do you suggest?

    I am 147.5 as of this morning, 5'3. I am 41. I work out 6 days a week about 45 minutes on average. 2x a week is weight training, simple circuit training, one set. 4 x a week or more is cardio, elliptical, running, jumping rope, walking, swimming, or biking.

    What do you suggest for my percentages? and help me not be afraid of fat (i.e. give me the science/reasons to up it) :-)

    Donna, read the suggestions I gave Mocha. It applies to anyone! since you gave me all your info i will see what i can come up with for ya. what is your goal on carbs? that's all i need to know.
  • Cletc
    Cletc Posts: 352
    To up protein, I like Fage (greek style yogurt) also a cube of leftover meat is good.
    I have a son who likes beef jerky, so sometimes half of one of those is is good for at least 8 grams

    I weigh EVERYTHING.
    Do you have a digital kitchen scale?
    Well worth the money.

    The one I have looks just like this.,or.r_gc.r_pw.&wrapid=tlif130573816125410&um=1&ie=UTF-8&tbm=shop&cid=16726401830087015660&sa=X&ei=yfvTTcTjMMLdgQfk0Yku&ved=0CJ0BEPMCMAA&biw=937&bih=593#

    Walmart carries it.

    I use ounces, not measuring cups.

    My log is public. You can see what I do, but I'm only on Day Two here!
  • MissKim
    MissKim Posts: 2,853 Member
    I haven't known what percentage to give the fats. I started out 30/40/30 (carb protein fats) then saw I was going under on carbs but over on fats so much so changed it to 20/40/40. That is what I am set at now but honestly every day I still exceed the fat grams and I NEVER reach the protein grams so I could use help coming up with a good goal.

    I have found myself resistant to upping the fat more because it seems "wrong" which I know is likely all the misinformation left over from the low fat culture I grew up in.

    In the past when I have gone low carb I only focused on lowering the carbs, not on anything else. MFP has changed that. So....what do you suggest?

    I am 147.5 as of this morning, 5'3. I am 41. I work out 6 days a week about 45 minutes on average. 2x a week is weight training, simple circuit training, one set. 4 x a week or more is cardio, elliptical, running, jumping rope, walking, swimming, or biking.

    What do you suggest for my percentages? and help me not be afraid of fat (i.e. give me the science/reasons to up it) :-)

    Donna, read the suggestions I gave Mocha. It applies to anyone! since you gave me all your info i will see what i can come up with for ya. what is your goal on carbs? that's all i need to know.

    oh, i also need your hips, calf, thigh, and wrist measurements to help come up with your bodyfat percent. I'm going to do mine on that sight and see how accurate it is
  • Thanks, on it now :-)
This discussion has been closed.